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2016-03-07 17:23:06 +00:00
module TreeTrie where
-- import Debug.Trace
import Prelude hiding (null, seq)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Test.HUnit
data Sigma = Open
| Close
| Wild
| Ch Char
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Trie a = Ok a
| Tl (Trie a)
| Br (Map.Map Sigma (Trie a))
deriving (Eq, Show)
empty = Br Map.empty
null (Br h) = Map.null h
null _ = False
tl r = if null r then empty else Tl r
untl (Tl r) = r
untl _ = empty
route [] (Ok v) f = v
route [] _ f = f
route (_ : _) (Ok v) f = f
route (x : s) (Br h) f = if Map.null h
then f
else route s (get h x) f
route (Close : s) (Tl r) f = route s r f
route (Open : s) (Tl r) f = route s (tl (tl r)) f
route (x : s) (Tl r) f = route s (tl r) f
get h x = case Map.lookup x h of
Just r -> r
Nothing -> case x of
Open -> tl (get h Wild)
Close -> untl (get h Wild)
Wild -> empty
x -> get h Wild
combine r1 r2 f leftEmpty rightEmpty = g r1 r2
where g (Tl r1) (Tl r2) = tl (g r1 r2)
g (Tl r1) r2 = g (expand r1) r2
g r1 (Tl r2) = g r1 (expand r2)
g (Ok v) r2 = f (Ok v) r2
g r1 (Ok v) = f r1 (Ok v)
g r1 r2 | null r1 = collapse $ leftEmpty r2
g r1 r2 | null r2 = collapse $ rightEmpty r1
g (Br h1) (Br h2) = collapse $ Br (foldKeys g h1 h2)
foldKeys g h1 h2 = Set.foldr f Map.empty keys
where f x acc = update x (g (get h1 x) (get h2 x)) acc
keys = Set.union (Map.keysSet h1) (Map.keysSet h2)
expand r = Br (Map.fromList [(Wild, tl r), (Close, r)])
collapse (Br h) = if Map.size h == 2
then case (Map.lookup Wild h, Map.lookup Close h) of
(Just (w @ (Tl k1)), Just k2) | k1 == k2 -> w
_ -> Br h
else if Map.size h == 1
then case Map.lookup Wild h of
Just (w @ (Tl _)) -> w
_ -> Br h
else Br h
update Wild k h =
if null k
then Map.delete Wild h
else Map.insert Wild k h
update Open (Tl k) h =
case Map.lookup Wild h of
Just k' | k' == k -> Map.delete Open h
_ -> Map.insert Open (Tl k) h
update Close k h =
case Map.lookup Wild h of
Just (Tl k') | k' == k -> Map.delete Close h
_ -> Map.insert Close k h
update x k h =
case Map.lookup Wild h of
Just k' | k' == k -> Map.delete x h
_ -> Map.insert x k h
union r1 r2 = combine r1 r2 unionCombine id id
unionCombine (Ok vs) (Ok ws) = Ok (Set.union vs ws)
unionCombine r1 r2 | null r1 = r2
unionCombine r1 r2 | null r2 = r1
unions rs = foldr union empty rs
ok vs = Ok (Set.fromList vs)
seq x r = if null r then r else Br (Map.singleton x r)
seqCh '<' = Open
seqCh '>' = Close
seqCh '*' = Wild
seqCh x = Ch x
seqs s r = foldr (\ x r -> seq (seqCh x) r) r s
main = runTestTT $
test [
"seqs simple" ~: seq Open (seq Close (Ok (Set.singleton 1))) ~=? seqs "<>" (ok [1]),
"union simple1" ~: Br (Map.fromList [(Ch 'a', ok [1]),
(Ch 'b', ok [2])]) ~=?
union (seqs "a" (ok [1])) (seqs "b" (ok [2])),
"union simple2" ~: Br (Map.fromList [(Ch 'a', ok [1,2]),
(Ch 'b', ok [2])]) ~=?
unions [seqs "a" (ok [1]),
seqs "b" (ok [2]),
seqs "a" (ok [2])],
"union idem" ~: (seqs "abc" (ok [1])) ~=?
union (seqs "abc" (ok [1])) (seqs "abc" (ok [1])),
"union wild" ~:
Br (Map.fromList [(Open,Br (Map.fromList [(Wild,Tl (ok [1])),
(Ch 'a',Br (Map.fromList [(Close,ok [1,2]),
(Wild,Tl (ok [1]))]))])),
(Wild,ok [1])])
~=? union (seqs "*" (ok [1])) (seqs "<a>" (ok [2])),
"route union wild1" ~: Set.fromList [1,2] ~=?
route [Open, Ch 'a', Close] (union
(seqs "*" (ok [1]))
(seqs "<a>" (ok [2]))) Set.empty,
"route union wild2" ~: Set.fromList [1] ~=?
route [Open, Ch 'b', Close] (union
(seqs "*" (ok [1]))
(seqs "<a>" (ok [2]))) Set.empty,
"route union wild3" ~: Set.fromList [1] ~=?
route [Open, Close] (union
(seqs "*" (ok [1]))
(seqs "<a>" (ok [2]))) Set.empty,
"route union wild4" ~: Set.fromList [1] ~=?
route [Open, Ch 'a', Ch 'a', Close] (union
(seqs "*" (ok [1]))
(seqs "<a>" (ok [2]))) Set.empty