#lang racket/base ;; (Temporary) example client and server (require racket/set) (require racket/match) (require "ssh-numbers.rkt") (require "ssh-transport.rkt") (require "ssh-session.rkt") (require "ssh-channel.rkt") (require "ssh-message-types.rkt") (require "ssh-exceptions.rkt") (require "os2-support.rkt") (define server-addr (tcp-listener 2322)) (define (check-remote-identification! peer-identification-string) (define required-peer-identification-regex #rx"^SSH-2\\.0-.*") ;; Each identification string is both a cleartext indicator that ;; we've reached some notion of the right place and also input to ;; the hash function used during D-H key exchange. (when (not (regexp-match required-peer-identification-regex peer-identification-string)) (error 'ssh-session "Invalid peer identification string ~v" peer-identification-string))) (define (repl-boot self-pid) (transition 'no-repl-state (role 'spy (or (topic-subscriber (wild) #:virtual? #t) (topic-publisher (wild) #:virtual? #t)) #:state state [message (write `(APP ,message)) (newline) (flush-output) state]) (at-meta-level (role 'channel-listener (topic-subscriber (channel-message (channel-stream-name #t (wild)) (wild))) #:state state #:topic t #:on-presence (if (topic-virtual? t) state (match t [(topic _ (channel-message (channel-stream-name _ cname) _) _) (transition state (spawn (repl-instance cname) #:debug-name cname))])))))) (define (repl-instance cname) (define inbound-stream (channel-stream-name #t cname)) (define outbound-stream (channel-stream-name #f cname)) (define (handle-channel-message state body) (match body [(channel-stream-request #"pty-req" _) (transition state (at-meta-level (send-message (channel-message inbound-stream (channel-stream-ok)) 'subscriber)))] [m (write `(channel inbound ,m)) (newline) state])) (match (channel-name-type cname) [#"session" (transition 'no-instance-state (at-meta-level (role 'input (topic-subscriber (channel-message inbound-stream (wild))) #:state state #:on-presence (transition state (at-meta-level (send-message (channel-message inbound-stream (channel-stream-config (default-packet-limit) #"")) 'subscriber))) [(channel-message _ body) (handle-channel-message state body)])) (at-meta-level (role 'output (topic-publisher (channel-message outbound-stream (wild))) #:state state [m (write `(channel outbound ,cname ,m)) (newline) state])))] [type (transition 'no-instance-state (at-meta-level (send-message (channel-message outbound-stream (channel-stream-open-failure SSH_OPEN_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE (bytes-append #"Unknown channel type " type))))))])) (define (connection-handler local-addr remote-addr) (define local-identification #"SSH-2.0-RacketSSH_0.0") (nested-vm (list 'ssh-session-vm remote-addr) (lambda (nested-boot-pid) (transition 'running (spawn (timer-relay 'ssh-timer-relay) #:debug-name 'ssh-timer-relay) ;; Issue identification string. (at-meta-level (send-message (tcp-channel local-addr remote-addr (bytes-append local-identification #"\r\n")))) ;; Expect identification string, then update (!) our inbound ;; subscription handler to switch to packet mode. (at-meta-level (send-tcp-mode remote-addr local-addr 'lines)) (at-meta-level (send-tcp-credit remote-addr local-addr 1)) (spawn/monitor (transition 'handshake-is-stateless (at-meta-level (role 'socket-reader (topic-subscriber (tcp-channel remote-addr local-addr (wild))) #:state state [(tcp-channel _ _ (? eof-object?)) (transition state (kill))] [(tcp-channel _ _ (? bytes? remote-identification)) (check-remote-identification! remote-identification) ;; First, set the incoming mode to bytes. Then ;; initialise the reader, switching to packet-reading ;; mode. Finally, spawn the remaining processes and ;; issue the initial credit to the reader. (extend-transition (prefix-transition (ssh-reader local-addr remote-addr) (at-meta-level (send-tcp-mode remote-addr local-addr 'bytes))) (spawn/monitor (ssh-writer local-addr remote-addr) #:debug-name 'ssh-writer) ;; Wait for a cycle to let the reader and writer get ;; started, then tell the reader we are ready for a ;; single packet and spawn the session manager. (yield #:state state (transition state (send-message (inbound-credit 1)) (spawn/monitor (ssh-session local-identification remote-identification repl-boot 'server) #:debug-name 'ssh-session))))]))) #:debug-name 'ssh-reader) (role 'spy (or (topic-subscriber (wild) #:virtual? #t) (topic-publisher (wild) #:virtual? #t)) #:state state [message (write `(SSH ,message)) (newline) (flush-output) state]) (role 'monitor-listener (topic-subscriber (monitor (wild) (wild))) #:state state #:reason reason #:on-absence ;; This is kind of gross: because the absence handler gets ;; invoked several times in a row because of multiple flows ;; intersecting this role, we have to be careful to make the ;; transmission of the disconnection packet idempotent. ;; TODO: this is likely no longer true now we're using monitors %%% (if (eq? state 'running) (if (and (exn:fail:contract:protocol? reason) (not (exn:fail:contract:protocol-originated-at-peer? reason))) (transition 'error-packet-sent (send-message (outbound-packet (ssh-msg-disconnect (exn:fail:contract:protocol-reason-code reason) (string->bytes/utf-8 (exn-message reason)) #""))) (yield #:state state (transition state (at-meta-level (kill))))) (transition state (at-meta-level (kill #:reason reason)))) state)))))) (ground-vm (transition 'no-state (spawn (timer-driver 'timer-driver)) (spawn tcp-driver #:debug-name 'tcp-driver) (spawn tcp-spy #:debug-name 'tcp-spy) (spawn (transition 'no-state (role 'connection-waiter (topic-subscriber (tcp-channel (wild) server-addr (wild)) #:virtual? #t) #:state state #:topic t #:on-presence (match t [(topic 'publisher (tcp-channel remote-addr (== server-addr) _) #t) ;; Ignore virtual flows. They just mean there's ;; someone willing to supply connections to us ;; at some point in the future. state] [(topic 'publisher (tcp-channel remote-addr (== server-addr) _) #f) (transition state (spawn (connection-handler server-addr remote-addr) #:debug-name (list 'ssh-session-vm remote-addr)))]))))))