work on proto tie-in

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2020-11-09 14:43:42 -05:00
parent 8a6931710a
commit 3e13e3e449
3 changed files with 49 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -170,7 +170,8 @@
#:arity op arity
#:arg-variances variances
#:isect-desc desc:isect-desc
(~optional (~seq #:extra-info extra-info)))
(~optional (~seq #:extra-info extra-info))
(~optional (~seq #:implements meths ...)))
#:with Name- (mk-- #'Name)
#:with NamePat (mk-~ #'Name)
#:with NamePat- (mk-~ #'Name-)
@ -181,9 +182,8 @@
(define-type-constructor Name
#:arity op arity
#:arg-variances variances
#,@(if (attribute extra-info)
#'(#:extra-info extra-info)
(~? (~@ #:extra-info extra-info))
(~? (~@ #:implements meths ...)))
(set-type-info! 'Name '#,(attribute desc.val) mk))))]))
@ -201,15 +201,15 @@
(define-syntax (define-container-type stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ Name:id #:arity op arity
(~optional (~seq #:extra-info extra-info)))
(~optional (~seq #:extra-info extra-info))
(~optional (~seq #:implements meths ...)))
(quasisyntax/loc stx
(define-type-constructor+ Name
#:arity op arity
#:arg-variances mk-covariant
#:isect-desc CONTAINER-LIKE
#,@(if (attribute extra-info)
#'(#:extra-info extra-info)
(~? (~@ #:extra-info extra-info))
(~? (~@ #:implements meths ...))))]))
;; Define a type constructor that acts like a product:
;; - covariant
@ -217,15 +217,15 @@
(define-syntax (define-product-type stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ Name:id #:arity op arity
(~optional (~seq #:extra-info extra-info)))
(~optional (~seq #:extra-info extra-info))
(~optional (~seq #:implements meths ...)))
(quasisyntax/loc stx
(define-type-constructor+ Name
#:arity op arity
#:arg-variances mk-covariant
#:isect-desc PRODUCT-LIKE
#,@(if (attribute extra-info)
#'(#:extra-info extra-info)
(~? (~@ #:extra-info extra-info))
(~? (~@ #:implements meths ...))))]))
(define-type Type : Type)
@ -619,6 +619,13 @@
[ (#%app- #,StructName e- ...) ( : (#,TypeCons τ ...))]])))
(define-for-syntax (resugar-ctor ty)
;; because typedefs defines 0-arity constructors as base types,
;; make a custom resugar that always parenthesizes constructors
(syntax-parse ty
[(~Any/new nm args ...)
(cons #'nm (stx-map resugar-type #'(args ...)))]))
(define-syntax (define-constructor stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ (Cons:id slot:id ...)
@ -643,7 +650,8 @@
(list #'type-tag #'MakeTypeCons #'GetTypeParams))
(define-product-type TypeCons
#:arity = #,arity
#:extra-info TypeConsExtraInfo)
#:extra-info TypeConsExtraInfo
#:implements get-resugar-info resugar-ctor)
(define-type-alias Alias AliasBody) ...
(define-syntax MakeTypeCons (mk-ctor-rewriter #'TypeCons))
(define-syntax GetTypeParams (mk-type-params-fetcher #'TypeCons))
@ -716,7 +724,8 @@
;; issue: arity needs to parse as an exact-nonnegative-integer
;; fix: check arity in MakeTypeCons
#:arity >= 0
#:extra-info TypeConsExtraInfo)
#:extra-info TypeConsExtraInfo
#:implements get-resugar-info resugar-ctor)
(define-syntax MakeTypeCons (mk-ctor-rewriter #'TypeCons))
(define-syntax GetTypeParams (mk-type-params-fetcher #'TypeCons))
(define-syntax Cons- (mk-constructor-type-rule arity #'orig-struct-info #'TypeCons))
@ -836,16 +845,6 @@
(for/list ([f (in-list (list* #'ctor (user-ctor-type-ctor val) accs))])
(make-export f (syntax-e f) (syntax-local-phase-level) #f f))]))))
#;(define-provide-syntax (struct-out stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ ctor:id)
(define val (syntax-local-value #'ctor (const #f)))
(unless (user-ctor? val)
(raise-syntax-error (format "not a constructor: ~a" (syntax-e #'ctor)) this-syntax))
(define accs (user-ctor-field-ids val))
(for/list ([f (in-list (cons #'ctor accs))])
(make-export f (syntax-e f) (sub1 (syntax-local-phase-level)) #f f))]))
;; Conveniences

View File

@ -62,14 +62,18 @@
(define-type-alias seller-role
(Role (seller)
(Reacts (Asserted (Observe (QuoteT String ★/t)))
(During (Observe (QuoteT String ★/t))
(Shares (QuoteT String QuoteAnswer)))
#;(Reacts (Asserted (Observe (QuoteT String ★/t)))
(Role (_)
(Shares (QuoteT String Int))))))
;; QuoteAnswer was originally, erroneously, Int
(Shares (QuoteT String QuoteAnswer))))))
(run-ground-dataspace ds-type
;; seller
(spawn ds-type
(lift+define-role seller-impl
(start-facet _
(field [book (Tuple String Int) (tuple "Catch 22" 22)]
[next-order-id Int 10001483])
@ -93,10 +97,11 @@
(let ([id (ref next-order-id)])
(set! next-order-id (+ 1 id))
(assert (order title offer (order-id id) (delivery-date "March 9th"))))
(assert (order title offer #f #f))))))))
(assert (order title offer #f #f)))))))))
;; buyer A
(spawn ds-type
(lift+define-role buyer-a-impl
(start-facet buyer
(field [title String "Catch 22"]
[budget Int 1000])
@ -113,10 +118,11 @@
(if (> (ref contribution) (- amount 5))
(stop negotiation (displayln "negotiation failed"))
(set! contribution
(+ (ref contribution) (/ (- amount (ref contribution)) 2)))))))]))))
(+ (ref contribution) (/ (- amount (ref contribution)) 2)))))))])))))
;; buyer B
(spawn ds-type
(lift+define-role buyer-b-impl
(start-facet buyer-b
(field [funds Int 5])
(on (asserted (observe (split-proposal (bind title String) (bind price Int) (bind their-contribution Int) discard)))
@ -146,5 +152,12 @@
(stop purchase))]
(begin (displayln "Order Rejected")
(stop purchase))]))))))])))))
(stop purchase))]))))))]))))))
(module+ test
(check-simulates seller-impl seller-impl)
;; found a bug in spec, see seller-role above
(check-simulates seller-impl seller-role)
(check-simulates buyer-a-impl buyer-a-impl)
(check-simulates buyer-b-impl buyer-b-impl))

View File

@ -633,19 +633,25 @@
[(_ (~seq key val) ...)
#'(make-free-id-table (hash (~@ #'key val) ...) #:phase ID-PHASE)]))
(define (mk-proto:U . args)
(proto:U args))
(define (mk-proto:Branch . args)
(proto:Branch args))
(build-id-table Spawns proto:Spawn
Sends proto:Sends
Realizes proto:Realizes
Shares proto:Shares
Know proto:Know
Branch proto:Branch
Branch mk-proto:Branch
Effs list
Asserted proto:Asserted
Retracted proto:Retracted
Message proto:Message
Forget proto:Forget
Realize proto:Realize
U* proto:U
U* mk-proto:U
Observe proto:Observe
List proto:List
Set proto:Set