Allow importing structs without accessors and opaque external types

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2021-04-27 16:51:28 -04:00
parent 98c58d3e6f
commit 3f6a5573e4
6 changed files with 83 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#lang racket
(struct egg (size day) #:transparent)
(provide (except-out (struct-out egg)
(struct chicken (eggs) #:transparent)
(provide chicken)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#lang typed/syndicate/roles
(require-struct egg #:as Egg #:from "lib.rkt" #:omit-accs)
(define e (egg 5 "Sun"))
(match e
[(egg $sz $d)
(displayln sz)
(displayln d)])
(require-struct chicken #:as Chicken #:from "lib.rkt" #:omit-accs)
(define c (chicken (list e e e)))
(match c
[(chicken $eggs)
(displayln eggs)])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#lang typed/syndicate
(require/typed "lib.rkt"
[#:opaque Vec #:arity = 3]
[ones : (Vec Int Int Int)]
[vec+ : (→fn (Vec Int Int Int) (Vec Int Int Int) (Vec Int Int Int))])
(vec+ ones ones)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#lang typed/syndicate
(require/typed "lib.rkt"
[#:opaque Vec]
[ones : Vec]
[vec+ : (→fn Vec Vec Vec)])
(vec+ ones ones)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#lang racket
(provide ones
(struct vec (x y z) #:transparent)
(define ones (vec 1 1 1))
(define (vec+ v1 v2)
(vec (+ (vec-x v1) (vec-x v2))
(+ (vec-y v1) (vec-y v2))
(+ (vec-z v1) (vec-z v2))))

View File

@ -730,7 +730,7 @@
;; TODO: this implementation shares a lot with that of define-constructor ;; TODO: this implementation shares a lot with that of define-constructor
(define-syntax (require-struct stx) (define-syntax (require-struct stx)
(syntax-parse stx (syntax-parse stx
[(_ ucons:id #:as ty-cons:id #:from lib) [(_ ucons:id #:as ty-cons:id #:from lib (~optional (~and omit-accs #:omit-accs)))
(with-syntax* ([TypeCons #'ty-cons] (with-syntax* ([TypeCons #'ty-cons]
[MakeTypeCons (format-id #'TypeCons "make-~a" #'TypeCons)] [MakeTypeCons (format-id #'TypeCons "make-~a" #'TypeCons)]
[GetTypeParams (format-id #'TypeCons "get-~a-type-params" #'TypeCons)] [GetTypeParams (format-id #'TypeCons "get-~a-type-params" #'TypeCons)]
@ -751,7 +751,6 @@
(raise-syntax-error #f "number of slots must be exact" #'#,stx #'ucons)) (raise-syntax-error #f "number of slots must be exact" #'#,stx #'ucons))
(unless (boolean? sup) (unless (boolean? sup)
(raise-syntax-error #f "structs with super-type not supported" #'#,stx #'ucons)) (raise-syntax-error #f "structs with super-type not supported" #'#,stx #'ucons))
(define accs (cleanup-accs #'ucons accs/rev))
(define arity (length accs/rev)) (define arity (length accs/rev))
) )
(define-for-syntax (TypeConsExtraInfo stx) (define-for-syntax (TypeConsExtraInfo stx)
@ -767,10 +766,14 @@
(define-syntax GetTypeParams (mk-type-params-fetcher #'TypeCons)) (define-syntax GetTypeParams (mk-type-params-fetcher #'TypeCons))
(define-syntax Cons- (mk-constructor-type-rule arity #'orig-struct-info #'TypeCons)) (define-syntax Cons- (mk-constructor-type-rule arity #'orig-struct-info #'TypeCons))
(define-syntax ucons (define-syntax ucons
(user-ctor #'Cons- #'orig-struct-info 'type-tag #'TypeCons (cleanup-accs #'ucons accs/rev) #;accs)) (user-ctor #'Cons- #'orig-struct-info 'type-tag #'TypeCons (cleanup-accs #'ucons accs/rev)))
(define-syntax mk-struct-accs #,(unless (attribute omit-accs)
(define-struct-accs accs/rev #'TypeCons #'lib)) (quasisyntax/loc stx
(mk-struct-accs ucons))))])) (begin-
(define-syntax mk-struct-accs
(define-struct-accs accs/rev #'TypeCons #'lib))
(mk-struct-accs ucons))))
(begin-for-syntax (begin-for-syntax
(define-syntax ~constructor-extra-info (define-syntax ~constructor-extra-info
@ -838,21 +841,32 @@
;; Require & Provide ;; Require & Provide
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(define-syntax-class opaque-require-clause
#:datum-literals (= > >=)
#:attributes (type-definition)
(pattern [#:opaque ty-name:id]
#:attr type-definition #'(define-base-type ty-name))
(pattern [#:opaque ty-name:id #:arity (~and op (~or* = > >=)) arity:nat]
#:attr type-definition #'(define-product-type ty-name #:arity op arity))))
;; Import and ascribe a type from an untyped module ;; Import and ascribe a type from an untyped module
;; TODO: this is where contracts would need to go ;; TODO: this is where contracts would need to go
(define-syntax (require/typed stx) (define-syntax (require/typed stx)
(syntax-parse stx (syntax-parse stx
#:datum-literals (:) #:datum-literals (:)
[(_ lib [name:id : ty:type] ...) [(_ lib
(~alt [name:id : ty]
#:with (name- ...) (format-ids "~a-" #'(name ...)) #:with (name- ...) (format-ids "~a-" #'(name ...))
#:with (serialized-ty ...) (for/list ([t (in-syntax #'(ty.norm ...))])
(serialize-syntax t))
(syntax/loc stx (syntax/loc stx
(begin- (begin-
opaque-clause.type-definition ...
(require (only-in lib [name name-] ...)) (require (only-in lib [name name-] ...))
(define-syntax name (define-syntax name
(make-variable-like-transformer (make-variable-like-transformer
(add-orig (assign-type #'name- (deserialize-syntax #'serialized-ty) (add-orig (assign-type #'name- (deserialize-syntax (serialize-syntax (type-eval #'ty)))
#:wrap? #f) #'name))) #:wrap? #f) #'name)))
...))])) ...))]))