More docs and comments

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2012-02-15 14:15:34 -05:00
parent 49b6d0dfb7
commit b3c2dd96d3
4 changed files with 71 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -69,6 +69,10 @@
;; representation of a suspended world and its active subscriptions.
(struct world (state subscriptions) #:transparent)
;; (subscribe/fresh var expr)
;; Generates a fresh SID, binds it to var, and results in a
;; subscription using that SID with the given expr's
;; event-description.
(define-syntax subscribe/fresh
(syntax-rules ()
((_ id-binder event-description)
@ -84,16 +88,26 @@
(match message
[pattern body ...] ...))))))
;; (message-handlers state-pat [pat expr ...] ...)
;; When one of these message handlers is invoked, binds the
;; world-state value active at the time using state-pat, binds the
;; message using pat, and then invokes the exprs. The pat serves
;; double-duty: it both destructures the message and acts as a
;; predicate controlling receipt of the message.
(define-syntax message-handlers
(syntax-rules ()
((_ old-state-pattern [pattern body ...] ...)
(message-handlers* on-message old-state-pattern [pattern body ...] ...))))
;; As for message-handlers, but builds a meta-message handling
;; event-description instead.
(define-syntax meta-message-handlers
(syntax-rules ()
((_ old-state-pattern [pattern body ...] ...)
(message-handlers* on-meta-message old-state-pattern [pattern body ...] ...))))
;; Complex form for writing meta-message handlers at ground level,
;; which translate to event handlers. See examples in various drivers.
(define-syntax ground-message-handler
(syntax-rules (=>)
((_ old-state-pattern [(tag-expr evt-expr => pattern) body ...])
@ -103,6 +117,9 @@
(match meta-message
[(ground-event-value _ pattern) body ...]))))))
;; World -> Suspension
;; Used to package up our persistent subscriptions into a transient
;; os.rkt Suspension.
(define (world->os-suspension w)
(suspension w
@ -117,14 +134,17 @@
(match-define (on-meta-message pattern handler) v)
(message-handler pattern (wrap-handler handler)))))
;; (X WorldState -> Transition) -> X -> WorldState -> Transition
(define (((wrap-handler handler) message) w)
(maybe-transition->os-transition w (handler message (world-state w))))
;; World Transition -> KernelModeTransition
(define (maybe-transition->os-transition w t)
(if (transition? t)
(transition->os-transition w t)
(transition->os-transition w (transition t '()))))
;; World (transition WorldState ListOf<Action>) -> KernelModeTransition
(define (transition->os-transition w t)
(match-define (transition state unflattened-actions) t)
(define actions (flatten unflattened-actions))
@ -136,6 +156,9 @@
(for/list [(a actions) #:when (spawn? a)]
(spawn-thunk a))))
;; World WorldState ListOf<Action> -> World
;; Updates the World according to the given Actions, and also replaces
;; the old with the new WorldState in the result.
(define (update-world w new-state actions)
(world new-state
(foldl (lambda (action old-map)
@ -150,8 +173,10 @@
(world-subscriptions w)
;; WorldState [Action ...] -> BootK
(define (os-big-bang initial-state . initial-actions)
(os-big-bang/transition (transition initial-state initial-actions)))
;; (transition WorldState ListOf<Action>) -> BootK
(define (os-big-bang/transition t)
(lambda () (transition->os-transition (world (void) (hash)) t)))

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#lang racket/base
;; Some basic drivers and utilities for writing programs using os-userland.rkt
(require racket/match)
(require racket/port)
@ -29,9 +30,17 @@
;; BootK -> Void
;; Starts the ground VM with the given BootK and a PatternPredicate
;; appropriate for use with this library.
(define (ground-vm/stdlib boot)
(ground-vm boot #:pattern-predicate (lambda (p m) (p m))))
;; (message-handlers [pat expr ...] ...)
;; When one of these message handlers is invoked, binds the message
;; using pat, and then invokes the exprs. The pat serves double-duty:
;; it both destructures the message and acts as a predicate
;; controlling receipt of the message.
(define-syntax message-handlers
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (pattern body ...) ...)
@ -39,6 +48,8 @@
(match-lambda (pattern body ...)))
;; For matching *ground* events. See also ground-message-handler in
;; os-big-bang.rkt.
(define-syntax meta-message-handlers
(syntax-rules (=>)
((_ [(tag-expr evt-expr => pattern) body ...] ...)
@ -46,6 +57,8 @@
(match-lambda ((ground-event-value _ pattern) body ...)))
;; Any -> Any
;; Performs an RPC, according to a simple stereotypical RPC protocol.
(define (rpc req)
(define reply-addr (gensym 'reply-addr)) ;;; !!! TODO: remove side-effect?
(send `(request ,reply-addr ,req))
@ -53,6 +66,10 @@
[`(reply ,(== reply-addr) ,v)
;; (rpc-service (pat expr ...) ...)
;; Starts an RPC service listening for messages matching the
;; pats. When one arrives, spawns a new process that runs the
;; corresponding exprs, and goes back to listening for more requests.
(define-syntax rpc-service
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ [pattern body ...] ...)
@ -65,6 +82,7 @@
;; Driver wrapping output to current-output-port.
(define display-driver
(lambda ()
@ -75,9 +93,11 @@
;; Sends its argument to the display-driver.
(define (display x)
(send `(display ,x)))
;; Driver providing an RPC read-line (from current-input-port) service.
(define read-line-driver
(lambda ()
@ -89,9 +109,11 @@
=> line)
;; Requests the next line of input.
(define (read-line)
(rpc 'read-line))
;; Racket timer event - see comment on the analogous function in os-timer.rkt.
(define (time-evt msecs)
(wrap-evt (alarm-evt msecs) (lambda (_) (current-inexact-milliseconds))))
@ -106,9 +128,12 @@
(wait (message-handlers)
(wait-mmh msecs)))
;; Retrieves the current-inexact-milliseconds, using the VM tree IPC mechanism.
(define (current-time)
(wait-until-time 0))
;; RPC service that replies to you when the specified number of
;; milliseconds have elapsed.
(define sleep-driver
(lambda ()
@ -119,14 +144,18 @@
(send `(display "\n"))
;; Invoke the sleep-driver.
(define (sleep msecs)
(rpc `(sleep ,msecs)))
;; Syntactic sugar for a (wait (message-handlers ...)) combination.
(define-syntax receive
(syntax-rules ()
((_ mh-clause ...)
(wait (message-handlers mh-clause ...)))))
;; Syntactic sugar for a (wait (message-handlers ...)) combination
;; with an additional timeout event.
(define-syntax receive/timeout
(syntax-rules ()
((_ timeout-msecs mh-clause ...)

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#lang racket/base
; Userland for os.rkt: use of delimited continuations to invoke kernel services
(require racket/match)
@ -23,8 +22,12 @@
;; A WaitClause is a (wait-clause PatternPredicate ([Meta]Message -> Any))
;; Used to build up what amount to wrapped events in Racket's CMLish
;; terminology, for use with wait (which is analogous to sync).
(struct wait-clause (pattern handler-proc) #:transparent)
;; Our internal prompt tag.
(define prompt (make-continuation-prompt-tag 'os-userland))
;; ( -> Void) -> BootK
@ -81,20 +84,33 @@
(define (actions ms mms thrs)
(call-in-kernel-context (lambda (k) `(actions ,ms ,mms ,thrs ,k))))
;; Message -> Void
;; Sends a message at this level.
(define (send message)
(actions (list message) '() '()))
;; MetaMessage -> Void
;; Sends a message at this VM's container's level.
(define (meta-send meta-message)
(actions '() (list meta-message) '()))
;; ListOf<Message> [ListOf<MetaMessage>] -> Void
;; Sends any number of messages, possibly at multiple levels.
(define (send* messages [meta-messages '()])
(actions messages meta-messages '()))
;; ConsTreeOf<WaitClause> [ConsTreeOf<WaitClause>] -> Any
;; Synchronizes on a collection of possible events.
(define (wait mhs [mmhs '()])
(call-in-kernel-context (lambda (k) `(wait #f ,mhs ,mmhs ,k))))
;; [ConsTreeOf<WaitClause>] [ConsTreeOf<WaitClause>] -> Any
;; Synchronizes on a collection of possible events, returning
;; "immediately" if none of them are ready to fire.
(define (poll [mhs '()] [mmhs '()])
(call-in-kernel-context (lambda (k) `(wait #t ,mhs ,mmhs ,k))))
;; BootK -> Void
;; Spawns the given BootK within the current VM.
(define (spawn thunk)
(actions '() '() (list thunk)))

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#lang racket/base
;; Compatibility: 2htdp/universe's big-bang expressed in terms of ground-vm and os-big-bang.
(require racket/match)