from __future__ import with_statement from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn, TCPServer, StreamRequestHandler from threading import RLock active_connections = set() active_connection_mutex = RLock() class ChatServer(ThreadingMixIn, TCPServer): allow_reuse_address = True counter = 0 class ConnectionHandler(StreamRequestHandler): def handle(self): global counter self.connection_id = 'user' + str(counter) counter = counter + 1 try: self.arrive() while True: line = self.rfile.readline() if not line: break for c in active_connections.copy(): c.announce('%s says %s' % (self.connection_id, line.strip())) finally: self.depart() def arrive(self): self.announce('you are %s' % (self.connection_id,)) with active_connection_mutex: for c in active_connections: c.announce('%s arrived' % (self.connection_id,)) active_connections.add(self) def depart(self): with active_connection_mutex: active_connections.discard(self) for c in active_connections: c.announce('%s departed' % (self.connection_id,)) def announce(self, s): try: self.wfile.write(s + '\n') except IOError: self.depart() if __name__ == '__main__': s = ChatServer(('localhost', 5999), ConnectionHandler) s.serve_forever()