Add "during".

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2016-02-29 10:24:25 -05:00
parent 5b328a1786
commit 07785e9232
4 changed files with 135 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ Just a sketch, at the moment.
Optional Bindings, B := ;; nothing, or
#:collect [(id I) ...]
Ongoing actions, O := (on E I ...)
(during P O ...)
(once E I ...) ;; ???
(assert P)
(assert #:when Pred P)
@ -101,6 +102,15 @@ Note that `exists` (and so `forall`) are tricky because of the nested
`Pred`. For now, I'm not implementing them -- we'll see how painful it
is to use `track` and plain-old `expr` `Pred`s instead.
`during` is a quasi-macro, with defining equation
(during P O ...) === (on (asserted P)
(until (retracted P')
O ...))
where `P'` is like `P` but with all the binders in `P` instantiated
with their values at the time the `until` is started.
## Examples

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
(define&provide-dsl-helper-syntaxes "state/until/forever form"
@ -223,6 +224,10 @@
(pattern (~seq #:init [I ...]))
(pattern (~seq) #:attr [I 1] '()))
(define-splicing-syntax-class done
(pattern (~seq #:done [I ...]))
(pattern (~seq) #:attr [I 1] '()))
(define-splicing-syntax-class bindings
(pattern (~seq #:collect [(id init) ...]))
(pattern (~seq) #:attr [id 1] '() #:attr [init 1] '())))
@ -236,8 +241,8 @@
;; Sugar
(define-syntax (until stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ E init:init bs:bindings O ...)
#'(state #:init [init.I ...] [#:collect [( bs.init) ...] O ...] [E (values)])]))
[(_ E init:init done:done bs:bindings O ...)
#'(state #:init [init.I ...] [#:collect [( bs.init) ...] O ...] [E done.I ... (values)])]))
;; Sugar
(define-syntax (forever stx)
@ -499,7 +504,8 @@
(define (analyze-asserted-or-retracted! endpoint-index asserted? outer-expr-stx P-stx I-stxs L-stx)
(define-values (proj-stx pat match-pat bindings) (analyze-pattern outer-expr-stx P-stx))
(define-values (proj-stx pat match-pat bindings _instantiated)
(analyze-pattern outer-expr-stx P-stx))
(add-assertion-maintainer! endpoint-index #'sub pat #f L-stx)
(lambda (evt-stx)
@ -527,7 +533,8 @@
#`(at-meta #,(prepend-at-meta-stx stx (- level 1)))))
(define (analyze-message-subscription! endpoint-index outer-expr-stx P-stx I-stxs L-stx)
(define-values (proj pat match-pat bindings) (analyze-pattern outer-expr-stx P-stx))
(define-values (proj pat match-pat bindings _instantiated)
(analyze-pattern outer-expr-stx P-stx))
(add-assertion-maintainer! endpoint-index #'sub pat #f L-stx)
(lambda (evt-stx)
@ -567,8 +574,17 @@
#,(make-run-script-call E-stx #'s I-stxs)
(transition s '())))))))]))
(define (analyze-during! index P-stx O-stxs)
(define E-stx #`(asserted #,P-stx))
(define-values (_proj _pat _match-pat _bindings instantiated) (analyze-pattern E-stx P-stx))
(define I-stx #`(until (retracted #,instantiated) #,@O-stxs))
(local-require racket/pretty)
(pretty-print (syntax->datum I-stx))
(analyze-event! index E-stx #`(#,I-stx)))
(define (analyze-assertion! index Pred-stx outer-expr-stx P-stx L-stx)
(define-values (proj pat match-pat bindings) (analyze-pattern outer-expr-stx P-stx))
(define-values (proj pat match-pat bindings _instantiated)
(analyze-pattern outer-expr-stx P-stx))
(add-assertion-maintainer! index #'core:assert pat Pred-stx L-stx))
(define (analyze-tracks! index track-spec-stxs I-stxs)
@ -589,9 +605,11 @@
(for [(ongoing (in-list (syntax->list ongoings)))
(ongoing-index (in-naturals))]
(syntax-parse ongoing
#:literals [on assert track]
#:literals [on during assert track]
[(on E I ...)
(analyze-event! ongoing-index #'E #'(I ...))]
[(during P O ...)
(analyze-during! ongoing-index #'P #'(O ...))]
[(assert w:when-pred P L:meta-level)
(analyze-assertion! ongoing-index #'w.Pred ongoing #'P #'L.level)]
[(track [track-spec ...] I ...)
@ -732,15 +750,15 @@
(and (dollar-id? stx)
(datum->syntax stx (string->symbol (substring (symbol->string (syntax-e stx)) 1)))))
;; Syntax -> (Values Projection AssertionSetPattern MatchPattern (ListOf Identifier))
;; Syntax -> (Values Projection AssertionSetPattern MatchPattern (ListOf Identifier) Syntax)
(define (analyze-pattern outer-expr-stx pat-stx0)
(let walk ((pat-stx pat-stx0))
(syntax-case pat-stx ($ ? quasiquote unquote quote)
;; Extremely limited support for quasiquoting and quoting
[(quasiquote (unquote p)) (walk #'p)]
[(quasiquote (p ...)) (walk #'(list (quasiquote p) ...))]
[(quasiquote p) (values #''p #''p #''p '())]
[(quote p) (values #''p #''p #''p '())]
[(quasiquote p) (values #''p #''p #''p '() #''p)]
[(quote p) (values #''p #''p #''p '() #''p)]
(dollar-id? #'$v)
@ -748,17 +766,19 @@
(values #'(?!)
(list #'v)))]
(list #'v)
[($ v p)
(let ()
(define-values (pr g m bs) (walk #'p))
(define-values (pr g m bs _ins) (walk #'p))
(when (not (null? bs))
(raise-syntax-error #f "nested bindings not supported" outer-expr-stx pat-stx))
(values #`(?! #,pr)
#`(and v #,m)
(list #'v)))]
(list #'v)
[(? pred? p)
;; TODO: support pred? in asserted/retracted as well as message events
@ -770,31 +790,35 @@
"Predicate '?' matching only supported in message events"
(define-values (pr g m bs) (walk #'p))
(define-values (pr g m bs ins) (walk #'p))
(values pr
#`(? pred? #,m)
[(ctor p ...)
(let ()
(define parts (if (identifier? #'ctor) #'(p ...) #'(ctor p ...)))
(define-values (pr g m bs)
(for/fold [(pr '()) (g '()) (m '()) (bs '())] [(p (syntax->list parts))]
(define-values (pr1 g1 m1 bs1) (walk p))
(define-values (pr g m bs ins)
(for/fold [(pr '()) (g '()) (m '()) (bs '()) (ins '())] [(p (syntax->list parts))]
(define-values (pr1 g1 m1 bs1 ins1) (walk p))
(values (cons pr1 pr)
(cons g1 g)
(cons m1 m)
(append bs bs1))))
(append bs bs1)
(cons ins1 ins))))
(if (identifier? #'ctor)
(values (cons #'ctor (reverse pr))
(cons #'ctor (reverse g))
(cons #'ctor (reverse m))
(cons #'ctor (reverse ins)))
(values (reverse pr)
(reverse g)
(reverse m)
(reverse ins))))]
(raise-syntax-error #f
@ -808,11 +832,13 @@
(values #'?
(values #'non-pair
#'(== non-pair)
@ -855,11 +881,12 @@
(define (analyze-and-print pat-stx)
(let-values (((pr g m bs) (analyze-pattern pat-stx pat-stx)))
(let-values (((pr g m bs ins) (analyze-pattern pat-stx pat-stx)))
(pretty-print `((pr ,(map syntax->datum pr))
(g ,(map syntax->datum g))
(m ,(map syntax->datum m))
(bs ,(map syntax->datum bs))))))
(bs ,(map syntax->datum bs))
(ins ,(map syntax->datum ins))))))
#;(analyze-and-print #'`(hello ,$who)))
@ -867,6 +894,11 @@
(until (rising-edge (= count 10))
#:collect [(count 0)]
(during `(present ,$p)
#:collect [(utterance-count 0)]
(on (message `(says ,p ,$what))
(println "(~a) ~a says: ~a" utterance-count p what)
(+ utterance-count 1)))
(on (message `(hello ,$who))
(println "Got hello: ~a" who)
(+ count 1))))))

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
; (SyntaxOf TempVar TempVar Projection-Pattern Match-Pattern)
(define (helper pat-stx outer-stx)
(match-define (list temp1 temp2) (generate-temporaries #'(tmp1 tmp2)))
(define-values (proj-stx pat match-pat bindings)
(define-values (proj-stx pat match-pat bindings _instantiated)
(analyze-pattern outer-stx pat-stx))
(list temp1 temp2 proj-stx bindings)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
#lang prospect
;; Toy file system, based on the example in the ESOP2016 submission.
;; prospect/actor implementation.
(require prospect/actor)
(require prospect/drivers/timer)
(require (only-in racket/port read-bytes-line-evt))
(require (only-in racket/string string-trim string-split))
(struct file (name content) #:prefab)
(struct save (file) #:prefab)
(struct delete (name) #:prefab)
(actor (forever #:collect [(files (hash))]
(during (observe (file $name _))
#:init [(printf "At least one reader exists for ~v\n" name)]
#:done [(printf "No remaining readers exist for ~v\n" name)]
#:collect [(content (hash-ref files name #f))]
(assert (file name content))
(on (message (save (file name $content))) content)
(on (message (delete name)) #f))
(on (message (save (file $name $content))) (hash-set files name content))
(on (message (delete $name)) (hash-remove files name))))
(define (sleep sec)
(define timer-id (gensym 'sleep))
(until (message (timer-expired timer-id _))
#:init [(send! (set-timer timer-id (* sec 1000.0) 'relative))]))
;; Shell
(let ((e (read-bytes-line-evt (current-input-port) 'any)))
(define (print-prompt)
(printf "> ")
(define reader-count 0)
(define (generate-reader-id)
(begin0 reader-count
(set! reader-count (+ reader-count 1))))
(actor (print-prompt)
(until (message (external-event e (list (? eof-object? _))) #:meta-level 1)
(on (message (external-event e (list (? bytes? $bs))) #:meta-level 1)
(match (string-split (string-trim (bytes->string/utf-8 bs)))
[(list "open" name)
(define reader-id (generate-reader-id))
(actor (printf "Reader ~a opening file ~v.\n" reader-id name)
(until (message `(stop-watching ,name))
(on (asserted (file name $contents))
(printf "Reader ~a sees that ~v contains: ~v\n"
(printf "Reader ~a closing file ~v.\n" reader-id name))]
[(list "close" name)
(send! `(stop-watching ,name))]
[(list* "write" name words)
(send! (save (file name words)))]
[(list "delete" name)
(send! (delete name))]
(printf "I'm afraid I didn't understand that.\n")
(printf "Try: open filename\n")
(printf " close filename\n")
(printf " write filename some text goes here\n")
(printf " delete filename\n")])
(sleep 0.1)