Sandbox code from old os1 server; eval server.

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2012-07-09 16:54:27 -04:00
parent 59d783a897
commit 908c3f929d
2 changed files with 48 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
(require racket/contract)
(require (only-in racket/port peek-bytes-avail!-evt))
(require "cook-port.rkt")
(require "sandboxes.rkt")
(require "ssh-numbers.rkt")
(require "ssh-transport.rkt")
@ -71,24 +72,6 @@
[(topic _ (channel-message (channel-stream-name _ cname) _) _)
(transition state (spawn (repl-instance cname) #:debug-name cname))])))))
(define (repl-evaluator in out)
(fprintf out "Welcome!~n")
(flush-output out)
(let loop ()
(define v (read in))
(write `(REPL ,v)) (newline) (flush-output)
[(eof-object? v)
(fprintf out "Goodbye!~n")
(flush-output out)
(sleep 0.1) ;; TODO: reliable transmission to avoid the sleep. (At least drain the pipe.)
(fprintf out "You said ~v~n" v)
(flush-output out)
(close-input-port in)
(close-output-port out))
;; (repl-instance InputPort OutputPort InputPort OutputPort)
(struct repl-instance-state (c2s-in ;; used by thread to read input from relay
@ -106,7 +89,7 @@
(match body
[(channel-stream-request #"pty-req" _)
(match-define (repl-instance-state old-in _ _ old-out) state)
(define-values (cooked-in cooked-out) (cook-io old-in old-out "RacketSSH> "))
(define-values (cooked-in cooked-out) (cook-io old-in old-out "> "))
(transition (struct-copy repl-instance-state state
[c2s-in cooked-in]
[s2c-out cooked-out])
@ -118,7 +101,9 @@
(match-define (repl-instance-state c2s-in _ s2c-in s2c-out) state)
(define buffer-size 1024)
(define dummy-buffer (make-bytes buffer-size))
(define repl-thread (thread (lambda () (repl-evaluator c2s-in s2c-out))))
(define repl-thread (thread (lambda ()
;; TODO: thread username through
(repl-shell "unknown" c2s-in s2c-out))))
(transition state
(ch-do send-feedback inbound-stream (channel-stream-ok))
(role 'thread-death-listener (topic-subscriber (cons (thread-dead-evt repl-thread) (wild)))

sandboxes.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#lang racket/base
;; Sandbox management and use.
(require racket/match)
(require racket/sandbox)
(provide repl-shell)
(struct user-state (name master-sandbox master-namespace) #:transparent)
(define *user-states* (make-hash))
(define (get-user-state username)
(when (not (hash-has-key? *user-states* username))
(let* ((sb (make-evaluator 'racket/base))
(ns (call-in-sandbox-context sb current-namespace)))
(hash-set! *user-states* username
(user-state username
(hash-ref *user-states* username))
(define (repl-shell username in out)
(match-define (user-state _ master-sandbox master-namespace) (get-user-state username))
(parameterize ((current-input-port in)
(current-output-port out)
(current-error-port out)
(sandbox-input in)
(sandbox-output out)
(sandbox-error-output out)
(sandbox-memory-limit 2) ;; megabytes
(sandbox-eval-limits #f)
(sandbox-namespace-specs (list (lambda () master-namespace))))
(printf "Hello, ~a.\n" username)
(define slave-sandbox (make-evaluator '(begin)))
;; ^^ uses master-namespace via sandbox-namespace-specs
(parameterize ((current-namespace master-namespace)
(current-eval slave-sandbox))
(fprintf out "\nGoodbye!\n")
(kill-evaluator slave-sandbox)
(close-input-port in)
(close-output-port out)))