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2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
#lang turnstile
(provide #%module-begin
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(rename-out [typed-app #%app])
(rename-out [typed-quote quote])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
require only-in
;; Start dataspace programs
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
;; Types
Tuple Bind Discard
Role Reacts Shares Know ¬Know Message OnDataflow Stop OnStart OnStop
FacetName Field ★/t
Observe Inbound Outbound Actor U
Computation Value Endpoints Roles Spawns
2019-04-29 21:03:39 +00:00
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
;; Statements
2018-08-14 21:02:39 +00:00
let let* if spawn dataspace start-facet set! begin stop begin/dataflow #;unsafe-do
2019-04-26 19:33:07 +00:00
when unless send! define
2018-08-01 15:30:25 +00:00
;; Derived Forms
2018-08-14 20:35:39 +00:00
during define/query-value define/query-set
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
;; endpoints
2018-08-08 19:20:09 +00:00
assert on field
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
;; expressions
2018-08-14 22:23:35 +00:00
tuple select lambda ref observe inbound outbound
2019-04-29 21:03:39 +00:00
Λ inst
2018-08-01 14:35:22 +00:00
;; making types
define-constructor define-constructor*
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
;; values
;; patterns
bind discard
;; primitives
2019-04-26 19:33:07 +00:00
(all-from-out "prim.rkt")
;; lists
2019-04-26 19:16:08 +00:00
(all-from-out "list.rkt")
;; sets
2019-04-26 19:16:08 +00:00
(all-from-out "set.rkt")
2019-04-29 22:07:23 +00:00
;; sequences
(all-from-out "sequence.rkt")
2019-04-30 15:22:40 +00:00
;; hash tables
(all-from-out "hash.rkt")
2019-04-30 21:42:03 +00:00
;; for loops
(all-from-out "for-loops.rkt")
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
;; DEBUG and utilities
print-type print-role
;; Extensions
2018-07-31 18:03:15 +00:00
match cond
;; require & provides
require provide
submod for-syntax for-meta only-in except-in
2019-01-03 19:01:09 +00:00
2019-01-03 17:06:14 +00:00
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
2019-04-26 19:16:08 +00:00
(require "core-types.rkt")
(require "list.rkt")
(require "set.rkt")
2019-04-26 19:33:07 +00:00
(require "prim.rkt")
2019-04-29 22:07:23 +00:00
(require "sequence.rkt")
2019-04-30 15:22:40 +00:00
(require "hash.rkt")
2019-04-30 21:42:03 +00:00
(require "for-loops.rkt")
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(require (prefix-in syndicate: syndicate/actor-lang))
(require (for-meta 2 macrotypes/stx-utils racket/list syntax/stx syntax/parse racket/base))
(require (for-syntax turnstile/examples/util/filter-maximal))
2019-05-09 17:19:52 +00:00
(require (for-syntax macrotypes/type-constraints macrotypes/variance-constraints))
2019-01-03 17:06:14 +00:00
(require (for-syntax racket/struct-info))
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(require macrotypes/postfix-in)
(require (postfix-in - racket/list))
(require (postfix-in - racket/set))
2018-07-31 19:51:20 +00:00
(require (postfix-in - racket/match))
2019-01-03 17:06:14 +00:00
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(require rackunit/turnstile))
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
;; Core forms
2018-08-08 19:20:09 +00:00
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
2018-08-08 19:20:09 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (start-facet name:id ep ...+)
#:with name- (syntax-local-identifier-as-binding (syntax-local-introduce (generate-temporary #'name)))
#:with name+ (syntax-local-identifier-as-binding #'name)
#:with facet-name-ty (type-eval #'FacetName)
#:do [(define ctx (syntax-local-make-definition-context))
(define unique (gensym 'start-facet))
(define name-- (internal-definition-context-introduce ctx #'name- 'add))
2018-08-10 01:42:20 +00:00
(int-def-ctx-bind-type-rename #'name+ #'name- #'facet-name-ty ctx)
2018-08-10 02:06:08 +00:00
(define-values (ep-... τ... ep-effects facet-effects spawn-effects)
(walk/bind #'(ep ...) ctx unique))
(unless (and (stx-null? facet-effects) (stx-null? spawn-effects))
(type-error #:src #'(ep ...) #:msg "only endpoint effects allowed"))]
2018-08-08 19:20:09 +00:00
#:with ((~or (~and τ-a (~Shares _))
2018-09-12 21:03:19 +00:00
;; untyped syndicate might allow this - TODO
#;(~and τ-m (~Sends _))
2018-08-10 02:06:08 +00:00
(~and τ-r (~Reacts _ ...))
2018-08-08 19:20:09 +00:00
2018-08-10 02:06:08 +00:00
2018-08-08 19:20:09 +00:00
#:with τ (type-eval #`(Role (#,name--)
τ-a ...
2018-09-12 21:03:19 +00:00
;; τ-m ...
2018-08-08 19:20:09 +00:00
τ-r ...))
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
2018-08-08 19:20:09 +00:00
[ (syndicate:react (let- ([#,name-- (syndicate:current-facet-id)])
2018-08-10 02:06:08 +00:00
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
( : ★/t)
( ν-f (τ))])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
2018-08-08 19:20:09 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (field [x:id τ-f:type e:expr] ...)
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap flat-type? #'(τ-f ...)) "keep your uppity data outta my fields"
[ e e- ( : τ-f)] ...
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap pure? #'(e- ...)) "field initializers not allowed to have effects"
#:with (x- ...) (generate-temporaries #'(x ...))
#:with (τ ...) (stx-map type-eval #'((Field τ-f.norm) ...))
2018-08-10 01:02:24 +00:00
#:with MF (type-eval #'MakesField)
2018-08-08 19:20:09 +00:00
2018-08-10 01:02:24 +00:00
[ (field/intermediate [x x- τ e-] ...)
2018-08-08 19:20:09 +00:00
( : ★/t)
( ν-ep (MF))])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (assert e:expr)
2018-07-27 15:37:22 +00:00
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
2018-08-08 19:20:09 +00:00
#:with τs (type-eval #'(Shares τ))
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
[ (syndicate:assert e-) ( : ★/t)
( ν-ep (τs))])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
2018-09-12 21:03:19 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (send! e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
#:with τm (type-eval #'(Sends τ))
[ (syndicate:send! e-) ( : ★/t)
( ν-f (τm))])
2018-09-12 21:03:19 +00:00
2018-07-31 18:03:15 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (stop facet-name:id cont ...)
2018-07-30 18:01:56 +00:00
[ facet-name facet-name- ( : FacetName)]
[ (begin #f cont ...) cont- ( ν-ep (~effs)) ( ν-s (~effs)) ( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))]
2018-07-31 18:03:15 +00:00
#:with τ (mk-Stop- #`(facet-name- τ-f ...))
2018-07-30 18:01:56 +00:00
[ (syndicate:stop-facet facet-name- cont-) ( : ★/t)
( ν-f (τ))])
2018-07-30 18:01:56 +00:00
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
2018-09-12 21:03:19 +00:00
(define-syntax-class asserted/retracted/message
#:datum-literals (asserted retracted message)
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(pattern (~or (~and asserted
(~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:asserted]
[react-con #'Know]))
(~and retracted
(~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:retracted]
2018-09-12 21:03:19 +00:00
[react-con #'¬Know]))
(~and message
(~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:message]
[react-con #'Message]))))))
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax on
2018-07-31 19:51:20 +00:00
[(on (~literal start) s ...)
[ (begin s ...) s- ( ν-ep (~effs))
( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))
( ν-s (~effs τ-s ...))]
2018-08-08 19:20:09 +00:00
#:with τ-r (type-eval #'(Reacts OnStart τ-f ... τ-s ...))
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
2018-07-31 19:51:20 +00:00
[ (syndicate:on-start s-) ( : ★/t)
( ν-ep (τ-r))]]
2018-07-31 19:51:20 +00:00
[(on (~literal stop) s ...)
[ (begin s ...) s- ( ν-ep (~effs))
( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))
( ν-s (~effs τ-s ...))]
2018-08-08 19:20:09 +00:00
#:with τ-r (type-eval #'(Reacts OnStop τ-f ... τ-s ...))
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
2018-07-31 19:51:20 +00:00
[ (syndicate:on-stop s-) ( : ★/t)
( ν-ep (τ-r))]]
2018-09-12 21:03:19 +00:00
[(on (a/r/m:asserted/retracted/message p) s ...)
2018-07-27 15:37:22 +00:00
[ p p-- ( : τp)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'p--) "pattern not allowed to have effects"
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
#:with ([x:id τ:type] ...) (pat-bindings #'p)
2018-07-31 19:51:20 +00:00
[[x x- : τ] ... (begin s ...) s-
( ν-ep (~effs))
( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))
( ν-s (~effs τ-s ...))]
2018-07-31 18:46:24 +00:00
#:with p- (substs #'(x- ...) #'(x ...) (compile-syndicate-pattern #'p))
2018-09-12 21:03:19 +00:00
#:with τ-r (type-eval #'(Reacts (a/r/m.react-con τp) τ-f ... τ-s ...))
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
2018-09-12 21:03:19 +00:00
[ (syndicate:on (a/r/m.syndicate-kw p-)
2018-07-31 18:46:24 +00:00
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
( : ★/t)
( ν-ep (τ-r))]])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
2018-08-14 21:02:39 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (begin/dataflow s ...+)
[ (begin s ...) s-
( : _)
( ν-ep (~effs))
( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))
( ν-s (~effs τ-s ...))]
2018-08-14 21:02:39 +00:00
#:with τ-r (type-eval #'(Reacts OnDataflow τ-f ... τ-s ...))
[ (syndicate:begin/dataflow s-)
( : ★/t)
( ν-ep (τ-r))])
2018-08-14 21:02:39 +00:00
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
;; pat -> ([Id Type] ...)
(define-for-syntax (pat-bindings stx)
(syntax-parse stx
#:datum-literals (bind tuple)
[(bind x:id τ:type)
#'([x τ])]
[(tuple p ...)
#:with (([x:id τ:type] ...) ...) (stx-map pat-bindings #'(p ...))
#'([x τ] ... ...)]
[(k:kons1 p)
(pat-bindings #'p)]
[(~constructor-exp cons p ...)
#:with (([x:id τ:type] ...) ...) (stx-map pat-bindings #'(p ...))
#'([x τ] ... ...)]
2018-08-01 15:30:25 +00:00
;; TODO - figure out why this needs different list identifiers
(define-for-syntax (compile-pattern pat list-binding bind-id-transformer exp-transformer)
2018-07-31 18:46:24 +00:00
(define (l-e stx) (local-expand stx 'expression '()))
(let loop ([pat pat])
(syntax-parse pat
#:datum-literals (tuple discard bind)
[(tuple p ...)
2018-08-01 15:30:25 +00:00
#`(#,list-binding 'tuple #,@(stx-map loop #'(p ...)))]
2018-07-31 18:46:24 +00:00
[(k:kons1 p)
#`(#,(kons1->constructor #'k) #,(loop #'p))]
[(bind x:id τ:type)
(bind-id-transformer #'x)]
[(~constructor-exp ctor p ...)
(define/with-syntax uctor (untyped-ctor #'ctor))
#`(uctor #,@(stx-map loop #'(p ...)))]
;; local expanding "expression-y" syntax allows variable references to transform
;; according to the mappings set up by turnstile.
(exp-transformer (l-e pat))])))
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(define-for-syntax (compile-syndicate-pattern pat)
(compile-pattern pat
2018-08-01 15:30:25 +00:00
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(lambda (id) #`($ #,id))
2018-07-30 21:36:42 +00:00
(define-for-syntax (compile-match-pattern pat)
(compile-pattern pat
2018-08-01 15:30:25 +00:00
2018-07-30 21:36:42 +00:00
2018-07-31 19:51:20 +00:00
(lambda (exp) #`(==- #,exp))))
2018-07-30 21:36:42 +00:00
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (spawn τ-c:type s)
#:fail-unless (flat-type? #'τ-c.norm) "Communication type must be first-order"
2018-07-30 18:01:56 +00:00
;; TODO: check that each τ-f is a Role
[ s s- ( ν-ep (~effs)) ( ν-s (~effs)) ( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))]
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
;; TODO: s shouldn't refer to facets or fields!
2018-07-31 19:51:20 +00:00
#:with (τ-i τ-o τ-a) (analyze-roles #'(τ-f ...))
#:fail-unless (<: #'τ-o #'τ-c.norm)
(format "Output ~a not valid in dataspace ~a" (type->str #'τ-o) (type->str #'τ-c.norm))
2018-07-31 19:51:20 +00:00
#:fail-unless (<: #'τ-a
(type-eval #'(Actor τ-c.norm)))
"Spawned actors not valid in dataspace"
#:fail-unless (project-safe? ( (strip-? #'τ-o) #'τ-c.norm)
"Not prepared to handle all inputs"
2018-07-31 19:51:20 +00:00
#:with τ-final (type-eval #'(Actor τ-c.norm))
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
2018-07-27 15:37:22 +00:00
[ (syndicate:spawn (syndicate:on-start s-)) ( : ★/t)
( ν-s (τ-final))])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
2018-07-30 15:54:05 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (dataspace τ-c:type s ...)
#:fail-unless (flat-type? #'τ-c.norm) "Communication type must be first-order"
[ s s- ( ν-ep (~effs)) ( ν-s (~effs τ-s ...)) ( ν-f (~effs))] ...
2018-07-30 15:54:05 +00:00
#:with τ-actor (type-eval #'(Actor τ-c.norm))
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap (lambda (t) (<: t #'τ-actor)) #'(τ-s ... ...))
"Not all actors conform to communication type"
#:with τ-ds-i (strip-inbound #'τ-c.norm)
#:with τ-ds-o (strip-outbound #'τ-c.norm)
#:with τ-relay (relay-interests #'τ-c.norm)
[ (syndicate:dataspace s- ...) ( : ★/t)
( ν-s ((Actor (U τ-ds-i τ-ds-o τ-relay))))])
2018-07-30 15:54:05 +00:00
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (set! x:id e:expr)
2018-07-27 15:37:22 +00:00
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
[ x x- ( : (~Field τ-x:type))]
#:fail-unless (<: #'τ #'τ-x) "Ill-typed field write"
[ (x- e-) ( : ★/t)])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
2018-08-01 15:30:25 +00:00
;; Derived Forms
(define-typed-syntax (during p s ...)
#:with inst-p (instantiate-pattern #'p)
[ (on (asserted p)
(start-facet during-inner
(on (retracted inst-p)
(stop during-inner))
s ...))])
;; TODO - reconcile this with `compile-pattern`
(define-for-syntax (instantiate-pattern pat)
(let loop ([pat pat])
(syntax-parse pat
#:datum-literals (tuple discard bind)
[(tuple p ...)
#`(tuple #,@(stx-map loop #'(p ...)))]
[(k:kons1 p)
#`(k #,(loop #'p))]
[(bind x:id τ)
2018-08-13 23:32:23 +00:00
;; not sure about this
2018-08-01 15:30:25 +00:00
2018-08-13 23:32:23 +00:00
2018-08-01 15:30:25 +00:00
[(~constructor-exp ctor p ...)
(define/with-syntax uctor (untyped-ctor #'ctor))
#`(ctor #,@(stx-map loop #'(p ...)))]
2018-08-14 19:43:51 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (define/query-value x:id e0 p e)
[ e0 e0- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e0-) "expression must be pure"
[ (begin (field [x τ e0-])
(on (asserted p)
(set! x e))
(on (retracted p)
(set! x e0-)))])
2018-08-14 22:23:35 +00:00
;; TODO: #:on-add
2018-08-14 20:35:39 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (define/query-set x:id p e)
#:with ([y τ] ...) (pat-bindings #'p)
;; e will be re-expanded :/
[[y y- : τ] ... e e- τ-e]
[ (begin (field [x (Set τ-e) (set)])
(on (asserted p)
(set! x (set-add (ref x) e)))
(on (retracted p)
(set! x (set-remove (ref x) e))))])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
;; Expressions
(define-typed-syntax (ref x:id)
[ x x- (~Field τ)]
[ (x-) ( : τ)])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
2019-05-09 17:19:52 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax typed-app
;; Polymorphic, Pure Function - Perform Local Inference
[(_ e_fn e_arg ...)
;; compute fn type (ie ∀ and →)
[ e_fn e_fn- (~∀ Xs (~→fn tyX_in ... tyX_out))]
;; successfully matched a polymorphic fn type, don't backtrack
#:with tyX_args #'(tyX_in ... tyX_out)
;; solve for type variables Xs
#:with [[e_arg- ...] Xs* cs] (solve #'Xs #'tyX_args this-syntax)
;; instantiate polymorphic function type
#:with [τ_in ... τ_out] (inst-types/cs #'Xs* #'cs #'tyX_args)
#:with (unsolved-X ...) (find-free-Xs #'Xs* #'τ_out)
;; arity check
#:fail-unless (stx-length=? #'[τ_in ...] #'[e_arg ...])
(num-args-fail-msg #'e_fn #'[τ_in ...] #'[e_arg ...])
;; purity check
#:fail-unless (all-pure? #'(e_fn- e_arg- ...)) "expressions must be pure"
;; compute argument types
#:with (τ_arg ...) (stx-map typeof #'(e_arg- ...))
;; typecheck args
[τ_arg τ⊑ τ_in #:for e_arg] ...
#:with τ_out* (if (stx-null? #'(unsolved-X ...))
(syntax-parse #'τ_out
[(~?∀ (Y ...) τ_out)
#:fail-unless (→? #'τ_out)
(mk-app-poly-infer-error this-syntax #'(τ_in ...) #'(τ_arg ...) #'e_fn)
(for ([X (in-list (syntax->list #'(unsolved-X ...)))])
(unless (covariant-X? X #'τ_out)
(mk-app-poly-infer-error this-syntax #'(τ_in ...) #'(τ_arg ...) #'e_fn)
(mk-∀- #'(unsolved-X ... Y ...) #'(τ_out))]))
[ (#%plain-app- e_fn- e_arg- ...) τ_out*]]
;; All Other Functions
[(_ e_fn e_arg ...)
[ e_fn e_fn- ( : (~→ τ_in ... (~Computation (~Value τ-out)
(~Endpoints τ-ep ...)
(~Roles τ-f ...)
(~Spawns τ-s ...))))]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e_fn-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
#:fail-unless (stx-length=? #'[τ_in ...] #'[e_arg ...])
(num-args-fail-msg #'e_fn #'[τ_in ...] #'[e_arg ...])
[ e_arg e_arg- ( : τ_in)] ...
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap pure? #'(e_arg- ...)) "expressions not allowed to have effects"
[ (#%app- e_fn- e_arg- ...) ( : τ-out)
( ν-ep (τ-ep ...))
( ν-s (τ-s ...))
( ν-f (τ-f ...))]])
;; find-free-Xs : (Stx-Listof Id) Type -> (Listof Id)
;; finds the free Xs in the type
(define (find-free-Xs Xs ty)
(for/list ([X (in-stx-list Xs)]
#:when (stx-contains-id? ty X))
;; Type -> Bool
;; checks if the type contains any unions
(define (contains-union? ty)
(syntax-parse ty
[(~U* _ ...)
[(~Base _) #f]
[X:id #f]
[(~Any/bvs _ _ τ ...)
(stx-ormap contains-union? #'(τ ...))]
(type-error #:src (get-orig ty)
#:msg "contains-union?: unrecognized-type: ~a"
;; solve for Xs by unifying quantified fn type with the concrete types of stx's args
;; stx = the application stx = (#%app e_fn e_arg ...)
;; tyXs = input and output types from fn type
;; ie (typeof e_fn) = (-> . tyXs)
;; It infers the types of arguments from left-to-right,
;; and it expands and returns all of the arguments.
;; It returns list of 3 values if successful, else throws a type error
;; - a list of all the arguments, expanded
;; - a list of all the type variables
;; - the constraints for substituting the types
(define (solve Xs tyXs stx)
(syntax-parse tyXs
[(τ_inX ... τ_outX)
;; generate initial constraints with expected type and τ_outX
#:with (~?∀ Vs expected-ty)
(and (get-expected-type stx)
((current-type-eval) (get-expected-type stx)))
(define initial-cs
(if (and (syntax-e #'expected-ty) (stx-null? #'Vs))
(add-constraints Xs '() (list (list #'expected-ty #'τ_outX)))
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ e_fn . args)
(define-values (as- cs)
(for/fold ([as- null] [cs initial-cs])
([a (in-stx-list #'args)]
[tyXin (in-stx-list #'(τ_inX ...))])
(define ty_in (inst-type/cs/orig Xs cs tyXin datum=?))
(when (contains-union? ty_in)
(type-error #:src a
#:msg (format "can't infer types with unions: ~a\nraw: ~a"
(type->str ty_in) ty_in)))
(define/with-syntax [a- ty_a]
(infer+erase (if (null? (find-free-Xs Xs ty_in))
(add-expected-type a ty_in)
(when (contains-union? #'ty_a)
(type-error #:src a
#:msg (format "can't infer types with unions: ~a\nraw: ~a"
(type->str #'ty_a) #'ty_a)))
(cons #'a- as-)
(add-constraints Xs cs (list (list ty_in #'ty_a))
(list (list (inst-type/cs/orig
Xs cs ty_in
(list (reverse as-) Xs cs)])]))
(define (mk-app-poly-infer-error stx expected-tys given-tys e_fn)
(format (string-append
"Could not infer instantiation of polymorphic function ~s.\n"
" expected: ~a\n"
" given: ~a")
(syntax->datum (get-orig e_fn))
(string-join (stx-map type->str expected-tys) ", ")
(string-join (stx-map type->str given-tys) ", ")))
;; covariant-Xs? : Type -> Bool
;; Takes a possibly polymorphic type, and returns true if all of the
;; type variables are in covariant positions within the type, false
;; otherwise.
(define (covariant-Xs? ty)
(syntax-parse ((current-type-eval) ty)
[(~?∀ Xs ty)
(for/and ([X (in-stx-list #'Xs)])
(covariant-X? X #'ty))]))
;; find-X-variance : Id Type [Variance] -> Variance
;; Returns the variance of X within the type ty
(define (find-X-variance X ty [ctxt-variance covariant])
(car (find-variances (list X) ty ctxt-variance)))
;; covariant-X? : Id Type -> Bool
;; Returns true if every place X appears in ty is a covariant position, false otherwise.
(define (covariant-X? X ty)
(variance-covariant? (find-X-variance X ty covariant)))
;; contravariant-X? : Id Type -> Bool
;; Returns true if every place X appears in ty is a contravariant position, false otherwise.
(define (contravariant-X? X ty)
(variance-contravariant? (find-X-variance X ty covariant)))
;; find-variances : (Listof Id) Type [Variance] -> (Listof Variance)
;; Returns the variances of each of the Xs within the type ty,
;; where it's already within a context represented by ctxt-variance.
(define (find-variances Xs ty [ctxt-variance covariant])
(syntax-parse ty
(for/list ([X (in-list Xs)])
(cond [(free-identifier=? X #'A) ctxt-variance]
[else irrelevant]))]
[(~Any tycons)
(stx-map (λ _ irrelevant) Xs)]
[(~?∀ () (~Any tycons τ ...))
#:when (get-arg-variances #'tycons)
#:when (stx-length=? #'[τ ...] (get-arg-variances #'tycons))
(define τ-ctxt-variances
(for/list ([arg-variance (in-list (get-arg-variances #'tycons))])
(variance-compose ctxt-variance arg-variance)))
(for/fold ([acc (stx-map (λ _ irrelevant) Xs)])
([τ (in-stx-list #'[τ ...])]
[τ-ctxt-variance (in-list τ-ctxt-variances)])
(map variance-join
(find-variances Xs τ τ-ctxt-variance)))]
#:when (not (for/or ([X (in-list Xs)])
(stx-contains-id? #'ty X)))
(stx-map (λ _ irrelevant) Xs)]
[_ (stx-map (λ _ invariant) Xs)])))
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (tuple e:expr ...)
2018-07-27 15:37:22 +00:00
[ e e- ( : τ)] ...
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap pure? #'(e- ...)) "expressions not allowed to have effects"
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
[ (list- 'tuple e- ...) ( : (Tuple τ ...))])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (select n:nat e:expr)
2018-07-27 15:37:22 +00:00
[ e e- ( : (~Tuple τ ...))]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
#:do [(define i (syntax->datum #'n))]
#:fail-unless (< i (stx-length #'(τ ...))) "index out of range"
#:with τr (list-ref (stx->list #'(τ ...)) i)
[ (tuple-select n e-) ( : τr)])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(define- (tuple-select n t)
(list-ref- t (add1 n)))
;; it would be nice to abstract over these three
(define-typed-syntax (observe e:expr)
2018-07-27 15:37:22 +00:00
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
[ (syndicate:observe e-) ( : (Observe τ))])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (inbound e:expr)
2018-07-27 15:37:22 +00:00
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
[ (syndicate:inbound e-) ( : (Inbound τ))])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (outbound e:expr)
2018-07-27 15:37:22 +00:00
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
[ (syndicate:outbound e-) ( : (Outbound τ))])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
2018-09-12 21:03:19 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (message e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure"
[ (syndicate:message e-) ( : (Message τ))])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
;; Patterns
(define-typed-syntax (bind x:id τ:type)
[ (error- 'bind "escaped") ( : (Bind τ))])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax discard
[ (error- 'discard "escaped") ( : Discard)]])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
;; Core-ish forms
;; copied from stlc
(define-typed-syntax (ann e (~optional (~datum :)) τ:type)
[ e e- ( : τ.norm)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure"
[ e- ( : τ.norm) ])
2018-07-30 19:17:30 +00:00
;; copied from ext-stlc
(define-typed-syntax if
[(_ e_tst e1 e2) τ-expected
[ e_tst e_tst- _] ; Any non-false value is truthy.
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e_tst-) "expression must be pure"
[ e1 e1- ( : τ-expected)
( ν-ep (~effs eps1 ...)) ( ν-f (~effs fs1 ...)) ( ν-s (~effs ss1 ...))]
2018-07-30 19:17:30 +00:00
[ e2 e2- ( : τ-expected)
( ν-ep (~effs eps2 ...)) ( ν-f (~effs fs2 ...)) ( ν-s (~effs ss2 ...))]
2018-07-30 19:17:30 +00:00
[ (if- e_tst- e1- e2-)
( ν-ep (eps1 ... eps2 ...))
( ν-f #,(make-Branch #'((fs1 ...) (fs2 ...))))
( ν-s (ss1 ... ss2 ...))]]
2018-07-30 19:17:30 +00:00
[(_ e_tst e1 e2)
[ e_tst e_tst- _] ; Any non-false value is truthy.
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e_tst-) "expression must be pure"
[ e1 e1- ( : τ1)
( ν-ep (~effs eps1 ...)) ( ν-f (~effs fs1 ...)) ( ν-s (~effs ss1 ...))]
2018-07-30 19:17:30 +00:00
[ e2 e2- ( : τ2)
( ν-ep (~effs eps2 ...)) ( ν-f (~effs fs2 ...)) ( ν-s (~effs ss2 ...))]
2018-07-30 19:17:30 +00:00
#:with τ (type-eval #'(U τ1 τ2))
[ (if- e_tst- e1- e2-) ( : τ)
( ν-ep (eps1 ... eps2 ...))
( ν-f #,(make-Branch #'((fs1 ...) (fs2 ...))))
( ν-s (ss1 ... ss2 ...))]])
2018-07-30 19:17:30 +00:00
2018-08-14 22:23:35 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (when e s ...+)
[ (if e (begin s ...) #f)])
(define-typed-syntax (unless e s ...+)
[ (if e #f (begin s ...))])
2018-07-30 19:17:30 +00:00
;; copied from ext-stlc
(define-typed-syntax let
[(_ ([x e] ...) e_body ...) τ_expected
[ e e- : τ_x] ...
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap pure? #'(e- ...)) "expressions must be pure"
[[x x- : τ_x] ... (begin e_body ...) e_body- ( : τ_expected)
( ν-ep (~effs eps ...))
( ν-f (~effs fs ...))
( ν-s (~effs ss ...))]
2018-07-30 19:17:30 +00:00
[ (let- ([x- e-] ...) e_body-)
( ν-ep (eps ...))
( ν-f (fs ...))
( ν-s (ss ...))]]
2018-07-30 19:17:30 +00:00
[(_ ([x e] ...) e_body ...)
[ e e- : τ_x] ...
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap pure? #'(e- ...)) "expressions must be pure"
[[x x- : τ_x] ... (begin e_body ...) e_body- ( : τ_body)
( ν-ep (~effs eps ...))
( ν-f (~effs fs ...))
( ν-s (~effs ss ...))]
2018-07-30 19:17:30 +00:00
[ (let- ([x- e-] ...) e_body-) ( : τ_body)
( ν-ep (eps ...))
( ν-f (fs ...))
( ν-s (ss ...))]])
2018-07-30 19:17:30 +00:00
;; copied from ext-stlc
(define-typed-syntax let*
[(_ () e_body ...)
[ (begin e_body ...)]]
[(_ ([x e] [x_rst e_rst] ...) e_body ...)
[ (let ([x e]) (let* ([x_rst e_rst] ...) e_body ...))]])
2018-07-30 21:36:42 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (cond [pred:expr s ...+] ...+)
[ pred pred- ( : Bool)] ...
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap pure? #'(pred- ...)) "predicates must be pure"
[ (begin s ...) s- ( : τ-s)
( ν-ep (~effs eps ...))
( ν-f (~effs fs ...))
( ν-s (~effs ss ...))] ...
2018-07-30 21:36:42 +00:00
[ (cond- [pred- s-] ...) ( : (U τ-s ...))
( ν-ep (eps ... ...))
( ν-f #,(make-Branch #'((fs ...) ...)))
( ν-s (ss ... ...))])
2018-07-30 21:36:42 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (match e [p s ...+] ...+)
[ e e- ( : τ-e)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure"
#:with (([x τ] ...) ...) (stx-map pat-bindings #'(p ...))
[[x x- : τ] ... (begin s ...) s- ( : τ-s)
( ν-ep (~effs eps ...))
( ν-f (~effs fs ...))
( ν-s (~effs ss ...))] ...
2018-07-30 21:36:42 +00:00
;; REALLY not sure how to handle p/p-/p.match-pattern,
;; particularly w.r.t. typed terms that appear in p.match-pattern
[ p p-- τ-p] ...
#:fail-unless (project-safe? #'τ-e (type-eval #'(U τ-p ...))) "possibly unsafe pattern match"
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap pure? #'(p-- ...)) "patterns must be pure"
2018-07-31 18:46:24 +00:00
#:with (p- ...) (stx-map (lambda (p x-s xs) (substs x-s xs (compile-match-pattern p)))
#'(p ...)
#'((x- ...) ...)
#'((x ...) ...))
2018-07-30 21:36:42 +00:00
2018-07-31 18:46:24 +00:00
[ (match- e- [p- s-] ...
2018-07-30 21:36:42 +00:00
[_ (error "incomplete pattern match")])
( : (U τ-s ...))
( ν-ep (eps ... ...))
( ν-f #,(make-Branch #'((fs ...) ...)))
( ν-s (ss ... ...))])
2018-07-30 21:36:42 +00:00
;; Ground Dataspace
;; n.b. this is a blocking operation, so an actor that uses this internally
;; won't necessarily terminate.
(define-typed-syntax (run-ground-dataspace τ-c:type s ...)
[ (dataspace τ-c s ...) ((~literal erased) ((~literal syndicate:dataspace) s- ...)) ( : t)]
[ (syndicate:run-ground s- ...) ( : (AssertionSet τ-c))])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
;; Utilities
(define-typed-syntax (print-type e)
[ e e- ( : τ) ( ν-ep (~effs eps ...)) ( ν-f (~effs fs ...)) ( ν-s (~effs ss ...))]
#:do [(pretty-display (type->str #'τ))]
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
[ e- ( : τ) ( ν-ep (eps ...)) ( ν-f (fs ...)) ( ν-s (ss ...))])
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
(define-typed-syntax (print-role e)
[ e e- ( : τ) ( ν-ep (~effs eps ...)) ( ν-f (~effs fs ...)) ( ν-s (~effs ss ...))]
2018-08-08 19:20:09 +00:00
#:do [(for ([r (in-syntax #'(fs ...))])
(pretty-display (type->str r)))]
2018-07-25 21:26:47 +00:00
[ e- ( : τ) ( ν-ep (eps ...)) ( ν-f (fs ...)) ( ν-s (ss ...))])
;; Tests
2018-09-12 19:06:08 +00:00
2018-09-12 21:03:19 +00:00
(module+ test
(check-type (spawn (U (Message (Tuple String Int))
(Observe (Tuple String ★/t)))
(start-facet echo
(on (message (tuple "ping" (bind x Int)))
(send! (tuple "pong" x)))))
: ★/t)
(typecheck-fail (spawn (U (Message (Tuple String Int))
(Message (Tuple String String))
(Observe (Tuple String ★/t)))
(start-facet echo
(on (message (tuple "ping" (bind x Int)))
(send! (tuple "pong" x)))))))
2018-09-12 19:06:08 +00:00
;; local definitions
#;(module+ test
;; these cause an error in rackunit-typechecking, don't know why :/
#;(check-type (let ()
(define id : Int 1234)
: Int
-> 1234)
#;(check-type (let ()
(define (spawn-cell [initial-value : Int])
(define id 1234)
(typed-app spawn-cell 42))
: Int
-> 1234)
(check-equal? (let ()
(define id : Int 1234)
#;(check-equal? (let ()
(define (spawn-cell [initial-value : Int])
(define id 1234)
(typed-app spawn-cell 42))