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2017-07-30 22:50:45 +00:00
#lang syndicate/actor
(require racket/set)
(require racket/string)
(require "protocol.rkt")
(require "message.rkt")
(require/activate syndicate/reload)
(require/activate syndicate/drivers/tcp)
(require/activate syndicate/drivers/line-reader)
(require syndicate/protocol/advertise)
(define (ircd-connection-facet this-conn server-handle)
(define (send-to-remote #:newline [with-newline #t] fmt . vs)
(define bs (string->bytes/utf-8 (apply format fmt vs)))
(log-info "~a <- ~v" this-conn bs)
(send! (tcp-channel server-handle this-conn (if with-newline (bytes-append bs #"\r\n") bs))))
(define (send-irc-message m)
(send-to-remote "~a" (render-irc-message m)))
(define (send* #:source [prefix server-prefix] #:trailing [trailing #f] command . params)
2017-07-30 22:50:45 +00:00
(send-irc-message (irc-message prefix command params trailing)))
(on-start (log-info "Connecting ~a" this-conn))
(on-stop (log-info "Disconnecting ~a" this-conn))
(field [nick #f]
[user #f])
(define/dataflow conn-info (ircd-connection-info this-conn (nick) (user)))
(assert (conn-info))
(during (ircd-motd $motd-lines)
(field [motd-sent? #f])
(unless (motd-sent?)
(when (and (nick) (user))
(motd-sent? #t)
(send* 375 (nick) #:trailing (format "- ~a Message of the day - " server-name))
(for [(line motd-lines)] (send* 372 (nick) #:trailing (format "- ~a" line)))
(send* 376 (nick) #:trailing (format "End of /MOTD command"))))))
(during (ircd-channel-member $Ch this-conn)
(field [initial-names-sent? #f]
[initial-member-nicks (set)])
(during (ircd-channel-member Ch $other-conn)
(field [current-other-source #f])
(define/query-value next-other-source #f
(ircd-connection-info other-conn $N $U)
(irc-source-nick N U))
(on-stop (when (current-other-source) (send* #:source (current-other-source) "PART" Ch)))
2017-07-30 22:50:45 +00:00
(when (and (next-other-source)
;; ^ Becomes #f when other-conn disconnects,
;; apparently by retraction of ircd-connection-info
;; but before the retraction of ircd-channel-member
;; is processed for some reason. TODO investigate
;; this more closely. Should event-handlers that
;; stop a facet prevent execution of contained
;; event-handlers in the same turn?
(not (equal? (current-other-source) (next-other-source))))
2017-07-30 22:50:45 +00:00
(if (initial-names-sent?)
(if (current-other-source)
(when (not (equal? this-conn other-conn)) ;; avoid dups for our own connection
(send* #:source (current-other-source) "NICK"
(irc-source-nick-nick (next-other-source))))
(send* #:source (next-other-source) "JOIN" Ch))
(initial-member-nicks (set-add (initial-member-nicks)
(irc-source-nick-nick (next-other-source)))))
(current-other-source (next-other-source)))))
2017-07-30 22:50:45 +00:00
(on (asserted (ircd-channel-topic Ch $topic))
(if topic
(send* 332 (nick) Ch #:trailing topic)
(send* 331 (nick) Ch #:trailing "No topic is set")))
(on (message (ircd-action this-conn (irc-message _ "WHO" (list Ch) _)))
(flush!) ;; Wait for responses to come in. GROSS and not in
;; general correct (e.g. in the presence of
;; pipelining)
(send! (ircd-event this-conn
(irc-message server-prefix 315 (list (nick) Ch) "End of WHO list."))))
2017-07-30 22:50:45 +00:00
(on (message (ircd-action $who (irc-message _ "WHO" (list Ch) _)))
(match-define (irc-user U H R) (user))
(send! (ircd-event who (irc-message server-prefix 352
(list (nick) Ch U H server-name (nick) "H")
2017-07-30 22:50:45 +00:00
(format "0 ~a" R)))))
(on (message (ircd-action $other-conn (irc-privmsg $source Ch $text)))
(when (not (equal? other-conn this-conn))
(send* #:source source "PRIVMSG" Ch #:trailing text)))
2017-07-30 22:50:45 +00:00
(on-start (send* #:source (irc-source-nick (nick) (user)) "JOIN" Ch)
2017-07-30 22:50:45 +00:00
(define nicks (initial-member-nicks))
(initial-names-sent? #t)
(initial-member-nicks 'no-longer-valid)
(send* 353 (nick) "@" Ch #:trailing (string-join (set->list nicks)))
(send* 366 (nick) Ch #:trailing "End of /NAMES list")))
(on (message (ircd-event this-conn $m))
(send-irc-message m))
(on (message (ircd-action $other-conn (irc-privmsg $source (nick) $text)))
(when (not (equal? other-conn this-conn))
(send* #:source source "PRIVMSG" (nick) #:trailing text)))
2017-07-30 22:50:45 +00:00
(on (message (tcp-channel-line this-conn server-handle $bs))
(define m (parse-irc-message (bytes->string/utf-8 bs)))
(log-info "~a -> ~v" this-conn m)
(send! (ircd-action this-conn m))
(match m
[(irc-message _ "PING" _ _) (void)] ;; RFC says servers don't reply to PINGs
[(or (irc-message _ "NICK" (list N) _)
(irc-message _ "NICK" '() N)) ;; libpurple does this (!)
;; TODO: enforce syntactic restrictions on nick
2017-07-30 22:50:45 +00:00
(if (immediate-query [query-value #f (ircd-connection-info _ N _) #t])
(send* 433 N #:trailing "Nickname is already in use")
(begin (when (nick) (send* #:source (irc-source-nick (nick) (user)) "NICK" N))
2017-07-30 22:50:45 +00:00
(nick N)))]
[(irc-message _ "USER" (list U _Hostname _Servername) R)
;; TODO: enforce syntactic restrictions on parameters to USER
(define H (tcp-address-host this-conn))
(user (irc-user U H R))]
2017-07-30 22:50:45 +00:00
[(irc-message _ "QUIT" _ _) (stop-current-facet)]
(when (and (nick) (user))
(match m
[(irc-message _ "JOIN" (cons Channels _MaybeKeys) _)
(for [(Ch (string-split Channels #px",+"))]
(assert! (ircd-channel-member Ch this-conn)))]
[(irc-message _ "PART" (list Channels) _)
(for [(Ch (string-split Channels #px",+"))]
(retract! (ircd-channel-member Ch this-conn)))]
[(irc-message _ "WHOIS" _ _)
(send* 318 (nick) #:trailing "End of /WHOIS list")] ;; TODO
[(irc-message _ "PRIVMSG" (list Targets) Text)
(for [(T (string-split Targets #px",+"))]
(send! (ircd-action this-conn
(irc-privmsg (irc-source-nick (nick) (user)) T Text))))]
2017-07-30 22:50:45 +00:00
[_ (void)]))])))
(spawn #:name 'session-listener-factory
(during/spawn (ircd-listener $port)
#:name (ircd-listener port)
(on-start (log-info "Listening on port ~a." port))
(on-stop (log-info "No longer listening on port ~a." port))
(define server-handle (tcp-listener port))
(assert (advertise (observe (tcp-channel _ server-handle _))))
(during/spawn (advertise (tcp-channel $this-conn server-handle _))
#:name `(ircd-connection ,this-conn ,server-handle)
(assert (advertise (tcp-channel server-handle this-conn _)))
(ircd-connection-facet this-conn server-handle))))