Split from racket-dns at 0bd5bb093501261fcea90156b26fbe73867b5cbd

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2012-02-15 10:33:53 -05:00
commit 1f1eb5f548
17 changed files with 1500 additions and 0 deletions

TODO Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
## os.rkt and friends
- move from quasiquoted to prefab structs
- define a prefab struct for every evt? that we want to use
- define lowest-level drivers for each prefab struct
It feels like those lowest-level drivers are listening for *demand*
i.e. they're listening for presence and are then acting to supply such
demand. Think about the relationships between presence (both positive
and negative), and interfacing to ad-hoc sources and sinks.

dump-bytes.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide dump-bytes!)
(define (hex width n)
(define s (number->string n 16))
(define slen (string-length s))
((< slen width) (string-append (make-string (- width slen) #\0) s))
((= slen width) s)
((> slen width) (substring s 0 width))))
(define (dump-bytes! bs requested-count)
(define count (min requested-count (bytes-length bs)))
(define clipped (subbytes bs 0 count))
(define (dump-hex i)
(if (< i count)
(display (hex 2 (bytes-ref clipped i)))
(display " "))
(display #\space))
(define (dump-char i)
(if (< i count)
(let ((ch (bytes-ref clipped i)))
(if (<= 32 ch 127)
(display (integer->char ch))
(display #\.)))
(display #\space)))
(define (for-each-between f low high)
(do ((i low (+ i 1)))
((= i high))
(f i)))
(define (dump-line i)
(display (hex 8 i))
(display #\space)
(for-each-between dump-hex i (+ i 8))
(display ": ")
(for-each-between dump-hex (+ i 8) (+ i 16))
(display #\space)
(for-each-between dump-char i (+ i 8))
(display " : ")
(for-each-between dump-char (+ i 8) (+ i 16))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 16)))
((>= i count))
(dump-line i)))

indenting.el Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (put x 'scheme-indent-function 1))
'(transition extend-transition
subscribe subscribe/fresh unsubscribe
message-handlers meta-message-handlers ground-message-handler))

os-big-bang-example.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/match)
(require racket/port)
(require "os-big-bang.rkt")
(define display-driver-handler
(message-handlers w
[`(display ,message)
(transition w (send-meta-message (lambda ()
(display message)
(define read-line-driver-handler
(message-handlers w
[`(request ,reply-addr read-line)
(transition w
(subscribe/fresh sid
(ground-message-handler w
[((list 'read-line reply-addr)
(read-line-evt (current-input-port) 'any)
=> l)
(transition w
(unsubscribe sid)
(send-message `(reply ,reply-addr ,l)))])))]))
;; This should be part of racket
(define (time-evt msecs)
(wrap-evt (alarm-evt msecs) (lambda (_) (current-inexact-milliseconds))))
(define (tick-driver self-sid interval)
(let loop ((last-tick-time 0) (counter 0))
(define next-time (+ last-tick-time interval))
(subscribe self-sid
(ground-message-handler w
[((list 'timer-alarm next-time)
(time-evt next-time)
=> now)
(transition w
(unsubscribe self-sid)
(send-message `(tick ,counter ,now))
(loop now (+ counter 1)))]))))
(define main
(os-big-bang 'none
(subscribe 'display-driver display-driver-handler)
(subscribe 'read-line-driver read-line-driver-handler)
(tick-driver 'ticker 1000)
(send-message `(display "Hello! "))
(send-message 'greet-loop)
(subscribe 'greet-loop-handler
(message-handlers w
(transition w
(send-message `(display "Enter your name:\n"))
(send-message `(request read-name read-line)))]))
(subscribe 'ticker-handler
(message-handlers w
[`(tick ,counter ,_)
(transition w
`(display ,(string-append "TICK "
(number->string counter)
(subscribe 'read-line-result-handler
(message-handlers w
[`(reply read-name ,(== eof))
(transition w
(send-message `(display "Goodbye!\n")))]
[`(reply read-name ,name)
(transition w
(send-message `(display "Hello, "))
(send-message `(display ,name))
(send-message `(display "!\n"))
(unsubscribe 'ticker)
(send-message 'greet-loop)
(ground-vm main)

os-big-bang-testing.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/match)
(require rackunit)
(require "os-big-bang.rkt")
(provide check-message-handler)
(define (flatten-transition t)
(if (transition? t)
(transition (transition-state t) (transition-actions t)) ;; autoflattens
(transition t '()))) ;; wrap for convenient comparison
(define (check-message-handler mh initial-w message final-w expected-actions)
(match-define (on-message pattern handler) mh)
(check-true (pattern message) "Message-handler pattern did not match message provided")
(define v (match (handler message initial-w)
[(? transition? t) t]
[new-w (transition new-w '())]))
(check-equal? (flatten-transition v) (transition final-w expected-actions)
"Produced world-and-actions did not match expected world-and-actions"))

os-big-bang.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
#lang racket/base
; Evented userland for os.rkt
(require racket/set)
(require racket/match)
(require racket/list)
(require "os.rkt")
(provide (struct-out subscribe)
(struct-out unsubscribe)
(struct-out send-message)
(struct-out send-meta-message)
(struct-out spawn)
(struct-out on-message)
(struct-out on-meta-message)
(except-out (struct-out transition) transition)
(rename-out [make-transition transition])
ground-vm ;; reprovided from os.rkt for convenience
;; A SID is an Any, a world-specific identifier for subscriptions.
;; An Action is one of
;; -- (subscribe SID EventDescription), to add a subscription
;; -- (unsubscribe SID), to remove ALL previously-added subscriptions with this SID
;; -- (send-message Message), to emit a message into the local medium
;; -- (send-meta-message MetaMessage), to emit a message into the containing medium
;; -- (spawn BootK), to start a new sibling in the raw os.rkt eventing model
(struct subscribe (sid event-description) #:transparent)
(struct unsubscribe (sid) #:transparent)
(struct send-message (body) #:transparent)
(struct send-meta-message (body) #:transparent)
(struct spawn (thunk) #:transparent)
;; An EventDescription is one of
;; -- (on-message MessagePattern (Message WorldState -> Transition)), conditionally
;; invoked when a message arrives
;; -- (on-meta-message MetaPattern (MetaMessage WorldState -> Transition)), conditionally
;; invoked when a metamessage arrives
;; If multiple EventDescriptions match a given event, one is
;; nondeterministically selected.
(struct on-message (pattern handler) #:transparent)
(struct on-meta-message (pattern handler) #:transparent)
;; A Transition is either
;; -- a (transition WorldState ListOf<Action>) or
;; -- a WorldState
(struct transition (state actions) #:transparent)
(define (make-transition state . actions) (transition state actions))
;; Transition [Action ...] -> Transition
;; Append the given actions to the transition given as the first argument.
(define (extend-transition t . more-actions)
(match t
[(transition state actions) (transition state (list actions more-actions))]
[state (transition state more-actions)]))
;; A World is a (world WorldState Map<SID,Set<EventDescription>>), a
;; representation of a suspended world and its active subscriptions.
(struct world (state subscriptions) #:transparent)
(define-syntax subscribe/fresh
(syntax-rules ()
((_ id-binder event-description)
(let ((id-binder (gensym 'id-binder)))
(subscribe id-binder event-description)))))
(define-syntax message-handlers*
(syntax-rules ()
((_ action-constructor old-state-pattern [pattern body ...] ...)
(action-constructor (match-lambda [pattern #t] ... [_ #f])
(lambda (message old-state)
(match-define old-state-pattern old-state)
(match message
[pattern body ...] ...))))))
(define-syntax message-handlers
(syntax-rules ()
((_ old-state-pattern [pattern body ...] ...)
(message-handlers* on-message old-state-pattern [pattern body ...] ...))))
(define-syntax meta-message-handlers
(syntax-rules ()
((_ old-state-pattern [pattern body ...] ...)
(message-handlers* on-meta-message old-state-pattern [pattern body ...] ...))))
(define-syntax ground-message-handler
(syntax-rules (=>)
((_ old-state-pattern [(tag-expr evt-expr => pattern) body ...])
(on-meta-message (ground-event-pattern tag-expr evt-expr)
(lambda (meta-message old-state)
(match-define old-state-pattern old-state)
(match meta-message
[(ground-event-value _ pattern) body ...]))))))
(define (world->os-suspension w)
(suspension w
(for*/list ([(sid vs) (world-subscriptions w)]
[v vs]
#:when (on-message? v))
(match-define (on-message pattern handler) v)
(message-handler pattern (wrap-handler handler)))
(for*/list ([(sid vs) (world-subscriptions w)]
[v vs]
#:when (on-meta-message? v))
(match-define (on-meta-message pattern handler) v)
(message-handler pattern (wrap-handler handler)))))
(define (((wrap-handler handler) message) w)
(maybe-transition->os-transition w (handler message (world-state w))))
(define (maybe-transition->os-transition w t)
(if (transition? t)
(transition->os-transition w t)
(transition->os-transition w (transition t '()))))
(define (transition->os-transition w t)
(match-define (transition state unflattened-actions) t)
(define actions (flatten unflattened-actions))
(kernel-mode-transition (world->os-suspension (update-world w state actions))
(for/list [(a actions) #:when (send-message? a)]
(send-message-body a))
(for/list [(a actions) #:when (send-meta-message? a)]
(send-meta-message-body a))
(for/list [(a actions) #:when (spawn? a)]
(spawn-thunk a))))
(define (update-world w new-state actions)
(world new-state
(foldl (lambda (action old-map)
(match action
[(subscribe sid desc)
(hash-update old-map sid
(lambda (s) (set-add s desc))
(lambda () (set desc)))]
[(unsubscribe sid)
(hash-remove old-map sid)]
[_ old-map]))
(world-subscriptions w)
(define (os-big-bang initial-state . initial-actions)
(os-big-bang/transition (transition initial-state initial-actions)))
(define (os-big-bang/transition t)
(lambda () (transition->os-transition (world (void) (hash)) t)))

os-example.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "os.rkt")
(require racket/pretty)
(define (yield k)
(kernel-mode-transition (suspension 'none (lambda (_) (k)) '() '())
(define (quit)
(kernel-mode-transition (suspension 'none #f '() '())
(define (print x k)
(kernel-mode-transition (suspension 'none (lambda (_) (k)) '() '())
(list (lambda () (pretty-print x)))
(define (super-alarm msecs)
(wrap-evt (alarm-evt msecs) (lambda (_) (current-inexact-milliseconds))))
(define (sleep n k)
(kernel-mode-transition (suspension 'none
(list (message-handler
(let ((wakeup-time
(+ (current-inexact-milliseconds) n)))
(list 'alarm wakeup-time)
(super-alarm wakeup-time)))
(lambda (_message)
(lambda (_state)
(define (spawn thunk k)
(kernel-mode-transition (suspension 'none (lambda (_) (k)) '() '())
(list thunk)))
(define (example-process delay)
(print "SLEEPING"
(lambda ()
(sleep delay
(lambda ()
(lambda ()
(print "HELLO"
(ground-vm (lambda ()
(spawn (lambda ()
(example-process 1000))
(lambda ()
(example-process 2000)))))

os-timer.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/match)
(require "codec.rkt")
(require "os-big-bang.rkt")
(require "os-udp.rkt")
(provide (struct-out set-timer)
(struct-out timer-expired)
(struct set-timer (label msecs relative?) #:prefab)
(struct timer-expired (label msecs) #:prefab)
;; Something like this should be part of racket
(define (timer-evt msecs relative?)
(wrap-evt (alarm-evt (if relative? (+ (current-inexact-milliseconds) msecs) msecs))
(lambda (_) (current-inexact-milliseconds))))
(define (timer-driver [self-id 'timer-driver])
(os-big-bang 'no-state
(subscribe 'timer-setter
(message-handlers w
[(set-timer reply-label msecs relative?)
(transition w
(subscribe/fresh label
(ground-message-handler w
[((list self-id label)
(timer-evt msecs relative?)
=> now)
(transition w
(unsubscribe label)
(send-message (timer-expired reply-label now)))])))]))))
(define (timer-relay [self-id 'timer-relay])
(os-big-bang 'no-state
(subscribe 'timer-relay
(message-handlers w
[(set-timer reply-label msecs relative?)
(define timer-id (list self-id reply-label))
(transition w
(send-meta-message (set-timer timer-id msecs relative?))
(subscribe/fresh label
(meta-message-handlers w
[(timer-expired (== timer-id) now)
(transition w
(unsubscribe label)
(send-message (timer-expired reply-label now)))])))]))))

os-udp-test-big-bang.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/match)
(require "os-big-bang.rkt")
(require (only-in "os-userland.rkt" userland))
(require "os-udp.rkt")
(require "os-big-bang-testing.rkt")
(define (packet-handler sname)
(message-handlers w
[(udp-packet source (== sname) body)
(transition w
(send-message (udp-packet sname source body)))]))
(check-message-handler (packet-handler (udp-address #f 5555))
(udp-packet (udp-address "" 12345) (udp-address #f 5555) #"abcd")
(list (send-message (udp-packet (udp-address #f 5555)
(udp-address "" 12345)
(define echoer
(os-big-bang 'none
(send-message `(request create-echo-socket (udp new 5555 65536)))
(subscribe/fresh sub
(message-handlers w
[`(reply create-echo-socket ,sname)
(transition w
(unsubscribe sub)
(subscribe 'packet-handler (packet-handler sname)))]))))
(define spy
(os-big-bang 'none
(subscribe 'spy (message-handlers w [x (write `(MESSAGE ,x)) (newline)]))))
(define (main)
(os-big-bang 'none
(spawn spy)
(spawn udp-driver)
(spawn echoer))))
;;(provide main)

os-udp-test-userland.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/match)
(require "os-userland-stdlib.rkt")
(require "os-udp.rkt")
(lambda ()
(spawn display-driver)
(spawn read-line-driver)
(spawn udp-driver)
(define s (rpc `(udp new 5555 65536)))
(let loop ()
(wait (message-handlers
[(udp-packet source (and sink (== s)) body)
(write `(udp (source ,source) (sink ,sink))) (newline)
(send (udp-packet sink source body))

os-udp.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
#lang racket/base
;; UDP drivers for os.rkt
(require racket/match)
(require racket/udp)
(require "dump-bytes.rkt")
(require "os-userland-stdlib.rkt")
(provide (struct-out udp-address)
(struct-out udp-packet)
;; A UdpAddress is one of
;; -- a (udp-address String Uint16), representing a remote socket
;; -- a (udp-address #f Uint16), representing a local socket
(struct udp-address (host port) #:prefab)
;; A UdpPacket is a (udp-packet UdpAddress UdpAddress Bytes), and
;; represents a packet appearing on our local "subnet" of the full UDP
;; network, complete with source, destination and contents.
(struct udp-packet (source destination body) #:prefab)
;; TODO: BUG?: Routing packets between two local sockets won't work
;; because the patterns aren't set up to recognise that situation.
(define udp-driver
(lambda ()
[`(udp new ,port-number ,buffer-size)
(define s (udp-open-socket #f #f))
(when port-number
(udp-bind! s #f port-number))
(define-values (_local-address local-port _remote-address _remote-port)
(udp-addresses s #t))
(define sname (udp-address #f local-port))
(spawn (userland (udp-sender sname s)))
(spawn (userland (udp-receiver sname s buffer-size)))
(spawn (userland (udp-closer sname s)))
(define ((udp-sender sname s))
(let loop ()
(wait (message-handlers
[`(close ,(== sname))
[(udp-packet (== sname) (udp-address host port) body)
(meta-send (lambda () (udp-send-to s host port body)))
(define ((udp-receiver sname s buffer-size))
(define buffer (make-bytes buffer-size))
(let loop ()
(wait (message-handlers
[`(close ,(== sname))
[((list 'udp-receive sname)
(udp-receive!-evt s buffer)
=> (list packet-length host port))
(define packet (subbytes buffer 0 packet-length))
(send (udp-packet (udp-address host port) sname packet))
(define ((udp-closer sname s))
(wait (message-handlers
[`(close ,(== sname))
(udp-close s)])))
(define udp-spy
(lambda ()
(let loop ()
(wait (message-handlers
[(udp-packet source dest body)
(write `(UDP ,source --> ,dest)) (newline)
(dump-bytes! body (bytes-length body))]
(write `(UDP ,x)) (newline)]))

os-userland-example.rkt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "os-userland-stdlib.rkt")
(define (main)
(spawn display-driver)
(spawn read-line-driver)
(spawn sleep-driver)
(spawn (userland (lambda ()
(display "HI\n")
(sleep 1000)
(display "THERE\n"))))
(poll) ;; Wait for drivers to become ready (!)
;; The Right Way to do this is to have presence integrated with subscription
(display "Hello! Enter your name:\n")
(define name (rpc 'read-line))
(display "Hello, ")
(display name)
(display "!\n")
(sleep 1000)
(display "Goodbye\n"))
(ground-vm/stdlib (userland main))

os-userland-stdlib.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/match)
(require racket/port)
(require "os-userland.rkt")
(require (prefix-in base: racket/base))
(provide (all-from-out "os-userland.rkt")
(define (ground-vm/stdlib boot)
(ground-vm boot #:pattern-predicate (lambda (p m) (p m))))
(define-syntax message-handlers
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (pattern body ...) ...)
(list (wait-clause (match-lambda (pattern #t) (_ #f))
(match-lambda (pattern body ...)))
(define-syntax meta-message-handlers
(syntax-rules (=>)
((_ [(tag-expr evt-expr => pattern) body ...] ...)
(list (wait-clause (ground-event-pattern tag-expr evt-expr)
(match-lambda ((ground-event-value _ pattern) body ...)))
(define (rpc req)
(define reply-addr (gensym 'reply-addr)) ;;; !!! TODO: remove side-effect?
(send `(request ,reply-addr ,req))
(wait (message-handlers
[`(reply ,(== reply-addr) ,v)
(define-syntax rpc-service
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ [pattern body ...] ...)
(let loop ()
(wait (message-handlers
[`(request ,reply-addr ,pattern)
(spawn (userland (lambda ()
(define answer (let () body ...))
(send `(reply ,reply-addr ,answer)))))]
(define display-driver
(lambda ()
(let loop ()
(define message (wait (message-handlers [`(display ,message) message])))
(meta-send (lambda ()
(base:display message)
(define (display x)
(send `(display ,x)))
(define read-line-driver
(lambda ()
[`read-line (wait (message-handlers)
(read-line-evt (current-input-port) 'any)
=> line)
(define (read-line)
(rpc 'read-line))
(define (time-evt msecs)
(wrap-evt (alarm-evt msecs) (lambda (_) (current-inexact-milliseconds))))
(define (wait-mmh msecs)
[((list 'time-evt msecs)
(time-evt msecs)
=> current-time)
(define (wait-until-time msecs)
(wait (message-handlers)
(wait-mmh msecs)))
(define (current-time)
(wait-until-time 0))
(define sleep-driver
(lambda ()
[`(sleep ,msecs)
(send `(display (Sleeping ,msecs)))
(define now (wait-until-time (+ (current-time) msecs)))
(send `(display "\n"))
(define (sleep msecs)
(rpc `(sleep ,msecs)))
(define-syntax receive
(syntax-rules ()
((_ mh-clause ...)
(wait (message-handlers mh-clause ...)))))
(define-syntax receive/timeout
(syntax-rules ()
((_ timeout-msecs mh-clause ...)
(wait (message-handlers mh-clause ...)
(wait-mmh timeout-msecs)))))

os-userland.rkt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
#lang racket/base
; Userland for os.rkt: use of delimited continuations to invoke kernel services
(require racket/match)
(require racket/list)
(require "os.rkt")
(provide (struct-out wait-clause)
ground-vm ;; convenience re-export
(struct-out ground-event-pattern) ;; convenience re-export
(struct-out ground-event-value) ;; convenience re-export
(struct wait-clause (pattern handler-proc) #:transparent)
(define prompt (make-continuation-prompt-tag 'os-userland))
;; ( -> Void) -> BootK
;; Wraps a thunk that uses the userland continuation-based approach to
;; simulating side effects so that it can be used as a BootK with a
;; KernelModeTransition.
(define (userland main)
(lambda ()
(start-transaction ((reply-to (lambda (_)
(define ((reply-to k) v)
(call-with-continuation-prompt (lambda () (k (v))) prompt))
(define (start-transaction first-action)
(accumulate-transaction '() '() '() first-action))
(define (accumulate-transaction messages meta-messages new-threads action)
(define (syscall sub)
(kernel-mode-transition sub
(reverse messages)
(reverse meta-messages)
(reverse new-threads)))
(match action
[`(actions ,ms ,mms ,thrs ,k)
(accumulate-transaction (append (reverse ms) messages)
(append (reverse mms) meta-messages)
(append (reverse thrs) new-threads)
(k void))]
[`(wait ,polling? ,mhs ,mmhs ,k)
(syscall (suspension k
(and polling? (lambda (k) (start-transaction (k void))))
(wrap-handlers mhs)
(wrap-handlers mmhs)))]
(syscall (suspension 'finished #f '() '()))]))
(define (((invoke-handler proc) v) k)
(start-transaction (k (lambda () (proc v)))))
(define (wrap-handlers hs)
(map (lambda (h) (message-handler (wait-clause-pattern h)
(invoke-handler (wait-clause-handler-proc h))))
(flatten hs)))
(define (call-in-kernel-context proc)
(lambda (k) (abort-current-continuation prompt
(lambda () (proc (reply-to k)))))
(define (actions ms mms thrs)
(call-in-kernel-context (lambda (k) `(actions ,ms ,mms ,thrs ,k))))
(define (send message)
(actions (list message) '() '()))
(define (meta-send meta-message)
(actions '() (list meta-message) '()))
(define (send* messages [meta-messages '()])
(actions messages meta-messages '()))
(define (wait mhs [mmhs '()])
(call-in-kernel-context (lambda (k) `(wait #f ,mhs ,mmhs ,k))))
(define (poll [mhs '()] [mmhs '()])
(call-in-kernel-context (lambda (k) `(wait #t ,mhs ,mmhs ,k))))
(define (spawn thunk)
(actions '() '() (list thunk)))

os.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
-- MultiParamTypeClasses FunctionalDependencies
module OS where
-- TODO try avoiding double-matching for metamessages and the need for
-- broadcast by introducing a facility for supporting event-pattern
-- subtyping
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
data VM m mm = VM { suspensions :: [Suspension m mm],
messages :: [m],
metaMessages :: [mm],
runnables :: [Callback m mm ()] }
type Callback m mm state = (state -> KernelModeTransition m mm)
data Suspension m mm = forall state. Suspension
(Maybe (Callback m mm state))
[Handler m mm state]
[MetaHandler m mm state]
data KernelModeTransition m mm = KernelModeTransition (Suspension m mm)
[Callback m mm ()]
type Handler m mm state = (m -> Maybe (Callback m mm state))
type MetaHandler m mm state = (mm -> Maybe (Callback m mm state))
newVM boot = VM { suspensions = [],
messages = [],
metaMessages = [],
runnables = [boot] }
runVM :: VM m mm -> KernelModeTransition mm mm1
runVM = rebuildSuspensions enqueuePoller >>> runRunnables >>> dispatchMessages >>> \ vm ->
let mms = reverse $ metaMessages vm
mmhs = concatMap extractDown $ suspensions vm
pollerK = if shouldPoll vm then Just runVM else Nothing
KernelModeTransition (Suspension (vm { metaMessages = [] }) pollerK mmhs []) mms [] []
rebuildSuspensions :: (VM m mm -> Suspension m mm -> VM m mm) -> (VM m mm) -> (VM m mm)
rebuildSuspensions f vm = foldl f (vm { suspensions = [] }) (suspensions vm)
enqueuePoller :: VM m mm -> Suspension m mm -> VM m mm
enqueuePoller vm susp@(Suspension state k _ _) =
if isPolling susp
then vm { runnables = (\ () -> (fromJust k) state) : runnables vm }
else vm { suspensions = susp : suspensions vm }
runRunnables :: VM m mm -> VM m mm
runRunnables vm = foldl runRunnable (vm { runnables = [] }) (reverse (runnables vm))
runRunnable vm r = performTransition (r ()) vm
dispatchMessages :: VM m mm -> VM m mm
dispatchMessages vm = foldr dispatchMessage (vm { messages = [] }) (messages vm)
dispatchMessage m = rebuildSuspensions matchSuspension
where matchSuspension vm susp@(Suspension state _ mhs _) =
searchHandlers vm susp state m mhs
searchHandlers vm susp state m [] = vm { suspensions = susp : suspensions vm }
searchHandlers vm susp state m (mh:mhs) =
case mh m of
Just h -> performTransition (h state) vm
Nothing -> searchHandlers vm susp state m mhs
extractDown (Suspension _ _ _ mmhs) = map matchMetaMessage mmhs
where matchMetaMessage mmh mm =
case mmh mm of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just _ -> Just (runMetaHandler mm)
isPolling (Suspension _ pollerK _ _) = isNothing pollerK
isBlocked = not . isPolling
shouldPoll vm@(VM { messages = [], runnables = []}) = not $ all isBlocked (suspensions vm)
shouldPoll _ = True
runMetaHandler :: mm -> (VM m mm) -> (KernelModeTransition mm mm1)
runMetaHandler mm = runVM . rebuildSuspensions dispatchMetaMessage
where dispatchMetaMessage vm susp@(Suspension state _ _ mmhs) =
searchHandlers vm susp state mm mmhs
performTransition :: KernelModeTransition m mm -> VM m mm -> VM m mm
performTransition (KernelModeTransition susp ms mms cbs) vm =
vm { suspensions = susp : suspensions vm,
messages = reverse ms ++ (messages vm),
metaMessages = reverse mms ++ (metaMessages vm),
runnables = reverse cbs ++ (runnables vm) }
type LabelledMessage a b = (a, b)
groundVM :: Callback m (IO ()) () -> IO ()
groundVM boot = do inboundChannel <- newChan
mainloop inboundChannel (runVM (makeVM boot))
where mainloop ch (KernelModeTransition (Subscription newState pollingK mhs []) ms [] []) = do
runActions ch ms
case (newState, pollingK, mhs) of
(VM { messages = [], metaMessages = [], runnables = [] }, Nothing, []) ->
-- inert.
return ()
_ ->
(when (not (nested-vm-inert? (kernel-mode-transition-subscription transition)))
(match transition
[(kernel-mode-transition (subscription new-state
(define inbound-messages
(map (match-lambda [(message-handler e k) (wrap-evt e (lambda (v) (cons v k)))])
(match-define (cons inbound-value inbound-continuation)
(apply sync
(wrap-evt (if polling-k always-evt never-evt)
(lambda (v) (cons (void)
(lambda (dummy) polling-k))))
(loop ((inbound-continuation inbound-value) new-state))]
(error 'ground-vm
"Outermost VM may not spawn new siblings or send or receive metamessages")]))))
-- -- Values of type v are matchable by values of type p, yielding
-- -- residuals of type a.
-- class Matchable v p a | v -> p where
-- match :: p -> v -> Maybe a

os.rkt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
#lang racket/base
;; Virtualized operating system.
(require racket/match)
(require racket/list)
;; Waiting for messages
(struct-out suspension)
(struct-out message-handler)
;; Kernel requests
(struct-out kernel-mode-transition)
;; Constructing, accessing and running VMs
;; Grounding out the infinite tower of VMs
(struct-out ground-event-pattern)
(struct-out ground-event-value)
;; Each VM hosts 0 or more *multiplexed* processes. Each process has
;; its own state record. In between schedulings, a process consists of
;; 1 or more message handlers. A message handler is a pair of a message
;; recogniser and a procedure taking a message and a process state to a
;; new process state.
;; Each VM provides a *communication bus* for its processes to
;; use. The communication bus is the only form of IPC the VM provides.
;; Some processes *relay* messages out from the VM to other
;; VMs. Because the "tree" of VMs so formed has to be a tree - See
;; Shivers & Might 2006 for a discussion of this - we gather together
;; all the interactions between the supervenient VM and its support VM
;; into a single channel of communication. The relaying processes are,
;; in effect, device-drivers, providing application-specific
;; communication services to other processes in the VM.
;; We split processes into "user" processes, permitted only to spawn
;; other user processes and send messages on the VM's bus, and
;; "kernel" processes, permitted also to spawn other kernel processes
;; and send messages to the VM's container.
;; Time plays an interesting role in a distributed system: if the
;; medium messages are sent through isn't cooperative enough to let us
;; know of a failed conversational participant, our only recourse is
;; /timeout/. Therefore, we require every level of the machine to
;; support timeouts, though we do not require such timeouts to be tied
;; to real, wall-clock time: simulated time is just fine. This helps
;; with testability.
;; Racket's alarm-evt is almost the right design for timeouts: its
;; synchronisation value should be the (or some) value of the clock
;; after the asked-for time. That way it serves as timeout and
;; clock-reader in one.
;; VMs are parameterised over:
;; - the type of messages carried on the bus, Message
;; - the type of patterns over Messages, MessagePattern
;; - the type of messages to other VMs, MetaMessage
;; - the type of patterns over MetaMessages, MetaMessagePattern
;; A PatternPredicate is a (MessagePattern Message -> Boolean), used
;; to match a message against a pattern.
;; A VM is a (vm ListBagOf<Suspension>
;; QueueOf<Message> ;; TODO: make unordered?
;; QueueOf<MetaMessage> ;; TODO: make unordered?
;; QueueOf<BootK>).
(struct vm (suspensions
meta-pattern-predicate) #:transparent)
;; A TrapK<X> is a X -> InterruptK, representing a suspended process
;; waiting for some information from the VM before it can continue.
;; An InterruptK is a
;; ProcessState -> KernelModeTransition
;; representing a suspended process that can run instantly without
;; waiting for more information from the VM. The input is the state of
;; the process, and the output is the information passed back to the
;; VM when the process yields the CPU.
;; A BootK is a ( -> KernelModeTransition), representing either a
;; fresh process or a previously-suspended process just about to
;; resume.
;; A Suspension is a
;; (suspension ProcessState
;; Maybe<InterruptK>
;; ListBagOf<MessageHandler>
;; ListBagOf<MetaMessageHandler>).
;; To poll the kernel, include a non-#f InterruptK.
(struct suspension (state
meta-message-handlers) #:transparent)
;; A HID is a per-VM unique value, used to identify specific
;; MetaMessageHandlers. Here, we use gensyms, though an alternative
;; (and purer) approach would be to keep a counter in the VM and use
;; that to construct IDs.
;; A MessageHandler is one of
;; -- (message-handler MessagePattern TrapK<Message>)
(struct message-handler (pattern k) #:transparent)
;; A KernelModeTransition is a
;; (kernel-mode-transition Suspension
;; ListBagOf<Message>
;; ListBagOf<MetaMessage>
;; ListBagOf<BootK>)
;; representing the suspension of the transitioning process, a list of
;; messages to emit at both this VM's and its container's level, and a
;; list of new processes to create and schedule.
(struct kernel-mode-transition (suspension
new-processes) #:transparent)
;; A ListBagOf<X> is a ListOf<X> with the additional constraint that
;; order isn't meaningful.
;; TODO: is timeout really primitive? If so, isn't presence primitive?
;; TODO: what about metatimeout?
;; TODO: what about spawn-meta-process etc? Come back to this later.
;; TODO: enforce user-mode restrictions
;; TODO: timeouts
;; BootK -> VM
(define (make-vm boot
#:pattern-predicate [pattern-predicate default-pattern-predicate]
#:meta-pattern-predicate [meta-pattern-predicate default-pattern-predicate])
(vm (list)
(cons boot (list))
;; VM -> KernelModeTransition
;; (A kind of Meta-InterruptK)
(define (run-vm state)
(let* ((state (requeue-pollers state))
(state (run-runnables state))
(state (dispatch-messages state))
(meta-messages (reverse (vm-pending-meta-messages state)))
(meta-handlers (append-map extract-downward-meta-message-handlers (vm-suspensions state)))
(poller-k (and (should-poll? state) run-vm)) ;; only block if there's nothing left to do
(state (struct-copy vm state [pending-meta-messages (list)])))
(kernel-mode-transition (suspension state poller-k meta-handlers '())
(define (requeue-pollers state)
(foldl (lambda (susp state)
(if (suspension-polling? susp)
(enqueue-runnable (lambda () ((suspension-k susp) (suspension-state susp))) state)
(enqueue-suspension susp state)))
(struct-copy vm state [suspensions '()])
(vm-suspensions state)))
(define (run-runnables state)
(foldl (lambda (r state) (perform-transition (r) state))
(struct-copy vm state [pending-processes (list)])
(reverse (vm-pending-processes state))))
(define (dispatch-messages state)
(foldl dispatch-message
(struct-copy vm state [pending-messages (list)])
(reverse (vm-pending-messages state))))
(define (extract-downward-meta-message-handlers susp)
(for/list ([mmh (suspension-meta-message-handlers susp)])
(message-handler (message-handler-pattern mmh) (dispatch-meta-message mmh))))
(define (((dispatch-meta-message mmh) message) state)
(foldl (match-suspension message
(vm-meta-pattern-predicate state)
(struct-copy vm state [suspensions '()])
(vm-suspensions state))))
;; KernelModeTransition VM -> VM
(define (perform-transition transition state)
(match transition
[(kernel-mode-transition new-suspension
(let* ((state (foldl enqueue-message state messages))
(state (foldl enqueue-runnable state new-processes))
(state (enqueue-suspension new-suspension state))
(state (foldl enqueue-meta-message state meta-messages)))
(error 'vm "Processes must return a kernel-mode-transition struct; got ~v" other)]))
(define (enqueue-message message state)
(struct-copy vm state [pending-messages (cons message (vm-pending-messages state))]))
(define (enqueue-runnable r state)
(struct-copy vm state [pending-processes (cons r (vm-pending-processes state))]))
(define (enqueue-suspension susp state)
(match susp
[(suspension _ #f '() '())
;; dead process because no continuations offered
[(suspension _ _ _ _)
(struct-copy vm state [suspensions (cons susp (vm-suspensions state))])]))
(define (enqueue-meta-message message state)
(struct-copy vm state [pending-meta-messages (cons message (vm-pending-meta-messages state))]))
(define (dispatch-message message state)
(foldl (match-suspension message
(vm-pattern-predicate state)
(struct-copy vm state [suspensions '()])
(vm-suspensions state)))
(define ((match-suspension message apply-pattern handlers-getter) susp state)
(let search-handlers ((message-handlers (handlers-getter susp)))
[(null? message-handlers)
;; No handler matched this message. Put the suspension
;; back on the list for some future message.
(enqueue-suspension susp state)]
[(apply-pattern (message-handler-pattern (car message-handlers)) message)
(define trapk (message-handler-k (car message-handlers)))
(define interruptk (trapk message))
(perform-transition (interruptk (suspension-state susp)) state)]
(search-handlers (cdr message-handlers))])))
(define (suspension-polling? susp)
(not (eq? (suspension-k susp) #f)))
;; VM -> Boolean
;; When should a VM block? When it has no runnables, no pending
;; messages, and no polling suspensions. Otherwise, it should poll.
(define (should-poll? state)
(or (not (null? (vm-pending-processes state)))
(not (null? (vm-pending-messages state)))
(ormap suspension-polling? (vm-suspensions state))))
(define (nested-vm boot
#:pattern-predicate [pattern-predicate default-pattern-predicate]
#:meta-pattern-predicate [meta-pattern-predicate default-pattern-predicate])
(lambda () (run-vm (make-vm boot
#:pattern-predicate pattern-predicate
#:meta-pattern-predicate meta-pattern-predicate))))
(define default-pattern-predicate
(lambda (p m) (p m)))
(define (nested-vm-inert? sub)
(match sub
[(suspension (vm _ '() '() '() _ _) #f '() '())
;; Inert iff not waiting for any messages or metamessages, and
;; with no internal work left to do.
[_ #f]))
(struct ground-event-pattern (tag evt) #:transparent)
(struct ground-event-value (tag val) #:transparent)
(define (match-ground-event p m)
(equal? (ground-event-pattern-tag p) (ground-event-value-tag m)))
;; PatternPredicate ( -> KernelModeTransition ) -> Void
;; In this context,
;; Message = a thunk
;; MessagePattern = evt?
;; MetaMessage, MetaMessagePattern = not defined because there's no outer level
;; Runs its argument VM until it becomes (provably) inert.
(define (ground-vm boot
#:pattern-predicate [pattern-predicate default-pattern-predicate])
(let loop ((transition (run-vm (make-vm boot
#:pattern-predicate pattern-predicate
#:meta-pattern-predicate match-ground-event))))
(for-each (lambda (thunk) (thunk)) (kernel-mode-transition-messages transition))
(when (not (nested-vm-inert? (kernel-mode-transition-suspension transition)))
(match transition
[(kernel-mode-transition (suspension new-state
(define inbound-messages
(map (match-lambda [(message-handler (ground-event-pattern tag evt) k)
(wrap-evt evt (lambda (v) (cons (ground-event-value tag v) k)))])
(match-define (cons inbound-value inbound-continuation)
(apply sync
(wrap-evt (if polling-k always-evt never-evt)
(lambda (v) (cons (ground-event-value 'idle (void))
(lambda (dummy) polling-k))))
(loop ((inbound-continuation inbound-value) new-state))]
(error 'ground-vm
"Outermost VM may not spawn new siblings or send or receive metamessages")]))))

universe.rkt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
#lang racket/base
;; Compatibility: 2htdp/universe's big-bang expressed in terms of ground-vm and os-big-bang.
(require racket/match)
(require racket/class)
(require racket/async-channel)
(require racket/gui/base)
(require 2htdp/image)
(require "os-big-bang.rkt")
(provide (struct-out stop-with)
(struct stop-with (w) #:transparent)
;; This should be part of racket
(define (time-evt msecs)
(wrap-evt (alarm-evt msecs) (lambda (_) (current-inexact-milliseconds))))
(define (replace-world w1 w2)
[(stop-with? w2) (transition (stop-with-w w2)
(send-message `(new-state ,(stop-with-w w2)))
(send-message 'stop))]
[else (transition w2 (send-message `(new-state ,w2)))]))
(define (stop w n)
(transition w (unsubscribe n)))
(struct ticker-state (counter interval limit) #:transparent)
(define-syntax on-tick
(syntax-rules ()
((_ tick-expr)
(on-tick tick-expr 1/28))
((_ tick-expr rate-expr)
(on-tick tick-expr rate-expr 0))
((_ tick-expr rate-expr limit-expr)
(subscribe 'ticker-handler
(message-handlers w
['tick (replace-world w (tick-expr w))]
['stop (stop w 'ticker-handler)]))
(spawn (os-big-bang (ticker-state 0 rate-expr limit-expr)
(subscribe 'stop-listener
(message-handlers ts
['stop (transition ts
(unsubscribe 'stop-listener)
(unsubscribe 'ticker))]))
(let loop ((next-alarm-time 0))
(subscribe 'ticker
(and w (ticker-state counter interval limit))
[((list 'timer-alarm next-alarm-time)
(time-evt next-alarm-time)
=> now)
(if (and (positive? limit) (>= counter limit))
(transition w (unsubscribe 'ticker))
(transition (ticker-state (+ counter 1) interval limit)
(unsubscribe 'ticker)
(loop (+ now (* 1000 interval)))
(send-message 'tick)))])))))))))
(define-syntax-rule (on-key key-expr)
(subscribe 'key-handler
(message-handlers w
[`(key-down ,kev) (replace-world w (key-expr w kev))]
['stop (stop w 'key-handler)])))
(define-syntax-rule (on-release release-expr)
(subscribe 'release-handler
(message-handlers w
[`(key-up ,kev) (replace-world w (release-expr w kev))]
['stop (stop w 'release-handler)])))
(define-syntax-rule (on-mouse mouse-expr)
(subscribe 'mouse-handler
(message-handlers w
[`(mouse ,x ,y ,mev) (replace-world w (mouse-expr w x y mev))]
['stop (stop w 'mouse-handler)])))
(define-syntax-rule (stop-when last-world?)
(subscribe 'stop-when-handler
(message-handlers w
[`(new-state ,_) (if (last-world? w)
(replace-world w (stop-with w))
['stop (stop w 'stop-when-handler)])))
(define-syntax-rule (on-draw render-expr) (to-draw render-expr))
(define-syntax-rule (to-draw render-expr)
(subscribe 'draw-handler
(message-handlers w
[`(new-state ,_) (transition w (send-message `(render ,(render-expr w))))]
['stop (stop w 'draw-handler)])))
(define (ui-actions c:ui->world c:world->ui)
(spawn (os-big-bang 'none
(subscribe 'inbound-relay
(ground-message-handler w
=> message)
(transition w (send-message message))]))
(subscribe 'stopper
(message-handlers w
['stop (transition w
(lambda ()
(async-channel-put c:world->ui 'stop)))
(unsubscribe 'inbound-relay)
(unsubscribe 'stopper))]))))
(subscribe 'renderer
(message-handlers w
[`(render ,scene)
(transition w
(send-meta-message (lambda () (async-channel-put c:world->ui `(render ,scene)))))]
['stop (stop w 'renderer)]))))
(define (make-key-event code)
[(char? code) (string code)]
[(symbol? code) (symbol->string code)]))
;; Pinched almost without change from collects/2htdp/private/world.rkt
(define (mouse-event->parts e)
(define x (send e get-x))
(define y (send e get-y))
(list 'mouse x y
(cond [(send e button-down?) "button-down"]
[(send e button-up?) "button-up"]
[(send e dragging?) "drag"]
[(send e moving?) "move"]
[(send e entering?) "enter"]
[(send e leaving?) "leave"]
[else ; (send e get-event-type)
(let ([m (send e get-event-type)])
(error 'on-mouse (format "Unknown event: ~a" m)))])))
(define universe-canvas%
(class canvas%
(init-field c:ui->world)
(define/override (on-event e)
(async-channel-put c:ui->world (mouse-event->parts e)))
(define/override (on-char e)
(async-channel-put c:ui->world
(match (make-key-event (send e get-key-code))
["release" `(key-up ,(make-key-event (send e get-key-release-code)))]
[other `(key-down ,other)])))))
(define (big-bang initial-state . initial-action)
(define c:ui->world (make-async-channel))
(define c:world->ui (make-async-channel))
(define frame (new frame%
[label "os-big-bang universe"]
[width 500]
[height 300]))
(define image (empty-scene 200 200))
(define canvas (new universe-canvas%
[c:ui->world c:ui->world]
[parent frame]
(lambda (canvas dc)
(send image draw dc
0 0
0 0
(send frame get-width) (send frame get-height)
0 0
(send frame show #t)
(thread (lambda ()
(let loop ()
(define v (async-channel-get c:world->ui))
(match v
[`(render ,scene)
(set! image scene)
(send frame resize (image-width image) (image-height image))
(send canvas refresh-now)]
[_ 'ignore])
(lambda ()
(ground-vm (apply os-big-bang
(ui-actions c:ui->world c:world->ui)
(os-big-bang 'none
(subscribe 'echoer
(message-handlers w
(transition w
(send-meta-message (lambda ()
(write (list any '-> w))