#lang racket/base ;; Noddy representation of a zone, and various zone and RRSet utilities. (require racket/set) (require racket/match) (require "api.rkt") (require "codec.rkt") (provide incorporate-rr incorporate-complete-answer empty-zone-db compile-zone-db compiled-zone? in-bailiwick? set-filter filter-by-type filter-rrs rr-set->list) ;; A CompiledZone is a Hash>, representing a ;; collection of DNS RRSets indexed by DomainName. ;; TODO: maybe store domain names big-end first? It'd make bailiwick ;; and subzone checks into prefix rather than suffix checks. It makes ;; domain names into paths through the DNS DB tree. ;; RR Hash -> Hash (define (incorporate-rr rr db) (hash-set db (rr-name rr) (set-add (hash-ref db (rr-name rr) set) rr))) ;; Maybe Hash -> Hash (define (incorporate-complete-answer ans db) (match ans [#f db] [(complete-answer ns us ds) (foldl incorporate-rr db (append (set->list ns) (set->list us) (set->list ds)))])) ;; empty-zone-db : -> CompiledZone (define (empty-zone-db) (make-immutable-hash)) ;; compile-zone-db : ListOf -> CompiledZone ;; Builds an immutable hash table from the given RRs, suitable for ;; quickly looking up answers to queries. (define (compile-zone-db rrs) (foldl incorporate-rr (make-immutable-hash) rrs)) (define (compiled-zone? z) (hash? z)) ;; hm ;; in-bailiwick? : DomainName DomainName -> Boolean ;; Answers #t iff dn falls within the bailiwick of the zone with ;; origin o. (define (in-bailiwick? dn o) (cond ((equal? dn o) #t) ((null? dn) #f) (else (in-bailiwick? (cdr dn) o)))) ;; set-filter : (X -> Boolean) SetOf -> SetOf ;; Retains only those elements of its argument for which the predicate ;; answers #t. (define (set-filter predicate in) (for/set ([x (in-set in)] #:when (predicate x)) x)) ;; filter-by-type : SetOf RRType -> SetOf ;; Selects only those members of rrset having rr-type type. (define (filter-by-type rrset type) (set-filter (lambda (rr) (eqv? (rr-type rr) type)) rrset)) ;; filter-rrs : SetOf QueryType QueryClass ;; Returns a set like its argument with RRs not matching the given ;; type and class removed. (define (filter-rrs rrs qtype qclass) (define filtered-by-type (case qtype ((*) rrs) (else (filter-by-type rrs qtype)))) (define filtered-by-type-and-class (case qclass ((*) filtered-by-type) (else (set-filter (lambda (rr) (eqv? (rr-class rr) qclass)) filtered-by-type)))) filtered-by-type-and-class) ;; rr-set->list : SetOf -> ListOf ;; Like set->list, but places all CNAME records first. ;; This is apparently to work around bugs in old versions of BIND? (define (rr-set->list rrs) (append (set->list (filter-by-type rrs 'cname)) (set->list (set-filter (lambda (rr) (not (eqv? (rr-type rr) 'cname))) rrs))))