actor{react{...}} ==> actor{...} for JS

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2016-08-25 13:12:32 +01:00
parent c61ed644ce
commit 138bab9ba6
19 changed files with 678 additions and 810 deletions

View File

@ -42,28 +42,29 @@ var forEachChild = (function () {
return forEachChild;
function buildActor(nameExpOpt, block) {
function buildActor(nameExpOpt, block, withReact) {
var nameExpStr;
if (nameExpOpt.numChildren === 1) {
nameExpStr = ', ' + nameExpOpt.asES5;
} else {
nameExpStr = '';
return 'Syndicate.Actor.spawnActor(function() ' + block.asES5 + nameExpStr + ');';
return 'Syndicate.Actor.spawnActor(function() ' +
(withReact ? reactWrap(block.asES5) : block.asES5) +
nameExpStr + ');';
function buildFacet(facetBlock, transitionBlock) {
return '(function () { ' + (facetBlock ? facetBlock.facetVarDecls : '') +
'\nSyndicate.Actor.createFacet()' +
(facetBlock ? facetBlock.asES5 : '') +
(transitionBlock ? transitionBlock.asES5 : '') +
'.completeBuild(); }).call(this);';
function reactWrap(blockCode) {
return '{ () { ' +
blockCode +
' }).bind(this)); }';
function buildOnEvent(isTerminal, eventType, subscription, projection, bindings, body) {
return '\n.onEvent(Syndicate.Actor.PRIORITY_NORMAL, ' + isTerminal + ', ' + JSON.stringify(eventType) + ', ' +
return 'Syndicate.Actor.Facet.current.onEvent(Syndicate.Actor.PRIORITY_NORMAL, ' + isTerminal + ', ' +
JSON.stringify(eventType) + ', ' +
subscription + ', ' + projection +
', (function(' + bindings.join(', ') + ') ' + body + '))';
', (function(' + bindings.join(', ') + ') ' + body + '));';
function buildCaseEvent(eventPattern, body) {
@ -85,8 +86,11 @@ function buildCaseEvent(eventPattern, body) {
var modifiedSourceActions = {
ActorStatement: function(_actor, _namedOpt, nameExpOpt, block) {
return buildActor(nameExpOpt, block);
ActorStatement_noReact: function(_actorStar, _namedOpt, nameExpOpt, block) {
return buildActor(nameExpOpt, block, false);
ActorStatement_withReact: function(_actor, _namedOpt, nameExpOpt, block) {
return buildActor(nameExpOpt, block, true);
DataspaceStatement_ground: function(_ground, _dataspace, maybeId, block) {
@ -101,14 +105,8 @@ var modifiedSourceActions = {
return 'Syndicate.Dataspace.spawn(new Dataspace(function () ' + block.asES5 + '));';
ActorFacetStatement_state: function(_state, facetBlock, _until, transitionBlock) {
return buildFacet(facetBlock, transitionBlock);
ActorFacetStatement_until: function(_react, _until, transitionBlock) {
return buildFacet(null, transitionBlock);
ActorFacetStatement_forever: function(_forever, facetBlock) {
return buildFacet(facetBlock, null);
ActorFacetStatement: function(_react, block) {
return '(function () ' + reactWrap(block.asES5) + ').call(this);';
AssertionTypeDeclarationStatement: function(_assertion,
@ -151,24 +149,17 @@ var modifiedSourceActions = {
return 'Syndicate.Dataspace.send(' + expr.asES5 + ')' + sc.interval.contents;
FacetBlock: function(_leftParen, _varStmts, init, situations, done, _rightParen) {
return (init ? init.asES5 : '') + situations.asES5.join('') + (done ? done.asES5 : '');
ActorEndpointStatement_start: function (_on, _start, block) {
return 'Syndicate.Actor.Facet.current.addInitBlock((function() ' + block.asES5 + '));';
FacetStateTransitionBlock: function(_leftParen, transitions, _rightParen) {
return transitions.asES5.join('');
ActorEndpointStatement_stop: function (_on, _stop, block) {
return 'Syndicate.Actor.Facet.current.addDoneBlock((function() ' + block.asES5 + '));';
FacetInitBlock: function(_init, block) {
return '\n.addInitBlock((function() ' + block.asES5 + '))';
ActorEndpointStatement_assert: function(_assert, expr, whenClause, _sc) {
return 'Syndicate.Actor.Facet.current.addAssertion(' +
buildSubscription([expr], 'assert', 'pattern', whenClause, null) + ');';
FacetDoneBlock: function(_done, block) {
return '\n.addDoneBlock((function() ' + block.asES5 + '))';
FacetSituation_assert: function(_assert, expr, whenClause, _sc) {
return '\n.addAssertion(' + buildSubscription([expr], 'assert', 'pattern', whenClause, null) + ')';
FacetSituation_event: function(_on, eventPattern, block) {
ActorEndpointStatement_event: function(_on, eventPattern, block) {
return buildOnEvent(false,
@ -176,63 +167,59 @@ var modifiedSourceActions = {
FacetSituation_onEvent: function (_on, _event, id, block) {
return '\n.addOnEventHandler((function(' + id.asES5 + ') ' + block.asES5 + '))';
ActorEndpointStatement_onEvent: function (_on, _event, id, block) {
return 'Syndicate.Actor.Facet.current.addOnEventHandler((function(' + id.asES5 + ') ' +
block.asES5 + '));';
FacetSituation_dataflow: function (_dataflow, block) {
return '\n.addDataflow((function () ' + block.asES5 + '))';
ActorEndpointStatement_stopOnWithCont: function(_stop, _on, eventPattern, block) {
return buildCaseEvent(eventPattern, block.asES5);
FacetSituation_during: function(_during, pattern, facetBlock) {
ActorEndpointStatement_stopOnNoCont: function(_stop, _on, eventPattern, _sc) {
return buildCaseEvent(eventPattern, '{}');
ActorEndpointStatement_dataflow: function (_dataflow, block) {
return 'Syndicate.Actor.Facet.current.addDataflow((function () ' + block.asES5 + '));';
ActorEndpointStatement_during: function(_during, pattern, block) {
var cachedAssertionVar = gensym('cachedAssertion');
return buildOnEvent(false,
'{ ' + facetBlock.facetVarDecls +
'\nvar '+cachedAssertionVar+' = '+pattern.instantiatedAssertion+';'+
'\nSyndicate.Actor.createFacet()' +
facetBlock.asES5 +
'{}') +
'.completeBuild(); }');
'{\n' +
'var '+cachedAssertionVar+' = '+pattern.instantiatedAssertion+';\n'+
reactWrap(block.asES5 + '\n' +
'{}')) + '}');
FacetSituation_duringActor: function(_during, pattern, _actor, _named, nameExpOpt, facetBlock) {
ActorEndpointStatement_duringActor: function(_during, pattern, _actor, _named, nameExpOpt, block)
var cachedAssertionVar = gensym('cachedAssertion');
var actorBlock = {
asES5: '{ ' + facetBlock.facetVarDecls +
'\nSyndicate.Actor.createFacet()' +
facetBlock.asES5 +
'{}') +
'.completeBuild(); }'
asES5: reactWrap(block.asES5 + '\n' +
return buildOnEvent(false,
'{ var '+cachedAssertionVar+' = '+pattern.instantiatedAssertion+';'+
'\n' + buildActor(nameExpOpt, actorBlock) + ' }');
'{ var '+cachedAssertionVar+' = '+pattern.instantiatedAssertion+';\n'+
buildActor(nameExpOpt, actorBlock, true) + ' }');
AssertWhenClause: function(_when, _lparen, expr, _rparen) {
return expr.asES5;
FacetStateTransition_withContinuation: function(_case, eventPattern, block) {
return buildCaseEvent(eventPattern, block.asES5);
FacetStateTransition_noContinuation: function(_case, eventPattern, _sc) {
return buildCaseEvent(eventPattern, '{}');
@ -256,11 +243,7 @@ semantics.addAttribute('memberPropExpr', {
semantics.addAttribute('facetVarDecls', {
FacetBlock: function (_leftParen, varDecls, _init, _situations, _done, _rightParen) {
return varDecls.asES5.join(' ');
semantics.addAttribute('asSyndicateStructureArguments', {
FormalParameterList: function(formals) {

View File

@ -8,39 +8,29 @@ message type deposit(amount);
ground dataspace {
actor {
field this.balance = 0;
react {
assert account(this.balance);
dataflow {
console.log("Balance inside account is", this.balance);
on message deposit($amount) {
this.balance += amount;
assert account(this.balance);
dataflow {
console.log("Balance inside account is", this.balance);
on message deposit($amount) {
this.balance += amount;
actor {
react {
on asserted account($balance) {
console.log("Balance is now", balance);
on asserted account($balance) {
console.log("Balance is now", balance);
actor {
react {
do {
console.log("Waiting for account.");
finally {
console.log("Account became ready.");
} until {
case asserted Syndicate.observe(deposit(_)) {
:: deposit(+100);
:: deposit(-30);
on start {
console.log("Waiting for account.");
stop on asserted Syndicate.observe(deposit(_)) {
console.log("Account became ready.");
:: deposit(+100);
:: deposit(-30);

View File

@ -21,20 +21,19 @@ assertion type foo(x, y);
ground dataspace {
actor {
field this.x = 123;
react {
assert foo(this.x, 999);
during foo(this.x, $v) {
do {
console.log('x=', this.x, 'v=', v);
if (this.x === 123) {
this.x = 124;
finally {
console.log('finally for x=', this.x, 'v=', v);
assert foo(this.x, 999);
during foo(this.x, $v) {
on start {
console.log('x=', this.x, 'v=', v);
if (this.x === 123) {
this.x = 124;
on stop {
console.log('finally for x=', this.x, 'v=', v);

View File

@ -24,53 +24,47 @@ ground dataspace {
actor {
this.files = {};
react {
during Syndicate.observe(file($name, _)) {
do {
console.log("At least one reader exists for:", name);
assert file(name, field this.files[name]);
finally {
console.log("No remaining readers exist for:", name);
during Syndicate.observe(file($name, _)) {
on start {
console.log("At least one reader exists for:", name);
on message saveFile($name, $newcontent) {
field this.files[name] = newcontent;
on message deleteFile($name) {
delete field this.files[name];
assert file(name, field this.files[name]);
on stop {
console.log("No remaining readers exist for:", name);
on message saveFile($name, $newcontent) {
field this.files[name] = newcontent;
on message deleteFile($name) {
delete field this.files[name];
// A simple demo client of the file system
actor {
react {
on asserted file("hello.txt", $content) {
console.log("hello.txt has content", JSON.stringify(content));
} until {
case asserted file("hello.txt", "quit demo") {
console.log("The hello.txt file contained 'quit demo', so we will quit");
on asserted file("hello.txt", $content) {
console.log("hello.txt has content", JSON.stringify(content));
react until {
case asserted Syndicate.observe(saveFile(_, _)) {
:: saveFile("hello.txt", "a");
:: deleteFile("hello.txt");
:: saveFile("hello.txt", "c");
:: saveFile("hello.txt", "quit demo");
:: saveFile("hello.txt", "final contents");
actor {
react until {
case asserted file("hello.txt", $content) {
console.log("second observer sees that hello.txt content is",
stop on asserted file("hello.txt", "quit demo") {
console.log("The hello.txt file contained 'quit demo', so we will quit");
actor {
stop on asserted Syndicate.observe(saveFile(_, _)) {
:: saveFile("hello.txt", "a");
:: deleteFile("hello.txt");
:: saveFile("hello.txt", "c");
:: saveFile("hello.txt", "quit demo");
:: saveFile("hello.txt", "final contents");
actor {
stop on asserted file("hello.txt", $content) {
console.log("second observer sees that hello.txt content is",

View File

@ -60,69 +60,58 @@ assertion type view(str);
ground dataspace {
actor {
react {
field this.title = "first";
assert todo(this.title);
on message 3 {
this.title = "second";
field this.title = "first";
assert todo(this.title);
on message 3 {
this.title = "second";
actor {
react {
assert show();
assert show();
actor {
field this.editing = false;
during todo($title) {
on start { console.log('OUTER++', title); }
during show() {
on start { console.log('++', title); }
assert view((this.editing ? 'EDIT ' : 'VIEW ') + title);
on stop { console.log('--', title); }
on stop { console.log('OUTER--', title); }
on message 1 {
this.editing = true;
:: 2;
on message 2 {
:: 3;
this.editing = false;
actor {
react {
field this.editing = false;
during todo($title) {
do { console.log('OUTER++', title); }
during show() {
do { console.log('++', title); }
assert view((this.editing ? 'EDIT ' : 'VIEW ') + title);
finally { console.log('--', title); }
finally { console.log('OUTER--', title); }
on message 1 {
this.editing = true;
:: 2;
on message 2 {
:: 3;
this.editing = false;
on start { :: 0; }
stop on message 0 {
:: 1;
actor {
react {
do { :: 0; }
} until {
case message 0 {
:: 1;
actor {
react {
field this.count = 0;
on retracted view($x) { console.log('VIEW--', x); }
on asserted view($x) {
console.log('VIEW++', x);
if (x === 'VIEW second') {
if (this.count === 1) {
console.log("Kicking off second edit cycle");
:: 1;
field this.count = 0;
on retracted view($x) { console.log('VIEW--', x); }
on asserted view($x) {
console.log('VIEW++', x);
if (x === 'VIEW second') {
if (this.count === 1) {
console.log("Kicking off second edit cycle");
:: 1;

View File

@ -15,33 +15,28 @@ assertion type entry(key, val);
ground dataspace {
actor named 'listener' {
react {
assert ready('listener');
on asserted entry($key, _) {
console.log('key asserted', key);
react {
on asserted entry(key, $value) { console.log('binding', key, '--->', value); }
on retracted entry(key, $value) { console.log('binding', key, '-/->', value); }
} until {
case retracted entry(key, _) {
console.log('key retracted', key);
assert ready('listener');
on asserted entry($key, _) {
console.log('key asserted', key);
react {
on asserted entry(key, $value) { console.log('binding', key, '--->', value); }
on retracted entry(key, $value) { console.log('binding', key, '-/->', value); }
stop on retracted entry(key, _) {
console.log('key retracted', key);
actor named 'other-listener' {
react {
assert ready('other-listener');
during entry($key, _) {
do { console.log('(other-listener) key asserted', key); }
during entry(key, $value) {
do { console.log('(other-listener) binding', key, '--->', value); }
finally { console.log('(other-listener) binding', key, '-/->', value); }
finally { console.log('(other-listener) key retracted', key); }
assert ready('other-listener');
during entry($key, _) {
on start { console.log('(other-listener) key asserted', key); }
during entry(key, $value) {
on start { console.log('(other-listener) binding', key, '--->', value); }
on stop { console.log('(other-listener) binding', key, '-/->', value); }
on stop { console.log('(other-listener) key retracted', key); }
@ -49,36 +44,33 @@ ground dataspace {
react {
assert ready('pause');
} until {
case asserted ready('pause') {
on asserted ready('pause') {
return k();
actor named 'driver' {
react until {
case asserted ready('listener') {
react until {
case asserted ready('other-listener') {
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.assert(entry('a', 1)));
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.assert(entry('a', 2)));
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.assert(entry('b', 3)));
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.assert(entry('c', 33)));
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.assert(entry('a', 4)));
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.assert(entry('a', 5)));
stop on asserted ready('listener') {
react {
stop on asserted ready('other-listener') {
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.assert(entry('a', 1)));
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.assert(entry('a', 2)));
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.assert(entry('b', 3)));
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.assert(entry('c', 33)));
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.assert(entry('a', 4)));
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.assert(entry('a', 5)));
pause(function () {
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.retract(entry('a', 2)));
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.retract(entry('c', 33)));
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.assert(entry('a', 9)));
pause(function () {
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.retract(entry('a', 2)));
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.retract(entry('c', 33)));
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.assert(entry('a', 9)));
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.retract(entry('a', __)));
pause(function () {
Dataspace.stateChange(Patch.retract(entry('a', __)));
pause(function () {

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Syndicate <: ES5 {
+= ActorStatement
| DataspaceStatement
| ActorFacetStatement
| ActorEndpointStatement
| AssertionTypeDeclarationStatement
| FieldDeclarationStatement
| SendMessageStatement
@ -17,16 +18,29 @@ Syndicate <: ES5 {
FunctionBodyBlock = "{" FunctionBody "}" // odd that this isn't in es5.ohm somewhere
= actor (named Expression<withIn>)? FunctionBodyBlock
= actorStar (named Expression<withIn>)? FunctionBodyBlock -- noReact
| actor (named Expression<withIn>)? FunctionBodyBlock -- withReact
= ground dataspace identifier? FunctionBodyBlock -- ground
| dataspace FunctionBodyBlock -- normal
= react FacetBlock until FacetStateTransitionBlock -- state
| react until FacetStateTransitionBlock -- until
| react FacetBlock -- forever
= react FunctionBodyBlock
= on start FunctionBodyBlock -- start
| on stop FunctionBodyBlock -- stop
| assert FacetPattern AssertWhenClause? #(sc) -- assert
| on FacetEventPattern FunctionBodyBlock -- event
| on event identifier FunctionBodyBlock -- onEvent
| stop on FacetTransitionEventPattern FunctionBodyBlock -- stopOnWithCont
| stop on FacetTransitionEventPattern #(sc) -- stopOnNoCont
| dataflow FunctionBodyBlock -- dataflow
| during FacetPattern FunctionBodyBlock -- during
| during FacetPattern actor (named Expression<withIn>)? FunctionBodyBlock -- duringActor
AssertWhenClause = when "(" Expression<withIn> ")"
= (assertion | message) type identifier "(" FormalParameterList ")" ("=" stringLiteral)? #(sc)
@ -37,30 +51,6 @@ Syndicate <: ES5 {
SendMessageStatement = "::" Expression<withIn> #(sc)
// Ongoing event handlers.
FacetBlock = "{"
(VariableStatement | FieldDeclarationStatement | FunctionDeclaration)*
FacetStateTransitionBlock = "{" FacetStateTransition* "}"
FacetInitBlock = do FunctionBodyBlock
FacetDoneBlock = finally FunctionBodyBlock
= assert FacetPattern AssertWhenClause? #(sc) -- assert
| on FacetEventPattern FunctionBodyBlock -- event
| on event identifier FunctionBodyBlock -- onEvent
| dataflow FunctionBodyBlock -- dataflow
| during FacetPattern FacetBlock -- during
| during FacetPattern actor (named Expression<withIn>)? FacetBlock -- duringActor
AssertWhenClause = when "(" Expression<withIn> ")"
= message FacetPattern -- messageEvent
| asserted FacetPattern -- assertedEvent
@ -70,10 +60,6 @@ Syndicate <: ES5 {
= FacetEventPattern -- facetEvent
| "(" Expression<withIn> ")" -- risingEdge
= case FacetTransitionEventPattern FunctionBodyBlock -- withContinuation
| case FacetTransitionEventPattern #(sc) -- noContinuation
= LeftHandSideExpression metalevel decimalIntegerLiteral -- withMetalevel
| LeftHandSideExpression -- noMetalevel
@ -83,7 +69,8 @@ Syndicate <: ES5 {
// we don't want to make them unavailable to programs as
// identifiers.
actor = "actor" ~identifierPart
actorStar = "actor*" ~identifierPart
actor = "actor" ~("*" | identifierPart)
assert = "assert" ~identifierPart
asserted = "asserted" ~identifierPart
assertion = "assertion" ~identifierPart
@ -99,7 +86,8 @@ Syndicate <: ES5 {
on = "on" ~identifierPart
react = "react" ~identifierPart
retracted = "retracted" ~identifierPart
start = "start" ~identifierPart
stop = "stop" ~identifierPart
type = "type" ~identifierPart
until = "until" ~identifierPart
when = "when" ~identifierPart

View File

@ -2,13 +2,11 @@ ground dataspace {
actor {
field this.counter = 0;
var ui = new Syndicate.UI.Anchor();
react {
assert ui.html('#button-label', '' + this.counter);
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#counter', 'click', _) {
field this.counter = 0;
assert ui.html('#button-label', '' + this.counter);
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#counter', 'click', _) {

View File

@ -19,37 +19,36 @@ function spawnChatApp() {
var ui = new Syndicate.UI.Anchor();
field this.nym;
field this.status;
react {
on asserted inputValue('#nym', $v) { this.nym = v; }
on asserted inputValue('#status', $v) { this.status = v; }
on asserted brokerConnected($url) { outputState('connected to ' + url); }
on retracted brokerConnected($url) { outputState('disconnected from ' + url); }
on asserted inputValue('#nym', $v) { this.nym = v; }
on asserted inputValue('#status', $v) { this.status = v; }
during inputValue('#wsurl', $url) {
assert brokerConnection(url);
on asserted brokerConnected($url) { outputState('connected to ' + url); }
on retracted brokerConnected($url) { outputState('disconnected from ' + url); }
on message Syndicate.WakeDetector.wakeEvent() {
:: forceBrokerDisconnect(url);
during inputValue('#wsurl', $url) {
assert brokerConnection(url);
assert toBroker(url, present(this.nym, this.status));
during fromBroker(url, present($who, $status)) {
assert ui.context(who, status)
Mustache.render($('#nym_template').html(), { who: who, status: status }));
on message Syndicate.WakeDetector.wakeEvent() {
:: forceBrokerDisconnect(url);
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#send_chat', 'click', _) {
var inp = $("#chat_input");
var utterance = inp.val();
if (utterance) :: toBroker(url, says(this.nym, utterance));
assert toBroker(url, present(this.nym, this.status));
during fromBroker(url, present($who, $status)) {
assert ui.context(who, status)
Mustache.render($('#nym_template').html(), { who: who, status: status }));
on message fromBroker(url, says($who, $what)) {
outputUtterance(who, what);
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#send_chat', 'click', _) {
var inp = $("#chat_input");
var utterance = inp.val();
if (utterance) :: toBroker(url, says(this.nym, utterance));
on message fromBroker(url, says($who, $what)) {
outputUtterance(who, what);
@ -84,13 +83,11 @@ assertion type inputValue(selector, value);
function spawnInputChangeMonitor() {
actor {
react {
during Syndicate.observe(inputValue($selector, _)) actor {
field this.value = $(selector).val();
assert inputValue(selector, this.value);
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent(selector, 'change', $e) {
this.value =;
during Syndicate.observe(inputValue($selector, _)) actor {
field this.value = $(selector).val();
assert inputValue(selector, this.value);
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent(selector, 'change', $e) {
this.value =;

View File

@ -11,10 +11,8 @@ assertion type componentPresent(name);
function spawnTV() {
actor {
var ui = new Syndicate.UI.Anchor();
react {
during tvAlert($text) {
assert ui.context(text).html('#tv', Mustache.render($('#alert_template').html(), { text: text }));
during tvAlert($text) {
assert ui.context(text).html('#tv', Mustache.render($('#alert_template').html(), { text: text }));
@ -24,11 +22,9 @@ function spawnTV() {
function spawnRemoteControl() {
actor {
react {
assert componentPresent('remote control');
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#remote-control', 'click', _) {
:: remoteClick();
assert componentPresent('remote control');
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#remote-control', 'click', _) {
:: remoteClick();
@ -41,15 +37,13 @@ function spawnRemoteListener() {
// state, if we've been clicked, turn it off. We don't do this
// here, for simplicity.
react {
on asserted powerDraw($watts) {
this.stoveIsOn = watts > 0;
on asserted powerDraw($watts) {
this.stoveIsOn = watts > 0;
on message remoteClick() {
if (this.stoveIsOn) {
:: switchAction(false);
on message remoteClick() {
if (this.stoveIsOn) {
:: switchAction(false);
@ -62,24 +56,23 @@ function spawnStoveSwitch() {
actor {
field this.powerOn = false;
this.ui = new Syndicate.UI.Anchor();
react {
assert componentPresent('stove switch');
assert switchState(this.powerOn);
assert this.ui.html('#stove-switch',
{ imgurl: ("img/stove-coil-element-" +
(this.powerOn ? "hot" : "cold") + ".jpg") }));
assert componentPresent('stove switch');
assert switchState(this.powerOn);
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#stove-switch-on', 'click', _) { this.powerOn = true; }
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#stove-switch-off', 'click', _) { this.powerOn = false; }
assert this.ui.html('#stove-switch',
{ imgurl: ("img/stove-coil-element-" +
(this.powerOn ? "hot" : "cold") + ".jpg") }));
on message switchAction($newState) {
this.powerOn = newState;
} until {
case message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#kill-stove-switch', 'click', _);
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#stove-switch-on', 'click', _) { this.powerOn = true; }
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#stove-switch-off', 'click', _) { this.powerOn = false; }
on message switchAction($newState) {
this.powerOn = newState;
stop on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#kill-stove-switch', 'click', _);
@ -87,19 +80,18 @@ function spawnPowerDrawMonitor() {
actor {
field this.watts = 0;
this.ui = new Syndicate.UI.Anchor();
react {
assert componentPresent('power draw monitor');
assert powerDraw(this.watts);
assert this.ui.html('#power-draw-meter',
Mustache.render($('#power_draw_template').html(), { watts: this.watts }));
assert componentPresent('power draw monitor');
assert powerDraw(this.watts);
on asserted switchState($on) {
this.watts = on ? 1500 : 0;
} until {
case message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#kill-power-draw-monitor', 'click', _);
assert this.ui.html('#power-draw-meter',
Mustache.render($('#power_draw_template').html(), { watts: this.watts }));
on asserted switchState($on) {
this.watts = on ? 1500 : 0;
stop on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#kill-power-draw-monitor', 'click', _);
@ -108,18 +100,16 @@ function spawnPowerDrawMonitor() {
function spawnTimeoutListener() {
actor {
react {
during powerDraw($watts) {
do {
if (watts > 0) {
var powerOnTime =;
react {
on asserted Syndicate.Timer.timeLaterThan(powerOnTime + 3000) {
react { assert tvAlert('Stove on too long?'); }
on asserted Syndicate.Timer.timeLaterThan(powerOnTime + 10000) {
during powerDraw($watts) {
on start {
if (watts > 0) {
var powerOnTime =;
react {
on asserted Syndicate.Timer.timeLaterThan(powerOnTime + 3000) {
react { assert tvAlert('Stove on too long?'); }
on asserted Syndicate.Timer.timeLaterThan(powerOnTime + 10000) {
@ -130,17 +120,14 @@ function spawnTimeoutListener() {
// function spawnTimeoutListener() {
// actor {
// react {
// on asserted powerDraw($watts) {
// if (watts > 0) {
// var powerOnTime =;
// react {
// on asserted Syndicate.Timer.timeLaterThan(powerOnTime + 3000) {
// react { assert tvAlert('Stove on too long?'); }
// }
// } until {
// case asserted powerDraw(0); // alt: on retracted powerDraw(watts);
// on asserted powerDraw($watts) {
// if (watts > 0) {
// var powerOnTime =;
// react {
// on asserted Syndicate.Timer.timeLaterThan(powerOnTime + 3000) {
// react { assert tvAlert('Stove on too long?'); }
// }
// stop on asserted powerDraw(0); // alt: on retracted powerDraw(watts);
// }
// }
// }
@ -151,16 +138,14 @@ function spawnTimeoutListener() {
// actor {
// this.mostRecentTime = 0;
// this.powerOnTime = null;
// react {
// on asserted powerDraw($watts) {
// this.powerOnTime = (watts > 0) ? this.mostRecentTime : null;
// }
// on message Syndicate.Timer.periodicTick(200) {
// this.mostRecentTime =;
// }
// assert tvAlert('Stove on too long?')
// when (this.powerOnTime !== null && this.mostRecentTime - this.powerOnTime > 3000);
// on asserted powerDraw($watts) {
// this.powerOnTime = (watts > 0) ? this.mostRecentTime : null;
// }
// on message Syndicate.Timer.periodicTick(200) {
// this.mostRecentTime =;
// }
// assert tvAlert('Stove on too long?')
// when (this.powerOnTime !== null && this.mostRecentTime - this.powerOnTime > 3000);
// }
// }
@ -169,13 +154,10 @@ function spawnTimeoutListener() {
function spawnFailureMonitor() {
actor {
react {
on retracted componentPresent($who) {
react {
assert tvAlert('FAILURE: ' + who);
} until {
case asserted componentPresent(who);
on retracted componentPresent($who) {
react {
assert tvAlert('FAILURE: ' + who);
stop on asserted componentPresent(who);
@ -185,7 +167,7 @@ function spawnFailureMonitor() {
// Chaos Monkey
function spawnChaosMonkey() {
actor {
actor* {
monitorComponent('power draw monitor',
@ -201,11 +183,11 @@ function spawnChaosMonkey() {
var jKillButtons = $(killButtonSelector);
react {
during componentPresent(name) {
do {
on start {
jSpawnButtons.prop('disabled', true);
jKillButtons.prop('disabled', false);
finally {
on stop {
jSpawnButtons.prop('disabled', false);
jKillButtons.prop('disabled', true);

View File

@ -61,87 +61,85 @@ ground dataspace G {
timeout: 15000
react {
field this.currentLocation = null;
var selectedMarker = null;
field this.currentLocation = null;
var selectedMarker = null;
assert brokerConnection(this.wsurl);
assert toBroker(this.wsurl, this.currentLocation) when (this.currentLocation);
assert brokerConnection(this.wsurl);
assert toBroker(this.wsurl, this.currentLocation) when (this.currentLocation);
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#my_email', 'change', _) {
var v = email_element.value.trim();
if (this.currentLocation) this.currentLocation = this.currentLocation.set(1, v);
localStorage.my_email = v;
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#my_email', 'change', _) {
var v = email_element.value.trim();
if (this.currentLocation) this.currentLocation = this.currentLocation.set(1, v);
localStorage.my_email = v;
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#group', 'change', _) { = group_element.value.trim();
this.wsurl = wsurl_base + group_element.value.trim();
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#findMarker', 'click', $e) {
:: findMarker(document.getElementById('markerList').value);
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#markerList', 'change', $e) {
:: findMarker(document.getElementById('markerList').value);
on message ($loc = locationRecord(_, _, _, _, _)) {
this.currentLocation = loc;
during fromBroker(this.wsurl, locationRecord($id, $email, _, _, _)) {
var ui = new Syndicate.UI.Anchor();
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
clickable: true,
icon: '' + md5(email.trim().toLowerCase()) + '?s=32&d=retro'
var latestTimestamp = null;
var latestPosition = null;
function selectMarker() {
selectedMarker = marker;
updateInfoWindow();, marker);
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#group', 'change', _) { = group_element.value.trim();
this.wsurl = wsurl_base + group_element.value.trim();
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#findMarker', 'click', $e) {
:: findMarker(document.getElementById('markerList').value);
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('#markerList', 'change', $e) {
:: findMarker(document.getElementById('markerList').value);
on message ($loc = locationRecord(_, _, _, _, _)) {
this.currentLocation = loc;
during fromBroker(this.wsurl, locationRecord($id, $email, _, _, _)) {
var ui = new Syndicate.UI.Anchor();
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
clickable: true,
icon: '' + md5(email.trim().toLowerCase()) + '?s=32&d=retro'
var latestTimestamp = null;
var latestPosition = null;
function selectMarker() {
selectedMarker = marker;
updateInfoWindow();, marker);
function updateInfoWindow() {
if (selectedMarker === marker && latestPosition && latestTimestamp) {
geocoder.geocode({'location': latestPosition}, function (results, status) {
if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK && results[0]) {
infoWindow.setContent(Mustache.render(document.getElementById('info').innerHTML, {
email: email,
timestamp: latestTimestamp ? latestTimestamp.toString() : '',
address: results[0].formatted_address
function updateInfoWindow() {
if (selectedMarker === marker && latestPosition && latestTimestamp) {
geocoder.geocode({'location': latestPosition}, function (results, status) {
if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK && results[0]) {
infoWindow.setContent(Mustache.render(document.getElementById('info').innerHTML, {
email: email,
timestamp: latestTimestamp ? latestTimestamp.toString() : '',
address: results[0].formatted_address
do {
marker.addListener('click', Syndicate.Dataspace.wrap(function () {
assert ui.html('#markerList',
Mustache.render(document.getElementById('markerList-option').innerHTML, {
id: id,
email: email
on message findMarker(id) {
on start {
marker.addListener('click', Syndicate.Dataspace.wrap(function () {
if (latestPosition) map.panTo(latestPosition);
on asserted fromBroker(this.wsurl, locationRecord(id, email, $timestamp, $lat, $lng)) {
latestTimestamp = new Date(timestamp);
latestPosition = {lat: lat, lng: lng};
marker.setTitle(email + ' ' + latestTimestamp.toTimeString());
finally {
if (selectedMarker === marker) selectedMarker = null;
assert ui.html('#markerList',
Mustache.render(document.getElementById('markerList-option').innerHTML, {
id: id,
email: email
on message findMarker(id) {
if (latestPosition) map.panTo(latestPosition);
on asserted fromBroker(this.wsurl, locationRecord(id, email, $timestamp, $lat, $lng)) {
latestTimestamp = new Date(timestamp);
latestPosition = {lat: lat, lng: lng};
marker.setTitle(email + ' ' + latestTimestamp.toTimeString());
on stop {
if (selectedMarker === marker) selectedMarker = null;

View File

@ -23,32 +23,31 @@ ground dataspace G {
var wsurl = 'wss://';
react {
assert brokerConnection(wsurl);
assert Syndicate.UI.uiAttribute('rect#my_color', 'fill', color);
assert brokerConnection(wsurl);
assert toBroker(wsurl, point(color, this.publishedX, this.publishedY));
on message Syndicate.Timer.periodicTick(100) {
this.publishedX = x;
this.publishedY = y;
assert Syndicate.UI.uiAttribute('rect#my_color', 'fill', color);
on message Syndicate.UI.windowEvent('deviceorientation', $e) {
var scale = 0.5;
x = clamp(e.gamma * scale);
y = clamp((e.beta - 40) * scale);
assert toBroker(wsurl, point(color, this.publishedX, this.publishedY));
on message Syndicate.Timer.periodicTick(100) {
this.publishedX = x;
this.publishedY = y;
during fromBroker(wsurl, point($oc, $ox, $oy)) {
assert ui.context(oc)
Mustache.render(document.getElementById('circle-template').innerHTML, {
color: oc,
x: ox,
y: oy
on message Syndicate.UI.windowEvent('deviceorientation', $e) {
var scale = 0.5;
x = clamp(e.gamma * scale);
y = clamp((e.beta - 40) * scale);
during fromBroker(wsurl, point($oc, $ox, $oy)) {
assert ui.context(oc)
Mustache.render(document.getElementById('circle-template').innerHTML, {
color: oc,
x: ox,
y: oy

View File

@ -4,28 +4,23 @@ ground dataspace {
console.log('starting ground boot');
actor {
react until {
case asserted Syndicate.observe(beep(_)) {
field this.counter = 0;
react {
do {
:: beep(this.counter++);
on message beep(_) {
:: beep(this.counter++);
} until {
case (this.counter > 10);
stop on asserted Syndicate.observe(beep(_)) {
field this.counter = 0;
react {
on start {
:: beep(this.counter++);
on message beep(_) {
:: beep(this.counter++);
stop on (this.counter > 10);
actor {
react {
on message beep($counter) {
console.log("beep!", counter);
on message beep($counter) {
console.log("beep!", counter);

View File

@ -8,19 +8,17 @@ ground dataspace G {
field this.handX;
field this.handY;
react {
assert ui.html('#clock',
'<svg width="300px" viewBox="0 0 100 100">'+
'<circle fill="#0B79CE" r=45 cx=50 cy=50 />'+
'<line stroke="#023963" x1=50 y1=50 x2='+this.handX+' y2='+this.handY+' />'+
assert ui.html('#clock',
'<svg width="300px" viewBox="0 0 100 100">'+
'<circle fill="#0B79CE" r=45 cx=50 cy=50 />'+
'<line stroke="#023963" x1=50 y1=50 x2='+this.handX+' y2='+this.handY+' />'+
when (typeof this.angle === 'number');
on message Syndicate.Timer.periodicTick(1000) {
this.angle = (((( / 1000) % 60) / 60) - 0.25) * 2 * Math.PI;
this.handX = 50 + 40 * Math.cos(this.angle);
this.handY = 50 + 40 * Math.sin(this.angle);
on message Syndicate.Timer.periodicTick(1000) {
this.angle = (((( / 1000) % 60) / 60) - 0.25) * 2 * Math.PI;
this.handX = 50 + 40 * Math.cos(this.angle);
this.handY = 50 + 40 * Math.sin(this.angle);

View File

@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ message type setSortColumn(number);
function newRow(id, firstName, lastName, address, age) {
actor named ('model' + id) {
react {
assert person(id, firstName, lastName, address, age);
assert person(id, firstName, lastName, address, age);
@ -27,25 +25,21 @@ function spawnView() {
return '<td>' + text + '</td>';
react {
on message setSortColumn($c) { this.orderColumn = c; }
on message setSortColumn($c) { this.orderColumn = c; }
during person($id, $firstName, $lastName, $address, $age) {
assert ui.context(id)
.html('table#the-table tbody',
'<tr>' + [id, firstName, lastName, address, age].map(cell).join('') + '</tr>',
[id, firstName, lastName, address, age][this.orderColumn]);
during person($id, $firstName, $lastName, $address, $age) {
assert ui.context(id)
.html('table#the-table tbody',
'<tr>' + [id, firstName, lastName, address, age].map(cell).join('') + '</tr>',
[id, firstName, lastName, address, age][this.orderColumn]);
function spawnController() {
actor named 'controller' {
react {
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('table#the-table th', 'click', $e) {
:: setSortColumn(JSON.parse(;
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('table#the-table th', 'click', $e) {
:: setSortColumn(JSON.parse(;

View File

@ -26,52 +26,50 @@ function piece(text, pos, lo, hi, cls) {
function spawnGui() {
actor {
react {
field this.text = '';
field this.pos = 0;
field this.highlightState = false;
field this.text = '';
field this.pos = 0;
field this.highlightState = false;
dataflow {
var text = this.text;
var pos = this.pos;
var highlight = this.highlightState;
var hLeft = highlight ? highlight[0] : 0;
var hRight = highlight ? highlight[1] : 0;
document.getElementById("fieldContents").innerHTML = highlight
? piece(text, pos, 0, hLeft, "normal") +
piece(text, pos, hLeft, hRight, "highlight") +
piece(text, pos, hRight, text.length + 1, "normal")
: piece(text, pos, 0, text.length + 1, "normal");
dataflow {
var text = this.text;
var pos = this.pos;
var highlight = this.highlightState;
var hLeft = highlight ? highlight[0] : 0;
var hRight = highlight ? highlight[1] : 0;
document.getElementById("fieldContents").innerHTML = highlight
? piece(text, pos, 0, hLeft, "normal") +
piece(text, pos, hLeft, hRight, "highlight") +
piece(text, pos, hRight, text.length + 1, "normal")
: piece(text, pos, 0, text.length + 1, "normal");
on message globalEvent("#inputRow", "+keydown", $event) {
switch (event.keyCode) {
case 37 /* left */: :: fieldCommand("cursorLeft"); break;
case 39 /* right */: :: fieldCommand("cursorRight"); break;
case 9 /* tab */: /* ignore */ break;
case 8 /* backspace */:
event.preventDefault(); // that this works here is a minor miracle
:: fieldCommand("backspace");
default: break;
on message globalEvent("#inputRow", "+keydown", $event) {
switch (event.keyCode) {
case 37 /* left */: :: fieldCommand("cursorLeft"); break;
case 39 /* right */: :: fieldCommand("cursorRight"); break;
case 9 /* tab */: /* ignore */ break;
case 8 /* backspace */:
event.preventDefault(); // that this works here is a minor miracle
:: fieldCommand("backspace");
default: break;
on message globalEvent("#inputRow", "keypress", $event) {
var character = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode);
if (event.charCode && character) {
:: fieldCommand(["insert", character]);
on message globalEvent("#inputRow", "keypress", $event) {
var character = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode);
if (event.charCode && character) {
:: fieldCommand(["insert", character]);
on asserted fieldContents($text, $pos) {
this.text = text;
this.pos = pos;
on asserted fieldContents($text, $pos) {
this.text = text;
this.pos = pos;
on asserted highlight($state) {
this.highlightState = state;
on asserted highlight($state) {
this.highlightState = state;
@ -81,40 +79,38 @@ function spawnGui() {
function spawnModel() {
actor {
react {
field this.fieldValue = "initial";
field this.cursorPos = this.fieldValue.length; /* positions address gaps between characters */
field this.fieldValue = "initial";
field this.cursorPos = this.fieldValue.length; /* positions address gaps between characters */
assert fieldContents(this.fieldValue, this.cursorPos);
assert fieldContents(this.fieldValue, this.cursorPos);
on message fieldCommand("cursorLeft") {
if (this.cursorPos < 0)
this.cursorPos = 0;
on message fieldCommand("cursorLeft") {
if (this.cursorPos < 0)
this.cursorPos = 0;
on message fieldCommand("cursorRight") {
if (this.cursorPos > this.fieldValue.length)
this.cursorPos = this.fieldValue.length;
on message fieldCommand("backspace") {
if (this.cursorPos > 0) {
this.fieldValue =
this.fieldValue.substring(0, this.cursorPos - 1) +
on message fieldCommand("cursorRight") {
if (this.cursorPos > this.fieldValue.length)
this.cursorPos = this.fieldValue.length;
on message fieldCommand("backspace") {
if (this.cursorPos > 0) {
this.fieldValue =
this.fieldValue.substring(0, this.cursorPos - 1) +
on message fieldCommand(["insert", $newText]) {
this.fieldValue =
this.fieldValue.substring(0, this.cursorPos) +
newText +
this.cursorPos += newText.length;
on message fieldCommand(["insert", $newText]) {
this.fieldValue =
this.fieldValue.substring(0, this.cursorPos) +
newText +
this.cursorPos += newText.length;
@ -124,29 +120,27 @@ function spawnModel() {
function spawnSearch() {
actor {
react {
field this.searchtext = document.getElementById("searchBox").value;
field this.fieldValue = "";
field this.highlight = false;
field this.searchtext = document.getElementById("searchBox").value;
field this.fieldValue = "";
field this.highlight = false;
assert highlight(this.highlight);
assert highlight(this.highlight);
dataflow {
if (this.searchtext) {
var pos = this.fieldValue.indexOf(this.searchtext);
this.highlight = (pos !== -1) && [pos, pos + this.searchtext.length];
} else {
this.highlight = false;
dataflow {
if (this.searchtext) {
var pos = this.fieldValue.indexOf(this.searchtext);
this.highlight = (pos !== -1) && [pos, pos + this.searchtext.length];
} else {
this.highlight = false;
on message globalEvent("#searchBox", "input", $event) {
this.searchtext = document.getElementById("searchBox").value;
on message globalEvent("#searchBox", "input", $event) {
this.searchtext = document.getElementById("searchBox").value;
on asserted fieldContents($text, _) {
this.fieldValue = text;
on asserted fieldContents($text, _) {
this.fieldValue = text;

View File

@ -25,23 +25,21 @@ assertion type show(completed);
function todoListItemModel(initialId, initialTitle, initialCompleted) {
actor {
react {
field = initialId;
field this.title = initialTitle;
field this.completed = initialCompleted;
field = initialId;
field this.title = initialTitle;
field this.completed = initialCompleted;
assert todo(, this.title, this.completed);
stop on message deleteTodo(;
on message setCompleted(, $v) { this.completed = v; }
on message setAllCompleted($v) { this.completed = v; }
assert todo(, this.title, this.completed);
on message setTitle(, $v) { this.title = v; }
on message setCompleted(, $v) { this.completed = v; }
on message setAllCompleted($v) { this.completed = v; }
on message clearCompletedTodos() {
if (this.completed) :: deleteTodo(;
} until {
case message deleteTodo(;
on message setTitle(, $v) { this.title = v; }
on message clearCompletedTodos() {
if (this.completed) :: deleteTodo(;
@ -57,53 +55,51 @@ function getTemplate(id) {
function todoListItemView(id) {
actor {
stop on retracted todo(id, _, _);
this.ui = new Syndicate.UI.Anchor();
react {
field this.editing = false;
field this.editing = false;
during todo(id, $title, $completed) {
during show(completed) {
assert this.ui.html('.todo-list',
? 'todo-list-item-edit-template'
: 'todo-list-item-view-template'),
id: id,
title: title,
completed_class: completed ? "completed" : "",
checked: completed ? "checked" : "",
during todo(id, $title, $completed) {
during show(completed) {
assert this.ui.html('.todo-list',
? 'todo-list-item-edit-template'
: 'todo-list-item-view-template'),
id: id,
title: title,
completed_class: completed ? "completed" : "",
checked: completed ? "checked" : "",
on message this.ui.event('.toggle', 'change', $e) {
:: setCompleted(id,;
on message this.ui.event('.toggle', 'change', $e) {
:: setCompleted(id,;
on message this.ui.event('.destroy', 'click', _) {
:: deleteTodo(id);
on message this.ui.event('.destroy', 'click', _) {
:: deleteTodo(id);
on message this.ui.event('label', 'dblclick', _) {
this.editing = true;
on message this.ui.event('label', 'dblclick', _) {
this.editing = true;
on message this.ui.event('input.edit', 'keyup', $e) {
if (e.keyCode === ESCAPE_KEY_CODE || e.keyCode === ENTER_KEY_CODE) {
this.editing = false;
on message this.ui.event('input.edit', 'blur', $e) {
on message this.ui.event('input.edit', 'keyup', $e) {
if (e.keyCode === ESCAPE_KEY_CODE || e.keyCode === ENTER_KEY_CODE) {
this.editing = false;
on message this.ui.event('input.edit', 'change', $e) {
var newTitle =;
:: (newTitle ? setTitle(id, newTitle) : deleteTodo(id));
this.editing = false;
} until {
case retracted todo(id, _, _);
on message this.ui.event('input.edit', 'blur', $e) {
this.editing = false;
on message this.ui.event('input.edit', 'change', $e) {
var newTitle =;
:: (newTitle ? setTitle(id, newTitle) : deleteTodo(id));
this.editing = false;
@ -114,80 +110,72 @@ ground dataspace G {
actor {
react {
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('.new-todo', 'change', $e) {
var newTitle =;
if (newTitle) :: createTodo(newTitle); = "";
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('.new-todo', 'change', $e) {
var newTitle =;
if (newTitle) :: createTodo(newTitle); = "";
actor {
this.ui = new Syndicate.UI.Anchor();
react {
during activeTodoCount($count) {
assert this.ui.context('count').html('.todo-count strong', '' + count);
assert this.ui.context('plural').html('.todo-count span.s', 's') when (count !== 1);
during activeTodoCount($count) {
assert this.ui.context('count').html('.todo-count strong', '' + count);
assert this.ui.context('plural').html('.todo-count span.s', 's') when (count !== 1);
during totalTodoCount(0) {
assert Syndicate.UI.uiAttribute('section.main', 'class', 'hidden');
assert Syndicate.UI.uiAttribute('footer.footer', 'class', 'hidden');
during totalTodoCount(0) {
assert Syndicate.UI.uiAttribute('section.main', 'class', 'hidden');
assert Syndicate.UI.uiAttribute('footer.footer', 'class', 'hidden');
during completedTodoCount(0) {
assert Syndicate.UI.uiAttribute('button.clear-completed', 'class', 'hidden');
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('button.clear-completed', 'click', _) {
:: clearCompletedTodos();
during completedTodoCount(0) {
assert Syndicate.UI.uiAttribute('button.clear-completed', 'class', 'hidden');
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('button.clear-completed', 'click', _) {
:: clearCompletedTodos();
during allCompleted() {
do { :: Syndicate.UI.setProperty('.toggle-all', 'checked', true); }
finally { :: Syndicate.UI.setProperty('.toggle-all', 'checked', false); }
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('.toggle-all', 'change', $e) {
:: setAllCompleted(;
during allCompleted() {
on start { :: Syndicate.UI.setProperty('.toggle-all', 'checked', true); }
on stop { :: Syndicate.UI.setProperty('.toggle-all', 'checked', false); }
on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('.toggle-all', 'change', $e) {
:: setAllCompleted(;
on asserted todo($id, _, _) {
on asserted todo($id, _, _) {
actor {
react {
field this.completedCount = 0;
field this.activeCount = 0;
on asserted todo($id, _, $c) { if (c) this.completedCount++; else this.activeCount++; }
on retracted todo($id, _, $c) { if (c) this.completedCount--; else this.activeCount--; }
assert activeTodoCount(this.activeCount);
assert completedTodoCount(this.completedCount);
assert totalTodoCount(this.activeCount + this.completedCount);
assert allCompleted() when (this.completedCount > 0 && this.activeCount === 0);
field this.completedCount = 0;
field this.activeCount = 0;
on asserted todo($id, _, $c) { if (c) this.completedCount++; else this.activeCount++; }
on retracted todo($id, _, $c) { if (c) this.completedCount--; else this.activeCount--; }
assert activeTodoCount(this.activeCount);
assert completedTodoCount(this.completedCount);
assert totalTodoCount(this.activeCount + this.completedCount);
assert allCompleted() when (this.completedCount > 0 && this.activeCount === 0);
actor {
react {
during Syndicate.UI.locationHash($hash) {
assert Syndicate.UI.uiAttribute('ul.filters > li > a[href="#'+hash+'"]',
'class', 'selected');
during Syndicate.UI.locationHash($hash) {
assert Syndicate.UI.uiAttribute('ul.filters > li > a[href="#'+hash+'"]',
'class', 'selected');
during Syndicate.UI.locationHash('/') {
assert show(true);
assert show(false);
during Syndicate.UI.locationHash('/active') {
assert show(false);
during Syndicate.UI.locationHash('/completed') {
assert show(true);
during Syndicate.UI.locationHash('/') {
assert show(true);
assert show(false);
during Syndicate.UI.locationHash('/active') {
assert show(false);
during Syndicate.UI.locationHash('/completed') {
assert show(true);
@ -202,32 +190,32 @@ ground dataspace G {
} else {
db = {nextId: 0, todos: {}};
react until {
case asserted Syndicate.observe(createTodo(_)) {
:: createTodo('Buy milk');
:: createTodo('Buy bread');
:: createTodo('Finish PhD');
on start {
react {
stop on asserted Syndicate.observe(createTodo(_)) {
:: createTodo('Buy milk');
:: createTodo('Buy bread');
:: createTodo('Finish PhD');
react {
on message createTodo($title) {
todoListItemModel(db.nextId++, title, false);
on message createTodo($title) {
todoListItemModel(db.nextId++, title, false);
during todo($id, _, _) {
during todo(id, $title, $completed) {
do {
db.todos[id] = {id: id, title: title, completed: completed};
localStorage['todos-syndicate'] = JSON.stringify(db);
finally {
delete db.todos[id];
during todo($id, _, _) {
during todo(id, $title, $completed) {
on start {
db.todos[id] = {id: id, title: title, completed: completed};
localStorage['todos-syndicate'] = JSON.stringify(db);
on stop {
delete db.todos[id];
localStorage['todos-syndicate'] = JSON.stringify(db);

View File

@ -76,10 +76,9 @@ assertion type splitProposal(title, price, contribution, accepted);
/// core library.
function whileRelevantAssert(P) {
react {
actor {
assert P;
} until {
case retracted Syndicate.observe(P);
stop on retracted Syndicate.observe(P);
@ -117,38 +116,32 @@ function seller() {
/// The seller responds to interest in bookQuotes by asserting a
/// responsive record, if one exists.
react {
during Syndicate.observe(bookQuote($title, _)) {
assert bookQuote(title, this.priceOf(title));
during Syndicate.observe(bookQuote($title, _)) {
assert bookQuote(title, this.priceOf(title));
/// It also responds to order requests.
react {
on asserted
Syndicate.observe(order($title, $offerPrice, _, _)) {
on asserted
Syndicate.observe(order($title, $offerPrice, _, _)) {
/// We cannot sell a book we do not have, and we will not sell for
/// less than our asking price.
var askingPrice = this.priceOf(title);
if ((askingPrice === false) || (offerPrice < askingPrice)) {
order(title, offerPrice, false, false));
} else {
var askingPrice = this.priceOf(title);
if ((askingPrice === false) || (offerPrice < askingPrice)) {
order(title, offerPrice, false, false));
} else {
/// But if we can sell it, we do so by allocating an order ID and
/// replying to the orderer.
var orderId = this.nextOrderId++;
delete field this.books[title];
var orderId = this.nextOrderId++;
delete field this.books[title];
actor {
order(title, offerPrice, orderId, "March 9th"));
order(title, offerPrice, orderId, "March 9th"));
@ -157,7 +150,7 @@ function seller() {
/// ### Implementation: SPLIT-PROPOSER and book-quote-requestor
function buyerA() {
actor {
actor* {
var self = this;
/// Our actor remembers which books remain on its shopping list, and
@ -184,8 +177,8 @@ function buyerA() {
/// First, retrieve a quote for the title, and analyze the result.
react until {
case asserted bookQuote(title, $price) {
react {
stop on asserted bookQuote(title, $price) {
if (price === false) {
console.log("A learns that "+title+" is out-of-stock.");
@ -220,15 +213,15 @@ function buyerA() {
/// Make our proposal, and wait for a response.
react until {
case asserted
react {
stop on asserted
splitProposal(title, price, contribution, true) {
console.log("A learns that the split-proposal for "+
title+" was accepted");
case asserted
stop on asserted
splitProposal(title, price, contribution, false) {
console.log("A learns that the split-proposal for "+
title+" was rejected");
@ -255,55 +248,50 @@ function buyerB() {
/// It spends its time waiting for a SPLIT-PROPOSER to offer a
/// `splitProposal`.
react {
on asserted
var myContribution = price - theirContribution;
console.log("B is being asked to contribute "+myContribution+
" toward "+title+" at price "+price);
on asserted
var myContribution = price - theirContribution;
console.log("B is being asked to contribute "+myContribution+
" toward "+title+" at price "+price);
/// We may not be able to afford contributing this much.
if (myContribution > this.funds) {
console.log("B hasn't enough funds ("+this.funds+
" remaining)");
splitProposal(title, price, theirContribution, false));
} else {
if (myContribution > this.funds) {
console.log("B hasn't enough funds ("+this.funds+
" remaining)");
splitProposal(title, price, theirContribution, false));
} else {
/// But if we *can* afford it, update our remaining funds and spawn a
/// small actor to handle the actual purchase now that we have agreed
/// on a split.
var remainingFunds = this.funds - myContribution;
console.log("B accepts the offer, leaving them with "+
remainingFunds+" remaining funds");
this.funds = remainingFunds;
var remainingFunds = this.funds - myContribution;
console.log("B accepts the offer, leaving them with "+
remainingFunds+" remaining funds");
this.funds = remainingFunds;
actor {
react {
actor {
/// While waiting for order confirmation, take the opportunity to
/// signal to our SPLIT-PROPOSER that we accepted their proposal.
assert splitProposal(title,
assert splitProposal(title,
/// When order confirmation arrives, this purchase is completed.
} until {
case asserted order(title, price, $id, $date) {
console.log("The order for "+title+" has id "+id+
", and will be delivered on "+date);
stop on asserted order(title, price, $id, $date) {
console.log("The order for "+title+" has id "+id+
", and will be delivered on "+date);

View File

@ -122,10 +122,6 @@ Actor.prototype.checkForTermination = function() {
function createFacet() {
return new Facet(Dataspace.activeBehavior());
function Facet(actor) { = actor;
this.endpoints = Immutable.Map();
@ -141,6 +137,12 @@ function Facet(actor) {
Facet.nextFid = 0;
Facet.current = null; = function(f) {
var facet = new Facet(Dataspace.activeBehavior());
withCurrentFacet(facet, f);
function withCurrentFacet(facet, f) {
var previousFacet = Facet.current;
Facet.current = facet;
@ -373,7 +375,7 @@ function deleteField(obj, prop) {
module.exports.spawnActor = spawnActor;
module.exports.createFacet = createFacet;
module.exports.Facet = Facet;
module.exports.referenceField = referenceField;
module.exports.declareField = declareField;
module.exports.deleteField = deleteField;