fix several bugs in role graph analysis

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2020-05-29 11:15:07 -04:00
parent af8dbeaa4b
commit 060ca752f3
2 changed files with 271 additions and 88 deletions

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@ -129,9 +129,17 @@
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Compiling Roles to state machines
;; a RoleGraph is a
;; (role-graph StateName (Hashof StateName State))
;; describing the initial state and the behavior in each state.
(struct role-graph (st0 states) #:transparent)
;; a State is a (state StateName (Hashof D+ (Setof Transition)))
(struct state (name transitions) #:transparent)
;; a StateName is a (Setof FacetName)
;; let's assume that all FacetNames are unique
;; a Transition is a (transition (Listof TransitionEffect) StateName)
(struct transition (effs dest) #:transparent)
;; a TransitionEffect is one of
@ -139,7 +147,6 @@
;; - (realize τ)
(struct send (ty) #:transparent)
(struct realize (ty) #:transparent)
(struct state (name transitions) #:transparent)
;; a FacetTree is a
;; (facet-tree (Hashof FacetName (Listof FacetName))
@ -150,11 +157,6 @@
;; parent of a root facet is #f
(struct facet-tree (down up) #:transparent)
;; a RoleGraph is a
;; (role-graph StateName (Hashof StateName State))
;; describing the initial state and the behavior in each state.
(struct role-graph (st0 states) #:transparent)
;; RoleGraph -> Nat
(define (role-graph-size rg)
(for/sum ([st (in-hash-values (role-graph-states rg))])
@ -167,7 +169,9 @@
;; facet(s)
;; ASSUME role has already had internal events labelled
(define (compile role)
;; roles# : (Hashof FacetName TransitionDesc)
(define roles# (describe-roles role))
;; ft : FacetTree
(define ft (make-facet-tree role))
(let loop ([work-list (list (set (Role-nm role)))]
[states (hash)])
@ -274,11 +278,11 @@
[(cons (work-item from path/r to by with effs) more-work)
(define prev (if (empty? path/r) from (first path/r)))
(define txn# (state-transitions (hash-ref orig-st#+ to)))
(define visited+ (set-add visited to))
(define new-state-changes (route-internal (hash-ref assertion# prev)
(hash-ref assertion# to)))
(define state-changes* (for/list ([D (in-set new-state-changes)]
#:when (hash-has-key? txn# D))
#:when (for/or ([D/actual (in-hash-keys txn#)])
(D<:? D D/actual)))
(define started (for*/list ([fn (in-set (set-subtract to prev))]
[D (in-value (StartOf fn))]
@ -342,6 +346,7 @@
[(ormap empty? induced-work)
;; this is the end of some path
(define visited+ (set-add visited to))
(define new-paths-work
(for*/list (#:unless (set-member? visited to)
[(D txns) (in-hash txn#)]
@ -355,9 +360,7 @@
(define new-st# (update-path st# from to by effs))
(walk (append more-work induced-work* new-paths-work) visited+ new-st#)]
(walk (append more-work induced-work*) visited+ st#)])]))
(local-require racket/trace)
#;(trace walk)
(walk (append more-work induced-work*) visited st#)])]))
(walk (list (work-item (set) '() st0 StartEvt '() '()))
@ -390,7 +393,7 @@
(Realizes Int))
(Reacts OnStart
(Realizes Int))))
(define r (parse-T cyclic))
(define r (label-internal-events (parse-T cyclic)))
(define rg (compile r))
(define i (run/timeout (thunk (compile/internal-events rg r))))
(check-true (list? i))
@ -399,8 +402,8 @@
;; the first 'x -> 'x cycle is ignored because it's a Start event
(check-equal? path (list (set) (set 'x) (set 'x) (set 'x)))
(check-equal? kick-off StartEvt)
(check-equal? evt (Realize Int))
(check-equal? edge (Realize Int)))
(check-match evt (Realize (internal-label _ (== Int))))
(check-match edge (Realize (internal-label _ (== Int)))))
"interesting internal start event"
@ -442,16 +445,32 @@
(check-true (hash-has-key? state# (set 'x)))
(define txn# (state-transitions (hash-ref state# (set 'x))))
(check-equal? txn#
(hash (Asserted Int) (set (transition (list (send Int)) (set 'x 'y)))))))
(hash (Asserted Int) (set (transition (list (send Int)) (set 'x 'y))))))
"regression: type equality instead of subtyping on internal transitions"
(define desc '(Role (x)
(Know (Tuple Int))
(Reacts (Know (Tuple ★/t))
(Role (y)))))
(define role (run/timeout (thunk (label-internal-events (parse-T desc)))))
(define rg (run/timeout (thunk (compile role))))
(check-true (role-graph? rg))
(define rgi (run/timeout (thunk (compile/internal-events rg role))))
(check-true (role-graph? rgi))
(check-equal? rgi
(role-graph (set 'x 'y)
(hash (set 'x 'y) (state (set 'x 'y)
;; (Setof τ) (Setof τ) -> (Setof D)
;; Subtyping-based assertion routing (*not* intersection - TODO)
(define (route-internal prev current)
;; note that messages are handled separately, don't need to worry about them
;; here
(define old-interests (interests prev))
(define old-interests (internal-interests prev))
(define old-matches (matching-interests old-interests prev))
(define new-interests (interests current))
(define new-interests (internal-interests current))
(define new-matches (matching-interests new-interests current))
(define appeared (label-assertions (assertion-delta new-matches old-matches) Know))
(define disappeared (label-assertions (assertion-delta old-matches new-matches) Forget))
@ -459,12 +478,50 @@
(define newly-relevant (label-assertions (matching-interests appearing-interests current) Know))
(set-union appeared disappeared newly-relevant))
(module+ test
"test routing"
(define interest (internal-label 'x
(parse-τ '(Observe
(SlotAssignment (ReqID (Bind (Tuple Int Symbol))
(Bind Symbol))
(define request (internal-label 'x
(parse-τ '(SlotAssignment (ReqID (Tuple Int Symbol) Symbol)
(Bind Symbol)))))
(define expected (set (Know request)))
(check-equal? (route-internal (set interest) (set interest request))
(check-equal? (route-internal (set request) (set interest request))
(check-equal? (route-internal (set) (set interest request))
"test routing internally-labeled assertions"
(define interest (internal-label 'x
(parse-τ '(Observe
(SlotAssignment (ReqID (Bind (Tuple Int Symbol))
(Bind Symbol))
(define request (internal-label 'x
(parse-τ '(SlotAssignment (ReqID (Tuple Int Symbol) Symbol)
(Bind Symbol)))))
(define expected (set (Know request)))
(check-equal? (route-internal (set interest) (set interest request))
(check-equal? (route-internal (set request) (set interest request))
(check-equal? (route-internal (set) (set interest request))
;; (Setof τ) -> (Setof τ)
;; the type of interests in a set
(define (interests as)
(define (internal-interests as)
(for/set ([a (in-set as)]
#:when (Observe? a))
(Observe-ty a)))
#:when (and (internal-label? a)
(Observe? (internal-label-ty a))))
(internal-label (internal-label-actor-id a)
(Observe-ty (internal-label-ty a)))))
;; (Setof τ) (Setof τ) -> (Setof τ)
;; The assertions in as that have a matching (supertype) interest in is
@ -1347,18 +1404,24 @@
[(or (Know τ)
(Forget τ)
(Realize τ))
(match-define (internal-label id ty) τ)
;; TODO - this doesn't put ⋆ in where an underlying pattern uses a capture
(Observe τ)]
(internal-label id (Observe ty))]
[_ #f]))
(module+ test
"EP-assertion sanity"
;; make sure the or pattern above works the way I think it does
(check-equal? (EP-assertion (Reacts (Asserted Int) #f))
(Observe Int))
(check-equal? (EP-assertion (Reacts (Retracted String) #f))
(Observe String)))
(test-case "EP-assertion/internal regression"
(check-equal? (EP-assertion/internal (Reacts (Know (internal-label 'x Int)) '()))
(internal-label 'x (Observe Int)))))
;; an Equation is (equiv StateName StateName)
;; INVARIANT: lhs is "implementation", rhs is "specification"
@ -1953,9 +2016,9 @@
[(list 'Realizes t)
(Realizes (parse-τ t))]
[(list 'Stop name body ...)
(define bdy (if (= (length body) 1)
(first body)
(define bdy (cond [(empty? body) body]
[(= (length body) 1) (first body)]
[else (cons 'Effs body)]))
(Stop name (parse-Body bdy))]
@ -2057,7 +2120,21 @@
(check-true (simulates? (parse-T real-leader-ty) leader-actual))
(check-false (simulates? leader-actual (parse-T real-leader-ty)))
(check-true (simulates? (parse-T real-leader-ty) leader-revised))
(check-false (simulates? leader-revised (parse-T real-leader-ty)))))
(check-false (simulates? leader-revised (parse-T real-leader-ty))))
"parse a Stop with two actions"
(define r '(Stop
(Reacts OnStop)
(SlotAssignment (ReqID (Tuple Int Symbol) Symbol) Symbol)))))
(check-true (Stop? (parse-T r)))))
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Examples, Book Club
@ -2384,67 +2461,61 @@
(Tuple Int Symbol)
(MapWork String)
(ReduceWork (Hash String Int) (Hash String Int))))))
(Realize (TaskIsReady Symbol (Bind (U))))
(Reacts (Forget (SelectedTM (Bind Symbol))))
(SlotAssignment (ReqID (Tuple Int Symbol) Symbol) (Bind Symbol)))
(Tuple Int Symbol)
(MapWork String)
(ReduceWork (Hash String Int) (Hash String Int))))
(Bind (U (Finished (Hash String Int)) Symbol))))
(Effs (Stop assign))
(Know (SelectedTM Symbol))
(Tuple Int Symbol)
(MapWork String)
(ReduceWork (Hash String Int) (Hash String Int))))
(Bind (U (Finished (Hash String Int)) Symbol))))
(Effs (Stop assign))
(Realizes (TasksFinished Symbol (Hash String Int))))
(Tuple Int Symbol)
(MapWork String)
(ReduceWork (Hash String Int) (Hash String Int))))
(Stop take-slot))))
(Retracted (TaskManager Symbol Discard))
(Stop assign))))
(Effs (Realizes (TasksFinished Symbol (Hash String Int))))
(Tuple Int Symbol)
(MapWork String)
(ReduceWork (Hash String Int) (Hash String Int)))))))
(Reacts (Retracted (TaskManager Symbol Discard)) (Stop assign))))))
(Reacts OnStop)
(Reacts OnStart)))
@ -2472,17 +2543,83 @@
(U (MapWork String) (ReduceWork Int Int))))
(Stop during-inner))))
(Reacts (Retracted (TaskManager (Bind Symbol) (Bind Int))))
(Reacts (Asserted (TaskManager (Bind Symbol) (Bind Int))))))
(Know (Slots Int))
(ReqID (Bind (Tuple Int Symbol)) (Bind Symbol))
(Reacts OnStop)
(Know (Slots (Bind Int)))
(Reacts OnStop)
(Tuple Int Symbol)
(MapWork String)
(ReduceWork (Hash String Int) (Hash String Int)))))
(Tuple Int Symbol)
(MapWork String)
(ReduceWork (Hash String Int) (Hash String Int))))
(Stop waiting-for-answer)))))
(SlotAssignment (ReqID (Tuple Int Symbol) Symbol) Symbol)))))
(SlotAssignment (ReqID (Tuple Int Symbol) Symbol) Discard)))
(Stop during-inner2))))
(Reacts (Retracted (TaskManager (Bind Symbol) (Bind Int))))
(Reacts (Asserted (TaskManager (Bind Symbol) (Bind Int))))))))
(module+ test
"job manager reads and compiles"
(define jmr (parse-T job-manager-actual))
(define jmr (run/timeout (thunk (label-internal-events (parse-T job-manager-actual)))))
(check-true (Role? jmr))
(define jm (run/timeout (thunk (compile jmr))))
(check-true (role-graph? jm))
(check-true (simulates? jmr jmr))))
(define jmi (run/timeout (thunk (compile/internal-events jm jmr))))
(check-true (run/timeout (thunk (simulates?/rg jmi jmr jmi jmr))))))
(define task-runner-ty
@ -2618,18 +2755,11 @@
(module+ test
"job manager with internal events basic functionality"
(define jmr (run/timeout (thunk (label-internal-events (parse-T job-manager-actual)))))
(check-true (Role? jmr))
(define jmrg (compile jmr))
(check-true (role-graph? jmrg))
(check-true (simulates? jmr jmr)))
"job manager subgraph(s) implement task assigner"
(define jmr (parse-T job-manager-actual))
(define jmr (run/timeout (thunk (label-internal-events (parse-T job-manager-actual)))))
(define tar (parse-T task-assigner-spec))
(define ans (run/timeout (thunk (simulating-subgraphs jmr tar)) 60000))
(define ans (run/timeout (thunk (simulating-subgraphs jmr tar)) 1500))
(check-true (list? ans))
(check-false (empty? ans))))
@ -2854,3 +2984,53 @@
(check-true (simulates? mrs mrs))
(check-true (simulates? mr1 mrs))
(check-false (simulates? mr2 mrs))))
(module+ demo-leader-subgraph
(define leader
'(Role ; = react
(Shares (Observe (BookQuoteT String ))) ; = assert
(Reacts ; = on
(Asserted (BookQuoteT String (Bind Int)))
(Effs (Branch (Effs (Stop get-quotes)) (Effs)))
(Asserted (BookInterestT String (Bind String) Discard))
(Effs (Stop poll-members (Branch (Effs (Stop get-quotes)) (Effs))))
(Stop get-quotes (Role (announce) (Shares (BookOfTheMonthT String)))))
(Reacts (Retracted (BookInterestT String (Bind String) Bool)))
(Reacts (Asserted (BookInterestT String (Bind String) Bool)))
(Reacts (Retracted (BookInterestT String (Bind String) Bool)))
(Reacts (Asserted (BookInterestT String (Bind String) Bool)))))))
(Reacts (Retracted (ClubMemberT (Bind String))))
(Reacts (Asserted (ClubMemberT (Bind String))))))
(define leader-impl (parse-T leader))
(define simulating (simulating-subgraphs leader-impl leader-spec))
(displayln (length simulating))
(define largest (argmax role-graph-size simulating))
(render-to-file largest "")
(module+ demo-removing-internal-events
(define ty
'(Role (x)
(Reacts OnStart
(Role (y)
(Shares (Hi))
(Reacts (Asserted (Bye))
(Stop y))))))
(define r (parse-T ty))
(define rg (compile r))
(define rgi (compile/internal-events rg r))
(render-to-file rg "")
(render-to-file rgi "")

View File

@ -200,7 +200,10 @@
(define-typed-syntax (stop facet-name:id cont ...)
[ facet-name facet-name- ( : FacetName)]
[ (begin #f cont ...) cont- ( ν-ep (~effs)) ( ν-s (~effs)) ( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))]
[ (begin #f cont ...) cont-
( ν-ep (~effs))
( ν-s (~effs))
( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))]
#:with τ (mk-Stop- #`(facet-name- τ-f ...))
[ (syndicate:stop-facet facet-name- cont-) ( : ★/t)