
416 lines
12 KiB

"use strict";
// Preserves Values.
// Uses Immutable.js for many things; adds immutable values of its own for the rest.
const util = require('util');
const Immutable = require('immutable');
const { List, isList, Map, Set, is } = Immutable;
const { PreserveOn, AsPreserve } = require('./symbols.js');
function _decode(bs) {
return Buffer.from(bs.buffer, bs.byteOffset, bs.byteLength).toString();
const encoder = (typeof TextEncoder === 'undefined') ? { encode: Buffer.from } : new TextEncoder();
const decoder = (typeof TextDecoder === 'undefined') ? { decode: _decode } : new TextDecoder();
function fromJS(x) {
switch (typeof x) {
case 'number':
if (!Number.isInteger(x)) {
// We require that clients be explicit about integer vs. non-integer types.
throw new TypeError("Refusing to autoconvert non-integer number to Single or Double");
case 'string':
case 'symbol':
case 'boolean':
return x;
case 'undefined':
throw new TypeError("Cannot represent JavaScript undefined value as Preserves");
case 'function':
// We are relaxed about these, for now, even though Preserves can't serialize them.
return x;
case 'object':
if (x === null) {
// We are relaxed about these, for now, even though null is
// strictly speaking not a Preserves Value.
return x;
if (typeof x[AsPreserve] === 'function') {
return x[AsPreserve]();
if (Array.isArray(x)) {
return List().withMutations((l) => {
for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(x) || x instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
return Bytes(x);
return Immutable.fromJS(x);
function _Float(value) {
Object.defineProperty(this, 'value', {
value: value,
writable: false,
enumerable: true
function Float(value) {
if (!(this instanceof Float)) return new Float(value);, value);
Float.prototype.hashCode = function () {
return this.value | 0; // TODO: something better?
Float.unwrap = function (v) {
if (typeof v === 'number') return v;
if (v instanceof Float) return v.value;
const e = new TypeError("Float.unwrap failed");
e.irritant = v;
throw e;
function Single(value) {
if (!(this instanceof Single)) return new Single(value);, value);
Single.prototype = Float(NaN);
Single.prototype.equals = function (other) {
return (other instanceof Single) && (other.value === this.value);
Single.prototype[PreserveOn] = function (encoder) {
encoder.leadbyte(0, 0, 2);
encoder.view.setFloat32(encoder.index, this.value, false);
encoder.index += 4;
function Double(value) {
if (!(this instanceof Double)) return new Double(value);, value);
Double.prototype = Float(NaN);
Double.prototype.equals = function (other) {
return (other instanceof Double) && (other.value === this.value);
Double.prototype[PreserveOn] = function (encoder) {
encoder.leadbyte(0, 0, 3);
encoder.view.setFloat64(encoder.index, this.value, false);
encoder.index += 8;
function Bytes(maybeByteIterable) {
if (!(this instanceof Bytes)) return new Bytes(maybeByteIterable);
if (maybeByteIterable === void 0) {, new Uint8Array());
} else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(maybeByteIterable)) {, new Uint8Array(maybeByteIterable.buffer,
} else if (maybeByteIterable instanceof ArrayBuffer) {, new Uint8Array(maybeByteIterable.slice()));
} else if (typeof maybeByteIterable === 'string') {, encoder.encode(maybeByteIterable));
} else if (typeof maybeByteIterable === 'number') {, new Uint8Array(maybeByteIterable));
} else if (typeof maybeByteIterable.length === 'number') {, Uint8Array.from(maybeByteIterable));
} else if (maybeByteIterable instanceof Bytes) {, maybeByteIterable._view);
} else if (typeof maybeByteIterable.size === 'number') {, new Uint8Array(maybeByteIterable.size));
for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) { this._view[i] = maybeByteIterable.get(i); }
} else {
const e = new TypeError("Attempt to initialize Bytes from unsupported value");
e.irritant = maybeByteIterable;
throw e;
function _installView(view) {
Object.defineProperty(this, '_view', { value: view, writable: false });
Object.defineProperty(this, 'size', { value: view.length, writable: false, enumerable: true });
Bytes.from = Bytes;
Bytes.of = function (...args) { return Bytes(Uint8Array.of(...args)); };
function unhexDigit(asciiCode) {
if (asciiCode >= 48 && asciiCode <= 57) return asciiCode - 48;
if (asciiCode >= 97 && asciiCode <= 102) return asciiCode - 97 + 10;
if (asciiCode >= 65 && asciiCode <= 70) return asciiCode - 65 + 10;
throw new Error("Invalid hex digit: " + String.fromCharCode(asciiCode));
Bytes.fromHex = function (s) {
if (s.length & 1) throw new Error("Cannot decode odd-length hexadecimal string");
const len = s.length >> 1;
const result = Bytes(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
result._view[i] =
(unhexDigit(s.charCodeAt(i << 1)) << 4) | unhexDigit(s.charCodeAt((i << 1) + 1));
return result;
Bytes.fromIO = function (io) {
if (typeof io === 'string') return io;
if (io instanceof Bytes) return io;
if (io instanceof Uint8Array) return Bytes.from(io);
const e = new TypeError("Bytes.fromIO: unsupported value");
e.irritant = io;
throw e;
Bytes.toIO = function (b) {
if (typeof b === 'string') return b;
if (b instanceof Bytes) return b._view;
if (b instanceof Uint8Array) return b;
const e = new TypeError("Bytes.toIO: unsupported value");
e.irritant = b;
throw e;
function underlying(b) {
return b._view || b;
Bytes.concat = function (bss) {
let len = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < bss.length; i++) { len += underlying(bss[i]).length; }
const result = Bytes(len);
let index = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < bss.length; i++) {
const bs = underlying(bss[i]);
result._view.set(bs, index);
index += bs.length;
return result;
Bytes.prototype.get = function (index) {
return this._view[index];
Bytes.prototype.equals = function (other) {
if (!(other instanceof Bytes)) return false;
if (other.size !== this.size) return false;
const va = this._view;
const vb = other._view;
for (let i = 0; i < va.length; i++) {
if (va[i] !== vb[i]) return false;
return true;
Bytes.prototype.hashCode = function () {
// Immutable.js uses this function for strings.
const v = this._view;
let hash = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < v.length; i++) {
hash = ((31 * hash) + v[i]) | 0;
return hash;
Bytes.decodeUtf8 = function (bs) {
return decoder.decode(underlying(bs));
Bytes.prototype.toString = function () {
return decoder.decode(this._view);
Bytes.prototype[util.inspect.custom] = function (depth, options) {
return '#"' + this.__asciify() + '"';
Bytes.prototype.__asciify = function () {
const pieces = [];
const v = this._view;
for (let i = 0; i < v.length; i++) {
const b = v[i];
if (b === 92 || b === 34) {
pieces.push('\\' + String.fromCharCode(b));
} else if (b >= 32 && b <= 126) {
} else {
pieces.push('\\x' + hexDigit(b >> 4) + hexDigit(b & 15));
return pieces.join('');
function hexDigit(n) { return '0123456789abcdef'[n]; }
Bytes.prototype.toHex = function () {
var nibbles = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {
nibbles.push(hexDigit(this._view[i] >> 4));
nibbles.push(hexDigit(this._view[i] & 15));
return nibbles.join('');
Bytes.prototype[PreserveOn] = function (encoder) {
encoder.header(1, 2, this.size);
// Uint8Array / TypedArray methods
(function () {
for (const k of `entries every find findIndex forEach includes indexOf join
keys lastIndexOf reduce reduceRight some toLocaleString values`.split(/\s+/))
Bytes.prototype[k] = function (...args) { return this._view[k](...args); };
for (const k of `filter map slice subarray`.split(/\s+/))
Bytes.prototype[k] = function (...args) { return Bytes(this._view[k](...args)); };
for (const k of `reverse sort`.split(/\s+/))
Bytes.prototype[k] = function (...args) { return Bytes(this._view.slice()[k](...args)); };
Bytes.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this._view[Symbol.iterator](); };
function Record(label, fields) {
if (!(this instanceof Record)) {
throw new TypeError("Class constructor Record cannot be invoked without 'new'");
Object.defineProperty(this, 'label', { value: fromJS(label), writable: false, enumerable: true });
Object.defineProperty(this, 'fields', { value: fromJS(fields), writable: false, enumerable: true });
Record.prototype.equals = function (other) {
return (other instanceof Record) &&
is(this.label, other.label) &&
is(this.fields, other.fields);
Record.prototype.hashCode = function () {
return Immutable.List([this.label, this.fields]).hashCode();
Record.prototype.get = function (index, defaultValue) {
return this.fields.get(index, defaultValue);
Record.prototype.set = function (index, newValue) {
return new Record(this.label, this.fields.set(index, newValue));
Record.prototype[PreserveOn] = function (encoder) {
if (is(encoder.shortForms[0], this.label)) {
encoder.header(2, 0, this.fields.size);
} else if (is(encoder.shortForms[1], this.label)) {
encoder.header(2, 1, this.fields.size);
} else if (is(encoder.shortForms[2], this.label)) {
encoder.header(2, 2, this.fields.size);
} else {
encoder.header(2, 3, this.fields.size + 1);
for (const field of this.fields) { encoder.push(field); }
Record.prototype.getConstructorInfo = function () {
return new RecordConstructorInfo(this.label, this.fields.size);
Record.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.label.toString().replace(/^Symbol\((.*)\)$/, '$1') +
'(' + => {
try {
return "" + f;
} catch (e) {
return util.inspect(f);
}).join(', ') + ')';
Record.makeConstructor = function (labelSymbolText, fieldNames) {
return Record.makeBasicConstructor(Symbol.for(labelSymbolText), fieldNames);
Record.makeBasicConstructor = function (label, fieldNames) {
const arity = fieldNames.length;
const ctor = (...fields) => {
if (fields.length !== arity) {
throw new Error("Record: cannot instantiate " + (label && label.toString()) +
" expecting " + arity + " fields with " + fields.length + " fields");
return new Record(label, fields);
ctor.constructorInfo = new RecordConstructorInfo(label, arity);
ctor.isClassOf = (v) => ((v instanceof Record) &&
is(label, v.label) &&
v.fields.size === arity);
fieldNames.forEach((name, i) => {
ctor['_'+name] = function (r) {
if (!ctor.isClassOf(r)) {
throw new Error("Record: attempt to retrieve field "+label+"."+name+
" from non-"+label+": "+(r && r.toString()));
return r.get(i);
return ctor;
function RecordConstructorInfo(label, arity) {
this.label = label;
this.arity = arity;
RecordConstructorInfo.prototype.equals = function (other) {
return (other instanceof RecordConstructorInfo) &&
(this.label === other.label) &&
(this.arity === other.arity);
RecordConstructorInfo.prototype.hashCode = function () {
return Immutable.List([this.label, this.arity]).hashCode();
RecordConstructorInfo.prototype.isClassOf = function (v) {
return (v instanceof Record) &&
is(this.label, v.label) &&
(this.arity === v.fields.size);
Object.assign(module.exports, {
List, Map, Set, is,
Float, Single, Double,
Record, RecordConstructorInfo,