
535 lines
22 KiB

import { EncodableDictionary, KeyedDictionary, Dictionary, Value, is, Record, Float, Bytes, isEmbedded, isSequence, Set, Atom, Embedded, merge as plainMerge, Preservable, PreserveWritable, _iterMap, stringify, fromJS } from '@preserves/core';
import { SchemaDefinition } from './reflection';
import * as M from './meta';
import * as H from './host';
export const UNIT: true = true;
export type Parsed<V> = Atom | V | Parsed<V>[] | DictOf<V> | Bindings<V>;
export type TopParsed<V> = Atom | V | Parsed<V>[] | DictOf<V> | TopBindings<V>;
export type Top<V> = Preservable<V> & PreserveWritable<V> & { __as_preserve__(): Value<V> };
export type DictOf<V> = EncodableDictionary<Parsed<V>, Parsed<V>, V>;
export type BindingName = string;
export type Bindings<V> = { [key: BindingName]: Parsed<V> };
export type TopBindings<V> = Bindings<V> & Top<V>;
export type SingleConstructor<V> = ((input: any) => Parsed<V>) & { schema(): SchemaDefinition };
export type MultipleConstructors<V> = { [key: string]: SingleConstructor<V> };
export type DefinitionConstructors<V> = SingleConstructor<V> | MultipleConstructors<V>;
export namespace Bindings {
export function empty<V>(): Bindings<V> {
return {};
export function single<V>(k: BindingName, v: Parsed<V>): Bindings<V> {
const bs = empty<V>();
bs[k] = v;
return bs;
export function merge<V>(... vs: Bindings<V>[]): Bindings<V> {
const acc = empty<V>();
for (const v of vs) {
Object.entries(v).forEach(([kw, vw]) => acc[kw] = vw);
return acc;
export type DynField<V> =
| { type: 'simple', value: Parsed<V> }
| { type: 'compound', values: Bindings<V> }
export namespace DynField {
export function unwrap<V>(f: DynField<V>): Parsed<V> {
if (f.type === 'simple') return f.value;
return f.values;
export function unwrap_compound<V>(f: DynField<V>): Bindings<V> {
if (f.type === 'simple') throw new Error("Cannot unwrap DynField.simple to compound fields");
return f.values;
export function simple<V>(value: Parsed<V>): DynField<V> {
return { type: 'simple', value };
export function maybeSimple<V>(value: Parsed<V> | null): DynField<V> {
return value === null ? compound(Bindings.empty()) : simple(value);
export function compound<V>(values: Bindings<V>): DynField<V> {
return { type: 'compound', values };
export function promote<V>(f: DynField<V>, key?: symbol): Bindings<V> {
if (f.type === 'compound') return f.values;
return key ? Bindings.single(M.jsId(key.description!), f.value) : Bindings.empty();
function optmap<A,B>(a: A | undefined, f: (a: A) => B): B | undefined {
if (a === void 0) return void 0;
return f(a);
export type Unparseable<V> = TopParsed<V>;
export type Unparser<V> = (v: Parsed<V>) => Value<V>;
export type UnparserCompound<V> = (v: Bindings<V>) => Value<V>;
export class SchemaInterpreter<V> {
activeModule: M.ModulePath = [];
unparserCache: { [key: string]: [Unparser<V>] } = {};
constructor (
public env: M.Modules<V> = new KeyedDictionary(),
public mergeEmbeddeds: (a: V, b: V) => V | undefined = (_a, _b) => void 0,
) {}
_withModule<R>(modulePath: M.ModulePath, f: () => R): R {
const saved = this.activeModule;
if (modulePath.length > 0) this.activeModule = modulePath;
try {
return f();
} finally {
if (modulePath.length > 0) this.activeModule = saved;
_findModule(modulePath: M.ModulePath): { resolved: M.ModulePath, schema: M.Schema<V> } {
const prefix = this.activeModule.slice();
while (true) {
const probe = [... prefix, ... modulePath];
const schema = this.env.get(probe);
if (schema !== void 0) {
return { resolved: probe, schema };
if (prefix.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`No such preserves-schema module: ${M.formatModulePath(modulePath)}, referred to in module ${M.formatModulePath(this.activeModule)}`);
modulePath: M.ModulePath,
name: symbol,
f: (d: M.Definition<V>, schema: M.Schema<V>) => R,
): R {
const { resolved, schema } = this._findModule(modulePath);
return this._withModule(resolved, () => {
const definition = schema.definitions.get(name);
if (definition === void 0) {
throw new Error(`No such preserves-schema definition: ${[... modulePath, name].map(s => s.description!).join('.')}`);
return f(definition, schema);
makeTop(modulePath: M.ModulePath, name: symbol, fields: Bindings<V>): TopBindings<V> {
const result = fields as TopBindings<V>;
result.__as_preserve__ = () => this.unparser(modulePath, name)(result);
result.__preserve_on__ = function (e) { e.push(this.__as_preserve__()); };
result.__preserve_text_on__ = function (w) { w.push(this.__as_preserve__()); };
return result;
modulePath: M.ModulePath,
name: symbol,
): DefinitionConstructors<V> {
return this._lookup(modulePath, name, (definition, schema): DefinitionConstructors<V> => {
function attachSchema(
f: (input: any) => Parsed<V>,
variant?: symbol,
): SingleConstructor<V> {
const g = f as SingleConstructor<V>;
g.schema = () => ({
schema: fromJS(schema),
imports: {}, // TODO
definitionName: name,
return g;
const ty = H.definitionType(definition);
if (ty._variant === 'union') {
const multiple: MultipleConstructors<V> = {};
ty.variants.forEach(v => {
const _variant = v.label.description!;
switch (v.type._variant) {
case 'Field':
multiple[_variant] = attachSchema(
(value: any) => this.makeTop(modulePath, name, { _variant, value }),
case 'Record':
multiple[_variant] = attachSchema(
(fields: object) => this.makeTop(modulePath, name, { _variant, ... fields }),
return multiple;
} else {
const flatName = M.formatModulePath([... modulePath, name]);
switch (ty.value._variant) {
case 'Field': {
const tmp = { [flatName]: (value: any) => value };
return attachSchema(tmp[flatName]);
case 'Record': {
const rec = ty.value.value;
if (rec.fields.length > 1) {
const tmp = { [flatName]: (fields: Bindings<V>) =>
this.makeTop(modulePath, name, fields) };
return attachSchema(tmp[flatName]);
} else {
const tmp = { [flatName]: (field: Parsed<V>) =>
this.makeTop(modulePath, name, {
[M.jsId(rec.fields[0].name.description!)]: field,
}) };
return attachSchema(tmp[flatName]);
modulePath: M.ModulePath,
name: symbol,
input: Value<V>,
): Unparseable<V> {
const v = this.tryParse(modulePath, name, input);
if (v === void 0) {
throw new TypeError(
`Invalid ${M.formatModulePath([... modulePath, name])}: ${stringify(input)}`)
return v;
modulePath: M.ModulePath,
name: symbol,
input: Value<V>,
): Unparseable<V> | undefined {
return this._lookup(modulePath, name, definition =>
optmap(this.parseDefinition(definition, input), result0 => {
const ty = H.definitionType(definition);
if (ty._variant === 'union' || ty.value._variant === 'Record') {
return this.makeTop(modulePath, name, result0 as Bindings<V>);
} else {
return result0 as Exclude<Parsed<V>, Bindings<V>>;
parseDefinition(d: M.Definition<V>, input: Value<V>): Parsed<V> | undefined {
switch (d._variant) {
case 'or':
return this.parseNamedAlternative(d.pattern0, input) ??
this.parseNamedAlternative(d.pattern1, input) ??
(() => {
for (const p of d.patternN) {
const r = this.parseNamedAlternative(p, input);
if (r !== void 0) return r;
return void 0;
case 'and': {
const rs = [this.parseNamedPattern(d.pattern0, input),
this.parseNamedPattern(d.pattern1, input),
... => this.parseNamedPattern(p, input))];
for (const r of rs) {
if (r === void 0) return void 0;
return Bindings.merge(... rs as Bindings<V>[]);
case 'Pattern':
return optmap(this.parsePattern(d.value, input), DynField.unwrap);
parseNamedAlternative(p: M.NamedAlternative<V>, input: Value<V>): Bindings<V> | undefined {
return optmap(this.parsePattern(p.pattern, input), w => {
const result = DynField.promote(w, Symbol.for('value'));
result._variant = p.variantLabel;
return result;
parseNamedPattern(p: M.NamedPattern<V>, input: Value<V>): Bindings<V> | undefined {
switch (p._variant) {
case 'named':
return optmap(this.parseSimplePattern(p.value.pattern, input),
w => DynField.promote(DynField.maybeSimple(w),;
case 'anonymous':
return optmap(this.parsePattern(p.value, input),
w => DynField.promote(w));
parseNamedSimplePattern(p: M.NamedSimplePattern<V>, input: Value<V>): DynField<V> | undefined {
switch (p._variant) {
case 'named':
return optmap(this.parseSimplePattern(p.value.pattern, input),
w => DynField.compound(DynField.promote(DynField.maybeSimple(w),;
case 'anonymous':
return optmap(this.parseSimplePattern(p.value, input), DynField.maybeSimple<V>);
parseSimplePattern(p: M.SimplePattern<V>, input: Value<V>): Parsed<V> | null | undefined {
const inputIf = (b: boolean) => b ? input : void 0;
switch (p._variant) {
case 'any': return input;
case 'atom': switch (p.atomKind._variant) {
case 'Boolean': return inputIf(typeof input === 'boolean');
case 'Double': return inputIf(Float.isDouble(input));
case 'SignedInteger': return inputIf(typeof input === 'number' || typeof input === 'bigint');
case 'String': return inputIf(typeof input === 'string');
case 'ByteString': return inputIf(Bytes.isBytes(input));
case 'Symbol': return inputIf(typeof input === 'symbol');
case 'embedded': return isEmbedded(input) ? input.embeddedValue : void 0;
case 'lit': return is(input, p.value) ? null : void 0;
case 'seqof': {
if (!isSequence(input)) return void 0;
const result: Parsed<V>[] = [];
for (const v of input) {
const w = this.parseSimplePattern(p.pattern, v);
if (w === void 0) return void 0;
if (w !== null) result.push(w);
return result;
case 'setof': {
if (!Set.isSet<V>(input)) return void 0;
const result: Parsed<V>[] = [];
for (const v of input) {
const w = this.parseSimplePattern(p.pattern, v);
if (w === void 0) return void 0;
if (w !== null) result.push(w);
return result;
case 'dictof': {
if (!Dictionary.isDictionary<V>(input)) return void 0;
const result: DictOf<V> = new EncodableDictionary(
for (const [k, v] of input) {
const kw = this.parseSimplePattern(p.key, k);
if (kw === void 0) return void 0;
const vw = this.parseSimplePattern(p.value, v);
if (vw === void 0) return void 0;
result.set(kw === null ? UNIT : kw, vw === null ? UNIT : vw);
return result;
case 'Ref': return this.tryParse(p.value.module,, input);
parseCompoundPattern(p: M.CompoundPattern<V>, input: Value<V>): Bindings<V> | undefined {
switch (p._variant) {
case 'rec':
if (!Record.isRecord<Value<V>, Array<Value<V>>, V>(input)) return void 0;
return optmap(this.parseNamedPattern(p.label, input.label),
lw => optmap(this.parseNamedPattern(p.fields, Array.from(input)),
fsw => Bindings.merge(lw, fsw)));
case 'tuple': {
if (!isSequence(input)) return void 0;
if (input.length !== p.patterns.length) return void 0;
let results: Bindings<V>[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < p.patterns.length; i++) {
const w = this.parseNamedPattern(p.patterns[i], input[i]);
if (w === void 0) return void 0;
return Bindings.merge(... results);
case 'tuplePrefix': {
if (!isSequence(input)) return void 0;
if (input.length < p.fixed.length) return void 0;
let fixed_results: Bindings<V>[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < p.fixed.length; i++) {
const w = this.parseNamedPattern(p.fixed[i], input[i]);
if (w === void 0) return void 0;
const remainder = input.slice(p.fixed.length);
return optmap(this.parseNamedSimplePattern(p.variable, remainder), vw => {
const variable_results = DynField.unwrap_compound(vw);
return Bindings.merge(variable_results, ... fixed_results);
case 'dict': {
if (!Dictionary.isDictionary<V>(input)) return void 0;
const results: Bindings<V>[] = [];
for (const [key, vp] of p.entries) {
const v = input.get(key);
if (v === void 0) return void 0;
const vw = this.parseNamedSimplePattern(vp, v);
if (vw === void 0) return void 0;
return Bindings.merge(... results);
parsePattern(p: M.Pattern<V>, input: Value<V>): DynField<V> | undefined {
switch (p._variant) {
case 'SimplePattern':
return optmap(this.parseSimplePattern(p.value, input), DynField.maybeSimple);
case 'CompoundPattern':
return optmap(this.parseCompoundPattern(p.value, input), DynField.compound);
modulePath: M.ModulePath,
name: symbol,
v: Unparseable<V>,
): Value<V> {
return this.unparser(modulePath, name)(v);
unparser(modulePath: M.ModulePath, name: symbol): Unparser<V> {
return this._unparser(modulePath, name)[0];
_unparser(modulePath: M.ModulePath, name: symbol): [Unparser<V>] {
const key = [... => n.description!), name.description!].join('.');
if (!(key in this.unparserCache)) {
const cell: [Unparser<V>] = [null!];
this.unparserCache[key] = cell;
cell[0] = this._lookup(modulePath, name, p => this.unparserDefinition(p));
return this.unparserCache[key];
unparserDefinition(p: M.Definition<V>): Unparser<V> {
switch (p._variant) {
case 'or': {
const ups = [p.pattern0, p.pattern1, ... p.patternN].map(
p => this.unparserNamedAlternative(p));
return v => {
const bs = v as Bindings<V>;
return ups.find(up => up[0] === bs._variant)![1](bs);
case 'and': {
const ups = [p.pattern0, p.pattern1, ... p.patternN].map(
p => this.unparserNamedPattern(p));
return v => plainMerge(this.mergeEmbeddeds,
ups[0](v), ... ups.slice(1).map(up => up(v)));
case 'Pattern':
return this.unparserPattern(p.value);
unparserNamedAlternative(p: M.NamedAlternative<V>): [string, UnparserCompound<V>] {
const up = this.unparserPattern(p.pattern);
const ty = H.patternType(p.pattern);
switch (ty._variant) {
case 'Field': return [p.variantLabel, bs => up(bs['value'])];
case 'Record': return [p.variantLabel, up];
unparserNamedPattern(p: M.NamedPattern<V>): Unparser<V> {
switch (p._variant) {
case 'named': {
const up = this.unparserSimplePattern(p.value.pattern);
const key = M.jsId(!);
return v => up((v as Bindings<V>)[key]);
case 'anonymous':
return this.unparserPattern(p.value);
unparserPattern(p: M.Pattern<V>): Unparser<V> {
switch (p._variant) {
case 'CompoundPattern': {
const up = this.unparserCompoundPattern(p.value);
return v => up(v as Bindings<V>);
case 'SimplePattern':
return this.unparserSimplePattern(p.value);
unparserSimplePattern(p: M.SimplePattern<V>): Unparser<V> {
switch (p._variant) {
case 'any': return v => v as Value<V>; // ?!
case 'atom': return v => v as Atom;
case 'embedded': return v => new Embedded(v as V);
case 'lit': return _v => p.value;
case 'seqof': {
const up = this.unparserSimplePattern(p.pattern);
return vs => (vs as Parsed<V>[]).map(up);
case 'setof': {
const up = this.unparserSimplePattern(p.pattern);
return vs => new Set<V>((vs as Parsed<V>[]).map(up));
case 'dictof': {
const kp = this.unparserSimplePattern(p.key);
const vp = this.unparserSimplePattern(p.value);
return vs => new Dictionary<V>(_iterMap(
(vs as DictOf<V>).entries(), ([k, v]) => [kp(k), vp(v)]));
case 'Ref': {
const up = this._unparser(p.value.module,;
return v => up[0](v as Bindings<V>);
unparserCompoundPattern(p: M.CompoundPattern<V>): UnparserCompound<V> {
switch (p._variant) {
case 'rec': {
const lp = this.unparserNamedPattern(p.label);
const fp = this.unparserNamedPattern(p.fields);
return bs => Record(lp(bs), fp(bs) as Value<V>[]);
case 'tuple': {
const ups = => this.unparserNamedPattern(p));
return bs => => up(bs));
case 'tuplePrefix': {
const fixed = => this.unparserNamedPattern(p));
const variable = this.unparserNamedSimplePattern(p.variable);
return bs => [... => up(bs)), ... variable(bs) as Value<V>[]];
case 'dict': {
const ups: [Value<V>, Unparser<V>][] = Array.from(p.entries.entries()).map(
([key, vp]) => [key, this.unparserNamedSimplePattern(vp)]);
return bs => {
const result = new Dictionary<V>();
for (const [key, up] of ups) {
result.set(key, up(bs));
return result;
unparserNamedSimplePattern(p: M.NamedSimplePattern<V>): Unparser<V> {
switch (p._variant) {
case 'named': {
const up = this.unparserSimplePattern(p.value.pattern);
const key = M.jsId(!);
return v => up((v as Bindings<V>)[key]);
case 'anonymous':
return this.unparserSimplePattern(p.value);