#lang racket/base (provide random-hex-string extend-url-string-query web-respond/status! web-request! web-post/form-parameters! analyze-response parse-link-headers link-header-ref maybe-link-header vh canonical-url) (require racket/dict) (require racket/match) (require racket/string) (require (only-in file/sha1 bytes->hex-string)) (require (only-in racket/random crypto-random-bytes)) (require net/url) (require net/uri-codec) (require syndicate/actor) (require syndicate/drivers/timer) (require syndicate/drivers/web) (module+ test (require rackunit)) (define (random-hex-string half-length) (bytes->hex-string (crypto-random-bytes half-length))) (define (extend-url-string-query urlstr extension) (define u (string->url urlstr)) (url->string (struct-copy url u [query (append (url-query u) extension)]))) (module+ test (check-equal? (extend-url-string-query "http://localhost/" '((a . "hi"))) "http://localhost/?a=hi") (check-equal? (extend-url-string-query "http://localhost/" '()) "http://localhost/") (check-equal? (extend-url-string-query "http://localhost?foo=bar" '()) "http://localhost?foo=bar") (check-equal? (extend-url-string-query "http://localhost/?foo=bar" '()) "http://localhost/?foo=bar") (check-equal? (extend-url-string-query "http://localhost?foo=bar" '((a . "hi"))) "http://localhost?foo=bar&a=hi") (check-equal? (extend-url-string-query "http://localhost/?foo=bar" '((a . "hi"))) "http://localhost/?foo=bar&a=hi")) (define (web-respond/status! id code message [body #""]) (web-respond/bytes! id #:header (web-response-header #:code code #:message message #:headers '()) body)) (define (web-request! verb urlstr #:body [request-body #""] #:headers [headers '()] #:redirect-budget [redirect-budget 0]) (define req-id (gensym 'req)) (define u (string->url urlstr)) (define res (url->resource u)) (define-values (resp response-body) (react/suspend (k) (on-start (log-info "~a --> ~a ~a ~v" req-id verb urlstr request-body) (send! (web-request req-id 'outbound (web-request-header verb res headers (url-query u)) request-body))) (stop-when (message (web-response-complete req-id $resp $response-body)) (log-info "~a <-- ~v ~v" req-id resp response-body) (k resp response-body)))) (define location (and resp (dict-ref (web-response-header-headers resp) 'location #f))) (if (and resp (eq? (web-response-header-code-type resp) 'redirection) (positive? redirect-budget) location) (web-request! verb location #:body request-body #:headers headers #:redirect-budget (- redirect-budget 1)) (values resp response-body))) (define (web-post/form-parameters! urlstr query-alist #:headers [headers '()] #:redirect-budget [redirect-budget 0]) (web-request! 'post urlstr #:headers (cons (cons 'content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") headers) #:body (string->bytes/utf-8 (alist->form-urlencoded query-alist)))) (define (analyze-response req-thunk k-successful k-unsuccessful) (define-values (resp response-body) (req-thunk)) (if (web-response-successful? resp) (k-successful) (k-unsuccessful resp response-body))) (define (parse-link-headers headers) (define rel-dict-reverse-order (for/fold [(seed (hasheq))] [(header headers)] (if (eq? (car header) 'link) (parse-link-header-value (cdr header) seed) seed))) (for/hasheq [((rel urls-rev) (in-hash rel-dict-reverse-order))] (values rel (reverse urls-rev)))) (define (link-header-ref parsed-link-headers rel default) (match (hash-ref parsed-link-headers rel '()) [(cons v _) v] ['() default])) (define (parse-link-header-value link-header seed) ;; This is not adequate with respect to the RFC 5988 grammar, which ;; includes a wide variety of link-params other than "rel". (define pieces (append (regexp-match* #rx"(<([^>]+)>; +rel=([^\"][^,]*))" link-header #:match-select values) (regexp-match* #rx"(<([^>]+)>; +rel=\"([^\"]+)\")" link-header #:match-select values))) (for/fold [(rel-dict seed)] [(piece pieces)] (match-define (list _ _ url rels-str) piece) (for/fold [(rel-dict rel-dict)] [(rel-str (string-split rels-str))] (define rel (string->symbol rel-str)) (hash-set rel-dict rel (cons url (hash-ref rel-dict rel '())))))) (module+ test (define combined "; rel=\"hub\", ; rel=\"self\"") (define separate "; rel=hub") (check-equal? (parse-link-header-value combined (hasheq)) (hasheq 'hub (list "http://phubb.cweiske.de/hub.php") 'self (list "http://push-tester.cweiske.de/feed.php"))) (check-equal? (parse-link-header-value separate (hasheq)) (hasheq 'hub (list "http://localhost:7827/hub"))) (check-equal? (parse-link-headers (list (cons 'link combined) (cons 'content-type "text/plain") (cons 'link separate))) (hasheq 'hub (list "http://phubb.cweiske.de/hub.php" "http://localhost:7827/hub") 'self (list "http://push-tester.cweiske.de/feed.php")))) (define (maybe-link-header urlstr rel) (if urlstr (list (cons 'link (format "<~a>; rel=~a" urlstr rel))) '())) (define (vh host-name port) (web-virtual-host "http" host-name port)) (define (canonical-url baseurl path) (define b (url->resource (string->url baseurl))) (url->string (resource->url (struct-copy web-resource b [path (append-url-path (web-resource-path b) path)]))))