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2012-01-05 21:07:55 +00:00
#lang racket/base
;; Virtualized operating system.
(require racket/match)
(require racket/list)
2012-01-05 21:07:55 +00:00
(require "functional-queue.rkt")
;; Actions/Events
(struct-out message)
(struct-out process)
;; Kernel Events
(struct-out meta-message)
;; Event handlers and kernel requests
(struct-out event-handler)
(struct-out kernel-mode-transition)
;; VMs
2012-01-05 21:07:55 +00:00
;; Each VM hosts 0 or more *multiplexed* processes. Each process has
;; its own state record. In between schedulings, a process consists of
;; 1 or more event handlers. An event handler is a pair of an event
;; recogniser and a procedure taking an event and a process state to a
;; new process state.
;; Each VM provides a *communication bus* for its processes to
;; use. The communication bus is the only form of IPC the VM provides.
;; Some processes *relay* messages out from the VM to other
;; VMs. Because the "tree" of VMs so formed has to be a tree - See
;; Shivers & Might 2006 for a discussion of this - we gather together
;; all the interactions between the supervenient VM and its support VM
;; into a single channel of communication. The relaying processes are,
;; in effect, device-drivers, providing application-specific
;; communication services to other processes in the VM.
;; We split processes into "user" processes, permitted only to spawn
;; other user processes and send messages on the VM's bus, and
;; "kernel" processes, permitted also to spawn other kernel processes
;; and send messages to the VM's container.
;; Time plays an interesting role in a distributed system: if the
;; medium messages are sent through isn't cooperative enough to let us
;; know of a failed conversational participant, our only recourse is
;; /timeout/. Therefore, we require every level of the machine to
;; support timeouts, though we do not require such timeouts to be tied
;; to real, wall-clock time: simulated time is just fine. This helps
;; with testability.
;; Racket's alarm-evt is almost the right design for timeouts: its
;; synchronisation value should be the (or some) value of the clock
;; after the asked-for time. That way it serves as timeout and
;; clock-reader in one.
;; VMs are parameterised over:
;; - the type of messages carried on the bus, Message
;; - the type of patterns over Messages, MessageEvent
;; - the type of messages to other VMs, MetaMessage
;; - the type of patterns over MetaMessages, MetaMessageEvent
;; A VM is a (vm ListBagOf<Subscription>
;; QueueOf<Event>). ;; TODO: make unordered?
(struct vm (subscriptions pending-events) #:transparent)
2012-01-05 21:07:55 +00:00
;; A UserEvent is one of
;; -- (message Message), a message emitted onto the bus
;; -- (process BootK), a new sibling process to start
(struct message (body) #:transparent)
(struct process (boot) #:transparent)
2012-01-05 21:07:55 +00:00
;; A KernelEvent is one of
;; -- (meta-message MetaMessage), a message emitted onto the
;; containing bus
(struct meta-message (body) #:transparent)
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;; An Event is a UserEvent or a KernelEvent.
2012-01-05 21:07:55 +00:00
;; An EventHandler is an (event-handler Boolean (Event -> Boolean) TrapK<Event>)
(struct event-handler (meta? matcher k) #:transparent)
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;; A TrapK<X> is a X -> InterruptK, representing a suspended process
;; waiting for some information from the VM before it can continue.
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;; An InterruptK is a
;; ProcessState -> KernelModeTransition
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;; representing a suspended process that can run instantly without
;; waiting for more information from the VM. The input is the state of
;; the process, and the output is the information passed back to the
;; VM when the process yields the CPU.
;; A BootK is a ( -> KernelModeTransition), effectively an InterruptK
;; with a void initial process state.
;; A KernelModeTransition is a
;; (kernel-mode-transition ProcessState
;; ListBagOf<Event>
;; ListBagOf<EventHandler>)
;; representing a new process state, a list of events to emit and a
;; list of events to wait for before resuming the process taking the
;; transition.
(struct kernel-mode-transition (state
event-handlers) #:transparent)
;; A ListBagOf<X> is a ListOf<X> with the additional constraint that
;; order isn't meaningful.
;; A Subscription is a (subscription ProcessState ListBagOf<EventHandler>).
(struct subscription (state event-handlers) #:transparent)
;; TODO: is timeout really primitive? If so, isn't presence primitive?
;; TODO: what about metatimeout?
;; TODO: what about spawn-meta-process etc? Come back to this later.
;; TODO: enforce user-mode restrictions
;; TODO: timeouts
2012-01-05 21:07:55 +00:00
(define (make-vm boot)
(boot-process boot (vm (list) (make-queue))))
(define (subscribe-process process-state event-handlers state)
(if (null? event-handlers)
state ;; dead process because no continuations offered
(struct-copy vm state [subscriptions (cons (subscription process-state
(vm-subscriptions state))])))
2012-01-05 21:07:55 +00:00
(define (enqueue-event event state)
(struct-copy vm state [pending-events (cons event (vm-pending-events state))]))
;; VM -> KernelModeTransition
2012-01-05 21:07:55 +00:00
;; (A kind of Meta-InterruptK)
(define (run-vm state)
(define state-after-timeouts state) ;; TODO
(define state-after-events
(foldl dispatch-event
(struct-copy vm state-after-timeouts [pending-events (make-queue)])
(queue->list (vm-pending-events state))))
(trap-to-metalevel state-after-events))
(define (dispatch-event event state)
(foldl (match-subscription event)
(struct-copy vm state [subscriptions '()])
(vm-subscriptions state)))
(define ((match-subscription event) sub state)
(let search-handlers ((event-handlers (subscription-event-handlers sub)))
[(null? event-handlers)
;; No handler matched this event. Put the subscription
;; back on the list for some future event.
(struct-copy vm state [subscriptions (cons sub (vm-subscriptions state))])]
[((event-handler-matcher (car event-handlers)) event)
(run-process (subscription-state sub)
(event-handler-k (car event-handlers))
(search-handlers (cdr event-handlers))])))
(define (boot-process k state)
(run-process (void) (lambda (dummy) (k)) state))
(define (run-process process-state k state)
(match (k process-state)
[(kernel-mode-transition new-process-state
(subscribe-process new-process-state
(foldl enqueue-event state outbound-events))]
(error 'vm "Processes must return a kernel-mode-transition struct; got ~v" other)]))
(define (trap-to-metalevel state)
(define-values (meta-messages non-meta-messages)
(partition meta-message? (queue->list (vm-pending-events state))))
(define-values (processes remainder)
(partition process? non-meta-messages))
(define-values (messages junk)
(partition message? remainder))
(define final-state
(struct-copy vm (foldl (lambda (p state) (boot-process (process-boot p) state))
[pending-events (list->queue messages)]))
(define outbound-meta-messages
(map (lambda (mm) (message (meta-message-body mm))) meta-messages))
(if (null? messages) ;; only block if there are no messages left to process
(cons (process (lambda (dummy) run-vm)) outbound-meta-messages))
(append-map (lambda (sub)
(map rewrite-event-handler
(filter event-handler-meta? (subscription-event-handlers sub))))
(vm-subscriptions final-state))))
(define (rewrite-event-handler eh)
(event-handler #f ;; we rewrite a handler of metaevents to a meta handler of events
(event-handler-matcher eh)
(define ((inject-meta-event e) state)
(run-vm (enqueue-event (meta-message e) state)))