#lang racket/base ;; Compatibility: 2htdp/universe's big-bang expressed in terms of ground-vm and os-big-bang. (require racket/match) (require racket/class) (require racket/async-channel) (require (except-in racket/gui/base yield make-color make-pen)) (require 2htdp/image) (require "os2.rkt") (provide (struct-out stop-with) on-tick on-key on-release on-mouse stop-when to-draw on-draw big-bang) (struct stop-with (w) #:transparent) ;; This should be part of racket (define (time-evt msecs) (wrap-evt (alarm-evt msecs) (lambda (_) (current-inexact-milliseconds)))) (define wild-sub (topic-subscriber (wild))) (define (broadcast message) (send-message message)) (define (replace-world w1 w2) (cond [(stop-with? w2) (transition (stop-with-w w2) (broadcast `(new-state ,(stop-with-w w2))) (broadcast 'stop))] [else (transition w2 (broadcast `(new-state ,w2)))])) (struct ticker-state (counter interval limit) #:transparent) (define-syntax on-tick (syntax-rules () ((_ tick-expr) (on-tick tick-expr 1/28)) ((_ tick-expr rate-expr) (on-tick tick-expr rate-expr 0)) ((_ tick-expr rate-expr limit-expr) (list (role wild-sub #:state w ['tick (replace-world w (tick-expr w))]) (spawn (transition (ticker-state 0 rate-expr limit-expr) (role wild-sub #:state ts ['stop (transition ts (kill))]) (let loop ((next-alarm-time 0)) (role (topic-subscriber (cons (time-evt next-alarm-time) (wild))) #:name 'tick-sequence #:state (and ts (ticker-state counter interval limit)) [(cons _ now) (if (and (positive? limit) (>= counter limit)) (transition ts (kill)) (transition (ticker-state (+ counter 1) interval limit) (delete-role 'tick-sequence) (loop (+ now (* 1000 interval))) (broadcast 'tick)))])))))))) (define-syntax-rule (on-key key-expr) (role wild-sub #:state w [`(key-down ,kev) (replace-world w (key-expr w kev))])) (define-syntax-rule (on-release release-expr) (role wild-sub #:state w [`(key-up ,kev) (replace-world w (release-expr w kev))])) (define-syntax-rule (on-mouse mouse-expr) (role wild-sub #:state w [`(mouse ,x ,y ,mev) (replace-world w (mouse-expr w x y mev))])) (define-syntax-rule (stop-when last-world?) (role wild-sub #:state w [`(new-state ,_) (if (last-world? w) (replace-world w (stop-with w)) w)])) (define-syntax-rule (on-draw render-expr) (to-draw render-expr)) (define-syntax-rule (to-draw render-expr) (role wild-sub #:state w [`(new-state ,_) (transition w (broadcast `(render ,(render-expr w))))])) (define (ui-actions c:ui->world c:world->ui) (list (role (topic-subscriber (cons c:ui->world (wild))) #:state w [(cons _ e) (transition w (send-message e))]) (role wild-sub #:state w ['stop (async-channel-put c:world->ui 'stop) (transition w (kill))]) (role wild-sub #:state w [`(render ,scene) (async-channel-put c:world->ui `(render ,scene)) w]))) (define (make-key-event code) (cond [(char? code) (string code)] [(symbol? code) (symbol->string code)])) ;; Pinched almost without change from collects/2htdp/private/world.rkt (define (mouse-event->parts e) (define x (send e get-x)) (define y (send e get-y)) (list 'mouse x y (cond [(send e button-down?) "button-down"] [(send e button-up?) "button-up"] [(send e dragging?) "drag"] [(send e moving?) "move"] [(send e entering?) "enter"] [(send e leaving?) "leave"] [else ; (send e get-event-type) (let ([m (send e get-event-type)]) (error 'on-mouse (format "Unknown event: ~a" m)))]))) (define universe-canvas% (class canvas% (init-field c:ui->world) (super-new) (define/override (on-event e) (async-channel-put c:ui->world (mouse-event->parts e))) (define/override (on-char e) (async-channel-put c:ui->world (match (make-key-event (send e get-key-code)) ["release" `(key-up ,(make-key-event (send e get-key-release-code)))] [other `(key-down ,other)]))))) (define (big-bang initial-state . initial-action) (define c:ui->world (make-async-channel)) (define c:world->ui (make-async-channel)) (define frame (new frame% [label "os-big-bang universe"] [width 500] [height 300])) (define image (empty-scene 200 200)) (define canvas (new universe-canvas% [c:ui->world c:ui->world] [parent frame] [paint-callback (lambda (canvas dc) (send image draw dc 0 0 0 0 (send frame get-width) (send frame get-height) 0 0 #f))])) (send frame show #t) (thread (lambda () (let loop () (define v (async-channel-get c:world->ui)) (match v [`(render ,scene) (set! image scene) (send frame resize (image-width image) (image-height image)) (send canvas refresh-now)] [_ 'ignore]) (loop)))) (define (error-listener topic) (role topic #:state w #:topic flow #:reason reason #:on-absence (begin (when reason (write (list flow '--> reason)) (newline)) w))) (thread (lambda () (ground-vm (transition initial-state (ui-actions c:ui->world c:world->ui) (spawn (transition 'no-state (error-listener (topic-publisher (wild))) (error-listener (topic-subscriber (wild))))) initial-action)))))