
This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2012-03-24 15:02:15 -04:00
parent 244055fffb
commit dac24674ad
1 changed files with 31 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
;; A EID is an (arbitrary) VM-unique endpoint identifier. Concretely,
;; it's a list of two elements, the first being the endpoint's
;; process's PID and the second being an integer.
;; process's PID and the second being an integer. (Except for the
;; ground-vm, where they're different because there aren't any PIDs.)
;; One endpoint, one topic.
@ -131,25 +132,26 @@
(match remaining-actions
['() (transition state (quasi-queue->list outbound-actions))]
[(cons (cons pid action) rest)
(if (at-meta-level? action)
(let-values (((state new-actions)
(perform-meta-action pid (at-meta-level-preaction action) state)))
(loop rest state (quasi-enqueue-many new-actions outbound-actions)))
(loop rest (perform-action pid action state) outbound-actions))])))
(match action
[(at-meta-level preaction)
(define transformed-preaction (transform-meta-action pid preaction))
(loop rest state (quasi-enqueue-one transformed-preaction outbound-actions))]
(loop rest (perform-action pid preaction state) outbound-actions)])])))
(define (run-user-code v)
;; TODO: use this hook to find all the bits of code that will need
;; with-handlers and crash compensation.
(define (perform-action pid action state)
(match action
[(add-role topic handlers k) (do-subscribe pid topic handlers k state)]
(define (perform-action pid preaction state)
(match preaction
[(add-role topic hs k) (do-subscribe pid topic hs k state)]
[(delete-role eid reason) (do-unsubscribe pid eid reason state)]
[(send-message topic body) (route-and-deliver topic body state)]
[(spawn thunk k) (do-spawn pid thunk k state)]))
(define (do-subscribe pid topic handlers k state)
(define (do-subscribe pid topic hs k state)
(define old-process (hash-ref (vm-processes state) pid))
(define eid-number (process-next-endpoint-id-number old-process))
(define new-eid (list pid eid-number))
@ -164,7 +166,7 @@
(define outbound-flow (refine-topic topic flow-pattern))
(let* ((state (run-trapk state
(handlers-presence handlers)
(handlers-presence hs)
(state (run-trapk state
@ -184,7 +186,7 @@
(endpoint new-eid
(define (do-unsubscribe pid eid reason state)
(define endpoint-to-remove (hash-ref (vm-endpoints state) eid))
@ -261,5 +263,20 @@
[pending-actions (quasi-enqueue-many (for/list ([a actions]) (cons pid a))
(vm-pending-actions state))]))
(define (perform-meta-action pid preaction state)
(error 'perform-meta-action "%%% Not implemented"))
(define (wrap-trapk pid trapk)
(lambda args
(lambda (state)
(apply run-trapk state pid trapk args))))
(define (transform-meta-action pid preaction)
(match preaction
[(add-role topic hs k)
(add-role topic
(handlers (wrap-trapk pid (handlers-presence hs))
(wrap-trapk pid (handlers-absence hs))
(wrap-trapk pid (handlers-message hs)))
(wrap-trapk pid k))]
[(? delete-role?) preaction]
[(? send-message?) preaction]
[(spawn thunk k)
(spawn thunk (wrap-trapk pid k))]))