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#lang racket/base
;; (Temporary) example client and server
(require racket/tcp)
(require racket/pretty)
(require racket/match)
(require racket/class)
(require racket/port)
(require racket/sandbox)
(require "ssh-service.rkt")
(require "standard-thread.rkt")
(require "conversation.rkt")
#;(define (t-client)
(let-values (((i o) (tcp-connect "localhost"
(let ((api (ssh-session 'client i o)))
(printf "Got API ~v\n" api)
(semaphore-wait (make-semaphore 0)))))
2011-10-27 22:13:49 +00:00
(define *environments* (make-hash))
(define *interaction* (make-room 'interaction))
2011-10-31 12:54:51 +00:00
(spy-on *interaction*)
2011-10-27 22:13:49 +00:00
(define *interaction-handle* (make-parameter #f))
(define *prompt* "RacketSSH> ")
(define (->string/safe bs)
((string? bs) bs)
((bytes? bs) (with-handlers ((exn? (lambda (e) (bytes->string/latin-1 bs))))
(bytes->string/utf-8 bs)))
(else (call-with-output-string (lambda (p) (write bs p))))))
(define (dump-interactions handle)
(display *prompt*)
(let retry-without-prompt ()
(sync (handle-evt (send handle listen-evt)
(lambda (message)
(display "\033[1G\033[2K") ;; clear current line
(let loop ((message message))
(when message
(match message
((arrived who) (printf "*** ~a arrived\n" (->string/safe who)))
((departed who why) (printf "*** ~a departed (~a)\n"
(->string/safe who)
(->string/safe why)))
((says who what #f)
(printf " ~a: ~a\n" (->string/safe who) (->string/safe what)))
((says who what topic)
(printf " ~a (~a): ~a\n"
(->string/safe who)
(->string/safe topic)
(->string/safe what))))
(loop (send handle try-listen))))
(dump-interactions handle)))
(handle-evt (peek-string-evt 1 0 #f (current-input-port))
(lambda (s)
((eof-object? s))
((char-whitespace? (string-ref s 0))
(read-string 1 (current-input-port))
(else 'ready-to-read-something-real)))))))
(define (call-with-interaction-prompt-read handle thunk)
(parameterize ((current-prompt-read (lambda ()
(dump-interactions handle)
(read-syntax "<ssh-session>" (current-input-port)))))
2011-10-27 22:13:49 +00:00
(define (get-user-environment username)
(when (not (hash-has-key? *environments* username))
(hash-set! *environments* username (make-base-namespace)))
(hash-ref *environments* username))
2011-10-31 14:55:19 +00:00
(define (help)
(printf "This is RacketSSH, a secure REPL for Racket.\n")
(printf "Definitions made are kept in a per-user environment.\n")
(printf "Beyond core Racket,\n")
(printf " (say <any>) - communicates its argument to other logged-in users\n")
2011-10-31 15:35:07 +00:00
(printf " (help) - this help message\n")
(printf "If the reader gets confused, try control-L to make it reprint the line\n")
(printf "buffer, or ESC to clear the line buffer.\n"))
2011-10-31 14:55:19 +00:00
(define (repl-shell username in out)
(define handle (join-room *interaction* username))
2011-10-27 22:13:49 +00:00
(define env (get-user-environment username))
(parameterize ((current-input-port in)
(current-output-port out)
(current-error-port out)
(sandbox-input in)
(sandbox-output out)
(sandbox-error-output out)
2011-10-27 22:13:49 +00:00
(current-namespace env)
(sandbox-namespace-specs (list (lambda () env))))
(parameterize ((current-eval (make-evaluator '(begin))))
(printf "Hello, ~a.\n" username)
2011-10-31 14:55:19 +00:00
(printf "Type (help) for help.\n")
2011-10-27 22:13:49 +00:00
(eval `(,*interaction-handle* ,handle))
2011-10-31 14:55:19 +00:00
(eval `(define help ,help))
(eval `(define say ,(lambda (utterance)
2011-10-27 22:13:49 +00:00
(printf " You: ~a\n" (->string/safe utterance))
(send (*interaction-handle*) say utterance)
(call-with-interaction-prompt-read handle read-eval-print-loop))
(fprintf out "\nGoodbye!\n")
(close-input-port in)
(close-output-port out)))
(define (t-server)
(define s (tcp-listen 2322 4 #t))
(printf "Accepting...\n")
(tcp-pty-ssh-server s repl-shell #:prompt *prompt*))
(if (getenv "clientmode")
(void) #;(t-client)