some work towards a better pattern language

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2019-05-23 16:43:39 -04:00
parent 24efe43a6f
commit 13e988fe58
4 changed files with 224 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -138,18 +138,20 @@
(define-typed-syntax (match e [p s ...+] ...+)
[ e e- ( : τ-e)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure"
#:with (([x τ:type] ...) ...) (stx-map pat-bindings #'(p ...))
#:with (p/e ...) (for/list ([pat (in-syntax #'(p ...))])
(elaborate-pattern/with-type pat #'τ-e))
#:with (([x τ:type] ...) ...) (stx-map pat-bindings #'(p/e ...))
[[x x- : τ.norm] ... (begin s ...) s- ( : τ-s)
( ν-ep (~effs eps ...))
( ν-f (~effs fs ...))
( ν-s (~effs ss ...))] ...
;; REALLY not sure how to handle p/p-/p.match-pattern,
;; particularly w.r.t. typed terms that appear in p.match-pattern
[ p p-- τ-p] ...
[ p/e p-- τ-p] ...
#:fail-unless (project-safe? #'τ-e (mk-U*- #'(τ-p ...))) "possibly unsafe pattern match"
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap pure? #'(p-- ...)) "patterns must be pure"
#:with (p- ...) (stx-map (lambda (p x-s xs) (substs x-s xs (compile-match-pattern p)))
#'(p ...)
#'(p/e ...)
#'((x- ...) ...)
#'((x ...) ...))
@ -200,7 +202,7 @@
[(tuple p ...)
#:with (([x:id τ:type] ...) ...) (stx-map pat-bindings #'(p ...))
#'([x τ] ... ...)]
[(k:kons1 p)
#;[(k:kons1 p)
(pat-bindings #'p)]
[(~constructor-exp cons p ...)
#:with (([x:id τ:type] ...) ...) (stx-map pat-bindings #'(p ...))
@ -208,6 +210,134 @@
;; Any -> Bool
(define (dollar-variable? x)
(and (identifier? x)
(char=? (string-ref (symbol->string (syntax-e x)) 0) #\$)))
;; dollar-id -> Identifier
(define (un-dollar x)
(datum->syntax x (string->symbol (substring (symbol->string (syntax-e x)) 1))))
(define-syntax-class dollar-id
#:attributes (id)
(pattern x:id
#:when (dollar-variable? #'x)
#:attr id (un-dollar #'x)))
;; match things of the for "$X...:Y..." where X and Y are things without
;; spaces (i.e. likely but not definitely legal identifiers)
(define DOLLAR-ANN-RX #px"^\\$(\\S*):(\\S*)$")
;; Any -> RegexpMatchResults
(define (dollar-ann-variable? x)
(and (identifier? x)
(regexp-match DOLLAR-ANN-RX (symbol->string (syntax-e x)))))
(define-syntax-class dollar-ann-id
#:attributes (id ty)
(pattern x:id
#:do [(define match? (dollar-ann-variable? #'x))]
#:when match?
#:attr id (datum->syntax #'x (string->symbol (second match?)))
#:attr ty (datum->syntax #'x (string->symbol (third match?)))))
;; expand uses of $ short-hand
;; doesn't handle uses of $id or ($) w/o a type
(define (elaborate-pattern pat)
(syntax-parse pat
#:datum-literals (tuple _ $)
(syntax/loc pat (bind x.ty))]
[($ x:id ty)
(syntax/loc pat (bind x ty))]
[(tuple p ...)
(quasisyntax/loc pat
(tuple #,@(stx-map elaborate-pattern #'(p ...))))]
[(k:kons1 p)
(quasisyntax/loc pat
(k #,(elaborate-pattern #'p)))]
[(~constructor-exp ctor p ...)
(quasisyntax/loc pat
(ctor #,@(stx-map elaborate-pattern #'(p ...))))]
(define (elaborate-pattern/with-type pat ty)
(syntax-parse pat
#:datum-literals (tuple $)
[(~datum _)
(syntax/loc pat (bind x.ty))]
(quasisyntax/loc pat (bind #,ty))]
[($ x:id ty)
(syntax/loc pat (bind x ty))]
[($ x:id)
(quasisyntax/loc pat (bind x #,ty))]
[(tuple p ...)
(define (matching? t)
(syntax-parse t
[(~Tuple tt ...)
#:when (stx-length=? #'(p ...) #'(tt ...))
[_ #f]))
(define selected
(syntax-parse ty
#:when (matching? ty)
[(~U* (~or (~and tt (~fail #:unless (matching? #'tt)))
_) ...)
(mk-U- #'(tt ...))]))
(define (proj t i)
(syntax-parse t
[(~Tuple tt ...)
(stx-list-ref #'(tt ...) i)]
[(~U* tt ...)
(mk-U- (stx-map (lambda (x) (proj x i)) #'(tt ...)))]))
(define sub-pats
(for/list ([pat (in-syntax #'(p ...))]
[i (in-naturals)])
(elaborate-pattern/with-type pat (proj selected i))))
(quasisyntax/loc pat
(tuple #,@sub-pats))]
[(~constructor-exp ctor p ...)
(define tag (ctor-type-tag #'ctor))
(define (matching? t)
(syntax-parse t
[(~constructor-type tag2 tt ...)
#:when (equal? tag (syntax-e #'tag2))
#:when (stx-length=? #'(p ...) #'(tt ...))
[_ #f]))
(define selected
(syntax-parse ty
#:when (matching? ty)
[(~U* (~or (~and tt (~fail #:unless (matching? #'tt)))
_) ...)
(mk-U- #'(tt ...))]))
(define (proj t i)
(syntax-parse t
[(~constructor-type _ tt ...)
(stx-list-ref #'(tt ...) i)]
[(~U* tt ...)
(mk-U- (stx-map (lambda (x) (proj x i)) #'(tt ...)))]))
(define sub-pats
(for/list ([pat (in-syntax #'(p ...))]
[i (in-naturals)])
(elaborate-pattern/with-type pat (proj selected i))))
(quasisyntax/loc pat
(ctor #,@sub-pats))]
;; TODO - figure out why this needs different list identifiers
(define-for-syntax (compile-pattern pat list-binding bind-id-transformer exp-transformer)
(define (l-e stx) (local-expand stx 'expression '()))
@ -216,7 +346,7 @@
#:datum-literals (tuple discard bind)
[(tuple p ...)
#`(#,list-binding 'tuple #,@(stx-map loop #'(p ...)))]
[(k:kons1 p)
#;[(k:kons1 p)
#`(#,(kons1->constructor #'k) #,(loop #'p))]
[(bind x:id τ:type)
(bind-id-transformer #'x)]

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@ -47,14 +47,32 @@
(struct type-metadata (isec cons) #:transparent)
;; (IdTable type-metadata)
(define TypeInfo# (make-free-id-table))
;; (MutableHashOf Symbol type-metadata)
(define TypeInfo#* (make-hash))
;; Identifier isect-desc TypeCons -> Void
(define (set-type-info! ty-cons isec cons)
(free-id-table-set! TypeInfo#
(type-metadata isec cons)))
(define (set-type-info!* ty-cons isec cons)
(when (hash-has-key? TypeInfo#* ty-cons)
(hash-set! TypeInfo#*
(type-metadata isec cons)))
;; Identifier -> Symbol
;; XYZ-.*
(define (un- id)
(define match?
(regexp-match #px"^(\\S*)-\\S*$" (symbol->string (syntax-e id))))
(string->symbol (second match?)))
;; Identifier -> (U #f type-metadata)
(define (get-type-info ty-cons)
(free-id-table-ref TypeInfo# ty-cons #f))
(define (get-type-info* ty-cons)
(hash-ref TypeInfo#* (un- ty-cons) #f))
;; Identifier -> (U #f isec-desc)
(define (get-type-isec-desc ty-cons)
@ -64,6 +82,14 @@
(define (get-type-cons ty-cons)
(define result? (get-type-info ty-cons))
(and result? (type-metadata-cons result?)))
;; Identifier -> (U #f isec-desc)
(define (get-type-isec-desc* ty-cons)
(define result? (get-type-info* ty-cons))
(and result? (type-metadata-isec result?)))
;; Identifier -> (U #f TypeCons)
(define (get-type-cons* ty-cons)
(define result? (get-type-info* ty-cons))
(and result? (type-metadata-cons result?)))
;; a isect-desc describes how a type (constructor) behaves with respect to
;; intersection, and is one of
@ -101,13 +127,13 @@
;; Identifier -> Bool
;; check if the type has a syntax property allowing us to create new instances
(define (reassemblable? t)
(and (get-type-cons t) #t))
(and (get-type-cons* t) #t))
;; Identifier (Listof Type) -> Type
;; Create a new instance of the type with the given arguments
;; needs to have the type-cons-key
(define (reassemble-type ty args)
(define tycons (get-type-cons ty))
(define tycons (get-type-cons* ty))
(unless tycons
(error "expected to find type-cons-key"))
(tycons args)))
@ -138,7 +164,8 @@
(syntax/loc stx
(Name- t (... ...)))]))
(set-type-info! #'Name- '#,(attribute desc.val) #'mk-)
#;(set-type-info! #'Name- '#,(attribute desc.val) #'mk-)
(set-type-info!* 'Name '#,(attribute desc.val) mk-)
(define-syntax NamePat
@ -204,11 +231,11 @@
(define-for-syntax field-prop-name 'fields)
(define-type-constructor Actor #:arity = 1)
(define-product-type Message #:arity = 1)
#;(define-product-type Message #:arity = 1)
(define-product-type Tuple #:arity >= 0)
(define-product-type Observe #:arity = 1)
(define-product-type Inbound #:arity = 1)
(define-product-type Outbound #:arity = 1)
#;(define-product-type Observe #:arity = 1)
#;(define-product-type Inbound #:arity = 1)
#;(define-product-type Outbound #:arity = 1)
(define-container-type AssertionSet #:arity = 1)
(define-container-type Patch #:arity = 2)
@ -372,7 +399,7 @@
(pattern (~seq #:type-constructor TypeCons:id))
(pattern (~seq) #:attr TypeCons #f))
(struct user-ctor (typed-ctor untyped-ctor)
(struct user-ctor (typed-ctor untyped-ctor type-tag)
#:property prop:procedure
(lambda (v stx)
(define transformer (user-ctor-typed-ctor v))
@ -406,7 +433,7 @@
(struct- StructName (slot ...) #:reflection-name 'Cons #:transparent)
(define-syntax (TypeConsExtraInfo stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ X (... ...)) #'('type-tag 'MakeTypeCons 'GetTypeParams)]))
[(_ X (... ...)) #'(#%app- 'type-tag 'MakeTypeCons 'GetTypeParams)]))
(define-product-type TypeCons
#:arity = #,arity
#:extra-info 'TypeConsExtraInfo)
@ -420,7 +447,7 @@
[(_ (TypeConsExpander t (... ...)))
#'(t (... ...))]))
(define-syntax Cons
(user-ctor #'Cons- #'StructName))
(user-ctor #'Cons- #'StructName 'type-tag))
(define-typed-syntax (Cons- e (... ...))
#:fail-unless (= #,arity (stx-length #'(e (... ...)))) "arity mismatch"
[ e e- ( : τ)] (... ...)
@ -462,8 +489,8 @@
(define arity (length accs)))
(define-syntax (TypeConsExtraInfo stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ X (... ...)) #'('type-tag 'MakeTypeCons 'GetTypeParams)]))
(define-type-constructor TypeCons
[(_ X (... ...)) #'(#%app- 'type-tag 'MakeTypeCons 'GetTypeParams)]))
(define-product-type TypeCons
;; issue: arity needs to parse as an exact-nonnegative-integer
;; fix: check arity in MakeTypeCons
#:arity >= 0
@ -484,7 +511,7 @@
[ (#%app- orig-struct-info e- (... ...)) ( : (TypeCons τ (... ...)))])
(define-syntax ucons
(user-ctor #'Cons- #'orig-struct-info)))))]))
(user-ctor #'Cons- #'orig-struct-info 'type-tag)))))]))
(define-syntax ~constructor-extra-info
@ -542,7 +569,12 @@
(user-ctor? (syntax-local-value stx (const #f)))))
(define (untyped-ctor stx)
(user-ctor-untyped-ctor (syntax-local-value stx (const #f)))))
(user-ctor-untyped-ctor (syntax-local-value stx (const #f))))
;; requires (ctor-id? stx)
;; fetch the type tag
(define (ctor-type-tag stx)
(user-ctor-type-tag (syntax-local-value stx (const #f)))))
;; Require & Provide
@ -597,6 +629,11 @@
;; Syntax
(require-struct observe #:as Observe #:from syndicate/actor-lang)
(require-struct inbound #:as Inbound #:from syndicate/actor-lang)
(require-struct outbound #:as Outbound #:from syndicate/actor-lang)
(require-struct message #:as Message #:from syndicate/actor-lang)
;; constructors with arity one
@ -1084,7 +1121,7 @@
[(_ e τ:type ...)
[ e e- (~∀ tvs τ_body)]
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap instantiable? #'(τ.norm ...) #'tvs)
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap instantiable? #'tvs #'(τ.norm ...))
"types must be instantiable"
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure"
@ -1512,3 +1549,14 @@
(stx-contains-id? #'ty X)))
(stx-map (λ _ irrelevant) Xs)]
[_ (stx-map (λ _ invariant) Xs)])))
(define k (sixth (free-id-table-keys TypeInfo#)))
(define t
(syntax-parse (type-eval #'(Observe (Bind (Tuple))))
[(~Any/bvs cons () tt ...)
(displayln k)
(displayln (hash-ref (syntax-debug-info k) 'bindings))
(displayln t)
(displayln (hash-ref (syntax-debug-info t) 'bindings)))

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@ -360,25 +360,26 @@
[ (#%app- x-) ( : τ)])
;; it would be nice to abstract over these three
(define-typed-syntax (observe e:expr)
;; TODO - make the constructors
#;(define-typed-syntax (observe e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
[ (syndicate:observe e-) ( : (Observe τ))])
(define-typed-syntax (inbound e:expr)
#;(define-typed-syntax (inbound e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
[ (syndicate:inbound e-) ( : (Inbound τ))])
(define-typed-syntax (outbound e:expr)
#;(define-typed-syntax (outbound e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
[ (syndicate:outbound e-) ( : (Outbound τ))])
(define-typed-syntax (message e:expr)
#;(define-typed-syntax (message e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure"

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@ -70,3 +70,24 @@
(typecheck-fail (inst id5 (→fn Int Int))
#:with-msg "types must be instantiable")
;; Shorthands for match
(check-type (match 5
[$x:Int (add1 x)])
: Int
(check-type (match (tuple 3 "hello")
[(tuple _ $str:String)
: String
(check-type (match (tuple 3 "hello")
[(tuple _ $str)
: String