Contract process state, and merge spawn/monitor into spawn.

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2012-06-23 07:55:09 -04:00
parent 83cae7075e
commit 1ffd0afe66
2 changed files with 109 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -1,30 +1,14 @@
## os.rkt and friends
- move from quasiquoted to prefab structs
- define a prefab struct for every evt? that we want to use
- define lowest-level drivers for each prefab struct
It feels like those lowest-level drivers are listening for *demand*
i.e. they're listening for presence and are then acting to supply such
demand. Think about the relationships between presence (both positive
and negative), and interfacing to ad-hoc sources and sinks.
### Old, possibly-still-relevant TODOs from os.rkt
- is timeout really primitive? If so, isn't presence primitive?
- what about metatimeout?
- enforce user-mode restrictions
### Abstract out UDP socket creation
### Things to consider doing to os-big-bang.rkt
- move from quasiquoted lists to prefab structs
- enforce user-mode restrictions? (Is this still relevant?)
- add contracts on structs used as message types e.g. to catch such
as #(192 203 230 10) being used instead of (udp-address
"" 53).
- some kind of join-ish construct to make e.g. cname-expansion
- have a "terminate" kind of transition for unspawning the
transitioning process
- remove the "convenience" form of transitions. This will permit
unambiguous use of such horrors as the state of a process *being* a
transition, and will also remove ambiguity from spawn in cases
where the initial state of a process is to be a function.

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
(require racket/set)
(require racket/match)
(require racket/contract)
(require (only-in racket/list flatten))
(require "unify.rkt")
@ -16,6 +17,8 @@
(struct-out boot-specification)
(struct-out handlers)
(except-out (struct-out transition) transition)
@ -56,7 +59,6 @@
(rename-out [at-meta-level <at-meta-level>])
(struct-out monitor)
;; Reexports from unify.rkt for convenience
@ -116,16 +118,28 @@
;; topic) in a conversation.
(struct endpoint (id topics handlers) #:transparent)
;; A Process is an Exists State . (process Any PID State Set<EID>
;; Set<EID>), representing a VM process and its collection of active
;; endpoints at this level and at the VM's container's level.
(struct process (name id state endpoints meta-endpoints) #:transparent)
;; A Process is an Exists State . (process Any PID State Contract
;; ContractParty Set<EID> Set<EID>), representing a VM process and its
;; collection of active endpoints at this level and at the VM's
;; container's level. The (responsible-party) is the party that
;; generated the (state).
(struct process (name ;; Any
id ;; PID
state ;; State
state-contract ;; Contract
responsible-party ;; ContractParty
endpoints ;; Set<EID>
meta-endpoints ;; Set<EID>
) #:transparent)
;; A Topic is a (topic Role Pattern Boolean), describing an Endpoint's
;; role in a conversation.
(struct topic (role pattern virtual?) #:prefab)
;; BootK = either (PID -> Transition) or Transition
;; BootSpecification = BootK or (boot-specification BootK Contract)
(struct boot-specification (proc contract) #:transparent)
;; BootK = (PID -> Transition) or Transition
;; InterruptK = State -> Transition
;; TrapK<X> = X -> InterruptK
@ -134,6 +148,8 @@
;; Maybe<TrapK<Topic * Message>>)
(struct handlers (presence absence message) #:transparent)
;; Transition = State or (transition State ConsTreeOf<Action>)
;; actions is a plain old ordered ConsTreeOf<Action>, not a
;; QuasiQueue.
(struct transition (state actions) #:transparent)
@ -150,8 +166,8 @@
;; (send-message Any Role)
(struct send-message (body role) #:prefab)
;; (spawn BootK Maybe<TrapK<PID>> Any)
(struct spawn (main k debug-name) #:prefab)
;; (spawn BootSpecification Maybe<TrapK<PID>> Any)
(struct spawn (spec k debug-name) #:prefab)
;; (kill Maybe<PID> Any)
(struct kill (pid reason) #:prefab)
@ -161,6 +177,15 @@
(struct yield (k) #:prefab)
(struct at-meta-level (preaction) #:prefab)
;; A Monitor instance describes the presence of a whole process, as a
;; convention.
;; TODO: revisit the idea of points-of-attachment. There's an
;; intermediate network between the processes and the kernel, and
;; pid-level presence could be seen as object-level presence on that
;; network somehow.
(struct monitor (pid debug-name) #:prefab)
;; role & yield macros
@ -211,9 +236,28 @@
(define make-add-role add-role) ;; no special treatment required at present
(define (make-delete-role pre-eid [reason #f]) (delete-role pre-eid reason))
(define (make-send-message body [role 'publisher]) (send-message body role))
(define (make-spawn main [k #f] #:debug-name [debug-name #f]) (spawn main k debug-name))
(define (make-kill [pid #f] #:reason [reason #f]) (kill pid reason))
(define (make-spawn main [k #f]
#:monitor? [monitor? #f]
#:debug-name [debug-name #f]
#:state-contract [state-contract any/c])
(define maybe-monitored-main
(if monitor?
(let ((unmonitored-main (if (procedure? main) main (lambda (self-pid) main))))
(lambda (self-pid)
(define m (monitor self-pid debug-name))
(prefix-transition (unmonitored-main self-pid)
(role (list 'canary m) (topic-publisher m) #:state state))))
(define spec
(if (eq? state-contract any/c)
(if (boot-specification? main)
(error 'spawn "Cannot apply #:state-contract to already-contracted boot-specification")
(boot-specification main state-contract))))
(spawn spec k debug-name))
(define (extend-transition t . more-actions)
(match t
[(transition state actions) (transition state (list actions more-actions))]
@ -283,24 +327,6 @@
(or (topic-virtual? local-topic)
(not (topic-virtual? remote-topic))))
;; Monitoring.
(struct monitor (pid debug-name) #:prefab)
(define (spawn/monitor main [k #f] #:debug-name [debug-name #f])
;; TODO: revisit the idea of points-of-attachment. There's an
;; intermediate network between the processes and the kernel, and
;; pid-level presence could be seen as object-level presence on that
;; network somehow.
(define ((monitor-transition main-fn) self-pid)
(define m (monitor self-pid debug-name))
(prefix-transition (main-fn self-pid)
(role (list 'canary m) (topic-publisher m) #:state state)))
(make-spawn (monitor-transition (if (procedure? main) main (lambda (self-pid) main)))
#:debug-name debug-name))
;; Core virtualizable virtual machine.
@ -329,7 +355,7 @@
[(yield k)
(loop rest
(if (hash-has-key? (vm-processes state) pid)
(run-ready state pid k)
(run-ready state pid 'yield k)
@ -378,8 +404,8 @@
(values '() (do-unsubscribe pid pre-eid reason state))]
[(send-message body role)
(values '() (route-and-deliver role body state))]
[(spawn main k debug-name)
(values '() (do-spawn pid main k debug-name state))]
[(spawn spec k debug-name)
(values '() (do-spawn pid spec k debug-name state))]
[(kill pid-to-kill reason)
(do-kill (or pid-to-kill pid) reason state)]))
@ -452,10 +478,10 @@
(define outbound-flow (refine-topic topic flow-pattern))
(define e-presence-handler (handlers-presence (endpoint-handlers e)))
(let* ((state (if (flow-visible? topic inbound-flow)
(run-trapk state pid presence-handler inbound-flow)
(run-trapk state pid eid presence-handler inbound-flow)
(state (if (flow-visible? matching-topic outbound-flow)
(run-trapk state matching-pid e-presence-handler outbound-flow)
(run-trapk state matching-pid matching-eid e-presence-handler outbound-flow)
@ -483,7 +509,7 @@
#:when flow-pattern)
(define outbound-flow (refine-topic removed-topic flow-pattern))
(define absence-handler (handlers-absence (endpoint-handlers e)))
(run-trapk state matching-pid absence-handler outbound-flow reason)))
(run-trapk state matching-pid matching-eid absence-handler outbound-flow reason)))
(define (route-and-deliver role body state)
(define message-topic (topic role body #f))
@ -498,27 +524,37 @@
(for/fold ([state state]) ([e (in-set endpoints)])
(match-define (endpoint (eid pid _) _ (handlers _ _ message-handler)) e)
(run-trapk state pid message-handler message-topic body)))
(run-trapk state pid eid message-handler message-topic body)))
(define (maybe-transition->transition t)
(cond [(transition? t) t]
[else (transition t '())]))
(define (do-spawn spawning-pid main k debug-name state)
(define (do-spawn spawning-pid spec k debug-name state)
(define new-pid (vm-next-process-id state))
(define new-name (or debug-name new-pid))
(define-values (main state-contract)
(match spec
[(boot-specification main state-contract) (values main state-contract)]
[main (values main any/c)]))
(match-define (transition initial-state initial-actions)
[(procedure? main) (send-to-user (lambda (e) (transition #f (kill #f e))) main new-pid)]
[(transition? main) main])))
(define initial-process (process new-name new-pid initial-state (set) (set)))
[else main])))
(define initial-process (process new-name
(list 'spawn 'main debug-name) ;; TODO: use contract-regions
(define spawned-state
(struct-copy vm (enqueue-actions state new-pid initial-actions)
[processes (hash-set (vm-processes state) new-pid initial-process)]
[next-process-id (+ new-pid 1)]))
(log-info (format "~a PID ~v (~a) started" (vm-name state) new-pid new-name))
(run-trapk spawned-state spawning-pid k new-pid))
(run-trapk spawned-state spawning-pid (list 'spawn 'k debug-name) k new-pid))
(define (print-kill vm-name pid-to-kill process-name reason)
@ -553,21 +589,30 @@
(struct-copy vm state [processes (hash-remove (vm-processes state) pid-to-kill)])))]
[else (values '() state)]))
(define (run-trapk state pid trap-k . args)
(define (run-trapk state pid new-party trap-k . args)
(if trap-k
(let ((failure-proc (lambda (e) (lambda (process-state)
(transition process-state (kill #f e))))))
(run-ready state pid (apply send-to-user failure-proc trap-k args)))
(run-ready state pid new-party (apply send-to-user failure-proc trap-k args)))
(define (run-ready state pid interrupt-k)
(define old-state (process-state (hash-ref (vm-processes state) pid)))
(define (run-ready state pid new-party interrupt-k)
(match-define (process _ _ old-state state-contract old-party _ _)
(hash-ref (vm-processes state) pid))
(match-define (transition new-state actions)
(send-to-user (lambda (e) (transition old-state (kill #f e))) interrupt-k old-state)))
(send-to-user (lambda (e) (transition old-state (kill #f e)))
(lambda () (interrupt-k (contract state-contract
(list (vm-name state) 'pid pid 'state)
(generic-update-process (enqueue-actions state pid actions)
(lambda (p) (struct-copy process p [state new-state]))))
(lambda (p) (struct-copy process p
[state new-state]
[responsible-party new-party]))))
(define (preaction? a)
(or (add-role? a)
@ -595,9 +640,9 @@
(struct-copy vm state
[pending-actions (append (reverse flat-actions) (vm-pending-actions state))]))
(define (((wrap-trapk pid trapk) . args) state)
(define (((wrap-trapk pid new-party trapk) . args) state)
(if (hash-has-key? (vm-processes state) pid)
(run-vm (apply run-trapk state pid trapk args))
(run-vm (apply run-trapk state pid new-party trapk args))
(define (transform-meta-action pid preaction state)
@ -606,9 +651,9 @@
(define new-eid (eid pid pre-eid))
(values (add-role new-eid
(handlers (wrap-trapk pid (handlers-presence hs))
(wrap-trapk pid (handlers-absence hs))
(wrap-trapk pid (handlers-message hs))))
(handlers (wrap-trapk pid new-eid (handlers-presence hs))
(wrap-trapk pid new-eid (handlers-absence hs))
(wrap-trapk pid new-eid (handlers-message hs))))
(if (hash-has-key? (vm-processes state) pid)
(generic-update-process state pid (add-process-meta-eid new-eid))
@ -620,13 +665,17 @@
[(? send-message? p)
(values p state)]
[(spawn main k debug-name)
(values (spawn main (wrap-trapk pid k) debug-name) state)]
[(spawn spec k debug-name)
(values (spawn spec
(wrap-trapk pid (list 'meta-spawn 'k debug-name) k)
[(? kill? p)
(values p state)]))
(define (nested-vm name boot)
(lambda (self-pid) (run-vm (make-vm name boot))))
(boot-specification (lambda (self-pid) (run-vm (make-vm name boot)))
(define (ground-vm boot)
(let loop ((state (make-vm 'ground-vm boot)))