First commit moving from (actor (react ...)) to (actor ...)

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2016-08-24 17:35:38 +01:00
parent 56e893fac4
commit 0bc775a89f
48 changed files with 996 additions and 1005 deletions

View File

@ -6,58 +6,56 @@
(define (spawn-background)
(during (inbound (window $width $height))
(assert (outbound
(scene (seal `((push-matrix (scale ,width ,(* height 2))
(translate 0 -0.25)
,(overlay/xy (rectangle 1 1 "solid" "white")
0 0
(rectangle 1 2 "solid" "black"))))
;; (rotate -30)
;; (scale 5 5)
(seal `()))))))))
(during (inbound (window $width $height))
(assert (outbound
(scene (seal `((push-matrix (scale ,width ,(* height 2))
(translate 0 -0.25)
,(overlay/xy (rectangle 1 1 "solid" "white")
0 0
(rectangle 1 2 "solid" "black"))))
;; (rotate -30)
;; (scale 5 5)
(seal `())))))))
(define (spawn-player-avatar)
(local-require 2htdp/planetcute)
(define CC character-cat-girl)
(actor (react
(field [x 100] [y 100])
(assert (outbound (simple-sprite -0.5 (x) (y) (image-width CC) (image-height CC) CC)))
(actor (field [x 100] [y 100])
(assert (outbound (simple-sprite -0.5 (x) (y) (image-width CC) (image-height CC) CC)))
(field [keys-down (set)])
(on (asserted (key-pressed $k)) (keys-down (set-add (keys-down) k)))
(on (retracted (key-pressed $k)) (keys-down (set-remove (keys-down) k)))
(define (key->delta k distance) (if (set-member? (keys-down) k) distance 0))
(field [keys-down (set)])
(on (asserted (key-pressed $k)) (keys-down (set-add (keys-down) k)))
(on (retracted (key-pressed $k)) (keys-down (set-remove (keys-down) k)))
(define (key->delta k distance) (if (set-member? (keys-down) k) distance 0))
(on (message (inbound (frame-event _ _ $elapsed-ms _)))
(define-values (old-x old-y) (values (x) (y)))
(define distance (* 0.360 elapsed-ms))
(define nx (+ old-x (key->delta 'right distance) (key->delta 'left (- distance))))
(define ny (+ old-y (key->delta 'down distance) (key->delta 'up (- distance))))
(when (not (and (= nx old-x) (= ny old-y)))
(x nx)
(y ny))))))
(on (message (inbound (frame-event _ _ $elapsed-ms _)))
(define-values (old-x old-y) (values (x) (y)))
(define distance (* 0.360 elapsed-ms))
(define nx (+ old-x (key->delta 'right distance) (key->delta 'left (- distance))))
(define ny (+ old-y (key->delta 'down distance) (key->delta 'up (- distance))))
(when (not (and (= nx old-x) (= ny old-y)))
(x nx)
(y ny)))))
(define (spawn-frame-counter)
(actor (react (field [i empty-image])
(assert (outbound
(simple-sprite -10 300 10 (image-width (i)) (image-height (i)) (i))))
(on (message (inbound (frame-event $counter $sim-time-ms _ _)))
(when (> sim-time-ms 0)
(define fps (/ counter (/ sim-time-ms 1000.0)))
(i (text (format "~a fps" fps) 22 "black")))))))
(actor (field [i empty-image])
(assert (outbound
(simple-sprite -10 300 10 (image-width (i)) (image-height (i)) (i))))
(on (message (inbound (frame-event $counter $sim-time-ms _ _)))
(when (> sim-time-ms 0)
(define fps (/ counter (/ sim-time-ms 1000.0)))
(i (text (format "~a fps" fps) 22 "black"))))))
;; (spawn-frame-counter)
(actor (react (assert (outbound (simple-sprite 0 50 50 50 50 (circle 50 "solid" "orange"))))
(assert (outbound (simple-sprite -1 60 60 50 50 (circle 50 "solid" "green"))))))
(actor (until (message (inbound (key-event #\q #t _))))
(assert! (outbound 'stop)))
(actor (assert (outbound (simple-sprite 0 50 50 50 50 (circle 50 "solid" "orange"))))
(assert (outbound (simple-sprite -1 60 60 50 50 (circle 50 "solid" "green")))))
(actor* (until (message (inbound (key-event #\q #t _))))
(assert! (outbound 'stop)))
(module+ main (current-ground-dataspace (2d-dataspace)))

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide actor
@ -277,6 +278,15 @@
(define-syntax (actor stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ name:name O ...)
(quasisyntax/loc stx
(let ((spawn-action (actor-action #:name name.N (react O ...))))
(if (syndicate-effects-available?)
(schedule-action! spawn-action)
(define-syntax (actor* stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ name:name script ...)
(quasisyntax/loc stx
@ -433,8 +443,8 @@
(on #,E-stx
(let ((p #,instantiated))
(w.wrapper #:name name.N
(react (stop-when (retracted p))
O ...)))))]))
(stop-when (retracted p))
O ...))))]))
(define-syntax (begin/dataflow stx)
(syntax-parse stx

View File

@ -51,32 +51,33 @@
(define (send-event e)
(send! (outbound (websocket-message server-id c (jsexpr->string (lift-json-event e))))))
(on-start (arm-ping-timer!)
(log-syndicate-broker-info "Starting broker connection from ~v" c))
(log-syndicate-broker-info "Starting broker connection from ~v" c)
(until (retracted (inbound (advertise (websocket-message c server-id _))))
(assert (outbound (advertise (websocket-message server-id c _))))
(stop-when (retracted (inbound (advertise (websocket-message c server-id _)))))
(assert (outbound (advertise (websocket-message server-id c _))))
(on (asserted (inbound
(websocket-peer-details server-id c _ _ $remote-addr $remote-port)))
(log-syndicate-broker-info "Connection ~v is from ~a:~a" c remote-addr remote-port))
(on (asserted (inbound
(websocket-peer-details server-id c _ _ $remote-addr $remote-port)))
(log-syndicate-broker-info "Connection ~v is from ~a:~a" c remote-addr remote-port))
(on (message (inbound (timer-expired c _)))
(send-event 'ping))
(on (message (inbound (timer-expired c _)))
(send-event 'ping))
(on (message (inbound (websocket-message c server-id $data)))
(match (drop-json-action (string->jsexpr data))
['ping (send-event 'pong)]
['pong (void)]
[(? patch? p) (patch! (log-packet c 'inbound 'patch (wrap-patch scope p)))]
[(message body) (send! (log-packet c 'inbound 'message (broker-data scope body)))]))
(on (message (inbound (websocket-message c server-id $data)))
(match (drop-json-action (string->jsexpr data))
['ping (send-event 'pong)]
['pong (void)]
[(? patch? p) (patch! (log-packet c 'inbound 'patch (wrap-patch scope p)))]
[(message body) (send! (log-packet c 'inbound 'message (broker-data scope body)))]))
[(? patch? p) (send-event (log-packet c 'outbound 'patch (unwrap-patch scope p)))]
[(message (broker-data (== scope) body))
(send-event (message (log-packet c 'outbound 'message body)))]))
(log-syndicate-broker-info "Ending broker connection from ~v" c)))
[(? patch? p) (send-event (log-packet c 'outbound 'patch (unwrap-patch scope p)))]
[(message (broker-data (== scope) body))
(send-event (message (log-packet c 'outbound 'message body)))])
(on-stop (log-syndicate-broker-info "Ending broker connection from ~v" c))))
(define (log-packet c direction kind value)
(log-syndicate-broker-debug "Broker: ~v: ~a ~a\n~v" c direction kind value)

View File

@ -14,15 +14,13 @@
[(eqv? (bytes-ref bs i) b) i]
[else (loop (+ i 1))])))
(during/actor (observe (tcp-channel-line $src $dst _))
(field [buffer #""])
(on (message (tcp-channel src dst $bs))
(buffer (bytes-append (buffer) bs)))
(define newline-pos (bytes-index (buffer) (char->integer #\newline)))
(when newline-pos
(define line (subbytes (buffer) 0 newline-pos))
(buffer (subbytes (buffer) (+ newline-pos 1)))
(send! (tcp-channel-line src dst line)))))))
(actor (during/actor (observe (tcp-channel-line $src $dst _))
(field [buffer #""])
(on (message (tcp-channel src dst $bs))
(buffer (bytes-append (buffer) bs)))
(define newline-pos (bytes-index (buffer) (char->integer #\newline)))
(when newline-pos
(define line (subbytes (buffer) 0 newline-pos))
(buffer (subbytes (buffer) (+ newline-pos 1)))
(send! (tcp-channel-line src dst line))))))

View File

@ -143,18 +143,16 @@
(define (spawn-web-driver)
(actor #:name 'web-server-manager
(during/actor (web-virtual-host "http" _ $port)
#:name (list 'web-server port)
(setup-web-server "http"
(or (web-server-connection-manager)
(during/actor (web-virtual-host "http" _ $port)
#:name (list 'web-server port)
(setup-web-server "http"
(or (web-server-connection-manager)
(actor #:name 'web-client-manager
(on (message (web-request $id 'outbound $req $body))
(actor #:name (list 'web-client id)
(do-client-request id req body))))))
(on (message (web-request $id 'outbound $req $body))
(actor #:name (list 'web-client id)
(do-client-request id req body)))))
(define (setup-web-server scheme cm port)
(define listener (tcp-listen port (web-server-max-waiting) #t))
@ -184,21 +182,21 @@
(url-query (request-uri lowlevel-req)))
(request-post-data/raw lowlevel-req)))
(actor #:name (list 'web-req id)
(react (on-start (send! (set-timer (list 'web-req id) 100 'relative))
(send! web-req))
(stop-when (message (timer-expired (list 'web-req id) _))
(do-response-complete control-ch
#:code 404
#:message #"Not found")
(stop-when (message (web-response-complete id $rh $body))
(do-response-complete control-ch id rh body))
(stop-when (asserted (web-response-chunked id $rh))
(do-response-chunked control-ch id rh))
(stop-when (asserted (web-response-websocket id $headers))
(do-response-websocket control-ch id headers))))))
(on-start (send! (set-timer (list 'web-req id) 100 'relative))
(send! web-req))
(stop-when (message (timer-expired (list 'web-req id) _))
(do-response-complete control-ch
#:code 404
#:message #"Not found")
(stop-when (message (web-response-complete id $rh $body))
(do-response-complete control-ch id rh body))
(stop-when (asserted (web-response-chunked id $rh))
(do-response-chunked control-ch id rh))
(stop-when (asserted (web-response-websocket id $headers))
(do-response-websocket control-ch id headers)))))
(define (do-response-complete control-ch id rh constree-of-bytes)
(match-define (web-response-header code resp-message last-modified-seconds mime-type headers) rh)

View File

@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
(struct account (balance) #:prefab)
(struct deposit (amount) #:prefab)
(actor (react (field [balance 0])
(assert (account (balance)))
(on (message (deposit $amount))
(balance (+ (balance) amount)))))
(actor (field [balance 0])
(assert (account (balance)))
(on (message (deposit $amount))
(balance (+ (balance) amount))))
(actor (react (on (asserted (account $balance))
(printf "Balance changed to ~a\n" balance))))
(actor (on (asserted (account $balance))
(printf "Balance changed to ~a\n" balance)))
(actor (until (asserted (observe (deposit _))))
(send! (deposit +100))
(send! (deposit -30)))
(actor* (until (asserted (observe (deposit _))))
(send! (deposit +100))
(send! (deposit -30)))

View File

@ -8,16 +8,15 @@
#:font-size [font-size 22]
name x y label callback)
(define label-image (text label font-size foreground))
(actor (forever
(on (message (inbound (mouse-event _ _ name "button-down"))) (callback))
(assert (outbound
(window name x y 0
(overlay label-image
(rectangle (+ (image-width label-image) 20)
(+ (image-height label-image) 20)
(actor (on (message (inbound (mouse-event _ _ name "button-down"))) (callback))
(assert (outbound
(window name x y 0
(overlay label-image
(rectangle (+ (image-width label-image) 20)
(+ (image-height label-image) 20)
(define (draggable-shape name orig-x orig-y image)
(define (window-at x y) (window name x y 10 (seal image)))
@ -38,12 +37,11 @@
(my nmy))
(stop-when (message (inbound (mouse-event $mx $my _ (? mouse-left-event-type? $t))))
(idle 0 (- mx dx) (- my dy)))))
(actor (idle 0 orig-x orig-y)))
(actor* (idle 0 orig-x orig-y)))
(actor (forever
(during (inbound (active-window $id))
(assert (outbound (window 'active-window-label 300 0 0
(seal (text (format "~v" id) 22 "black"))))))))
(actor (during (inbound (active-window $id))
(assert (outbound (window 'active-window-label 300 0 0
(seal (text (format "~v" id) 22 "black")))))))
(button #:background "red" 'stop-button 0 0 "Exit"
(lambda () (assert! (outbound 'stop))))
(draggable-shape 'c1 50 50 (circle 30 "solid" "orange"))

View File

@ -4,16 +4,16 @@
(struct set-box (new-value) #:transparent)
(struct box-state (value) #:transparent)
(actor (react (field [current-value 0])
(assert (box-state (current-value)))
(stop-when (rising-edge (= (current-value) 10))
(log-info "box: terminating"))
(on (message (set-box $new-value))
(log-info "box: taking on new-value ~v" new-value)
(current-value new-value))))
(actor (field [current-value 0])
(assert (box-state (current-value)))
(stop-when (rising-edge (= (current-value) 10))
(log-info "box: terminating"))
(on (message (set-box $new-value))
(log-info "box: taking on new-value ~v" new-value)
(current-value new-value)))
(actor (react (stop-when (retracted (observe (set-box _)))
(log-info "client: box has gone"))
(on (asserted (box-state $v))
(log-info "client: learned that box's value is now ~v" v)
(send! (set-box (+ v 1))))))
(actor (stop-when (retracted (observe (set-box _)))
(log-info "client: box has gone"))
(on (asserted (box-state $v))
(log-info "client: learned that box's value is now ~v" v)
(send! (set-box (+ v 1)))))

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
(struct envelope (destination message) #:prefab)
(actor (react (on (message (envelope 'alice $message))
(log-info "Alice received ~v" message))))
(actor (on (message (envelope 'alice $message))
(log-info "Alice received ~v" message)))
(actor (react (on (message (envelope 'bob $message))
(log-info "Bob received ~v" message))))
(actor (on (message (envelope 'bob $message))
(log-info "Bob received ~v" message)))
(log-info "Waiting for Alice and Bob.")
(until (asserted (observe (envelope 'alice _))))
(until (asserted (observe (envelope 'bob _))))

View File

@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
(define (chain-step n)
(printf "chain-step ~v\n" n)
(actor (sleep 1)
(if (< n 5)
(chain-step (+ n 1))
(printf "done.\n"))))
(actor* (sleep 1)
(if (< n 5)
(chain-step (+ n 1))
(printf "done.\n"))))
(chain-step 0)

View File

@ -8,15 +8,13 @@
(define remote-handle (tcp-address "localhost" 5999))
(define stdin-evt (read-bytes-line-evt (current-input-port) 'any))
(react/suspend (quit)
(on (message (inbound (external-event stdin-evt (list $line))))
(if (eof-object? line)
(send! (tcp-channel local-handle remote-handle line))))
(actor (stop-when (message (inbound (external-event stdin-evt (list (? eof-object? _))))))
(stop-when (retracted (advertise (tcp-channel remote-handle local-handle _))))
(assert (advertise (tcp-channel local-handle remote-handle _)))
(assert (advertise (tcp-channel local-handle remote-handle _)))
(on (retracted (advertise (tcp-channel remote-handle local-handle _))) (quit))
(on (message (tcp-channel remote-handle local-handle $bs))
(write-bytes bs)
(on (message (inbound (external-event stdin-evt (list (? bytes? $line)))))
(send! (tcp-channel local-handle remote-handle line)))
(on (message (tcp-channel remote-handle local-handle $bs))
(write-bytes bs)

View File

@ -16,21 +16,21 @@
(send-to-remote "~a ~a\n" who (apply format fmt vs))))
(define user (gensym 'user))
(send-to-remote "Welcome, ~a.\n" user)
(on-start (send-to-remote "Welcome, ~a.\n" user))
(until (retracted (advertise (tcp-channel them us _)))
(assert (present user))
(on (asserted (present $who)) (say who "arrived."))
(on (retracted (present $who)) (say who "departed."))
(stop-when (retracted (advertise (tcp-channel them us _))))
(on (message (says $who $what)) (say who "says: ~a" what))
(assert (present user))
(on (asserted (present $who)) (say who "arrived."))
(on (retracted (present $who)) (say who "departed."))
(assert (advertise (tcp-channel us them _)))
(on (message (tcp-channel them us $bs))
(send! (says user (string-trim (bytes->string/utf-8 bs))))))))
(on (message (says $who $what)) (say who "says: ~a" what))
(assert (advertise (tcp-channel us them _)))
(on (message (tcp-channel them us $bs))
(send! (says user (string-trim (bytes->string/utf-8 bs)))))))
(define us (tcp-listener 5999))
(forever (assert (advertise (observe (tcp-channel _ us _))))
(on (asserted (advertise (tcp-channel $them us _)))
(spawn-session them us))))
(actor (assert (advertise (observe (tcp-channel _ us _))))
(on (asserted (advertise (tcp-channel $them us _)))
(spawn-session them us)))

View File

@ -16,18 +16,19 @@
(send-to-remote "~a ~a\n" who (apply format fmt vs))))
(define user (gensym 'user))
(send-to-remote "Welcome, ~a.\n" user)
(on-start (send-to-remote "Welcome, ~a.\n" user))
(until (retracted (inbound (advertise (tcp-channel them us _))))
(assert (present user))
(on (asserted (present $who)) (say who "arrived."))
(on (retracted (present $who)) (say who "departed."))
(stop-when (retracted (inbound (advertise (tcp-channel them us _)))))
(on (message (says $who $what)) (say who "says: ~a" what))
(assert (present user))
(on (asserted (present $who)) (say who "arrived."))
(on (retracted (present $who)) (say who "departed."))
(assert (outbound (advertise (tcp-channel us them _))))
(on (message (inbound (tcp-channel them us $bs)))
(send! (says user (string-trim (bytes->string/utf-8 bs))))))))
(on (message (says $who $what)) (say who "says: ~a" what))
(assert (outbound (advertise (tcp-channel us them _))))
(on (message (inbound (tcp-channel them us $bs)))
(send! (says user (string-trim (bytes->string/utf-8 bs)))))))
(dataspace (define us (tcp-listener 5999))
(forever (assert (outbound (advertise (observe (tcp-channel _ us _)))))

View File

@ -21,30 +21,30 @@
(send-to-remote "~a ~a\n" who (apply format fmt vs))))
(define user (gensym 'user))
(send-to-remote "Welcome, ~a.\n" user)
(on-start (send-to-remote "Welcome, ~a.\n" user))
(until (retracted (tcp-remote-open id))
(assert (tcp-local-open id))
(assert (present user))
(stop-when (retracted (tcp-remote-open id)))
(assert (tcp-local-open id))
(assert (present user))
(on (asserted (present $who)) (say who "arrived."))
(on (retracted (present $who)) (say who "departed."))
(on (message (says $who $what)) (say who "says: ~a" what))
(on (asserted (present $who)) (say who "arrived."))
(on (retracted (present $who)) (say who "departed."))
(on (message (says $who $what)) (say who "says: ~a" what))
(on (message (tcp-incoming-data id $bs))
(send! (says user (string-trim (bytes->string/utf-8 bs))))))))
(on (message (tcp-incoming-data id $bs))
(send! (says user (string-trim (bytes->string/utf-8 bs)))))))
(define us (tcp-listener 5999))
(actor (forever (assert (advertise (observe (tcp-channel _ us _))))
(on (asserted (advertise (tcp-channel $them us _)))
(define id (seal (list them us)))
(actor (react (stop-when (retracted (advertise (tcp-channel them us _))))
(stop-when (retracted (tcp-local-open id)))
(assert (tcp-remote-open id))
(on (message (tcp-channel them us $bs))
(send! (tcp-incoming-data id bs)))
(on (message (tcp-outgoing-data id $bs))
(send! (tcp-channel us them bs))))))))
(actor (assert (advertise (observe (tcp-channel _ us _))))
(on (asserted (advertise (tcp-channel $them us _)))
(define id (seal (list them us)))
(actor (stop-when (retracted (advertise (tcp-channel them us _))))
(stop-when (retracted (tcp-local-open id)))
(assert (tcp-remote-open id))
(on (message (tcp-channel them us $bs))
(send! (tcp-incoming-data id bs)))
(on (message (tcp-outgoing-data id $bs))
(send! (tcp-channel us them bs))))))
(actor (forever (on (asserted (tcp-remote-open $id))
(spawn-session id))))
(actor (on (asserted (tcp-remote-open $id))
(spawn-session id)))

View File

@ -17,21 +17,22 @@
(send-to-remote "~a ~a\n" who (apply format fmt vs))))
(define user (gensym 'user))
(send-to-remote "Welcome, ~a.\n" user)
(on-start (send-to-remote "Welcome, ~a.\n" user))
(until (retracted (inbound (advertise (tcp-channel them us _))))
(assert (present user))
(on (asserted (present $who)) (say who "arrived."))
(on (retracted (present $who)) (say who "departed."))
(stop-when (retracted (inbound (advertise (tcp-channel them us _)))))
(on (message (says $who $what)) (say who "says: ~a" what))
(assert (present user))
(on (asserted (present $who)) (say who "arrived."))
(on (retracted (present $who)) (say who "departed."))
(assert (outbound (advertise (tcp-channel us them _))))
(on (message (inbound (tcp-channel them us $bs)))
(define input-string (string-trim (bytes->string/utf-8 bs)))
(if (equal? input-string "quit-dataspace")
(send! (shutdown))
(send! (says user input-string)))))))
(on (message (says $who $what)) (say who "says: ~a" what))
(assert (outbound (advertise (tcp-channel us them _))))
(on (message (inbound (tcp-channel them us $bs)))
(define input-string (string-trim (bytes->string/utf-8 bs)))
(if (equal? input-string "quit-dataspace")
(send! (shutdown))
(send! (says user input-string))))))
(dataspace (define us (tcp-listener 5999))
(until (message (shutdown))

View File

@ -4,11 +4,10 @@
(require/activate syndicate/drivers/tcp)
(define server-id (tcp-listener 5999))
(forever (assert (advertise (observe (tcp-channel _ server-id _))))
(during/actor (advertise (tcp-channel $c server-id _))
(on-start (printf "Accepted connection from ~v\n" c))
(assert (advertise (tcp-channel server-id c _)))
(on (message (tcp-channel c server-id $bs))
(send! (tcp-channel server-id c bs)))
(on-stop (printf "Closed connection ~v\n" c)))))
(actor (assert (advertise (observe (tcp-channel _ server-id _))))
(during/actor (advertise (tcp-channel $c server-id _))
(on-start (printf "Accepted connection from ~v\n" c))
(assert (advertise (tcp-channel server-id c _)))
(on (message (tcp-channel c server-id $bs))
(send! (tcp-channel server-id c bs)))
(on-stop (printf "Closed connection ~v\n" c))))

View File

@ -16,24 +16,23 @@
(struct x (v) #:prefab)
(actor (forever (on (message (x 'ping))
(send! (x 'pong)))))
(actor (on (message (x 'ping))
(send! (x 'pong))))
(actor (react
(field [flag 'clear])
(printf "flag: ~v\n" (flag)))
(actor (field [flag 'clear])
(printf "flag: ~v\n" (flag)))
(field [spec #f])
(when (spec)
(let-event [(asserted (observe (x (spec))))]
(send! (x (list 'saw (spec))))
(flag 'set))))
(field [spec #f])
(when (spec)
(let-event [(asserted (observe (x (spec))))]
(send! (x (list 'saw (spec))))
(flag 'set))))
(on-start (send! (x 'first)))
(on (message (x 'first))
(spec 'ping))))
(on-start (send! (x 'first)))
(on (message (x 'first))
(spec 'ping)))
(actor (forever (on (message (x $v))
(printf "- ~v\n" v))))
(actor (on (message (x $v))
(printf "- ~v\n" v)))

View File

@ -17,10 +17,9 @@
(struct foo (x y) #:prefab)
(actor (field [x 123])
(assert (foo (x) 999))
(during (foo (x) $v)
(log-info "x=~a v=~a" (x) v)
(when (= (x) 123) (x 124))
(log-info "finally for x=~a v=~a" (x) v)))))
(assert (foo (x) 999))
(during (foo (x) $v)
(log-info "x=~a v=~a" (x) v)
(when (= (x) 123) (x 124))
(log-info "finally for x=~a v=~a" (x) v))))

View File

@ -5,25 +5,23 @@
(struct ready (what) #:prefab)
(struct entry (key val) #:prefab)
(actor (react
(assert (ready 'listener))
(on (asserted (entry $key _))
(log-info "key ~v asserted" key)
(until (retracted (entry key _))
(on (asserted (entry key $value))
(log-info "add binding: ~v -> ~v" key value))
(on (retracted (entry key $value))
(log-info "del binding: ~v -> ~v" key value)))
(log-info "key ~v retracted" key))))
(actor (assert (ready 'listener))
(on (asserted (entry $key _))
(log-info "key ~v asserted" key)
(until (retracted (entry key _))
(on (asserted (entry key $value))
(log-info "add binding: ~v -> ~v" key value))
(on (retracted (entry key $value))
(log-info "del binding: ~v -> ~v" key value)))
(log-info "key ~v retracted" key)))
(actor (react
(assert (ready 'other-listener))
(during (entry $key _)
(log-info "(other-listener) key ~v asserted" key)
(on-stop (log-info "(other-listener) key ~v retracted" key))
(during (entry key $value)
(log-info "(other-listener) ~v ---> ~v" key value)
(on-stop (log-info "(other-listener) ~v -/-> ~v" key value))))))
(actor (assert (ready 'other-listener))
(during (entry $key _)
(log-info "(other-listener) key ~v asserted" key)
(on-stop (log-info "(other-listener) key ~v retracted" key))
(during (entry key $value)
(log-info "(other-listener) ~v ---> ~v" key value)
(on-stop (log-info "(other-listener) ~v -/-> ~v" key value)))))
(define (pause)
(log-info "pause")
@ -31,18 +29,18 @@
(until (asserted (ready token))
(assert (ready token))))
(actor (until (asserted (ready 'listener)))
(until (asserted (ready 'other-listener)))
(assert! (entry 'a 1))
(assert! (entry 'a 2))
(assert! (entry 'b 3))
(assert! (entry 'c 33))
(assert! (entry 'a 4))
(assert! (entry 'a 5))
(retract! (entry 'a 2))
(retract! (entry 'c 33))
(assert! (entry 'a 9))
(retract! (entry 'a ?))
(actor* (until (asserted (ready 'listener)))
(until (asserted (ready 'other-listener)))
(assert! (entry 'a 1))
(assert! (entry 'a 2))
(assert! (entry 'b 3))
(assert! (entry 'c 33))
(assert! (entry 'a 4))
(assert! (entry 'a 5))
(retract! (entry 'a 2))
(retract! (entry 'c 33))
(assert! (entry 'a 9))
(retract! (entry 'a ?))

View File

@ -24,18 +24,18 @@
(struct outer (v) #:prefab)
(struct show () #:prefab)
(actor (react (field [v "first"])
(assert (outer (v)))
(assert (show))
(on (message 2)
(v "second"))))
(actor (field [v "first"])
(assert (outer (v)))
(assert (show))
(on (message 2)
(v "second")))
(actor (react (on-start (send! 1))
(during (outer $v)
(on-start (log-info "+outer ~v" v))
(on-stop (log-info "-outer ~v" v))
(during (show)
(on-start (log-info "+show"))
(on-stop (log-info "-show"))))
(on (message 1)
(send! 2))))
(actor (on-start (send! 1))
(during (outer $v)
(on-start (log-info "+outer ~v" v))
(on-stop (log-info "-outer ~v" v))
(during (show)
(on-start (log-info "+show"))
(on-stop (log-info "-show"))))
(on (message 1)
(send! 2)))

View File

@ -4,25 +4,24 @@
(require/activate syndicate/drivers/timer)
(during/actor (observe `(fib ,$n ,_))
#:actor actor/thread
(on-start (log-info "Computing fib ~a..." n))
(on-stop (log-info "Leaving fib ~a" n))
(assert `(up ,n))
(assert `(fib ,n
,(let ((answer
(let f ((n n))
(if (< n 2)
(+ (f (- n 1))
(f (- n 2)))))))
(if (= n 36)
(error 'fib "Deliberate, hardcoded failure for n=36")
(during/actor (observe `(fib ,$n ,_))
#:actor actor/thread
(on-start (log-info "Computing fib ~a..." n))
(on-stop (log-info "Leaving fib ~a" n))
(assert `(up ,n))
(assert `(fib ,n
,(let ((answer
(let f ((n n))
(if (< n 2)
(+ (f (- n 1))
(f (- n 2)))))))
(if (= n 36)
(error 'fib "Deliberate, hardcoded failure for n=36")
@ -30,10 +29,10 @@
(define (arm!)
(log-info "Tick ~v!" (tick-count))
(send! (outbound (set-timer 'tick 1000 'relative))))
(react (on (message (inbound (timer-expired 'tick _)))
(tick-count (+ (tick-count) 1))
(on-start (arm!))))
(on (message (inbound (timer-expired 'tick _)))
(tick-count (+ (tick-count) 1))
(on-start (arm!)))
(field [counter 0])

View File

@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
(require/activate "fs-shell.rkt")
(require/activate "fs-protocol.rkt")
(actor (react (field [files (hash)])
(during (observe (file $name _))
(on-start (printf "At least one reader exists for ~v\n" name))
(on-stop (printf "No remaining readers exist for ~v\n" name))
(field [content (hash-ref (files) name #f)])
(assert (file name (content)))
(on (message (save (file name $new-content))) (content new-content))
(on (message (delete name)) (content #f)))
(on (message (save (file $name $content))) (files (hash-set (files) name content)))
(on (message (delete $name)) (files (hash-remove (files) name)))))
(actor (field [files (hash)])
(during (observe (file $name _))
(on-start (printf "At least one reader exists for ~v\n" name))
(on-stop (printf "No remaining readers exist for ~v\n" name))
(field [content (hash-ref (files) name #f)])
(assert (file name (content)))
(on (message (save (file name $new-content))) (content new-content))
(on (message (delete name)) (content #f)))
(on (message (save (file $name $content))) (files (hash-set (files) name content)))
(on (message (delete $name)) (files (hash-remove (files) name))))

View File

@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
(require/activate "fs-shell.rkt")
(require/activate "fs-protocol.rkt")
(actor (react (field [files (hash)])
(during (observe (file $name _))
(on-start (printf "At least one reader exists for ~v\n" name))
(assert (file name (hash-ref (files) name #f)))
(on-stop (printf "No remaining readers exist for ~v\n" name)))
(on (message (save (file $name $content))) (files (hash-set (files) name content)))
(on (message (delete $name)) (files (hash-remove (files) name)))))
(actor (field [files (hash)])
(during (observe (file $name _))
(on-start (printf "At least one reader exists for ~v\n" name))
(assert (file name (hash-ref (files) name #f)))
(on-stop (printf "No remaining readers exist for ~v\n" name)))
(on (message (save (file $name $content))) (files (hash-set (files) name content)))
(on (message (delete $name)) (files (hash-remove (files) name))))

View File

@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
(require/activate "fs-shell.rkt")
(require/activate "fs-protocol.rkt")
(actor (react (field [files (hash)])
(on (asserted (observe (file $name _)))
(printf "At least one reader exists for ~v\n" name)
(until (retracted (observe (file name _)))
(field [content (hash-ref (files) name #f)])
(assert (file name (content)))
(on (message (save (file name $new-content))) (content new-content))
(on (message (delete name)) (content #f)))
(printf "No remaining readers exist for ~v\n" name))
(on (message (save (file $name $content))) (files (hash-set (files) name content)))
(on (message (delete $name)) (files (hash-remove (files) name)))))
(actor (field [files (hash)])
(on (asserted (observe (file $name _)))
(printf "At least one reader exists for ~v\n" name)
(until (retracted (observe (file name _)))
(field [content (hash-ref (files) name #f)])
(assert (file name (content)))
(on (message (save (file name $new-content))) (content new-content))
(on (message (delete name)) (content #f)))
(printf "No remaining readers exist for ~v\n" name))
(on (message (save (file $name $content))) (files (hash-set (files) name content)))
(on (message (delete $name)) (files (hash-remove (files) name))))

View File

@ -6,22 +6,22 @@
(require/activate "fs-protocol.rkt")
(require racket/set)
(actor (react (field [files (hash)] [monitored (set)])
(on (asserted (observe (file $name _)))
(printf "At least one reader exists for ~v\n" name)
(assert! (file name (hash-ref (files) name #f)))
(monitored (set-add (monitored) name)))
(on (retracted (observe (file $name _)))
(printf "No remaining readers exist for ~v\n" name)
(retract! (file name (hash-ref (files) name #f)))
(monitored (set-remove (monitored) name)))
(on (message (save (file $name $content)))
(when (set-member? (monitored) name)
(retract! (file name (hash-ref (files) name #f)))
(assert! (file name content)))
(files (hash-set (files) name content)))
(on (message (delete $name))
(when (set-member? (monitored) name)
(retract! (file name (hash-ref (files) name #f)))
(assert! (file name #f)))
(files (hash-remove (files) name)))))
(actor (field [files (hash)] [monitored (set)])
(on (asserted (observe (file $name _)))
(printf "At least one reader exists for ~v\n" name)
(assert! (file name (hash-ref (files) name #f)))
(monitored (set-add (monitored) name)))
(on (retracted (observe (file $name _)))
(printf "No remaining readers exist for ~v\n" name)
(retract! (file name (hash-ref (files) name #f)))
(monitored (set-remove (monitored) name)))
(on (message (save (file $name $content)))
(when (set-member? (monitored) name)
(retract! (file name (hash-ref (files) name #f)))
(assert! (file name content)))
(files (hash-set (files) name content)))
(on (message (delete $name))
(when (set-member? (monitored) name)
(retract! (file name (hash-ref (files) name #f)))
(assert! (file name #f)))
(files (hash-remove (files) name))))

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
#lang syndicate/actor
;; Minimal syndicate/actor variation on examples/forward-chaining.rkt.
(actor (react (assert `(parent john douglas))))
(actor (react (assert `(parent bob john))))
(actor (react (assert `(parent ebbon bob))))
(actor (assert `(parent john douglas)))
(actor (assert `(parent bob john)))
(actor (assert `(parent ebbon bob)))
;; This looks like an implication:
;; (parent A C) ⇒ ((ancestor A C) ∧ ((ancestor C B) ⇒ (ancestor A B)))
(actor (react (during `(parent ,$A ,$C)
(assert `(ancestor ,A ,C))
(during `(ancestor ,C ,$B)
(assert `(ancestor ,A ,B))))))
(actor (during `(parent ,$A ,$C)
(assert `(ancestor ,A ,C))
(during `(ancestor ,C ,$B)
(assert `(ancestor ,A ,B)))))
(actor (react (on (asserted `(ancestor ,$A ,$B))
(log-info "~a is an ancestor of ~a" A B))))
(actor (on (asserted `(ancestor ,$A ,$B))
(log-info "~a is an ancestor of ~a" A B)))

View File

@ -18,32 +18,32 @@
(printf "> ")
(actor (field [reader-count 0])
(until (message (inbound (external-event e (list (? eof-object? _)))))
(on (message (inbound (external-event e (list (? bytes? $bs)))))
(match (string-split (string-trim (bytes->string/utf-8 bs)))
[(list "open" name)
(define reader-id (reader-count))
(reader-count (+ (reader-count) 1))
(actor (printf "Reader ~a opening file ~v.\n" reader-id name)
(until (message `(stop-watching ,name))
(on (asserted (file name $contents))
(printf "Reader ~a sees that ~v contains: ~v\n"
(printf "Reader ~a closing file ~v.\n" reader-id name))]
[(list "close" name)
(send! `(stop-watching ,name))]
[(list* "write" name words)
(send! (save (file name words)))]
[(list "delete" name)
(send! (delete name))]
(printf "I'm afraid I didn't understand that.\n")
(printf "Try: open filename\n")
(printf " close filename\n")
(printf " write filename some text goes here\n")
(printf " delete filename\n")])
(sleep 0.1)
(on-start (print-prompt))
(stop-when (message (inbound (external-event e (list (? eof-object? _))))))
(on (message (inbound (external-event e (list (? bytes? $bs)))))
(match (string-split (string-trim (bytes->string/utf-8 bs)))
[(list "open" name)
(define reader-id (reader-count))
(reader-count (+ (reader-count) 1))
(actor (on-start (printf "Reader ~a opening file ~v.\n" reader-id name))
(stop-when (message `(stop-watching ,name)))
(on (asserted (file name $contents))
(printf "Reader ~a sees that ~v contains: ~v\n"
(on-stop (printf "Reader ~a closing file ~v.\n" reader-id name)))]
[(list "close" name)
(send! `(stop-watching ,name))]
[(list* "write" name words)
(send! (save (file name words)))]
[(list "delete" name)
(send! (delete name))]
(printf "I'm afraid I didn't understand that.\n")
(printf "Try: open filename\n")
(printf " close filename\n")
(printf " write filename some text goes here\n")
(printf " delete filename\n")])
(sleep 0.1)

View File

@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
(struct echo-req (body) #:prefab)
(struct echo-resp (body) #:prefab)
(actor (react (field [count 0])
(on (message (echo-req $body))
(send! (echo-resp body))
(count (+ (count) 1)))))
(actor (field [count 0])
(on (message (echo-req $body))
(send! (echo-resp body))
(count (+ (count) 1))))
(actor (react (on (message (echo-resp $body))
(printf "Received: ~v\n" body))))
(actor (on (message (echo-resp $body))
(printf "Received: ~v\n" body)))
(actor (until (asserted (observe (echo-req _))))
(until (asserted (observe (echo-resp _))))
(send! (echo-req 0))
(send! (echo-req 1))
(send! (echo-req 2)))
(actor* (until (asserted (observe (echo-req _))))
(until (asserted (observe (echo-resp _))))
(send! (echo-req 0))
(send! (echo-req 1))
(send! (echo-req 2)))

View File

@ -9,37 +9,36 @@
(struct resource-status (resource-id waiter-count) #:prefab)
(define (spawn-resource resource-id total-available-leases)
(react (field [waiters (make-queue)]
[free-lease-count total-available-leases])
(actor (field [waiters (make-queue)]
[free-lease-count total-available-leases])
(begin/dataflow (log-info "~as available: ~a" resource-id (free-lease-count)))
(begin/dataflow (log-info "~as available: ~a" resource-id (free-lease-count)))
(begin/dataflow ;; This might be a nice place to put a kind of "class contract"
(unless (and (>= (free-lease-count) 0)
(<= (free-lease-count) total-available-leases)
(or (zero? (free-lease-count))
(queue-empty? (waiters))))
(error 'resource "~a: Invariant violated" resource-id)))
(begin/dataflow ;; This might be a nice place to put a kind of "class contract"
(unless (and (>= (free-lease-count) 0)
(<= (free-lease-count) total-available-leases)
(or (zero? (free-lease-count))
(queue-empty? (waiters))))
(error 'resource "~a: Invariant violated" resource-id)))
(on (asserted (lease-request resource-id $w))
(cond [(positive? (free-lease-count))
(assert! (lease-assignment resource-id w))
(free-lease-count (- (free-lease-count) 1))]
(waiters (enqueue (waiters) w))]))
(on (asserted (lease-request resource-id $w))
(cond [(positive? (free-lease-count))
(assert! (lease-assignment resource-id w))
(free-lease-count (- (free-lease-count) 1))]
(waiters (enqueue (waiters) w))]))
(on (retracted (lease-request resource-id $w))
(waiters (queue-filter (lambda (x) (not (equal? w x))) (waiters)))
(retract! (lease-assignment resource-id w)))
(on (retracted (lease-request resource-id $w))
(waiters (queue-filter (lambda (x) (not (equal? w x))) (waiters)))
(retract! (lease-assignment resource-id w)))
(on (retracted (lease-assignment resource-id $w))
(cond [(queue-empty? (waiters))
(free-lease-count (+ (free-lease-count) 1))]
(define-values (w remainder) (dequeue (waiters)))
(assert! (lease-assignment resource-id w))
(waiters remainder)])))))
(on (retracted (lease-assignment resource-id $w))
(cond [(queue-empty? (waiters))
(free-lease-count (+ (free-lease-count) 1))]
(define-values (w remainder) (dequeue (waiters)))
(assert! (lease-assignment resource-id w))
(waiters remainder)]))))
@ -47,42 +46,41 @@
(struct philosopher-status (name status) #:prefab)
(actor (react (define/query-hash-set thinkers (philosopher-status $who $status) status who)
(log-info "~a" (for/list (((status names) (in-hash (thinkers))))
(format "~a: ~a" status (set->list names)))))))
(actor (define/query-hash-set thinkers (philosopher-status $who $status) status who)
(log-info "~a" (for/list (((status names) (in-hash (thinkers))))
(format "~a: ~a" status (set->list names))))))
(define (philosopher name)
(react (field [status 'starting])
(assert (philosopher-status name (status)))
(actor (field [status 'starting])
(assert (philosopher-status name (status)))
(stop-when (rising-edge (eq? (status) 'inspired)))
(stop-when (rising-edge (eq? (status) 'inspired)))
(let loop ()
(define thinking-duration (* (random) 4))
(log-info "~a thinks for ~a seconds" name thinking-duration)
(status 'thinking)
(until (message (timer-expired name _))
(on-start (send! (set-timer name (* thinking-duration 1000.0) 'relative))))
(if (> (random) 0.95)
(log-info "~a stops thinking, leaps up, shouts \"EUREKA!\", and leaves.\n" name)
(status 'inspired))
(log-info "~a stops thinking, and waits for a fork" name)
(status 'waiting)
(react (assert (lease-request 'fork name))
(on (asserted (lease-assignment 'fork name))
(status 'eating)
(log-info "~a claims a fork" name)
(define eating-duration (* (random) 4))
(log-info "~a is eating for ~a seconds" name eating-duration)
(send! (set-timer name (* eating-duration 1000.0) 'relative)))
(stop-when (message (timer-expired name _))
(log-info "~a finishes eating and puts down the fork" name)
(let loop ()
(define thinking-duration (* (random) 4))
(log-info "~a thinks for ~a seconds" name thinking-duration)
(status 'thinking)
(until (message (timer-expired name _))
(on-start (send! (set-timer name (* thinking-duration 1000.0) 'relative))))
(if (> (random) 0.95)
(log-info "~a stops thinking, leaps up, shouts \"EUREKA!\", and leaves.\n" name)
(status 'inspired))
(log-info "~a stops thinking, and waits for a fork" name)
(status 'waiting)
(react (assert (lease-request 'fork name))
(on (asserted (lease-assignment 'fork name))
(status 'eating)
(log-info "~a claims a fork" name)
(define eating-duration (* (random) 4))
(log-info "~a is eating for ~a seconds" name eating-duration)
(send! (set-timer name (* eating-duration 1000.0) 'relative)))
(stop-when (message (timer-expired name _))
(log-info "~a finishes eating and puts down the fork" name)
(spawn-resource 'fork 2)
(philosopher 'Socrates)

View File

@ -33,14 +33,13 @@
(define p-at-spawn-time (p))
(actor #:name (list 'spawn-one p-at-spawn-time)
(define p-at-start-time (p))
(assert `(p-at-spawn-time ,p-at-spawn-time))
(assert `(p-at-start-time ,p-at-start-time))
(assert `(p ,(p)))
(on (message 'survey)
(send! `(survey-response ,(p)))))))
(assert `(p-at-spawn-time ,p-at-spawn-time))
(assert `(p-at-start-time ,p-at-start-time))
(assert `(p ,(p)))
(on (message 'survey)
(send! `(survey-response ,(p))))))
(parameterize ((p 'first)) (spawn-one))
(parameterize ((p 'second)) (spawn-one))

View File

@ -3,58 +3,57 @@
(require racket/set)
(actor #:name 'queryer
(define/query-value as-value 'absent `(item ,$a ,$b) (list a b))
(define/query-set as-set `(item ,$a ,$b) (list a b)
#:on-add (log-info "as-set adding ~v/~v" a b)
#:on-remove (log-info "as-set removing ~v/~v" a b))
(define/query-hash as-hash `(item ,$a ,$b) a b)
(define/query-hash-set as-hash-set `(item ,$a ,$b) a b)
(define/query-value as-value 'absent `(item ,$a ,$b) (list a b))
(define/query-set as-set `(item ,$a ,$b) (list a b)
#:on-add (log-info "as-set adding ~v/~v" a b)
#:on-remove (log-info "as-set removing ~v/~v" a b))
(define/query-hash as-hash `(item ,$a ,$b) a b)
(define/query-hash-set as-hash-set `(item ,$a ,$b) a b)
(field [as-value-notification-counter 0])
(field [as-value-notification-counter 0])
(log-info "Notification counter: ~v" (as-value-notification-counter))
(local-require (only-in racket/base sleep))
(sleep 1))
(log-info "Notification counter: ~v" (as-value-notification-counter))
(local-require (only-in racket/base sleep))
(sleep 1))
(let ((shadow-counter 0))
(log-info "as-value is now: ~v" (as-value))
(set! shadow-counter (+ shadow-counter 1))
(as-value-notification-counter shadow-counter)))
(let ((shadow-counter 0))
(log-info "as-value is now: ~v" (as-value))
(set! shadow-counter (+ shadow-counter 1))
(as-value-notification-counter shadow-counter)))
(on (message 'dump)
(printf "----------------------------------------\n")
(printf "Queried as-value: ~v\n" (as-value))
(printf "Queried as-set:\n")
(for [(item (as-set))]
(match-define (list a b) item)
(printf " ~v -> ~v\n" a b))
(printf "Queried as-hash:\n")
(for [((k v) (in-hash (as-hash)))]
(printf " ~v -> ~v\n" k v))
(printf "Queried as-hash-set:\n")
(for [((k vs) (in-hash (as-hash-set)))]
(printf " ~v -> ~v\n" k vs))
(printf "----------------------------------------\n")
(on (message 'dump)
(printf "----------------------------------------\n")
(printf "Queried as-value: ~v\n" (as-value))
(printf "Queried as-set:\n")
(for [(item (as-set))]
(match-define (list a b) item)
(printf " ~v -> ~v\n" a b))
(printf "Queried as-hash:\n")
(for [((k v) (in-hash (as-hash)))]
(printf " ~v -> ~v\n" k v))
(printf "Queried as-hash-set:\n")
(for [((k vs) (in-hash (as-hash-set)))]
(printf " ~v -> ~v\n" k vs))
(printf "----------------------------------------\n")
(actor #:name 'mutator
(until (asserted 'observer-in-ds-ready))
(assert! `(item a 1))
(assert! `(item b 2))
(assert! `(item b 3))
(send! 'dump)
(retract! `(item b ,?))
(send! 'dump)
(assert! `(item c 1))
(assert! `(item c 4))
(send! 'dump)
(actor* #:name 'mutator
(until (asserted 'observer-in-ds-ready))
(assert! `(item a 1))
(assert! `(item b 2))
(assert! `(item b 3))
(send! 'dump)
(retract! `(item b ,?))
(send! 'dump)
(assert! `(item c 1))
(assert! `(item c 4))
(send! 'dump)
(let ((anchor (level-anchor)))
(dataspace (define LEVEL (level-anchor->meta-level anchor))
@ -62,10 +61,9 @@
(log-info "Inner level anchor: ~a" (level-anchor))
(log-info "Computed meta-level: ~v" LEVEL)
(actor #:name 'observer-in-ds
(assert (outbound* LEVEL 'observer-in-ds-ready))
(on-start (log-info "observer-in-ds: STARTING"))
(define/query-set items (inbound* LEVEL `(item ,$a ,$b)) (list a b))
(on (message (inbound* LEVEL 'dump))
(log-info "observer-in-ds: ~v" (items)))))
(assert (outbound* LEVEL 'observer-in-ds-ready))
(on-start (log-info "observer-in-ds: STARTING"))
(define/query-set items (inbound* LEVEL `(item ,$a ,$b)) (list a b))
(on (message (inbound* LEVEL 'dump))
(log-info "observer-in-ds: ~v" (items))))

View File

@ -41,65 +41,65 @@
;; EFFECT: Spawn a queue process named `queue-id`.
(define (spawn-queue queue-id)
(actor #:name (list 'queue queue-id)
(react (field [waiters (make-queue)])
(field [messages (make-queue)])
(field [waiters (make-queue)])
(field [messages (make-queue)])
(define/query-set subscribers (subscription queue-id $who) who
#:on-add (enq! waiters who))
(define/query-set subscribers (subscription queue-id $who) who
#:on-add (enq! waiters who))
(on (message (delivery $who queue-id $body)) (enq! messages body))
(on (message (delivery $who queue-id $body)) (enq! messages body))
(when (and (not (queue-empty? (waiters)))
(not (queue-empty? (messages))))
(define who (deq! waiters))
(when (set-member? (subscribers) who) ;; lazily remove entries from waiters
(enq! waiters who)
(define msg (deq! messages))
(log-info "~a: sending ~a message ~a" queue-id who msg)
(send! (delivery queue-id who msg)))))
(when (and (not (queue-empty? (waiters)))
(not (queue-empty? (messages))))
(define who (deq! waiters))
(when (set-member? (subscribers) who) ;; lazily remove entries from waiters
(enq! waiters who)
(define msg (deq! messages))
(log-info "~a: sending ~a message ~a" queue-id who msg)
(send! (delivery queue-id who msg)))))
(assert (metric (list 'subscriber-count queue-id) (set-count (subscribers))))
(assert (metric (list 'backlog queue-id) (queue-length (messages))))
(assert (metric (list 'subscriber-count queue-id) (set-count (subscribers))))
(assert (metric (list 'backlog queue-id) (queue-length (messages))))
(local-require (submod syndicate/actor priorities))
(begin/dataflow #:priority *idle-priority* ;; Check invariants
(define has-waiters? (not (queue-empty? (waiters))))
(define has-messages? (not (queue-empty? (messages))))
(unless (and (or (not has-waiters?) (not has-messages?))
(or (not has-messages?) (not has-waiters?)))
(error 'queue
"~a: invariant violated: ~v"
`((has-waiters? ,has-waiters?)
(has-messages? ,has-messages?)
(waiters ,(queue->list (waiters)))
(messages ,(queue->list (messages))))))))))
(local-require (submod syndicate/actor priorities))
(begin/dataflow #:priority *idle-priority* ;; Check invariants
(define has-waiters? (not (queue-empty? (waiters))))
(define has-messages? (not (queue-empty? (messages))))
(unless (and (or (not has-waiters?) (not has-messages?))
(or (not has-messages?) (not has-waiters?)))
(error 'queue
"~a: invariant violated: ~v"
`((has-waiters? ,has-waiters?)
(has-messages? ,has-messages?)
(waiters ,(queue->list (waiters)))
(messages ,(queue->list (messages)))))))))
;; Example
(define (spawn-consumer consumer-id #:variant [variant 'normal])
(actor #:name (list 'consumer consumer-id)
(react (assert (subscription 'q consumer-id))
(on (message (delivery 'q consumer-id $body))
(log-info "Consumer ~a got: ~a" consumer-id body)
(when (eq? variant 'crashy)
(error consumer-id
"Hark, canst thou hear me? I will play the swan / and die in music."))))))
(assert (subscription 'q consumer-id))
(on (message (delivery 'q consumer-id $body))
(log-info "Consumer ~a got: ~a" consumer-id body)
(when (eq? variant 'crashy)
(error consumer-id
"Hark, canst thou hear me? I will play the swan / and die in music.")))))
(actor (react (define/query-hash metrics (metric $k $v) k v)
(begin/dataflow (log-info " ~a" (hash->list (metrics))))))
(actor (define/query-hash metrics (metric $k $v) k v)
(begin/dataflow (log-info " ~a" (hash->list (metrics)))))
(spawn-queue 'q)
(spawn-consumer 'c1)
(spawn-consumer 'c2 #:variant 'crashy)
(spawn-consumer 'c3)
(actor (until (asserted (observe (delivery _ 'q _))))
(for ((n (in-range 10)))
(send! (delivery #f 'q n))
;; (flush!)
(actor* (until (asserted (observe (delivery _ 'q _))))
(for ((n (in-range 10)))
(send! (delivery #f 'q n))
;; (flush!)

View File

@ -41,63 +41,63 @@
;; EFFECT: Spawn a queue process named `queue-id`.
(define (spawn-queue queue-id)
(actor #:name (list 'queue queue-id)
(react (field [waiters (make-queue)])
(field [messages (make-queue)])
(field [waiters (make-queue)])
(field [messages (make-queue)])
(on (asserted (subscription queue-id $who)) (enq! waiters who))
(on (retracted (subscription queue-id $who)) (waiters (queue-remove who (waiters))))
(on (message (delivery $who queue-id $body)) (enq! messages body))
(on (asserted (subscription queue-id $who)) (enq! waiters who))
(on (retracted (subscription queue-id $who)) (waiters (queue-remove who (waiters))))
(on (message (delivery $who queue-id $body)) (enq! messages body))
(when (and (not (queue-empty? (waiters)))
(not (queue-empty? (messages))))
(define who (deq! waiters))
(define msg (deq! messages))
(log-info "~a: sending ~a message ~a" queue-id who msg)
(send! (delivery queue-id who msg))
(enq! waiters who)))
(when (and (not (queue-empty? (waiters)))
(not (queue-empty? (messages))))
(define who (deq! waiters))
(define msg (deq! messages))
(log-info "~a: sending ~a message ~a" queue-id who msg)
(send! (delivery queue-id who msg))
(enq! waiters who)))
(assert (metric (list 'subscriber-count queue-id) (queue-length (waiters))))
(assert (metric (list 'backlog queue-id) (queue-length (messages))))
(assert (metric (list 'subscriber-count queue-id) (queue-length (waiters))))
(assert (metric (list 'backlog queue-id) (queue-length (messages))))
(local-require (submod syndicate/actor priorities))
(begin/dataflow #:priority *idle-priority* ;; Check invariants
(define has-waiters? (not (queue-empty? (waiters))))
(define has-messages? (not (queue-empty? (messages))))
(unless (and (or (not has-waiters?) (not has-messages?))
(or (not has-messages?) (not has-waiters?)))
(error 'queue
"~a: invariant violated: ~v"
`((has-waiters? ,has-waiters?)
(has-messages? ,has-messages?)
(waiters ,(queue->list (waiters)))
(messages ,(queue->list (messages))))))))))
(local-require (submod syndicate/actor priorities))
(begin/dataflow #:priority *idle-priority* ;; Check invariants
(define has-waiters? (not (queue-empty? (waiters))))
(define has-messages? (not (queue-empty? (messages))))
(unless (and (or (not has-waiters?) (not has-messages?))
(or (not has-messages?) (not has-waiters?)))
(error 'queue
"~a: invariant violated: ~v"
`((has-waiters? ,has-waiters?)
(has-messages? ,has-messages?)
(waiters ,(queue->list (waiters)))
(messages ,(queue->list (messages)))))))))
;; Example
(define (spawn-consumer consumer-id #:variant [variant 'normal])
(actor #:name (list 'consumer consumer-id)
(react (assert (subscription 'q consumer-id))
(on (message (delivery 'q consumer-id $body))
(log-info "Consumer ~a got: ~a" consumer-id body)
(when (eq? variant 'crashy)
(error consumer-id
"Hark, canst thou hear me? I will play the swan / and die in music."))))))
(assert (subscription 'q consumer-id))
(on (message (delivery 'q consumer-id $body))
(log-info "Consumer ~a got: ~a" consumer-id body)
(when (eq? variant 'crashy)
(error consumer-id
"Hark, canst thou hear me? I will play the swan / and die in music.")))))
(actor (react (define/query-hash metrics (metric $k $v) k v)
(begin/dataflow (log-info " ~a" (hash->list (metrics))))))
(actor (define/query-hash metrics (metric $k $v) k v)
(begin/dataflow (log-info " ~a" (hash->list (metrics)))))
(spawn-queue 'q)
(spawn-consumer 'c1)
(spawn-consumer 'c2 #:variant 'crashy)
(spawn-consumer 'c3)
(actor (until (asserted (observe (delivery _ 'q _))))
(for ((n (in-range 10)))
(send! (delivery #f 'q n))
(when (odd? n) (flush!))
(actor* (until (asserted (observe (delivery _ 'q _))))
(for ((n (in-range 10)))
(send! (delivery #f 'q n))
(when (odd? n) (flush!))

View File

@ -44,86 +44,86 @@
;; EFFECT: Spawn a queue process named `queue-id`.
(define (spawn-queue queue-id)
(actor #:name (list 'queue queue-id)
(react (field [waiters (make-queue)])
(field [messages (make-queue)])
(field [waiters (make-queue)])
(field [messages (make-queue)])
(define/query-hash credits (subscription queue-id $who) who 0) ;; Start with no credit
(define/query-hash credits (subscription queue-id $who) who 0) ;; Start with no credit
(on (message (credit queue-id $who $amount))
(define old-credit (hash-ref (credits) who #f))
(when old-credit
(credits (hash-set (credits) who (+ amount old-credit)))
(when (zero? old-credit) (enq! waiters who))))
(on (message (credit queue-id $who $amount))
(define old-credit (hash-ref (credits) who #f))
(when old-credit
(credits (hash-set (credits) who (+ amount old-credit)))
(when (zero? old-credit) (enq! waiters who))))
(on (message (delivery $who queue-id $body))
(send! (credit who queue-id 1))
(enq! messages body))
(on (message (delivery $who queue-id $body))
(send! (credit who queue-id 1))
(enq! messages body))
(when (and (not (queue-empty? (waiters)))
(not (queue-empty? (messages))))
(define who (deq! waiters))
(define old-credit (hash-ref (credits) who 0))
(when (positive? old-credit) ;; lazily remove entries from waiters
(define new-credit (- old-credit 1))
(credits (hash-set (credits) who new-credit))
(when (positive? new-credit) (enq! waiters who))
(define msg (deq! messages))
(log-info "~a: sending ~a message ~a" queue-id who msg)
(send! (delivery queue-id who msg)))))
(when (and (not (queue-empty? (waiters)))
(not (queue-empty? (messages))))
(define who (deq! waiters))
(define old-credit (hash-ref (credits) who 0))
(when (positive? old-credit) ;; lazily remove entries from waiters
(define new-credit (- old-credit 1))
(credits (hash-set (credits) who new-credit))
(when (positive? new-credit) (enq! waiters who))
(define msg (deq! messages))
(log-info "~a: sending ~a message ~a" queue-id who msg)
(send! (delivery queue-id who msg)))))
(during (subscription queue-id $who)
(assert (metric (list 'credit queue-id who) (hash-ref (credits) who 0))))
(assert (metric (list 'backlog queue-id) (queue-length (messages))))
(during (subscription queue-id $who)
(assert (metric (list 'credit queue-id who) (hash-ref (credits) who 0))))
(assert (metric (list 'backlog queue-id) (queue-length (messages))))
(local-require (submod syndicate/actor priorities))
(begin/dataflow #:priority *idle-priority* ;; Check invariants
(define has-waiters? (not (queue-empty? (waiters))))
(define has-messages? (not (queue-empty? (messages))))
(define total-credits (for/sum ((v (in-hash-values (credits)))) v))
(unless (and (or (not has-messages?) (zero? total-credits))
(or (not has-waiters?) (not has-messages?))
(equal? has-waiters? (positive? total-credits)))
(error 'queue
"~a: invariant violated: ~v"
`((has-waiters? ,has-waiters?)
(has-messages? ,has-messages?)
(total-credits ,total-credits)
(waiters ,(queue->list (waiters)))
(messages ,(queue->list (messages)))
(credits ,(hash->list (credits))))))))))
(local-require (submod syndicate/actor priorities))
(begin/dataflow #:priority *idle-priority* ;; Check invariants
(define has-waiters? (not (queue-empty? (waiters))))
(define has-messages? (not (queue-empty? (messages))))
(define total-credits (for/sum ((v (in-hash-values (credits)))) v))
(unless (and (or (not has-messages?) (zero? total-credits))
(or (not has-waiters?) (not has-messages?))
(equal? has-waiters? (positive? total-credits)))
(error 'queue
"~a: invariant violated: ~v"
`((has-waiters? ,has-waiters?)
(has-messages? ,has-messages?)
(total-credits ,total-credits)
(waiters ,(queue->list (waiters)))
(messages ,(queue->list (messages)))
(credits ,(hash->list (credits)))))))))
;; Example
(define (spawn-consumer consumer-id initial-credit #:variant [variant 'normal])
(actor #:name (list 'consumer consumer-id)
(react (assert (subscription 'q consumer-id))
(on-start (send! (credit 'q consumer-id initial-credit)))
(on (message (delivery 'q consumer-id $body))
(log-info "Consumer ~a got: ~a" consumer-id body)
(case variant
(send! (credit 'q consumer-id 1))]
(error consumer-id
"Hark, canst thou hear me? I will play the swan / and die in music.")]
[(overloaded) ;; don't issue credit
(assert (subscription 'q consumer-id))
(on-start (send! (credit 'q consumer-id initial-credit)))
(on (message (delivery 'q consumer-id $body))
(log-info "Consumer ~a got: ~a" consumer-id body)
(case variant
(send! (credit 'q consumer-id 1))]
(error consumer-id
"Hark, canst thou hear me? I will play the swan / and die in music.")]
[(overloaded) ;; don't issue credit
(actor (react (define/query-hash metrics (metric $k $v) k v)
(begin/dataflow (log-info " ~a" (hash->list (metrics))))))
(actor (define/query-hash metrics (metric $k $v) k v)
(begin/dataflow (log-info " ~a" (hash->list (metrics)))))
(spawn-queue 'q)
(spawn-consumer 'c1 2)
(spawn-consumer 'c2 2 #:variant 'crashy)
(spawn-consumer 'c3 3 #:variant 'overloaded)
(actor (until (asserted (observe (delivery _ 'q _))))
(for ((n (in-range 10)))
(send! (delivery #f 'q n))
;; (flush!)
(actor* (until (asserted (observe (delivery _ 'q _))))
(for ((n (in-range 10)))
(send! (delivery #f 'q n))
;; (flush!)

View File

@ -2,14 +2,13 @@
;; Demonstrates that fields may not be passed between actors.
(actor #:name 'reading-actor
(on (message `(read-from ,$this-field))
(log-info "Trying to read from ~a" this-field)
(log-info "Read: ~a" (this-field))
(send! `(read-successfully ,this-field)))))
(on (message `(read-from ,$this-field))
(log-info "Trying to read from ~a" this-field)
(log-info "Read: ~a" (this-field))
(send! `(read-successfully ,this-field))))
(actor #:name 'requesting-actor
(field [a 123])
(send! `(read-from ,a))
(until (message `(read-successfully ,a)))
(log-info "Done."))
(on-start (send! `(read-from ,a)))
(stop-when (message `(read-successfully ,a)))
(on-stop (log-info "Done.")))

View File

@ -3,19 +3,18 @@
;; facet, but not the other way around.
(actor #:name 'reading-actor
(field [top 123])
(on (message `(read-from ,$this-field))
(log-info "Trying to read from ~a" this-field)
(log-info "Read: ~a" (this-field))
(send! `(read-successfully ,this-field)))
(react (field [inner 234])
(log-info "Inner access to ~a: ~a" top (top)) ;; OK
(log-info "Inner access to ~a: ~a" inner (inner)) ;; OK
(send! `(read-from ,top)) ;; OK
(until (message `(read-successfully ,top)))
(send! `(read-from ,inner)) ;; Will cause a failure.
(until (message `(read-successfully ,inner))) ;; Will never happen.
(log-info "Done."))))))
(field [top 123])
(on (message `(read-from ,$this-field))
(log-info "Trying to read from ~a" this-field)
(log-info "Read: ~a" (this-field))
(send! `(read-successfully ,this-field)))
(react (field [inner 234])
(log-info "Inner access to ~a: ~a" top (top)) ;; OK
(log-info "Inner access to ~a: ~a" inner (inner)) ;; OK
(send! `(read-from ,top)) ;; OK
(until (message `(read-successfully ,top)))
(send! `(read-from ,inner)) ;; Will cause a failure.
(until (message `(read-successfully ,inner))) ;; Will never happen.
(log-info "Done.")))))

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
#lang syndicate/actor
;; Demonstrates that fields may not be passed between sibling facets.
(actor (react
(on (message `(read-from ,$this-field))
(log-info "Trying to read from ~a" this-field)
(log-info "Read: ~a" (this-field))
(send! `(read-successfully ,this-field))))
(field [a 123])
(send! `(read-from ,a))
(until (message `(read-successfully ,a)))
(log-info "Done."))))
(actor (on (message `(read-from ,$this-field))
(log-info "Trying to read from ~a" this-field)
(log-info "Read: ~a" (this-field))
(send! `(read-successfully ,this-field)))
(field [a 123])
(send! `(read-from ,a))
(until (message `(read-successfully ,a)))
(log-info "Done.")))))

View File

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
#lang syndicate/actor
;; Demonstrates that fields at actor scope are visible to facets.
(actor (field [x 123])
(on (message `(read-from ,$this-field))
(log-info "Trying to read from ~a" this-field)
(log-info "Read: ~a" (this-field))
(send! `(read-successfully ,this-field))))
(log-info "x in second facet: ~v (should be 123)" (x))
(send! `(read-from ,x))
(until (message `(read-successfully ,x)))
(log-info "Done."))))
(actor* (field [x 123])
(on (message `(read-from ,$this-field))
(log-info "Trying to read from ~a" this-field)
(log-info "Read: ~a" (this-field))
(send! `(read-successfully ,this-field))))
(log-info "x in second facet: ~v (should be 123)" (x))
(send! `(read-from ,x))
(until (message `(read-successfully ,x)))
(log-info "Done."))))

View File

@ -26,33 +26,33 @@
(define (cell-expr->actor-expr name expr)
(define bindings (set->list (extract-bindings expr)))
`(actor (until (message (set-cell ',name _))
(field ,@(for/list [(b bindings)] `[,b (void)]))
(assert #:when (andmap non-void-field? (list ,@bindings))
(cell ',name
(let (,@(for/list [(b bindings)] `(,b (,b))))
,@(for/list [(b bindings)]
`(on (asserted (cell ',b $value))
(,b value))))))
`(actor (stop-when (message (set-cell ',name _)))
(field ,@(for/list [(b bindings)] `[,b (void)]))
(assert #:when (andmap non-void-field? (list ,@bindings))
(cell ',name
(let (,@(for/list [(b bindings)] `(,b (,b))))
,@(for/list [(b bindings)]
`(on (asserted (cell ',b $value))
(,b value)))))
(actor (react (on (message (set-cell $name $expr))
(define actor-expr (cell-expr->actor-expr name expr))
;; (local-require racket/pretty) (pretty-print actor-expr)
(eval actor-expr (namespace-anchor->namespace ns)))))
(actor (on (message (set-cell $name $expr))
(define actor-expr (cell-expr->actor-expr name expr))
;; (local-require racket/pretty) (pretty-print actor-expr)
(eval actor-expr (namespace-anchor->namespace ns))))
(actor (react (on (asserted (cell $name $value))
(printf ">>> ~a ~v\n" name value)
(actor (on (asserted (cell $name $value))
(printf ">>> ~a ~v\n" name value)
(actor (void (thread (lambda ()
(actor (stop-when (message (inbound 'quit)))
(on (message (inbound (set-cell $name $expr)))
(send! (set-cell name expr)))
(void (thread (lambda ()
(let loop ()
(define cell-name (read))
(if (eof-object? cell-name)
(send-ground-message 'quit)
(let ((new-expr (read)))
(send-ground-message (set-cell cell-name new-expr))
(until (message (inbound 'quit))
(on (message (inbound (set-cell $name $expr)))
(send! (set-cell name expr)))))

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
(define-syntax while-relevant-assert
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ P)
(until (retracted (observe P))
(begin (stop-when (retracted (observe P)))
(assert P))]))
@ -83,43 +83,43 @@
(define (seller)
(actor (react (field [books (hash "The Wind in the Willows" 3.95
"Catch 22" 2.22
"Candide" 34.95)]
[next-order-id 10001483])
(actor (field [books (hash "The Wind in the Willows" 3.95
"Catch 22" 2.22
"Candide" 34.95)]
[next-order-id 10001483])
;; Give quotes to interested parties.
;; Give quotes to interested parties.
(during (observe (book-quote $title _))
(assert (book-quote title (hash-ref (books) title #f))))
;; Respond to order requests.
(on (asserted (observe (order $title $offer-price _ _)))
(define asking-price (hash-ref (books) title #f))
[(or (not asking-price) (< offer-price asking-price))
;; We cannot sell a book we do not have, and we will not sell for less
;; than our asking price.
(during (observe (book-quote $title _))
(assert (book-quote title (hash-ref (books) title #f))))
(react (while-relevant-assert (order title offer-price #f #f)))]
;; Respond to order requests.
;; Allocate an order ID.
(on (asserted (observe (order $title $offer-price _ _)))
(define asking-price (hash-ref (books) title #f))
(define order-id (next-order-id))
(next-order-id (+ order-id 1))
[(or (not asking-price) (< offer-price asking-price))
;; We cannot sell a book we do not have, and we will not sell for less
;; than our asking price.
(while-relevant-assert (order title offer-price #f #f))]
;; Remove the book from our shelves.
(books (hash-remove (books) title))
;; Allocate an order ID.
(define order-id (next-order-id))
(next-order-id (+ order-id 1))
;; Remove the book from our shelves.
(books (hash-remove (books) title))
;; Tell the ordering party their order ID and delivery date.
(order title offer-price order-id "March 9th")))])))))
;; Tell the ordering party their order ID and delivery date.
(order title offer-price order-id "March 9th")))]))))
@ -175,64 +175,62 @@
(log-info "A learns that the split-proposal for ~v was rejected" title)
(try-to-split (+ contribution (/ (- price contribution) 2)))))]))])]))
(actor (try-to-buy (list "Catch 22"
"Encyclopaedia Brittannica"
"The Wind in the Willows")
(actor* (try-to-buy (list "Catch 22"
"Encyclopaedia Brittannica"
"The Wind in the Willows")
(define (buyer-b)
(actor (react
(actor ;; This actor maintains a record of the amount of money it has to spend.
(field [funds 5.00])
;; This actor maintains a record of the amount of money it has to spend.
(field [funds 5.00])
(on (asserted (observe (split-proposal $title $price $their-contribution _)))
(on (asserted (observe (split-proposal $title $price $their-contribution _)))
(define my-contribution (- price their-contribution))
(log-info "B is being asked to contribute ~a toward ~v at price ~a"
(define my-contribution (- price their-contribution))
(log-info "B is being asked to contribute ~a toward ~v at price ~a"
[(> my-contribution (funds))
(log-info "B hasn't enough funds (~a remaining)" (funds))
(react (while-relevant-assert (split-proposal title price their-contribution #f)))]
[(> my-contribution (funds))
(log-info "B hasn't enough funds (~a remaining)" (funds))
(while-relevant-assert (split-proposal title price their-contribution #f))]
;; Spawn a small actor (TODO: when we revise actor.rkt's implementation style,
;; this could perhaps be a facet rather than a full actor) to handle the
;; actual purchase now that we have agreed on a split.
(actor (define-values (order-id delivery-date)
;; Spawn a small actor (TODO: when we revise actor.rkt's implementation style,
;; this could perhaps be a facet rather than a full actor) to handle the
;; actual purchase now that we have agreed on a split.
(actor* (define-values (order-id delivery-date)
(react/suspend (yield)
;; While we are in this state, waiting for order confirmation, take
;; the opportunity to signal to our SPLIT-PROPOSER that we accepted
;; their proposal.
(assert (split-proposal title price their-contribution #t))
;; While we are in this state, waiting for order confirmation, take
;; the opportunity to signal to our SPLIT-PROPOSER that we accepted
;; their proposal.
(assert (split-proposal title price their-contribution #t))
(stop-when (asserted (order title price $id $date))
;; We have received order confirmation from the SELLER.
(yield id date))))
(log-info "The order for ~v has id ~a, and will be delivered on ~a"
(stop-when (asserted (order title price $id $date))
;; We have received order confirmation from the SELLER.
(yield id date))))
(log-info "The order for ~v has id ~a, and will be delivered on ~a"
;; Meanwhile, update our records of our available funds, and continue to wait
;; for more split-proposals to arrive.
(define remaining-funds (- (funds) my-contribution))
(log-info "B accepts the offer, leaving them with ~a remaining funds"
(funds remaining-funds)])))))
;; Meanwhile, update our records of our available funds, and continue to wait
;; for more split-proposals to arrive.
(define remaining-funds (- (funds) my-contribution))
(log-info "B accepts the offer, leaving them with ~a remaining funds"
(funds remaining-funds)]))))

View File

@ -6,29 +6,27 @@
(require net/url)
(actor #:name 'server
(define vh (web-virtual-host "http" ? 9090))
(define vh (web-virtual-host "http" ? 9090))
(assert vh)
(assert vh)
(on (web-request-incoming (id req) vh _ ("ws" ()))
(assert (web-response-websocket id))
(stop-when (websocket-connection-closed id) (log-info "Connection dropped"))
(stop-when (websocket-message-recv id "quit") (log-info "Received quit command"))
(on (websocket-message-recv id $str)
(log-info "Got ~v" str)
(websocket-message-send! id str)))))
(on (web-request-incoming (id req) vh _ ("ws" ()))
(assert (web-response-websocket id))
(stop-when (websocket-connection-closed id) (log-info "Connection dropped"))
(stop-when (websocket-message-recv id "quit") (log-info "Received quit command"))
(on (websocket-message-recv id $str)
(log-info "Got ~v" str)
(websocket-message-send! id str))))
(field [counter 0])
(on (web-request-get (id req) vh ("foo" ,$path))
(define req-num (counter))
(counter (+ (counter) 1))
(web-respond/xexpr! id
(h1 "Hi there.")
(p ,(format "Your path was ~v, and this is request ~a"
(field [counter 0])
(on (web-request-get (id req) vh ("foo" ,$path))
(define req-num (counter))
(counter (+ (counter) 1))
(web-respond/xexpr! id
(h1 "Hi there.")
(p ,(format "Your path was ~v, and this is request ~a"

View File

@ -13,74 +13,73 @@
(on-start (send! (set-timer timer-id (* sec 1000.0) 'relative)))))
(actor #:name 'server
(field [counter 0])
(assert vh)
(field [counter 0])
(assert vh)
(on (message (web-request $id
($ req (web-request-header _ (web-resource vh `("ws" ())) _ _))
(actor (react
(assert (web-response-websocket id))
(stop-when (retracted (observe (websocket-message id 'outbound _)))
(log-info "Connection dropped"))
(stop-when (message (websocket-message id 'inbound "quit"))
(log-info "Received quit command"))
(on (message (websocket-message id 'inbound $str))
(log-info "Got ~v" str)
(define u (string->url str))
(when (url-scheme u)
(let ((r (gensym 'client)))
(react (on-start
(send! (web-request r
(web-request-header 'get
(url->resource u)
(stop-when (asserted (web-response-complete r $h $body))
(log-info "Got headers back: ~v" h)
(log-info "Got body back: ~v" body)))))
(send! (websocket-message id 'outbound str))))))
(on (message (web-request $id
($ req (web-request-header _ (web-resource vh `("ws" ())) _ _))
(actor (react
(assert (web-response-websocket id))
(stop-when (retracted (observe (websocket-message id 'outbound _)))
(log-info "Connection dropped"))
(stop-when (message (websocket-message id 'inbound "quit"))
(log-info "Received quit command"))
(on (message (websocket-message id 'inbound $str))
(log-info "Got ~v" str)
(define u (string->url str))
(when (url-scheme u)
(let ((r (gensym 'client)))
(react (on-start
(send! (web-request r
(web-request-header 'get
(url->resource u)
(stop-when (asserted (web-response-complete r $h $body))
(log-info "Got headers back: ~v" h)
(log-info "Got body back: ~v" body)))))
(send! (websocket-message id 'outbound str))))))
(on (message (web-request $id
(web-request-header 'get (web-resource vh `("slow" ())) _ _)
(react (field [done? #f])
(stop-when (rising-edge (done?)))
(assert (web-response-chunked id
(web-response-header #:message #"Slowly"
#:mime-type #"text/plain")))
(on (asserted (observe (web-response-chunk id _)))
;; TODO: output-response-body/chunked in web-server's response.rkt
;; doesn't flush each chunk as it appears. Should it?
;; TODO: this kind of protocol pattern appears quite frequently. Perhaps
;; we want a general-purpose *stream* protocol? For use by TCP,
;; websockets, etc etc.
(send! (web-response-chunk id #"first\n"))
(sleep 2)
(send! (web-response-chunk id #"second\n"))
(sleep 2)
(send! (web-response-chunk id #"third\n"))
(sleep 2)
(done? #t))))
(on (message (web-request $id
(web-request-header 'get (web-resource vh `("slow" ())) _ _)
(react (field [done? #f])
(stop-when (rising-edge (done?)))
(assert (web-response-chunked id
(web-response-header #:message #"Slowly"
#:mime-type #"text/plain")))
(on (asserted (observe (web-response-chunk id _)))
;; TODO: output-response-body/chunked in web-server's response.rkt
;; doesn't flush each chunk as it appears. Should it?
;; TODO: this kind of protocol pattern appears quite frequently. Perhaps
;; we want a general-purpose *stream* protocol? For use by TCP,
;; websockets, etc etc.
(send! (web-response-chunk id #"first\n"))
(sleep 2)
(send! (web-response-chunk id #"second\n"))
(sleep 2)
(send! (web-response-chunk id #"third\n"))
(sleep 2)
(done? #t))))
(on (message (web-request $id
(web-request-header 'get (web-resource vh `("foo" ,$path)) _ _)
(define req-num (counter))
(counter (+ (counter) 1))
(send! (web-response-complete
(web-response-header #:mime-type #"text/plain")
(format "Hi there. Your path was ~v, and this is request ~a"
(on (message (web-request $id
(web-request-header 'get (web-resource vh `("foo" ,$path)) _ _)
(define req-num (counter))
(counter (+ (counter) 1))
(send! (web-response-complete
(web-response-header #:mime-type #"text/plain")
(format "Hi there. Your path was ~v, and this is request ~a"

View File

@ -12,34 +12,34 @@
(struct path-exists (from to) #:prefab) ;; Hmm.
(struct min-cost (from to cost) #:prefab)
(actor (forever (assert (link 1 3 -2))
(assert (link 2 1 4))
(assert (link 2 3 3))
(assert (link 3 4 2))
(assert (link 4 2 -1))))
(actor (assert (link 1 3 -2))
(assert (link 2 1 4))
(assert (link 2 3 3))
(assert (link 3 4 2))
(assert (link 4 2 -1)))
(actor (forever (during (link $from $to $cost)
(assert (path-exists from to))
(assert (path from to cost)))))
(actor (during (link $from $to $cost)
(assert (path-exists from to))
(assert (path from to cost))))
(actor (forever (during (link $A $B $link-cost)
(during (path B $C $path-cost)
(assert (path-exists A C))
(assert (path A C (+ link-cost path-cost)))))))
(actor (during (link $A $B $link-cost)
(during (path B $C $path-cost)
(assert (path-exists A C))
(assert (path A C (+ link-cost path-cost))))))
(actor (forever (during (path-exists $from $to)
(field [costs (set)] [least +inf.0])
(assert (min-cost from to (least)))
(on (asserted (path from to $cost))
(costs (set-add (costs) cost))
(least (min (least) cost)))
(on (retracted (path from to $cost))
(define new-costs (set-remove (costs) cost))
(costs new-costs)
(least (for/fold [(least +inf.0)] [(x new-costs)] (min x least)))))))
(actor (during (path-exists $from $to)
(field [costs (set)] [least +inf.0])
(assert (min-cost from to (least)))
(on (asserted (path from to $cost))
(costs (set-add (costs) cost))
(least (min (least) cost)))
(on (retracted (path from to $cost))
(define new-costs (set-remove (costs) cost))
(costs new-costs)
(least (for/fold [(least +inf.0)] [(x new-costs)] (min x least))))))
;; (actor (forever (during (path $from $to $cost)
;; (on-start (displayln `(+ ,(path from to cost))))
;; (on-stop (displayln `(- ,(path from to cost)))))))
(actor (forever (on (asserted (min-cost $from $to $cost))
(displayln (min-cost from to cost)))))
(actor (during (path $from $to $cost)
(on-start (displayln `(+ ,(path from to cost))))
(on-stop (displayln `(- ,(path from to cost))))))
(actor (on (asserted (min-cost $from $to $cost))
(displayln (min-cost from to cost))))

View File

@ -11,35 +11,35 @@
(struct path-exists (from to) #:prefab) ;; Hmm.
(struct min-cost (from to cost) #:prefab)
(actor (forever (assert (link 1 3 -2))
(assert (link 2 1 4))
(assert (link 2 3 3))
(assert (link 3 4 2))
(assert (link 4 2 -1))))
(actor (assert (link 1 3 -2))
(assert (link 2 1 4))
(assert (link 2 3 3))
(assert (link 3 4 2))
(assert (link 4 2 -1)))
(actor (forever (during (link $from $to $cost)
(assert (path-exists from to))
(assert (path from to (set from to) cost)))))
(actor (during (link $from $to $cost)
(assert (path-exists from to))
(assert (path from to (set from to) cost))))
(actor (forever (during (link $A $B $link-cost)
(during (path B $C $seen $path-cost)
(assert #:when (not (set-member? seen A)) (path-exists A C))
(assert #:when (not (set-member? seen A))
(path A C (set-add seen A) (+ link-cost path-cost)))))))
(actor (during (link $A $B $link-cost)
(during (path B $C $seen $path-cost)
(assert #:when (not (set-member? seen A)) (path-exists A C))
(assert #:when (not (set-member? seen A))
(path A C (set-add seen A) (+ link-cost path-cost))))))
(actor (forever (during (path-exists $from $to)
(field [costs (set)] [least +inf.0])
(assert (min-cost from to (least)))
(on (asserted (path from to _ $cost))
(costs (set-add (costs) cost))
(least (min (least) cost)))
(on (retracted (path from to _ $cost))
(define new-costs (set-remove (costs) cost))
(costs new-costs)
(least (for/fold [(least +inf.0)] [(x new-costs)] (min x least)))))))
(actor (during (path-exists $from $to)
(field [costs (set)] [least +inf.0])
(assert (min-cost from to (least)))
(on (asserted (path from to _ $cost))
(costs (set-add (costs) cost))
(least (min (least) cost)))
(on (retracted (path from to _ $cost))
(define new-costs (set-remove (costs) cost))
(costs new-costs)
(least (for/fold [(least +inf.0)] [(x new-costs)] (min x least))))))
(actor (forever (during (path $from $to $seen $cost)
(on-start (displayln `(+ ,(path from to seen cost))))
(on-stop (displayln `(- ,(path from to seen cost)))))))
(actor (forever (on (asserted (min-cost $from $to $cost))
(displayln (min-cost from to cost)))))
(actor (during (path $from $to $seen $cost)
(on-start (displayln `(+ ,(path from to seen cost))))
(on-stop (displayln `(- ,(path from to seen cost))))))
(actor (on (asserted (min-cost $from $to $cost))
(displayln (min-cost from to cost))))

View File

@ -26,15 +26,14 @@
(define (rearm!) (send! (set-timer h 1000 'relative)))
(on-start (rearm!))
(assert (udp-multicast-group-member h group-address #f))
(assert (udp-multicast-loopback h #t))
(on (message (udp-packet $source h $body))
(printf "~a: ~a\n" source body))
(on (message (timer-expired h $now))
(send! (udp-packet h
(udp-remote-address group-address group-port)
(string->bytes/utf-8 (format "~a ~a" me now)))))))
(assert (udp-multicast-group-member h group-address #f))
(assert (udp-multicast-loopback h #t))
(on (message (udp-packet $source h $body))
(printf "~a: ~a\n" source body))
(on (message (timer-expired h $now))
(send! (udp-packet h
(udp-remote-address group-address group-port)
(string->bytes/utf-8 (format "~a ~a" me now))))))

View File

@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
(define (generate-reader-id)
(begin0 reader-count
(set! reader-count (+ reader-count 1))))
(actor (react (assert (advertise (websocket-message c s _)))
(on (asserted (websocket-peer-details c s $la _ $ra _))
(log-info "~a: local ~v :: remote ~v" c la ra))
(on (message (inbound (external-event e (list (? bytes? $bs)))))
(send! (websocket-message c s bs)))
(on (message (websocket-message s c $bs))
(printf "(From server: ~v)\n" bs))
(stop-when (message (inbound (external-event e (list (? eof-object? _)))))
(printf "Local EOF. Terminating.\n"))
(stop-when (retracted (advertise (websocket-message s c _)))
(printf "Server disconnected.\n")))))
(actor (assert (advertise (websocket-message c s _)))
(on (asserted (websocket-peer-details c s $la _ $ra _))
(log-info "~a: local ~v :: remote ~v" c la ra))
(on (message (inbound (external-event e (list (? bytes? $bs)))))
(send! (websocket-message c s bs)))
(on (message (websocket-message s c $bs))
(printf "(From server: ~v)\n" bs))
(stop-when (message (inbound (external-event e (list (? eof-object? _)))))
(printf "Local EOF. Terminating.\n"))
(stop-when (retracted (advertise (websocket-message s c _)))
(printf "Server disconnected.\n"))))

View File

@ -9,18 +9,18 @@
(define ssl-server-id (websocket-local-server 8084 (websocket-ssl-options "server-cert.pem"
(actor (forever (assert (advertise (observe (websocket-message any-client tcp-server-id _))))
(on (asserted (advertise (websocket-message ($ c any-client) tcp-server-id _)))
(handle-connection tcp-server-id c))))
(actor (forever (assert (advertise (observe (websocket-message any-client ssl-server-id _))))
(on (asserted (advertise (websocket-message ($ c any-client) ssl-server-id _)))
(handle-connection ssl-server-id c))))
(actor (assert (advertise (observe (websocket-message any-client tcp-server-id _))))
(on (asserted (advertise (websocket-message ($ c any-client) tcp-server-id _)))
(handle-connection tcp-server-id c)))
(actor (assert (advertise (observe (websocket-message any-client ssl-server-id _))))
(on (asserted (advertise (websocket-message ($ c any-client) ssl-server-id _)))
(handle-connection ssl-server-id c)))
(define (handle-connection s c)
(actor (until (retracted (advertise (websocket-message c s _)))
(on (asserted (websocket-peer-details s c $la _ $ra _))
(log-info "~a: local ~v :: remote ~v" c la ra))
(on (message (websocket-message c s $body))
(log-info "~a: ~v" c body)
(send! (websocket-message s c body))))
(log-info "~a: disconnected" c)))
(actor (stop-when (retracted (advertise (websocket-message c s _))))
(on (asserted (websocket-peer-details s c $la _ $ra _))
(log-info "~a: local ~v :: remote ~v" c la ra))
(on (message (websocket-message c s $body))
(log-info "~a: ~v" c body)
(send! (websocket-message s c body)))
(on-stop (log-info "~a: disconnected" c))))

View File

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide spawn-threaded-actor
actor/thread ;; \__ once dataspace is split into mux and relay, these two
dataspace/thread) ;; / will be very thin convenience macros over a common impl.
actor/thread ;; \__ once dataspace is split into mux and relay, these three
actor*/thread ;; | will be very thin convenience macros over a common impl.
dataspace/thread) ;; /
(require racket/match)
(require (for-syntax racket/base))
(require (except-in syndicate dataspace))
(require (only-in syndicate/actor actor dataspace schedule-action!))
(require (only-in syndicate/actor actor actor* dataspace schedule-action!))
(require syndicate/hierarchy)
(require syndicate/store)
@ -73,6 +74,12 @@
(spawn-threaded-actor (lambda () (actor body ...))))]))
(define-syntax actor*/thread
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ body ...)
(spawn-threaded-actor (lambda () (actor* body ...))))]))
(define-syntax dataspace/thread
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ body ...)