Switch universe.rkt from os/os-big-bang to os2.

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2012-03-24 21:19:13 -04:00
parent 4246e5b217
commit 4c76dc29f1
1 changed files with 70 additions and 86 deletions

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(require racket/async-channel)
(require racket/gui/base)
(require 2htdp/image)
(require "os-big-bang.rkt")
(require "os2.rkt")
(provide (struct-out stop-with)
@ -24,15 +24,15 @@
(define (time-evt msecs)
(wrap-evt (alarm-evt msecs) (lambda (_) (current-inexact-milliseconds))))
(define wild-sub (topic-subscriber (wild)))
(define (broadcast message) (send-message (topic-publisher 'universe) message))
(define (replace-world w1 w2)
[(stop-with? w2) (transition (stop-with-w w2)
(send-message `(new-state ,(stop-with-w w2)))
(send-message 'stop))]
[else (transition w2 (send-message `(new-state ,w2)))]))
(define (stop w n)
(transition w (unsubscribe n)))
(broadcast `(new-state ,(stop-with-w w2)))
(broadcast 'stop))]
[else (transition w2 (broadcast `(new-state ,w2)))]))
(struct ticker-state (counter interval limit) #:transparent)
@ -44,87 +44,68 @@
(on-tick tick-expr rate-expr 0))
((_ tick-expr rate-expr limit-expr)
(subscribe 'ticker-handler
(message-handlers w
['tick (replace-world w (tick-expr w))]
['stop (stop w 'ticker-handler)]))
(spawn (os-big-bang (ticker-state 0 rate-expr limit-expr)
(subscribe 'stop-listener
(message-handlers ts
['stop (transition ts
(unsubscribe 'stop-listener)
(unsubscribe 'ticker))]))
(let loop ((next-alarm-time 0))
(subscribe 'ticker
(and w (ticker-state counter interval limit))
[((list 'timer-alarm next-alarm-time)
(time-evt next-alarm-time)
=> now)
(if (and (positive? limit) (>= counter limit))
(transition w (unsubscribe 'ticker))
(transition (ticker-state (+ counter 1) interval limit)
(unsubscribe 'ticker)
(loop (+ now (* 1000 interval)))
(send-message 'tick)))])))))))))
(role wild-sub
#:state w
#:id id
['tick (replace-world w (tick-expr w))])
(spawn (transition (ticker-state 0 rate-expr limit-expr)
(role wild-sub
#:state ts
['stop (transition ts (kill))])
(let loop ((next-alarm-time 0))
(role (topic-subscriber (time-evt next-alarm-time))
#:state (and ts (ticker-state counter interval limit))
#:id id
(if (and (positive? limit) (>= counter limit))
(transition ts (kill))
(transition (ticker-state (+ counter 1) interval limit)
(delete-role id)
(loop (+ now (* 1000 interval)))
(broadcast 'tick)))]))))))))
(define-syntax-rule (on-key key-expr)
(subscribe 'key-handler
(message-handlers w
[`(key-down ,kev) (replace-world w (key-expr w kev))]
['stop (stop w 'key-handler)])))
(role wild-sub
#:state w
[`(key-down ,kev) (replace-world w (key-expr w kev))]))
(define-syntax-rule (on-release release-expr)
(subscribe 'release-handler
(message-handlers w
[`(key-up ,kev) (replace-world w (release-expr w kev))]
['stop (stop w 'release-handler)])))
(role wild-sub
#:state w
[`(key-up ,kev) (replace-world w (release-expr w kev))]))
(define-syntax-rule (on-mouse mouse-expr)
(subscribe 'mouse-handler
(message-handlers w
[`(mouse ,x ,y ,mev) (replace-world w (mouse-expr w x y mev))]
['stop (stop w 'mouse-handler)])))
(role wild-sub
#:state w
[`(mouse ,x ,y ,mev) (replace-world w (mouse-expr w x y mev))]))
(define-syntax-rule (stop-when last-world?)
(subscribe 'stop-when-handler
(message-handlers w
[`(new-state ,_) (if (last-world? w)
(replace-world w (stop-with w))
['stop (stop w 'stop-when-handler)])))
(role wild-sub
#:state w
[`(new-state ,_) (if (last-world? w)
(replace-world w (stop-with w))
(define-syntax-rule (on-draw render-expr) (to-draw render-expr))
(define-syntax-rule (to-draw render-expr)
(subscribe 'draw-handler
(message-handlers w
[`(new-state ,_) (transition w (send-message `(render ,(render-expr w))))]
['stop (stop w 'draw-handler)])))
(role wild-sub
#:state w
[`(new-state ,_) (transition w (broadcast `(render ,(render-expr w))))]))
(define (ui-actions c:ui->world c:world->ui)
(spawn (os-big-bang 'none
(subscribe 'inbound-relay
(ground-message-handler w
=> message)
(transition w (send-message message))]))
(subscribe 'stopper
(message-handlers w
['stop (transition w
(lambda ()
(async-channel-put c:world->ui 'stop)))
(unsubscribe 'inbound-relay)
(unsubscribe 'stopper))]))))
(subscribe 'renderer
(message-handlers w
[`(render ,scene)
(transition w
(send-meta-message (lambda () (async-channel-put c:world->ui `(render ,scene)))))]
['stop (stop w 'renderer)]))))
(role (topic-subscriber c:ui->world) #:state w)
(role wild-sub
#:state w
(async-channel-put c:world->ui 'stop)
(transition w (kill))])
(role wild-sub
#:state w
[`(render ,scene)
(async-channel-put c:world->ui `(render ,scene))
(define (make-key-event code)
@ -190,18 +171,21 @@
(send canvas refresh-now)]
[_ 'ignore])
(define (error-listener topic)
(role topic
#:state w
#:topic flow
#:reason reason
#:on-absence (begin (when reason
(write (list flow '--> reason))
(lambda ()
(ground-vm (apply os-big-bang
(ui-actions c:ui->world c:world->ui)
(os-big-bang 'none
(subscribe 'echoer
(message-handlers w
(transition w
(send-meta-message (lambda ()
(write (list any '-> w))
(ground-vm (transition initial-state
(ui-actions c:ui->world c:world->ui)
(spawn (transition 'no-state
(error-listener (topic-publisher (wild)))
(error-listener (topic-subscriber (wild)))))