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#lang racket/base
;; Simple imperative DNS proxy.
(require racket/match)
(require racket/udp)
(require racket/set)
(require racket/bool)
(require "../racket-bitsyntax/main.rkt")
(require "api.rkt")
(require "codec.rkt")
(require "zonedb.rkt")
(require "dump-bytes.rkt")
(require "simple-udp-service.rkt")
(require racket/pretty)
;; Instantiated with a collection of trusted roots to begin its
;; searches from. Performs recursive queries. Doesn't yet cache
;; responses, but will do so in future.
;; Rules:
;; - Finds the leafmost NS record it can find in its rootset for the
;; requested name.
;; - Queries that service. If the answer is a referral, follows the
;; chain. Remembers which servers it has seen before to avoid
;; loops.
;; - If it resolves CNAMEs on the way (should it?), remembers which
;; names it has been resolving in response to any given query, to
;; avoid loops. Perhaps limit the length of the chain to avoid DoS.
;; - Only performs recursive service if so requested! (TODO)
;; - Never put CNAME records anywhere in an answer section other than
;; at the top (TODO; also check the server)
;; - See RFC 1035 section 7.1.
;; DJB's rules for handling DNS responses:
;; When a cache receives a normal DNS response, it learns exactly one
;; of the following five pieces of information:
;; 1. ``The query was not answered because the query name is an
;; alias. I need to change the query name and try again.'' This
;; applies if the answer section of the response contains a CNAME
;; record for the query name and CNAME does not match the query type.
;; 2. ``The query name has no records answering the query, and is also
;; guaranteed to have no records of any other type.'' This applies if
;; the response code is NXDOMAIN and #1 doesn't apply. The amount of
;; time that this information can be cached depends on the contents of
;; the SOA record in the authority section of the response, if there
;; is one.
;; 3. ``The query name has one or more records answering the query.''
;; This applies if the answer section of the response contains one or
;; more records under the query name matching the query type, and #1
;; doesn't apply, and #2 doesn't apply.
;; 4. ``The query was not answered because the server does not have
;; the answer. I need to contact other servers.'' This applies if the
;; authority section of the response contains NS records, and the
;; authority section of the response does not contain SOA records, and
;; #1 doesn't apply, and #2 doesn't apply, and #3 doesn't apply. The
;; ``other servers'' are named in the NS records in the authority
;; section.
;; 5. ``The query name has no records answering the query, but it may
;; have records of another type.'' This applies if #1 doesn't apply,
;; and #2 doesn't apply, and #3 doesn't apply, and #4 doesn't
;; apply. The amount of time that this information can be cached
;; depends on the contents of the SOA record in the authority section,
;; if there is one.
;; This procedure requires an incredible amount of bug-prone parsing
;; for a very small amount of information. The underlying problem is
;; that DNS was designed to declare information in a human-oriented
;; format, rather than to support crucial operations in the simplest
;; possible way.
;; An Address can be an (address String Uint16) or #f, where an
;; address struct represents nonlocal UDP sockets, and #f represents
;; the local socket. This way, we don't need to know the IP or port of
;; the local socket, and we can be "multihomed".
(struct address (host port) #:prefab) ;; a UDP IP/port-number combination
(struct bad-dns-packet (detail source target reason) #:prefab)
(struct world-message (body source target) #:prefab)
;; ServerState
(struct world (roots continuations) #:prefab)
;; start-proxy : UInt16 ListOf<RR> -> Void
;; Starts a proxy service that will answer questions received on the
;; given UDP port based on the NS RRs it is given.
(define (start-proxy port-number raw-roots)
;; Compile the table of roots
(define roots (compile-zone-db raw-roots))
(pretty-print roots)
(define initial-world (world roots (make-immutable-hash)))
(message-handlers old-world
[(? bad-dns-packet? p)
(pretty-print p)
(values '() old-world)]
[(? request-from-downstream? r)
(handle-request r old-world)]
[(? reply-from-upstream? r)
(handle-reply r old-world)])
(lambda (unhandled state)
(error 'dns-server "Unhandled packet ~v" unhandled))
#:packet-size-limit 512))
(define (udp-packet->message packet)
(match-define (udp-packet body host port) packet)
(define a (address host port))
(with-handlers ((exn? (lambda (e) (bad-dns-packet body a #f 'unparseable))))
(define message (packet->dns-message body))
(world-message message a #f)))
(define (message->udp-packet m)
(match-define (world-message body _ (address host port)) m)
(udp-packet (dns-message->packet body) host port))
(define (local-address? a)
(eq? a #f))
(define (remote-address? a)
(address? a))
(define (outbound-message? m)
(and (world-message? m)
(local-address? (world-message-source m))
(remote-address? (world-message-target m))))
(define (inbound-message? m)
(and (world-message? m)
(remote-address? (world-message-source m))
(local-address? (world-message-target m))))
(define (request-from-downstream? m)
(and (inbound-message? m)
(eq? (dns-message-direction (world-message-body m)) 'request)
(eq? (dns-message-opcode (world-message-body m)) 'query)))
(define (reply-from-upstream? m)
(and (inbound-message? m)
(eq? (dns-message-direction (world-message-body m)) 'response)
(eq? (dns-message-opcode (world-message-body m)) 'query)))
(define (handle-request r old-world)
(match-define (world-message (struct* dns-message
([id query-id]
[recursion-desired recursion-desired]
[questions questions]))
(let loop ((remaining-questions questions)
(outbound-messages '())
(w old-world)
(temporary-cache (world-roots old-world)))
(if (null? remaining-questions)
(values outbound-messages w)
(let ((q (car remaining-questions)))
(define-values (answer new-w new-cache) (answer-question q w temporary-cache))
(loop (cdr remaining-questions)
(if answer
(cons answer outbound-messages)
;; TODO: OMG this is a total toy proxy implementation. Pays attention
;; to NONE of the sensible guidelines or even the rules for
;; implementing DNS. It's pushing it and in slightly bad taste to even
;; call this DNS.
(define (answer-question q w cache)
(match-define (struct* question ([name name])) q)
(values ( (world-message (dns-message query-id
(define (handle-reply r old-world)
(error 'handle-reply "Unimplemented"))
(start-proxy 5555
(list (rr '() 'ns 'in 30 '(#"google-public-dns-a" #"google" #"com"))
(rr '(#"google-public-dns-a" #"google" #"com") 'a 'in 30 '#(8 8 8 8))))