Abbreviated TCP OS2 interface, and two programs to compare.

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2012-07-16 17:01:56 -04:00
parent cf4ca5c8bd
commit 59469d68f8
3 changed files with 146 additions and 0 deletions

chat-os2.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/port)
(require racket/match)
(require "os2.rkt")
(require "fake-tcp.rkt")
(define (main)
(transition 'none
(spawn tcp-driver)
(spawn (nested-vm 'chat-vm
(transition 'no-state
(role/anon (tcp-listener 5999)
#:topic t
#:on-presence (spawn (connection-handler t))))))))))
(define (connection-handler t)
(match-define (topic _ (tcp-channel connection-id _ _) _) t)
(define-values (cin cout in-topic out-topic) (tcp-accept t))
(transition 'no-state
(at-meta-level (cin (tcp-mode 'lines)))
(at-meta-level (cin (tcp-credit 1)))
(at-meta-level (role/anon out-topic))
(at-meta-level (role/anon in-topic
[(tcp-channel _ _ (? eof-object?)) (kill)]
[(tcp-channel _ _ (? bytes? line))
(list (at-meta-level (cin (tcp-credit 1)))
(send-message `(,connection-id says ,line)))]))
(role/anon (topic-publisher `(,connection-id says ,(wild))))
(role/anon (topic-subscriber `(,(wild) says ,(wild)))
#:topic t
#:on-presence (match t [(topic _ `(,who ,_ ,_) _)
(at-meta-level (cout (term->bytes (if (equal? who connection-id)
`(you-are ,connection-id)
`(,who arrived)))))])
#:on-absence (match t [(topic _ `(,who ,_ ,_) _)
(when (not (equal? who connection-id))
(at-meta-level (cout (term->bytes `(,who departed)))))])
[message (at-meta-level (cout (term->bytes message)))])))
(define (term->bytes v)
(with-output-to-bytes (lambda () (write v) (newline))))

chat-sync.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/set)
(require racket/tcp)
(require racket/port)
(define active-connection-mutex (make-semaphore 1))
(define active-connections (set))
(define (main)
(define listener (tcp-listen 5999 4 #t))
(let loop ()
(define-values (cin cout) (tcp-accept listener))
(define-values (local-host local-port remote-host remote-port) (tcp-addresses cin #t))
(thread (connection-handler cin cout (cons remote-host remote-port)))
(define (connection-handler cin cout connection-id)
(lambda ()
(with-handlers ((exn:fail? (lambda (e) (depart! connection-id) (raise e))))
(arrive! connection-id)
(let loop ()
(sync (wrap-evt (read-bytes-line-evt cin 'any)
(lambda (line)
(if (eof-object? line)
(call-with-semaphore active-connection-mutex
(lambda ()
(for ([c active-connections])
(thread-send (car c) `(says ,connection-id ,line)))))
(wrap-evt (thread-receive-evt)
(lambda (dummy)
(define message (thread-receive))
(write message cout)
(newline cout)
(flush-output cout)
(depart! connection-id))))
(define (arrive! connection-id)
(call-with-semaphore active-connection-mutex
(lambda ()
(thread-send (current-thread) `(you-are ,connection-id))
(for ([c active-connections])
(thread-send (current-thread) `(arrived ,(cdr c)))
(thread-send (car c) `(arrived ,connection-id)))
(define new-connections (set-add active-connections (cons (current-thread) connection-id)))
(set! active-connections new-connections))))
(define (depart! connection-id)
(lambda ()
(define new-connections (set-remove active-connections (cons (current-thread) connection-id)))
(set! active-connections new-connections)
(for ([c active-connections]) (thread-send (car c) `(departed ,connection-id))))))

fake-tcp.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/match)
(require "os2.rkt")
(require (prefix-in base: "os2-tcp.rkt"))
(provide (rename-out [base:tcp-driver tcp-driver])
(rename-out [base:tcp-spy tcp-spy])
(rename-out [base:tcp-channel tcp-channel])
(rename-out [base:tcp-credit tcp-credit])
(rename-out [base:tcp-mode tcp-mode]))
;; Returns a topic that can be subscribed to in order to be told about
;; conversations coming and going relating to TCP connections arriving
;; at a local server socket. The server socket is created implicitly
;; as the result of subscribing to this topic.
(define (tcp-listener port)
(topic-subscriber (base:tcp-channel (wild) (base:tcp-listener port) (wild))
#:monitor? #t))
;; Given the topic of a newly-arriving connection, creates helper
;; functions that create communication requests relating to that
;; connection, and also creates topics useful for hearing
;; communications relating to that connection.
(define (tcp-accept new-topic)
(match-define (topic _ (base:tcp-channel remote-addr local-addr _) _) new-topic)
(define (cin feedback) (send-feedback (base:tcp-channel remote-addr local-addr feedback)))
(define (cout data) (send-message (base:tcp-channel local-addr remote-addr data)))
(define in-topic (topic-subscriber (base:tcp-channel remote-addr local-addr (wild))))
(define out-topic (topic-publisher (base:tcp-channel local-addr remote-addr (wild))))
(values cin cout in-topic out-topic))