#lang racket/base ;; A box whose value can only be set once, that starts life with no ;; value, and that supports an event waiting for a value to arrive. (provide make-blocking-box blocking-box-evt blocking-box-value set-blocking-box!) (struct blocking-box (thread set-ch get-ch)) (define (make-blocking-box) (define set-ch (make-channel)) (define get-ch (make-channel)) (blocking-box (thread/suspend-to-kill (lambda () (manager set-ch get-ch))) set-ch get-ch)) (define (manager s g) (define v (channel-get s)) (let loop () (sync (handle-evt s (lambda (ignored-new-v) (loop))) (handle-evt (channel-put-evt g v) (lambda (dummy) (loop)))))) (define (blocking-box-evt b) (guard-evt (lambda () ;; Ensure the manager is running within our custodian: (thread-resume (blocking-box-thread b) (current-thread)) (blocking-box-get-ch b)))) (define (blocking-box-value b) (sync (blocking-box-evt b))) (define (set-blocking-box! b v) ;; Ensure the manager is running within our custodian: (thread-resume (blocking-box-thread b) (current-thread)) (channel-put (blocking-box-set-ch b) v))