
302 lines
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#lang racket/base
(provide read-pexpr
(require (for-syntax racket/base))
(require racket/match)
(require racket/set)
(require "record.rkt")
(require "annotation.rkt")
(require "embedded.rkt")
(require "read-text-generic.rkt")
(require (only-in racket/list append-map))
(define *reader-name* 'read-pexpr)
(define *COMMA* (record 'p '(|,|)))
(define *SEMICOLON* (record 'p '(|;|)))
(define *TRAILER-ANCHOR* (record 'a '()))
(define-match-expander COMMA
(syntax-rules () [(_) (strip-annotations (== *COMMA*) #:depth 3)])
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_) #'*COMMA*]
[_ #'(lambda () *COMMA*)])))
(define-match-expander SEMICOLON
(syntax-rules () [(_) (strip-annotations (== *SEMICOLON*) #:depth 3)])
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_) #'*SEMICOLON*]
[_ #'(lambda () *SEMICOLON*)])))
(define-match-expander TRAILER-ANCHOR
(syntax-rules () [(_) (strip-annotations (== *TRAILER-ANCHOR*) #:depth 2)])
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[_ #'(lambda () *TRAILER-ANCHOR*)])))
(define-match-expander RECORD
(syntax-rules () [(_ ps ...) (strip-annotations (record 'r (list ps ...)) #:depth 2)])
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ v ...) #'(record 'r (list v ...))]
[_ #'(lambda vs (record 'r vs))])))
(define-match-expander BLOCK
(syntax-rules () [(_ ps ...) (strip-annotations (record 'b (list ps ...)) #:depth 2)])
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ v ...) #'(record 'b (list v ...))]
[_ #'(lambda vs (record 'b vs))])))
(define-match-expander GROUP
(syntax-rules () [(_ ps ...) (strip-annotations (record 'g (list ps ...)) #:depth 2)])
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ v ...) #'(record 'g (list v ...))]
[_ #'(lambda vs (record 'g vs))])))
(define-match-expander SET
(syntax-rules () [(_ ps ...) (strip-annotations (record 's (list ps ...)) #:depth 2)])
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ v ...) #'(record 's (list v ...))]
[_ #'(lambda vs (record 's vs))])))
(define (colon-sym-length s)
(and (symbol? s)
(let ((s (string->list (symbol->string s))))
(and (andmap (lambda (c) (eqv? c #\:)) s)
(length s)))))
(define (colon-sym n) (string->symbol (make-string n #\:)))
(define (make-colons n) (record 'p (list (colon-sym n))))
(define-match-expander COLONS
(syntax-rules () [(_ n) (strip-annotations (record 'p (list (app colon-sym-length n))) #:depth 3)])
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ n) (let ((s (string->symbol (make-string (syntax->datum #'n) #\:)))) #`(record 'p '(#,s)))]
[_ #'make-colons])))
(define (remove-trailer ps)
(filter (match-lambda [(TRAILER-ANCHOR) #f] [_ #t]) ps))
(define pexpr-reader
#:reader-name *reader-name*
#:read-annotated-value (lambda (in-port source next parse-error*)
(lambda ()
(skip-whitespace in-port)
(match (peek-char in-port)
[(or (? eof-object?) #\] #\> #\} #\)) *TRAILER-ANCHOR*]
[_ (next)])))
#:interpreter-annotation (lambda (line) (record 'r (list 'interpreter line)))
#:on-hash (lambda (in-port source next parse-error* default)
[#\{ (read-sequence 's in-port source next #\})]
[c (default c)]))
#:on-char (lambda (in-port source next parse-error* default)
[#\< (read-sequence 'r in-port source next #\>)]
[#\[ (read-sequence #f in-port source next #\])]
[#\{ (read-sequence 'b in-port source next #\})]
[#\( (read-sequence 'g in-port source next #\))]
[#\, *COMMA*]
[#\: (let loop ((acc '(#\:)))
(match (peek-char in-port)
[#\: (loop (cons (read-char in-port) acc))]
[_ (record 'p (list (string->symbol (list->string (reverse acc)))))]))]
[c (default c)]))))
(define string->pexpr (make-preserve-string-reader *reader-name* pexpr-reader))
(define (read-sequence record-label in-port source next terminator-char)
(let loop ((acc '()))
(skip-whitespace in-port)
(match (eof-guard *reader-name* in-port source (peek-char in-port))
[(== terminator-char)
(read-char in-port)
(if record-label
(record record-label (reverse acc))
(reverse acc))]
(match (next)
[(record 'a '()) ;; skip bare annotation-anchors
;; NB. Not matching (TRAILER-ANCHOR)! That would skip *non-bare* anchors too!
(loop acc)]
[v (loop (cons v acc))])])))
(define (read-pexpr [in-port (current-input-port)]
#:read-syntax? [read-syntax? #f]
#:decode-embedded [decode-embedded #f]
#:source [source (object-name in-port)])
(pexpr-reader in-port source read-syntax? decode-embedded))
(define (uncomma p
#:map-embedded [map-embedded (lambda (walk v) (walk v))])
(define (walk-seq ps)
(map walk (filter (match-lambda [(COMMA) #f] [_ #t]) ps)))
(define (walk p)
(match p
[(? list? ps) (walk-seq ps)]
[(RECORD ps ...) (apply RECORD (walk-seq ps))]
[(GROUP ps ...) (apply GROUP (walk-seq ps))]
[(BLOCK ps ...) (apply BLOCK (walk-seq ps))]
[(SET ps ...) (apply SET (walk-seq ps))]
[(embedded v) (map-embedded walk v)]
[(annotated as loc v) (annotated (map walk as) loc (walk v))]
[(COMMA) (error 'uncomma "Cannot remove commas from term with comma outside container")]
[v v]))
(walk p))
(define (pexpr->preserve p
#:discard-trailers? [discard-trailers? #f]
#:map-embedded [map-embedded (lambda (walk v) (walk v))])
(define untrailer (if discard-trailers? remove-trailer values))
(let walk ((p (uncomma p #:map-embedded map-embedded)))
(match p
[(list ps ...)
(map walk (untrailer ps))]
[(RECORD l ps ...) (record (walk l) (map walk (untrailer ps)))]
[(GROUP _ ...) (error 'pexpr->preserve "Cannot convert uninterpreted grouping")]
[(BLOCK ps ...)
(let loop ((acc (hash)) (ps (untrailer ps)))
(match ps
[(list k0 (COLONS 1) v more ...)
(define k (walk k0))
(if (hash-has-key? acc k)
(error 'pexpr->preserve "Duplicate key in dictionary: ~v" k)
(loop (hash-set acc k (walk v)) more))]
(error 'pexpr->preserve "Cannot convert invalid dictionary")]))]
[(SET ps ...)
(let loop ((acc (set)) (ps (untrailer ps)))
(match ps
['() acc]
[(cons v0 more)
(define v (walk v0))
(if (set-member? acc v)
(error 'pexpr->preserve "Duplicate item in set: ~v" v)
(loop (set-add acc v) more))]))]
[(SEMICOLON) (error 'pexpr->preserve "Cannot convert semicolon")]
[(COLONS _) (error 'pexpr->preserve "Cannot convert colons")]
[(TRAILER-ANCHOR) (error 'pexpr->preserve "Cannot convert trailer")]
[(embedded v) (map-embedded walk v)]
[(annotated as loc v) (annotated (map walk as) loc (walk v))]
[v v])))
(define (preserve->pexpr v #:map-embedded [map-embedded (lambda (walk v) (walk v))])
(let walk ((v v))
(match v
[(list vs ...) (map walk vs)]
[(? set?) (record 's (map walk (set->list v)))]
[(hash-table (kk vv) ...)
(record 'b (append-map (lambda (kk vv) (list (walk kk) (COLONS 1) (walk vv)))
kk vv))]
[(record l fs) (record 'r (map walk (cons l fs)))]
[(embedded v) (map-embedded walk v)]
[(annotated as loc v) (annotated (map walk as) loc (walk v))]
[v v])))
(define (write-pexpr v0 [o (current-output-port)]
#:outer-sequence? [outer-sequence? #f]
#:indent [indent-amount 4]
#:encode-embedded [encode-embedded #f]
#:write-annotations? [write-annotations? #t])
(local-require "block-write.rkt")
(local-require "write-text.rkt")
(define (space span)
(if (null? span)
(cons " " span)))
(define (convert-inner vs)
(define (finish-span span spans)
(if (null? span)
(cons (reverse span) spans)))
(let loop ((es (map convert vs)) (spans '()) (span '()))
(match es
['() (reverse (finish-span span spans))]
[(cons ";" more) (loop more (finish-span (cons ";" span) spans) '())]
[(cons "," more) (loop more (finish-span (cons "," span) spans) '())]
[(cons ":" more) (loop more spans (cons ":" span))]
[(cons (? string? s) more) (loop more spans (cons s (space span)))]
[(cons (? separated? e) more) (loop more (finish-span span spans) (list e))]
[(cons (and e (grouped _ _ _ "{ " " }")) more) (loop more (finish-span (cons e (space span)) spans) '())]
[(cons (and e (grouped _ _ _ "<" ">")) more) (loop more spans (cons e (space span)))]
[(cons (and e (grouped _ _ _ "[" "]")) more) (loop more spans (cons e (space span)))]
[(cons e more) (loop more spans (cons e span))])))
(define (convert v)
(match v
[(annotated as _loc v)
(if (and (pair? as) write-annotations?)
(separated (append (map (lambda (a) (list "@" (convert a))) as)
(match v
[_ (list (convert v))]))
" "
(convert v))]
[(? list? ps) (grouped (convert-inner ps) " " "" "[" "]")]
[(RECORD ps ...) (grouped (convert-inner ps) " " "" "<" ">")]
[(GROUP ps ...) (grouped (convert-inner ps) " " "" "(" ")")]
[(BLOCK ps ...) (grouped (convert-inner ps) " " "" "{ " " }")]
[(SET ps ...) (grouped (convert-inner ps) " " "" "#{ " " }")]
[(embedded v) (list "#:" (convert (encode-embedded v)))]
[(strip-annotations (record 'p (list s))) (symbol->string s)]
[v (preserve->string v)]))
(emit (if outer-sequence?
(separated (convert-inner v0) " " "")
(convert v0))
#:indentation indent-amount))
(define (write-pexprs vs [o (current-output-port)]
#:indent [indent-amount 4]
#:encode-embedded [encode-embedded #f]
#:write-annotations? [write-annotations? #t])
(write-pexpr vs o
#:outer-sequence? #t
#:indent indent-amount
#:encode-embedded encode-embedded
#:write-annotations? write-annotations?))