Quickcheck tests.

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Tony Garnock-Jones 2016-03-08 17:07:35 +00:00
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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module TreeTrie where
-- import Debug.Trace
@ -6,6 +7,9 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Test.HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Monad
data Trie a = Mt
| Ok a
| Br (Map.Map Integer (Trie a), Trie a, Map.Map Char (Trie a)) -- Opens, Wild, rest
@ -63,6 +67,7 @@ update x k w h = if k == w then Map.delete x h else Map.insert x k h
union :: Ord t => Trie (Set.Set t) -> Trie (Set.Set t) -> Trie (Set.Set t)
union = combine unionCombine id id
unionCombine (Ok vs) (Ok ws) = Ok (Set.union vs ws)
unionCombine r1 r2 | null r1 = r2
@ -91,8 +96,7 @@ seqs ('<' : n : s) r = Br (Map.singleton (read (n : []) :: Integer) (seqs s r),
seqs ('*' : s) r = Br (Map.empty, seqs s r, Map.empty)
seqs (x : s) r = Br (Map.empty, Mt, Map.singleton x (seqs s r))
main = runTestTT $
test [
simpleTestCases = test [
"seqs simple" ~:
Br (Map.singleton 0 (ok [1]), Mt, Map.empty) ~=? seqs "<0" (ok [1]),
"union simple1" ~:
@ -195,3 +199,86 @@ main = runTestTT $
(union (seqs "*" (ok [3])) (seqs "<2aa" (ok [1])))
(union (seqs "*" (ok [4])) (seqs "<1b" (ok [2]))))
newtype Pattern = Pattern { getPattern :: String } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Message = Message { getMessage :: String } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Arbitrary Pattern where
arbitrary = liftM Pattern $ sized $ trieNoLargerThan
where leaf = oneof $ [return "x",
return "y",
return "z",
return "*"]
trieNoLargerThan leafLimit =
if leafLimit >= 1
then frequency [(2, leaf), (3, node leafLimit)]
else leaf
node leafLimit =
do degree <- choose (0, min 4 leafLimit)
kids <- genChildren leafLimit degree
return $ "<" ++ show degree ++ concat kids
genChildren leafLimit 0 = return []
genChildren leafLimit degree =
do childLimit <- choose (1, leafLimit - (degree - 1))
child <- trieNoLargerThan childLimit
rest <- genChildren (leafLimit - childLimit) (degree - 1)
return (child : rest)
instance Arbitrary Message where
arbitrary = do Pattern p <- arbitrary
m <- sequence $ [if c == '*'
then do Message m <- scale (`div` 2) arbitrary
return m
else return (c : [])
| c <- p]
return $ Message $ concat m
instance Arbitrary (Set.Set Integer) where
arbitrary = resize 5 $ sized set
where set 0 = return Set.empty
set n = do v <- arbitrary `suchThat` (\v -> v >= 0)
s <- set (n - 1)
return $ Set.insert v s
genTrie k 0 = return Mt
genTrie k n = do Pattern p <- arbitrary
rest <- genTrie k (n - 1)
return $ union (seqs p k) rest
type TrieOfPids = Trie (Set.Set Integer)
instance Arbitrary TrieOfPids where
-- arbitrary = do vs <- arbitrary
-- resize 6 $ sized $ genTrie (Ok vs)
arbitrary = resize 6 $ sized $ genTrie (ok [1])
isWild (Br (os, w, h)) = Map.null os && Map.null h
isWild _ = False
trieContains t (Message m) = not $ Set.null $ route m t Set.empty
combineBasics :: (TrieOfPids -> TrieOfPids -> TrieOfPids) ->
(Bool -> Bool -> Bool) ->
(TrieOfPids, TrieOfPids, Message) ->
combineBasics tf bf (trie1, trie2, element) =
not (isWild trie1) && not (isWild trie2) && (p || q1 || q2) ==> p == q
where p = combined `trieContains` element
q1 = trie1 `trieContains` element
q2 = trie2 `trieContains` element
q = bf q1 q2
combined = tf trie1 trie2
unionBasics = combineBasics union (||)
intersectionBasics = combineBasics intersection (&&)
differenceBasics = combineBasics difference (\ x y -> x && not y)
qCheck name t = do putStrLn name
quickCheckWith stdArgs { maxSuccess = 500 } t
main = do runTestTT simpleTestCases
qCheck "differenceBasics" differenceBasics
qCheck "intersectionBasics" intersectionBasics
qCheck "unionBasics" unionBasics