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2019-03-18 15:34:14 +00:00
#lang imperative-syndicate
(require "wire-protocol.rkt")
(require "internal-protocol.rkt")
(require racket/set)
(spawn #:name 'server-factory
;; Previously, we just had server-envelope. Now, we have both
;; server-envelope and server-proposal. While not everything
;; decided is (locally) suggested, it is true that everything
;; suggested is decided (in this implementation at least),
;; and the following clause reflects this:
(during (server-proposal $scope $assertion)
(assert (server-envelope scope assertion)))
(during/spawn (server-poa $id)
(let-event [(message (message-poa->server id $p))]
(match p
[(Connect scope) (react (connected id scope))]
[(Peer scope) (react (assert (federated-link id scope)))]
[_ (send-error! id 'connection-not-setup)])))))
(define (send-error! id detail)
(send! (message-server->poa id (Err detail))))
(define (connected id scope)
(define endpoints (set))
(assert (server-active scope))
(on (message (message-poa->server id $p))
(match p
[(Assert ep a) #:when (not (set-member? endpoints ep))
(set! endpoints (set-add endpoints ep))
(on-stop (set! endpoints (set-remove endpoints ep)))
(field [assertion a])
(assert (server-proposal scope (assertion)))
(let ((! (lambda (ctor) (lambda (cs) (send! (message-server->poa id (ctor ep cs)))))))
(add-observer-endpoint! (lambda ()
(let ((a (assertion)))
(when (observe? a)
(server-envelope scope (observe-specification a)))))
#:on-add (! Add)
#:on-remove (! Del)
#:on-message (! Msg)))
(on (message (message-poa->server id (Assert ep $new-a)))
(assertion new-a))
(stop-when (message (message-poa->server id (Clear ep)))))]
[(Clear ep) #:when (set-member? endpoints ep)
(void)] ;; handled by stop-when clause in facet established by Assert handler
[(Message body)
(send! (server-envelope scope body))]
(unhandled-message id other)])))
(define (unhandled-message id p)
(match p
[(Connect _) (send-error! id 'duplicate-connection-setup)]
[(Peer _) (send-error! id 'duplicate-connection-setup)]
[(Ping) (send! (message-server->poa id (Pong)))]
[_ (send-error! id 'invalid-message)]))