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#lang racket/base
(require (planet tonyg/bitsyntax))
(require racket/udp)
(require racket/match)
(require "mapping.rkt")
;; Protocol data taken from RFC-1035. (See also RFC-1034.)
;; Blocks of text inside <rfc1035>...</rfc1035> also from RFC-1035.
;; RFC-3596 specifies "DNS Extensions to Support IP Version 6".
;; RFC-2782 specifies the DNS SRV record, though weirdly it omits a
;; wire-level definition of the format! Presumably people have just
;; copied what they see everyone else do here!
(provide (struct-out dns-message)
(struct-out question)
(struct-out rr)
(struct-out hinfo)
(struct-out minfo)
(struct-out mx)
(struct-out soa)
(struct-out wks)
(struct-out srv)
value->query-opcode query-opcode->value
value->query-response-code query-response-code->value
type->value value->type
qtype->value value->qtype
class->value value->class
qclass->value value->qclass
;; Data definitions
;; A DomainName is a ListOf<Bytes>, representing a domain name. The
;; head of the list is the leftmost label; for example, www.google.com
;; is represented as '(#"www" #"google" #"com").
;; A ShortString is a String with length 255 or shorter.
;; An IPv4 is a (vector Byte Byte Byte Byte), representing an IPv4
;; address. For example, is represented as (vector 127 0 0
;; 1).
;; An IPv6 is a Vector of length 16 containing Bytes, representing an
;; IPv6 address. For example, 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334
;; is represented as (vector #x20 #x01 #x0d #xb8 #x85 #xa3 #x00 #x00
;; #x00 #x00 #x8a #x2e #x03 #x70 #x73 #x34).
;; A DNSMessage is a
;; (dns-message Uint16 Direction Opcode Authoritativeness
;; Truncatedness RecursionDesired RecursionAvailable ResponseCode
;; ListOf<Question> ListOf<RR> ListOf<RR> ListOf<RR>).
;; Interpreted as either a DNS request or reply, depending on the
;; Direction.
(struct dns-message (id
;; A Question is a (question DomainName QueryType QueryClass),
;; representing a DNS question: "What are the RRs for the given name,
;; type and class?"
(struct question (name type class) #:transparent)
;; An RR is a (rr DomainName RRType RRClass Uint32 RData),
;; representing a resource record.
(struct rr (name type class ttl rdata) #:transparent)
;; An RData is one of
;; - an IPv4, an "A" record
;; - an IPv6, an "AAAA" record
;; - (hinfo ShortString ShortString), a host information record [O]
;; - (minfo DomainName DomainName), a mailbox information record [O]
;; - (mx Uint16 DomainName), a mail exchanger record
;; - (soa DomainName DomainName Uint32 Uint32 Uint32 Uint32 Uint32), a
;; start-of-authority record
;; - (wks IPv4 Byte Bytes), a Well-Known Service [O]
;; - (srv Uint16 Uint16 Uint16 DomainName), an "SRV" record
;; In each case, the RData's variant MUST line up correctly with the
;; type field of any RR containing it.
;; Many of these variants are obsolete in today's DNS database (marked
;; [O] above).
(struct hinfo (cpu os) #:transparent)
(struct minfo (rmailbx emailbx) #:transparent)
(struct mx (preference exchange) #:transparent)
(struct soa (mname rname serial refresh retry expire minimum) #:transparent)
(struct wks (address protocol bitmap) #:transparent)
(struct srv (priority weight port target) #:transparent)
;; An Opcode is a Symbol or a Number, one of the possibilities given
;; in the following define-mapping. It represents a DNS message
;; operation; see the RFC for details.
(define-mapping value->query-opcode query-opcode->value
#:forward-default values
#:backward-default values
(0 query)
(1 iquery)
(2 status))
;; A ResponseCode is a Symbol or a Number, one of the possibilities
;; given in the following define-mapping. It represents the outcome of
;; a DNS query.
(define-mapping value->query-response-code query-response-code->value
(0 no-error)
(1 format-error)
(2 server-failure)
(3 name-error)
(4 not-implemented)
(5 refused))
;; An RRType is a Symbol or a Number, one of the possibilities given
;; in the following define-mapping. It represents the type of an
;; RR. When used in an RR with an RData, the RRType and the RData
;; variant must correspond.
(define-mapping type->value value->type
#:forward-default values
#:backward-default values
(a 1)
(ns 2)
(md 3)
(mf 4)
(cname 5)
(soa 6)
(mb 7)
(mg 8)
(mr 9)
(null 10)
(wks 11)
(ptr 12)
(hinfo 13)
(minfo 14)
(mx 15)
(txt 16)
(aaaa 28)
(srv 33))
;; A QueryType is a Symbol or Number (as given in the following
;; define-mapping) or an RRType. It specifies the kinds of records
;; being sought after in a DNS query.
(define-mapping qtype->value value->qtype
#:forward-default type->value
#:backward-default value->type
(axfr 252)
(mailb 253)
(maila 254)
(* 255))
;; An RRClass is a Symbol or a Number, one of the possibilities given
;; in the following define-mapping. It represents the "class" of DNS
;; records being discussed. All classes except 'in are obsolete in
;; today's DNS databases.
(define-mapping class->value value->class
#:forward-default values
#:backward-default values
(in 1)
(cs 2)
(ch 3)
(hs 4))
;; A QueryClass is a Symbol or Number (as given in the following
;; define-mapping) or an RRClass. It specifies the "class" of records
;; being sought after in a DNS query.
(define-mapping qclass->value value->qclass
#:forward-default class->value
#:backward-default value->class
(* 255))
;; DNS message codec
;; <rfc1035>
;; All communications inside of the domain protocol are carried in a single
;; format called a message. The top level format of message is divided
;; into 5 sections (some of which are empty in certain cases) shown below:
;; +---------------------+
;; | Header |
;; +---------------------+
;; | Question | the question for the name server
;; +---------------------+
;; | Answer | RRs answering the question
;; +---------------------+
;; | Authority | RRs pointing toward an authority
;; +---------------------+
;; | Additional | RRs holding additional information
;; +---------------------+
;; </rfc1035>
;; <rfc1035>
;; The header contains the following fields:
;; 1 1 1 1 1 1
;; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; | ID |
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; |QR| Opcode |AA|TC|RD|RA| Z | RCODE |
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; | QDCOUNT |
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; | ANCOUNT |
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; | NSCOUNT |
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; | ARCOUNT |
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; </rfc1035>
(define (bit->value n if0 if1)
(if (positive? n) if1 if0))
(define (value->bit b if0 if1)
((eq? b if0) 0)
((eq? b if1) 1)
(else (error 'value->bit "Value supplied is neither ~v nor ~v: ~v" if0 if1 b))))
(define (packet->dns-message packet)
(bit-string-case packet
([ (id :: bits 16)
(qr :: bits 1)
(opcode :: bits 4)
(aa :: bits 1)
(tc :: bits 1)
(rd :: bits 1)
(ra :: bits 1)
(= 0 :: bits 3)
(rcode :: bits 4)
(qdcount :: bits 16)
(ancount :: bits 16)
(nscount :: bits 16)
(arcount :: bits 16)
(sections4 :: binary) ]
(let*-values (((q-section sections3)
(parse-section packet decode-question qdcount sections4))
((a-section sections2)
(parse-section packet decode-rr ancount sections3))
((auth-section sections1)
(parse-section packet decode-rr nscount sections2))
((additional-section sections0)
(parse-section packet decode-rr arcount sections1)))
(when (not (zero? (bit-string-length sections0)))
(error 'packet->dns-message "Packet too long"))
(dns-message id
(bit->value qr 'request 'response)
(value->query-opcode opcode)
(bit->value aa 'non-authoritative 'authoritative)
(bit->value tc 'not-truncated 'truncated)
(bit->value rd 'no-recursion-desired 'recursion-desired)
(bit->value ra 'no-recursion-available 'recursion-available)
(value->query-response-code rcode)
(define (dns-message->packet m)
(bit-string ((dns-message-id m) :: bits 16)
((value->bit (dns-message-direction m)
'request 'response) :: bits 1)
((query-opcode->value (dns-message-opcode m)) :: bits 4)
((value->bit (dns-message-authoritative m)
'non-authoritative 'authoritative) :: bits 1)
((value->bit (dns-message-truncated m)
'not-truncated 'truncated) :: bits 1)
((value->bit (dns-message-recursion-desired m)
'no-recursion-desired 'recursion-desired) :: bits 1)
((value->bit (dns-message-recursion-available m)
'no-recursion-available 'recursion-available) :: bits 1)
(0 :: bits 3)
((query-response-code->value (dns-message-response-code m)) :: bits 4)
((length (dns-message-questions m)) :: bits 16)
((length (dns-message-answers m)) :: bits 16)
((length (dns-message-authorities m)) :: bits 16)
((length (dns-message-additional m)) :: bits 16)
(encode-section encode-question (dns-message-questions m))
(encode-section encode-rr (dns-message-answers m))
(encode-section encode-rr (dns-message-authorities m))
(encode-section encode-rr (dns-message-additional m))) :: binary))))
(define (parse-section packet parser remaining-records input)
(let loop ((count remaining-records)
(input input))
((positive? count)
(let*-values (((record remainder) (parser packet input))
((records final-remainder) (loop (sub1 count) remainder)))
(values (cons record records) final-remainder)))
(values '() input)))))
(define (encode-section encoder records)
((null? records) (bytes))
((null? (cdr records)) (encoder (car records)))
(else (bit-string-append (encoder (car records))
(encode-section encoder (cdr records))))))
;; Domain-names use a strange "compressed" encoding.
;; We have to be careful not to get stuck in a pointer loop here.
(define (parse-domain-name whole-packet input pointers-followed)
(bit-string-case input
([(= 3 :: bits 2) (offset :: bits 14) (rest :: binary)]
(if (member offset pointers-followed)
(error 'parse-domain-name "DNS compressed-pointer loop detected")
(let-values (((lhs rhs) (bit-string-split-at whole-packet (* 8 offset))))
(let-values (((labels ignored-tail)
(parse-domain-name whole-packet rhs (cons offset pointers-followed))))
(values labels rest)))))
([(= 0 :: bits 8) (rest :: binary)]
(values '() rest))
([(= 0 :: bits 2) (len :: bits 6) (label :: binary bytes len) (rest :: binary)]
;; TODO: validate labels: make sure they conform to the prescribed syntax
(let-values (((labels leftover)
(parse-domain-name whole-packet rest pointers-followed)))
(values (cons (bit-string->bytes label) labels) leftover)))))
(define (parse-single-domain-name whole-packet input)
(let-values (((name remainder) (parse-domain-name whole-packet input '())))
(if (bit-string-empty? remainder)
(error 'parse-single-domain-name
"Expected just the one name, but got some trailing junk"))))
(define (extract-domain-names whole-packet input)
(if (bit-string-empty? input)
(let-values (((name remainder) (parse-domain-name whole-packet input '())))
(cons name (extract-domain-names whole-packet remainder)))
(define (encode-domain-name labels)
((null? labels) (bytes 0))
(else (bit-string-append (encode-label (car labels))
(encode-domain-name (cdr labels))))))
(define (encode-label label)
(encode-pascal-string "Label" 64 label))
(define (encode-pascal-string string-kind length-limit s)
(let ((len (bytes-length s)))
(when (>= len length-limit)
(error 'encode-pascal-string "~s too long: ~v" string-kind s))
(bytes-append (bytes len) s)))
;; Character strings are pascal-style length-byte-prefixed strings.
(define (extract-character-strings input)
(bit-string-case input
([len (body :: binary bytes len) (rest :: binary)]
(cons (bit-string->bytes body)
(extract-character-strings rest)))))
(define (encode-character-string bs)
(encode-pascal-string "Character-string" 256 bs))
;; <rfc1035>
;; The question section is used to carry the "question" in most queries,
;; i.e., the parameters that define what is being asked. The section
;; contains QDCOUNT (usually 1) entries, each of the following format:
;; 1 1 1 1 1 1
;; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; | |
;; / QNAME /
;; / /
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; | QTYPE |
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; | QCLASS |
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; </rfc1035>
(define (decode-question whole-packet input)
(let-values (((qname remainder) (parse-domain-name whole-packet input '())))
(bit-string-case remainder
([(qtype :: bits 16)
(qclass :: bits 16)
(tail :: binary)]
(values (question qname
(value->qtype qtype)
(value->qclass qclass))
(define (encode-question q)
(bit-string-append (encode-domain-name (question-name q))
(bit-string ((qtype->value (question-type q)) :: bits 16)
((qclass->value (question-class q)) :: bits 16))))
;; <rfc1035>
;; All RRs have the same top level format shown below:
;; 1 1 1 1 1 1
;; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; | |
;; / /
;; / NAME /
;; | |
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; | TYPE |
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; | CLASS |
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; | TTL |
;; | |
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--|
;; / RDATA /
;; / /
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; </rfc1035>
(define (decode-rr whole-packet input)
(let-values (((name remainder) (parse-domain-name whole-packet input '())))
(bit-string-case remainder
([(type-number :: bits 16)
(class :: bits 16)
(ttl :: bits 32)
(rdlength :: bits 16)
(rdata :: binary bytes rdlength)
(tail :: binary)]
(let ((type (value->type type-number)))
(values (rr name
(value->class class)
(decode-rdata whole-packet type rdata))
(define (decode-rdata whole-packet type rdata)
(case type
((cname mb md mf mg mr ns ptr) (parse-single-domain-name whole-packet rdata))
((hinfo) (apply hinfo (extract-character-strings rdata)))
((minfo) (apply minfo (extract-domain-names whole-packet rdata)))
((mx) (bit-string-case rdata
([(preference :: bits 16) (exchange :: binary)]
(mx preference (parse-single-domain-name whole-packet exchange)))))
((null) (bit-string->bytes rdata))
((soa) (let*-values (((mname rdata1) (parse-domain-name whole-packet rdata '()))
((rname rdata2) (parse-domain-name whole-packet rdata1 '())))
(bit-string-case rdata2
([(serial :: bits 32)
(refresh :: bits 32)
(retry :: bits 32)
(expire :: bits 32)
(minimum :: bits 32)]
(soa mname rname serial refresh retry expire minimum)))))
((txt) (extract-character-strings rdata))
((a) (bit-string-case rdata
([a b c d]
(vector a b c d))))
((aaaa) (bit-string-case rdata
([(ipv6-addr :: binary bits 128)]
(list->vector (bytes->list (bit-string->bytes ipv6-addr))))))
((wks) (bit-string-case rdata
([a b c d protocol (bitmap :: binary)]
(wks (vector a b c d) protocol bitmap))))
((srv) (bit-string-case rdata
([(priority :: bits 16)
(weight :: bits 16)
(port :: bits 16)
(target :: binary)]
(srv priority weight port (parse-single-domain-name whole-packet target)))))
(else (bit-string->bytes rdata))))
(define (encode-rr rr)
(let ((encoded-rdata (encode-rdata (rr-type rr) (rr-rdata rr))))
(bit-string-append (encode-domain-name (rr-name rr))
(bit-string ((type->value (rr-type rr)) :: bits 16)
((class->value (rr-class rr)) :: bits 16)
((rr-ttl rr) :: bits 32)
((/ (bit-string-length encoded-rdata) 8) :: bits 16)
(encoded-rdata :: binary)))))
(define (encode-rdata type rdata)
(case type
((cname mb md mf mg mr ns ptr) (encode-domain-name rdata))
((hinfo) (bit-string-append (encode-character-string (hinfo-cpu rdata))
(encode-character-string (hinfo-os rdata))))
((minfo) (bit-string-append (encode-character-string (minfo-rmailbx rdata))
(encode-character-string (minfo-emailbx rdata))))
((mx) (bit-string ((mx-preference rdata) :: bits 16)
((encode-domain-name (mx-exchange rdata)) :: binary)))
((null) rdata)
((soa) (bit-string-append (encode-domain-name (soa-mname rdata))
(encode-domain-name (soa-rname rdata))
(bit-string ((soa-serial rdata) :: bits 32)
((soa-refresh rdata) :: bits 32)
((soa-retry rdata) :: bits 32)
((soa-expire rdata) :: bits 32)
((soa-minimum rdata) :: bits 32))))
;; TODO: write and use bit-string-append* instead of using apply here
(foldl (lambda (s acc) (bit-string-append acc (encode-character-string s)))
(car rdata)
(cdr rdata)))
((a) (match rdata ((vector a b c d) (bit-string a b c d))))
((aaaa) (bit-string ((list->bytes (vector->list rdata)) :: binary bits 128)))
((wks) (match (wks-address rdata)
((vector a b c d)
(bit-string a b c d (wks-protocol rdata) ((wks-bitmap rdata) :: binary)))))
((srv) (bit-string ((srv-priority rdata) :: bits 16)
((srv-weight rdata) :: bits 16)
((srv-port rdata) :: bits 16)
((encode-domain-name (srv-target rdata)) :: binary)))
(else rdata)))
(define (make-dns-query questions
[recursion-desired 'no-recursion-desired])
(dns-message (random 65536)
(define (make-dns-response query response-code answers authoritative
[recursion-available 'no-recursion-available]
[authorities '()]
[additional '()])
(dns-message (dns-message-id query)
(dns-message-opcode query)
(dns-message-recursion-desired query)
(dns-message-questions query)
(define (next-timeout timeout)
(case timeout
((3) 11)
((11) 45)
((45) #f)))
(define *total-port-finding-attempts* 100) ;; TODO: eliminate arbitrary 100?
(define (bind-to-random-port! s)
(let find-a-port ((remaining-tries *total-port-finding-attempts*))
(if (zero? remaining-tries)
(error 'bind-to-random-port! "Could not find a free UDP port in ~v tries"
(let ((port-number (+ 1024 (random (- 65536 1024)))))
(with-handlers [(exn:fail:network?
(lambda (e)
;; Bind failure. Port in use?
(find-a-port (- remaining-tries 1))))]
(udp-bind! s #f port-number))))))
(define (raw-dns-query query [servers '("")])
(let ((s (udp-open-socket #f #f)))
(bind-to-random-port! s)
;; TODO: randomize ordering of servers in list.
(let search ((timeout 3)
(remaining-servers servers))
(if (null? remaining-servers)
(let ((new-timeout (next-timeout timeout)))
(if new-timeout
(search new-timeout servers)
(let ((server (car remaining-servers)))
(let ((server-hostname (if (string? server) server (car server)))
(server-port (if (string? server) 53 (cadr server))))
;;(write `(querying ,server-hostname ,server-port with timeout ,timeout)) (newline)
(udp-send-to s server-hostname server-port (dns-message->packet query))
(let ((buffer (make-bytes 512))) ;; maximum DNS reply length
(let ((result (sync/timeout timeout (udp-receive!-evt s buffer))))
;; TODO: maybe receive only specifically from the queried IP address?
;;(write `(response ,result)) (newline)
(if result
(let ((reply-length (car result)))
(packet->dns-message (sub-bit-string buffer 0 (* 8 reply-length))))
(search timeout (cdr remaining-servers)))))))))))