## DNS Make RData and RRType the same thing so it becomes impossible to make a mistake. Tests needed: - encode and decode of each kind of RR - so far, have: txt, a, ns, mx, soa, cname, aaaa, srv. - that leaves: md, mf, mb, mg, mr, null, wks, ptr, hinfo, minfo - most of those are obsolete, so finding wild examples will be very difficult - encode and decode of several variants of packet, both sensible and not - misleading section length count - short, long - misleading label length - short, long - misleading rdata length - short, long - misleading txt record string length - short, long - looping domain-name (using compressed format) - compressed domain-name pointing into hyperspace - txt record with rdata filled with a list of empty byte-strings ### Proxy #### Make CNAME NXDOMAIN refer to the target record, not the CNAME itself See also RFC 2308 section 2.1 and http://homepage.ntlworld.com./jonathan.deboynepollard/FGA/dns-response-taxonomy.html Basically, if the CNAME record is in the response, that's sufficient indication that the name of the CNAME exists! So NXDOMAIN clearly doesn't make sense to apply there. #### Should the cache replace SOAs by serial number? It probably shouldn't cache SOA records at all. Djbdns doesn't. ("dnscache does not cache SOA records", from http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/dnscache.html) ### Zero-timeout RRs in subqueries Currently they make it appear that there are no available answers! E.g. this IN A query for maps.bpl.org. Note the zero-timeout A records that come back from dns-lproof2. 1348086228 DNS: '#s(udp-address "" 41127) asks '#s(udp-listener 5555) 44280 1348086228 : (list (question (domain '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in #f)) 1348086228 dns-vm PID 114447 ((packet-relay #s(active-request #s(udp-address 41127) 44280))) started 1348086228 DNS: (question (domain '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in #f) 1348086228 dns-vm PID 114448 ((question-handler #s(question #(struct:domain (maps bpl org) (maps bpl org)) a in #f))) started 1348086228 dns-vm PID 114449 ((network-query #s(question #(struct:domain (maps bpl org) (maps bpl org)) a in #f))) started 1348086228 DNS: (question (domain '(#"dns-lproof1" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"dns-lproof1" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in (ns-subq (question (domain '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in #f))) 1348086228 dns-vm PID 114450 ((question-handler #s(question #(struct:domain (dns-lproof1 bpl org) (dns-lproof1 bpl org)) a in #s((ns-subq subquestion 1) #s(question #(struct:domain (maps bpl org) (maps bpl org)) a in #f))))) started 1348086228 DNS: (answered-question (question (domain '(#"dns-lproof1" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"dns-lproof1" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in (ns-subq (question (domain '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in #f))) (complete-answer (set (rr (domain '(#"dns-lproof1" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"dns-lproof1" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in 9484 '#(192 80 65 2))) (set) (set))) 1348086228 dns-vm PID 114450 ((question-handler #s(question #(struct:domain (dns-lproof1 bpl org) (dns-lproof1 bpl org)) a in #s((ns-subq subquestion 1) #s(question #(struct:domain (maps bpl org) (maps bpl org)) a in #f))))) garbage-collected 1348086228 DNS: '(request network-query/allocate-query-id441781 allocate-query-id) 1348086228 DNS: '(reply network-query/allocate-query-id441781 11080) 1348086228 DNS: '#s(udp-handle dns-client) asks '#s(udp-address "" 53) 11080 1348086228 : (list (question (domain '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in #f)) 1348086228 DNS: '#s(set-timer (#s(udp-handle dns-client) 11080) 3000 relative) 1348086231 DNS: '#s(timer-expired (#s(udp-handle dns-client) 11080) 1348086231475.239) 1348086231 DNS: (question (domain '(#"dns-lproof2" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"dns-lproof2" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in (ns-subq (question (domain '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in #f))) 1348086231 DNS: '(release-query-id 11080) 1348086231 dns-vm PID 114451 ((question-handler #s(question #(struct:domain (dns-lproof2 bpl org) (dns-lproof2 bpl org)) a in #s((ns-subq subquestion 1) #s(question #(struct:domain (maps bpl org) (maps bpl org)) a in #f))))) started 1348086231 DNS: (answered-question (question (domain '(#"dns-lproof2" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"dns-lproof2" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in (ns-subq (question (domain '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in #f))) (complete-answer (set (rr (domain '(#"dns-lproof2" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"dns-lproof2" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in 9481 '#(216 236 248 2))) (set) (set))) 1348086231 dns-vm PID 114451 ((question-handler #s(question #(struct:domain (dns-lproof2 bpl org) (dns-lproof2 bpl org)) a in #s((ns-subq subquestion 1) #s(question #(struct:domain (maps bpl org) (maps bpl org)) a in #f))))) garbage-collected 1348086231 DNS: '(request network-query/allocate-query-id441790 allocate-query-id) 1348086231 DNS: '(reply network-query/allocate-query-id441790 8847) 1348086231 DNS: '#s(udp-handle dns-client) asks '#s(udp-address "" 53) 8847 1348086231 : (list (question (domain '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in #f)) 1348086231 DNS: '#s(set-timer (#s(udp-handle dns-client) 8847) 3000 relative) 1348086231 DNS: '#s(udp-address "" 53) answers '#s(udp-handle dns-client) 1348086231 : (dns-message 8847 'response 'query 'authoritative 'not-truncated 'no-recursion-desired 'no-recursion-available 'no-error (list (question (domain '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in #f)) (list (rr (domain '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in 0 '#(216 236 252 42)) (rr (domain '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in 0 '#(192 80 65 42))) '() '()) 1348086231 DNS: (network-reply 'referral441777 (complete-answer (set (rr (domain '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in 0 '#(192 80 65 42)) (rr (domain '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in 0 '#(216 236 252 42))) (set) (set))) 1348086231 DNS: '(release-query-id 8847) 1348086231 dns-vm PID 114449 ((network-query #s(question #(struct:domain (maps bpl org) (maps bpl org)) a in #f))) garbage-collected 1348086231 DNS: (answered-question (question (domain '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in #f) (complete-answer (set) (set) (set))) 1348086231 DNS: (set-timer (list 'check-dns-expiry (domain '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org"))) 0 'relative) 1348086231 dns-vm PID 114448 ((question-handler #s(question #(struct:domain (maps bpl org) (maps bpl org)) a in #f))) garbage-collected 1348086231 DNS: '#s(udp-listener 5555) answers '#s(udp-address "" 41127) 1348086231 : (dns-message 44280 'response 'query 'non-authoritative 'not-truncated 'recursion-desired 'recursion-available 'no-error (list (question (domain '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org")) 'a 'in #f)) '() '() '()) 1348086231 dns-vm PID 114447 ((packet-relay #s(active-request #s(udp-address 41127) 44280))) garbage-collected 1348086231 DNS: (timer-expired (list 'check-dns-expiry (domain '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org") '(#"maps" #"bpl" #"org"))) 1348086231532.27)