Distinct subscribers in poke.rkt

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2016-11-22 13:32:08 +13:00
parent 709042bb46
commit 7dc47f53ff
1 changed files with 33 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -45,8 +45,10 @@
#:body (string->bytes/utf-8 (string-join strs)))]
[(list "sub" topic)
(spawn-subscriber topic)]
[(list "sub" topic sub-id-str)
(spawn-subscriber topic (string->symbol sub-id-str))]
[(list "unsub" topic)
(unsubscribe-from topic)]
(send! (list 'unsub topic))]
@ -69,13 +71,13 @@
(h1 "Poke running")))))))
(actor #:name 'sink
(on (web-request-incoming (id req) vh 'post ("sink" ()) $body)
(printf "SINK POST: ~v >>> ~v\n" req body)
(on (web-request-incoming (id req) vh 'post ("sink" (,$sub-id ())) $body)
(printf "SINK POST ~a: ~v >>> ~v\n" sub-id req body)
(if (equal? body #"fail")
(web-respond/status! id 500 #"Deliberate failure")
(web-respond/bytes! id #"")))
(on (web-request-get (id req) vh ("sink" ()))
(printf "SINK GET: ~v\n" req)
(on (web-request-get (id req) vh ("sink" (,$sub-id ())))
(printf "SINK GET ~a: ~v\n" sub-id req)
(define challenge (dict-ref (web-request-header-query req) 'hub.challenge ""))
(web-respond/bytes! id (string->bytes/utf-8 challenge))))
@ -88,22 +90,30 @@
(stop-when-timeout 1000
(printf "~a <== timeout\n" id)))))
(define (spawn-subscriber topic)
(request! 'post `("hub" ())
#:headers (list (cons 'content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
#:body (string->bytes/utf-8
`((hub.callback . "http://localhost:7000/sink")
(hub.poll_interval_seconds . "10")
;; (hub.lease_seconds . "5")
(hub.mode . "subscribe")
(hub.topic . ,topic))))))
(define (spawn-subscriber topic [sub-id (gensym 'sub)])
(actor #:name (list 'subscriber sub-id)
(define (unsubscribe-from topic)
(request! 'post `("hub" ())
#:headers (list (cons 'content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
#:body (string->bytes/utf-8
`((hub.callback . "http://localhost:7000/sink")
(hub.mode . "unsubscribe")
(hub.topic . ,topic))))))
(request! 'post `("hub" ())
#:headers (list (cons 'content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
#:body (string->bytes/utf-8
`((hub.callback . ,(format "http://localhost:7000/sink/~a" sub-id))
(hub.poll_interval_seconds . "10")
;; (hub.lease_seconds . "5")
(hub.mode . "subscribe")
(hub.topic . ,topic)))))
(log-info "Subscriber ~a starting" sub-id))
(stop-when (message (list 'unsub topic))
(log-info "Subscriber ~a stopping" sub-id)
(request! 'post `("hub" ())
(list (cons 'content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
`((hub.callback . ,(format "http://localhost:7000/sink/~a" sub-id))
(hub.mode . "unsubscribe")
(hub.topic . ,topic)))))
(log-info "Subscriber ~a stopped" sub-id))))