
365 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2017-08-13 23:58:48 +00:00
#lang racket
(require pict)
(require pict/color)
(require file/convertible)
(require (only-in "util.rkt" format-pids))
2017-08-13 23:58:48 +00:00
(struct spacetime (space time) #:prefab)
(struct diagram-position (lane row) #:prefab)
(struct begin-swimlane (pos name) #:prefab)
(struct activate-swimlane (pos) #:prefab)
(struct deactivate-swimlane (pos) #:prefab)
(struct schedule-end-swimlane (pos) #:prefab)
(struct end-swimlane (pos) #:prefab)
(struct annotate-swimlane (pos color annotation) #:prefab)
(struct connection (from-pos to-pos) #:prefab)
(struct msd (max-lane events) #:prefab)
(define (find-unused-lane swimlane-map)
(let ((used-lanes (list->set (hash-values swimlane-map))))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((not (set-member? used-lanes i)) i))))
(define (read-msd port)
(define max-lane -1)
(define swimlane-map (make-hash))
(define name-summary (hash))
(define events-rev '())
(define (emit-events . es)
(set! events-rev (foldl cons events-rev (filter values es))))
(define (strip-meta actor-path0)
(match actor-path0 [(list* 'meta p) p] [p p]))
(define (translate*! actor-path0 moment)
(define actor-path (strip-meta actor-path0))
(diagram-position (hash-ref! swimlane-map
(lambda ()
(define lane (find-unused-lane swimlane-map))
(when (> lane max-lane) (set! max-lane lane))
(match (hash-ref name-summary actor-path #f)
[#f (void)]
[n (emit-events
(begin-swimlane (diagram-position lane (- moment 1/2))
(format "~a =\n~a"
(format-pids '#hash() actor-path)
(define (vacate-lane! point)
(define actor-path (strip-meta (spacetime-space point)))
(hash-remove! swimlane-map
(match actor-path
[(list* 'meta p) p]
[_ actor-path])))
2017-08-13 23:58:48 +00:00
(define (translate! point)
(translate*! (spacetime-space point) (spacetime-time point)))
2017-08-13 23:58:48 +00:00
(define (connection* source sink)
(and source (connection (translate! source) (translate! sink))))
(let loop ()
2017-08-13 23:58:48 +00:00
(match (read port)
[(? eof-object?) (msd max-lane (reverse events-rev))]
(match input
[(list _ _ 'name-summary names-alist)
(set! name-summary (make-immutable-hash names-alist))]
[(list source sink 'turn-begin)
(emit-events (activate-swimlane (translate! sink)))]
[(list source sink 'turn-end)
(emit-events (deactivate-swimlane (translate! sink)))]
[(list source sink 'spawn name)
(emit-events (begin-swimlane (translate! sink)
(format "~a =\n~a"
(format-pids '#hash() (spacetime-space sink))
(connection* source sink))]
[(list source sink 'exit _exn-or-false)
(emit-events (schedule-end-swimlane (translate! sink)))]
[(list source sink 'actions-produced count)
(emit-events (annotate-swimlane (translate! sink)
(match count
[1 "1 action"]
[n (format "~a actions" n)])))]
[(list source sink 'action-interpreted _ desc)
(define shifted-sink
(if source
(spacetime (spacetime-space source) (spacetime-time sink))
(emit-events (annotate-swimlane (translate! shifted-sink) ACTION-COLOR desc)
(connection* source shifted-sink))]
[(list source sink 'quit)
(define shifted-sink
(if source
(spacetime (spacetime-space source) (spacetime-time sink))
(emit-events (begin0 (end-swimlane (translate! shifted-sink))
(when source (vacate-lane! shifted-sink))))]
[(list direct-cause recipient 'event _ desc indirect-cause doubly-indirect-paths)
(apply emit-events
(annotate-swimlane (translate! recipient) EVENT-COLOR desc)
;; (connection* direct-cause recipient)
;; (connection* indirect-cause recipient)
(map (lambda (doubly-indirect-path)
(connection (translate*! doubly-indirect-path (spacetime-time direct-cause))
(translate! recipient)))
2017-08-13 23:58:48 +00:00
(define N (* pi 1/2))
(define S (* pi -1/2))
(define E (* pi 0))
(define W (* pi 1))
(define NE (* pi 1/4))
(define SE (* pi -1/4))
(define NW (* pi 3/4))
(define SW (* pi -3/4))
(define ENE (* pi 1/8))
(define ESE (* pi -1/8))
(define WNW (* pi 7/8))
(define WSW (* pi -7/8))
;; A SwimlaneState is
;; - a (labelled-cell String ColorString SwimlaneState), representing
;; a fresh annotation on a possibly-new swimlane
;; - 'inactive, an occupied but inactive lane
;; - 'active, an occupied and active lane
;; - 'terminating, an occupied but soon-to-be-free lane
;; - #f, an unoccupied lane
(struct labelled-cell (label color underlying-state) #:prefab)
(define (hash-set-or-remove h k v)
(if v
(hash-set h k v)
(hash-remove h k)))
(define (reset-label v)
(match v
[(labelled-cell _ _ underlying-state) underlying-state]
[_ v]))
(define (reset-statemap statemap)
(for/hash [((k v) (in-hash statemap))]
(values k (reset-label v))))
(define (update-statemap statemaps pos new-state)
(match-define (list previous-row table) statemaps)
(match-define (diagram-position lane row) pos)
(define old-statemap
(hash-ref table row (lambda () (reset-statemap (hash-ref table previous-row hash)))))
(define new-statemap
(hash-set-or-remove old-statemap
(match new-state
[(list color annotation)
(labelled-cell annotation color (hash-ref old-statemap lane 'inactive))]
[_ new-state])))
(list row
(hash-set-or-remove table
(if (hash-empty? new-statemap) #f new-statemap))))
(define (update-swimlane event statemaps)
(match event
[(begin-swimlane pos name)
(update-statemap statemaps pos (list LABEL-COLOR name))]
[(activate-swimlane pos)
(update-statemap statemaps pos 'active)]
[(deactivate-swimlane pos)
(update-statemap statemaps pos 'inactive)]
[(schedule-end-swimlane pos)
(update-statemap statemaps pos 'terminating)]
[(end-swimlane pos)
(update-statemap statemaps pos #f)]
[(annotate-swimlane pos color annotation)
(update-statemap statemaps pos (list color annotation))]))
2017-08-14 00:08:09 +00:00
(define WIDTH (make-parameter 50))
(define HEIGHT (make-parameter 20))
(define GAP (make-parameter 20))
2017-08-13 23:58:48 +00:00
(define ACTIVE-WIDTH 10)
(define ACTION-COLOR "white")
(define EVENT-COLOR "orange")
(define LABEL-COLOR "palegreen")
(define (fill-out height p)
2017-08-14 00:08:09 +00:00
(ct-superimpose (blank (WIDTH) height)
2017-08-13 23:58:48 +00:00
(if p
(inset p (* -1/2 (pict-width p)) 0)
(blank 0))))
(define (transpose xs)
(apply map list xs))
(define (render-underlay max-lane prev-row current-row next-row height)
(for/list [(lane (+ max-lane 1))]
(fill-out height
(match (match (hash-ref current-row lane #f)
[(labelled-cell s _ u) u]
[u u])
['inactive (filled-rectangle #:color "gray"
#:draw-border? #f
(define prev-state (hash-ref prev-row lane #f))
(define next-state (hash-ref next-row lane #f))
(define (trunk height)
(hb-append 0
(vline 1 height)
(blank (- ACTIVE-WIDTH 2) height)
(vline 1 height)))
(define bar (hline (- ACTIVE-WIDTH 1) 1))
(match* (prev-state next-state)
[('active 'active) (trunk height)]
[('active _) (vl-append 0 (trunk (- height 1)) bar)]
[(_ 'active) (vl-append 0 bar (trunk (- height 1)))]
[(_ _) (vl-append 0 bar (trunk (- height 2)) bar)])]
['terminating (vline 1 height #:segment 2)]
[#f (blank 0)]))))
(define (render-overlay max-lane current-row)
(for/list [(lane (+ max-lane 1))]
2017-08-14 00:08:09 +00:00
(fill-out (HEIGHT)
2017-08-13 23:58:48 +00:00
(match (hash-ref current-row lane #f)
[(labelled-cell s color u)
(define para (apply vl-append 0
(map (lambda (s)
(define limit 200)
(text (if (> (string-length s) limit)
(string-append (substring s 0 limit) "...")
2017-08-13 23:58:48 +00:00
(string-split s "\n"))))
(disk 4)
(filled-rectangle #:color color
#:draw-border? #f
(+ (pict-width para) 8)
(+ (pict-height para) 8))
[_ #f]))))
(define (msd->pict m)
(match-define (msd max-lane all-events) m)
(define-values (connections events) (partition connection? all-events))
(match-define (list _row-count statemaps) (foldl update-swimlane (list 0 (hash)) events))
(define rows (sort (hash->list statemaps) < #:key car))
(define dummy-initial-row (cons (- (car (car rows)) 1) (hash)))
(define dummy-final-row (match (last rows)
[(cons final-row final-statemap)
(cons (+ final-row 1) (reset-statemap final-statemap))]))
(define row-triples
(map (lambda (a b c)
(list (car b)
(reset-statemap (cdr a))
(cdr b)
(reset-statemap (cdr c))))
(cons dummy-initial-row rows)
(append rows (list dummy-final-row))
(append (cdr rows) (list dummy-final-row dummy-final-row))))
(define over-and-unders
(map (match-lambda
[(list row-number prev-row current-row next-row)
(define overlay (render-overlay max-lane current-row))
2017-08-14 00:08:09 +00:00
(define height (+ (GAP) (apply max (map pict-height overlay))))
2017-08-13 23:58:48 +00:00
(define underlay (render-underlay max-lane prev-row current-row next-row height))
(list row-number underlay overlay)])
(define overlay-index (for/hash [(entry over-and-unders)]
(values (car entry) (caddr entry))))
(define base-pict
(apply vl-append 0
(map (lambda (over-and-under)
(ct-superimpose (apply hb-append 4 (cadr over-and-under))
(apply hb-append 4 (caddr over-and-under))))
(for/fold [(base-pict base-pict)]
[(c connections)]
(match-define (connection (diagram-position from-lane from-row)
(diagram-position to-lane to-row))
(if (and (hash-has-key? overlay-index from-row)
(hash-has-key? overlay-index to-row))
(pin-arrow-line 10 base-pict
(list-ref (hash-ref overlay-index from-row) from-lane)
(list-ref (hash-ref overlay-index to-row) to-lane)
#:start-angle (if (>= to-lane from-lane) SE SW)
#:start-pull 1/10
#:end-angle (if (<= to-lane from-lane) SW SE)
#:end-pull 1/10)
(define (render p #:target [target (string->symbol (or (getenv "VM_PICTURES_TARGET") "eps"))])
(define (final-border) 1)
(define final-pict (cc-superimpose (blank (+ (pict-width p) (* 2 (final-border)))
(+ (pict-height p) (* 2 (final-border))))
(panorama p)))
(case target
;; FFS. This connects to the display even if you don't use it.
(local-require racket/gui/base)
(show-pict final-pict 800 600)
;; (log-error "You need to uncomment a couple of lines in vm-pictures.rkt")
(display (convert final-pict 'png-bytes))]
(display (convert final-pict 'png@2x-bytes))]
(display (convert final-pict 'svg-bytes))]
(display (convert final-pict 'eps-bytes))]
(display (convert final-pict 'pdf-bytes))]))
(module+ main
(require racket/cmdline)
(define *scale* 1)
(define *target* 'screen)
(define filename
[("-s" "--scale") scale "Rescales output; 1 = 100%"
(set! *scale* (string->number scale))]
[("-t" "--target") target "Choose target: screen, png, png@2x, svg, eps, pdf"
(set! *target* (string->symbol target))]
2017-08-14 00:08:09 +00:00
[("--width") width "Width of swimlane cells (default: 50)"
(WIDTH (string->number width))]
[("--height") height "Minimum height of rows (default: 20)"
(HEIGHT (string->number height))]
[("--gap") gap "Extra space between rows (default: 20)"
(GAP (string->number gap))]
2017-08-13 23:58:48 +00:00
#:args (filename)
(render (scale (msd->pict (if (equal? filename "-")
(read-msd (current-input-port))
(call-with-input-file filename read-msd)))
#:target *target*))