Test driver for outbound connections

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2014-06-21 06:52:56 -04:00
parent 887c6d9990
commit 2be8b26ff0
1 changed files with 59 additions and 0 deletions

fetchurl.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
#lang minimart
(require minimart/demand-matcher)
(require minimart/drivers/timer)
(require (only-in mzlib/os gethostname))
(require "configuration.rkt")
(require "ethernet.rkt")
(require "arp.rkt")
(require "ip.rkt")
(require "tcp.rkt")
(require "udp.rkt")
;;(log-events-and-actions? #t)
(spawn (lambda (e s) #f)
(match (gethostname)
(gestalt-union (pub (gateway-route (bytes 0 0 0 0) 0 (bytes 192 168 1 1) "en0"))
(pub (host-route (bytes 192 168 1 222) 24 "en0")))]
(gestalt-union (pub (gateway-route (bytes 0 0 0 0) 0 (bytes 192 168 1 1) "wlan0"))
(pub (host-route (bytes 192 168 1 222) 24 "wlan0")))]
(gestalt-union (pub (host-route (bytes 129 10 115 94) 24 "eth0"))
(pub (host-route (bytes 192 168 56 222) 24 "vboxnet0"))
(pub (gateway-route (bytes 0 0 0 0) 0 (bytes 129 10 115 1) "eth0")))]
(error 'stack-configuration "No setup for hostname ~a" (gethostname))]))
(let ()
(define local-handle (tcp-handle 'httpclient))
(define remote-handle (tcp-address "" 80))
(spawn (lambda (e s)
(log-info "CLIENT: ~v" e)
(match e
[(routing-update g)
#:when (not (gestalt-empty? g))
(transition s (send (tcp-channel
#"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: stockholm.ccs.neu.edu\r\n\r\n")))]
[(message m _ _)
[_ #f]))
(gestalt-union (pub (tcp-channel local-handle remote-handle ?))
(sub (tcp-channel remote-handle local-handle ?))
(sub (tcp-channel remote-handle local-handle ?) #:level 1))))