Label internal events & handlers with actor-unique IDs

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Sam Caldwell 2019-07-30 16:03:19 -04:00
parent 4e2ae45b0b
commit 443e1f9ac1
1 changed files with 88 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
;; a T is one of
;; - (Role FacetName (Listof EP)), also abbreviated as just Role
;; - (Spawn τ)
;; - (Spawn Role)
;; - (Sends τ)
;; - (Realizes τ)
;; - (Stop FacetName Body)
@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
;; - (Hash τ τ)
;; - ⋆
;; - (Base Symbol)
;; - (internal-label Symbol τ)
(struct U (tys) #:transparent)
(struct Struct (nm tys) #:transparent)
(struct Observe (ty) #:transparent)
@ -87,6 +88,7 @@
(struct Set (ty) #:transparent)
(struct Hash (ty-k ty-v) #:transparent)
(struct Mk⋆ () #:transparent)
(struct internal-label (actor-id ty) #:transparent)
;; TODO this might be a problem when used as a match pattern
(define (Mk⋆))
(struct Base (name) #:transparent)
@ -156,6 +158,7 @@
;; Role -> RoleGraph
;; in each state, the transitions will include the reactions of the parent
;; facet(s)
;; ASSUME role has already had internal events labelled
(define (compile role)
(define roles# (describe-roles role))
(define ft (make-facet-tree role))
@ -686,7 +689,26 @@
(check-false (run/timeout (thunk (simulates?/rg rg seller+spawn srg seller))))
(check-false (run/timeout (thunk (simulates?/rg srg seller rg seller+spawn))))
(check-true (run/timeout (thunk (simulates?/rg rgi seller+spawn srg seller))))
(check-true (run/timeout (thunk (simulates?/rg srg seller rgi seller+spawn))))))
(check-true (run/timeout (thunk (simulates?/rg srg seller rgi seller+spawn)))))
"internal events across spawns"
(define role
(Role 'start
(Know Int)
(Reacts StartEvt
(Spawn (Role 'spawned
(list (Reacts (Know Int)
(Role 'know (list)))))))))))
(define rg (run/timeout (thunk (compile role))))
(check-true (role-graph? rg))
(define rgi (run/timeout (thunk (compile/internal-events rg role))))
(check-true (role-graph? rgi))
(define state-names (hash-keys (role-graph-states rgi)))
(for ([sn (in-list state-names)])
;; that facet shouldn't be reachable
(check-false (set-member? sn 'know)))))
;; Body -> (Listof T)
;; extract the list of all Role, Stop, and Spawn types from a Body
@ -1086,6 +1108,62 @@
(set (list (stop 'leader) (start 'announce))
(list (stop 'poll))))))
;; Role -> Role
;; label internal events & handlers with actor-unique identifiers
(define (label-internal-events T)
(let walk ([subj T] ;; T or EP or Body or D+
[current-actor (gensym 'initial)])
(define (map-walk s) (walk s current-actor))
(match subj
[(Role nm eps)
(Role nm (map map-walk eps))]
[(Spawn r)
(define new-actor-id (gensym (Role-nm r)))
(Spawn (walk r new-actor-id))]
[(Realizes ty)
(Realizes (internal-label current-actor ty))]
[(Stop nm body)
(Stop nm (walk body current-actor))]
[(Reacts D body)
(define D+ (walk D current-actor))
(Reacts D+ (walk body current-actor))]
[(Know ty)
(Know (internal-label current-actor ty))]
[(? cons?)
(map map-walk subj)]
[(Branch bodies)
(Branch (map map-walk bodies))]
[(Forget ty)
(Forget (internal-label current-actor ty))]
[(Realize ty)
(Realize (internal-label current-actor ty))]
(module+ test
(test-case "label internal events"
(define role
(Role 'start
(Know Int)
(Reacts StartEvt
(Spawn (Role 'spawned
(list (Reacts (Know Int)
(Role 'know (list))))))))))
(define role+ (run/timeout (thunk (label-internal-events role))))
(check-true (Role? role+))
(match role+
[(Role _
(Know (internal-label label1 Int))
(Reacts _
(Spawn (Role _
(list (Reacts (Know (internal-label label2 Int))
(Role _ (list)))))))))
(check-not-equal? label1 label2)]
(fail "labelled role didn't match expected structure")])))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; "Simulation"
@ -1101,6 +1179,9 @@
[(list (Base t1) (Base t2))
(equal? t1 t2)]
[(list (internal-label l1 t1) (internal-label l2 t2))
(and (equal? l1 l2)
(<:? t1 t2))]
[(list (U τs) _)
(for/and ([τ (in-list τs)])
(<:? τ τ2))]
@ -1800,7 +1881,9 @@
(paren-join (cons (~a nm) slots))]
[(U τs)
(define slots (map τ->string τs))
(paren-join (cons "U" slots))]))
(paren-join (cons "U" slots))]
[(internal-label _ ty)
(τ->string ty)]))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Converting types from the turnstile implementation
@ -2504,7 +2587,7 @@
(module+ test
"job manager with internal events basic functionality"
(define jmr (parse-T job-manager-v2))
(define jmr (run/timeout (thunk (label-internal-events (parse-T job-manager-v2)))))
(check-true (Role? jmr))
(define jmrg (compile jmr))
(check-true (role-graph? jmrg))
@ -2610,7 +2693,7 @@
(module+ test
"job manager v3 basic functionality"
(define jmr (parse-T job-manager-v3))
(define jmr (run/timeout (thunk (parse-T job-manager-v3))))
(check-true (Role? jmr))
(define jmrg (run/timeout (thunk (compile jmr))))
(check-true (role-graph? jmrg))