Age and expire cached RRs properly

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2012-02-09 16:24:43 -05:00
parent 570f6fb915
commit 969bc2646e
3 changed files with 80 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
(struct-out dns-message)
(require "api.rkt")
(require "mapping.rkt")
@ -464,3 +466,6 @@
((srv-port rdata) :: bits 16)
((srv-target rdata) :: (t:domain-name))))
(else rdata)))
;; UInt32
(define max-ttl #xffffffff)

View File

@ -142,20 +142,20 @@
(send-message (answer->reply original-question answer)))])))]))
(define (question-dispatcher zone0 client-sock)
(define cache-clear-interval (* 60 1000))
(os-big-bang zone0
;; TODO: consider deduping questions here too?
(send-message (set-timer 'clear-dns-cache cache-clear-interval #t))
(subscribe 'question-handler-factory
(message-handlers zone
[(? question? q)
(transition zone
(spawn (question-handler zone q client-sock)))]
[(network-reply _ answer)
(incorporate-complete-answer answer zone)]
[(timer-expired 'clear-dns-cache _)
(transition zone0
(send-message (set-timer 'clear-dns-cache cache-clear-interval #t)))]))))
(define-values (new-zone timers) (incorporate-complete-answer answer zone))
(transition new-zone
(for/list ([(name ttl) timers])
(send-message (set-timer (list 'check-dns-expiry name) (* ttl 1000) #t))))]
[(timer-expired (list 'check-dns-expiry name) _)
(zone-expire-name zone name)]))))
(struct question-state (zone q client-sock nameservers-tried retry-count) #:transparent)
(struct expanding-cnames (q accumulator remaining-count) #:transparent)
@ -190,11 +190,12 @@
[(network-reply (== referral-id) #f) ;; name-error/NXDOMAIN
(transition w (send-message (answered-question q #f)))]
[(network-reply (== referral-id) ans)
(define-values (new-zone ignored-timers) (incorporate-complete-answer ans zone))
(retry-question (struct-copy question-state w
[nameservers-tried (set-union nameservers-tried
[zone (incorporate-complete-answer ans zone)]
[zone new-zone]
[retry-count (+ old-retry-count 1)]))
(unsubscribe referral-id))])))]
[(? complete-answer? ans)

View File

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
(provide zone-ref
@ -20,31 +20,84 @@
;; A CompiledZone is a Hash<DomainName,SetOf<RR>>, representing a
;; collection of DNS RRSets indexed by DomainName.
;; An InfiniteLifetime is an (infinite-lifetime RelativeSeconds), a
;; specification of the TTL to use when sending a non-expiring RR to a
;; peer.
(struct infinite-lifetime (ttl) #:transparent)
;; A CompiledZone is a Hash<DomainName,Hash<RR,(or AbsoluteSeconds
;; InfiniteLifetime)>>, representing a collection of DNS RRSets
;; indexed by DomainName. Each RR in an RRSet either has an expiry
;; time associated with it or has an InfiniteLifetime associated with
;; it, in which case it should not expire.
;; TODO: maybe store domain names big-end first? It'd make bailiwick
;; and subzone checks into prefix rather than suffix checks. It makes
;; domain names into paths through the DNS DB tree.
(define (current-inexact-seconds)
(/ (current-inexact-milliseconds) 1000.0))
(define (still-valid? expiry now)
(or (infinite-lifetime? expiry)
(>= expiry now)))
;; CompiledZone DomainName -> Maybe<Set<RR>>
(define (zone-ref db name)
(hash-ref db name #f))
[(hash-ref db name #f) =>
(lambda (expirymap)
(define now (current-inexact-seconds))
(for/set ([(resource expiry) expirymap] #:when (still-valid? expiry now))
(struct-copy rr resource [ttl (if (infinite-lifetime? expiry)
(infinite-lifetime-ttl expiry)
(inexact->exact (floor (- expiry now))))])))]
[else #f]))
(define (zone-includes-name? db name)
(hash-has-key? db name))
;; RR CompiledZone -> CompiledZone
(define (incorporate-rr rr db)
(hash-set db (rr-name rr) (set-add (hash-ref db (rr-name rr) set) rr)))
;; incorporate-rr : Maybe<AbsoluteSeconds> -> (RR CompiledZone -> CompiledZone)
;; Incorporates the given RR into our database. If base-time is a
;; number of seconds, we treat the RR as having a TTL that decreases
;; as time goes by; otherwise base-time is #f, and we treat the RR as
;; being non-expiring with an InfiniteLifetime.
(define ((incorporate-rr base-time) resource0 db)
(define expiry (if base-time
(+ base-time (rr-ttl resource0))
(infinite-lifetime (rr-ttl resource0))))
(define resource (struct-copy rr resource0 [ttl 0]))
(hash-set db (rr-name resource)
(hash-set (hash-ref db (rr-name resource) hash) resource expiry)))
;; Maybe<CompleteAnswer> CompiledZone -> CompiledZone
;; Maybe<CompleteAnswer> CompiledZone -> (values CompiledZone Hash<Name,AbsoluteSeconds>)
(define (incorporate-complete-answer ans db)
(match ans
[#f db]
[(complete-answer ns us ds) (foldl incorporate-rr db (append (set->list ns)
(set->list us)
(set->list ds)))]))
(values db (hash))]
[(complete-answer ns us ds)
(define now (current-inexact-seconds))
(for/fold ([db db] [timers (hash)])
([rr (in-sequences ns us ds)])
(values ((incorporate-rr now) rr db)
(hash-update timers (rr-name rr)
(lambda (old-ttl) (min old-ttl (rr-ttl rr)))
;; CompiledZone DomainName -> CompiledZone
;; Checks the given name to see if there are any expiring records, and
;; if so, removes them.
(define (zone-expire-name db name)
(define now (current-inexact-seconds))
(define new-expirymap
(if (zone-includes-name? db name)
(for/hash ([(resource expiry) (hash-ref db name)] #:when (still-valid? expiry now))
(values resource expiry))
(if (zero? (hash-count new-expirymap))
(hash-remove db name)
(hash-set db name new-expirymap)))
;; empty-zone-db : -> CompiledZone
(define (empty-zone-db)
@ -54,7 +107,7 @@
;; Builds an immutable hash table from the given RRs, suitable for
;; quickly looking up answers to queries.
(define (compile-zone-db rrs)
(foldl incorporate-rr (make-immutable-hash) rrs))
(foldl (incorporate-rr #f) (empty-zone-db) rrs))
(define (compiled-zone? z)
(hash? z)) ;; hm