import * as _ from "@preserves/core"; export const $1 = 1; export const $Boolean = Symbol.for("Boolean"); export const $ByteString = Symbol.for("ByteString"); export const $Double = Symbol.for("Double"); export const $Float = Symbol.for("Float"); export const $SignedInteger = Symbol.for("SignedInteger"); export const $String = Symbol.for("String"); export const $Symbol = Symbol.for("Symbol"); export const $and = Symbol.for("and"); export const $any = Symbol.for("any"); export const $atom = Symbol.for("atom"); export const $bundle = Symbol.for("bundle"); export const $definitions = Symbol.for("definitions"); export const $dict = Symbol.for("dict"); export const $dictof = Symbol.for("dictof"); export const $embedded = Symbol.for("embedded"); export const $embeddedType = Symbol.for("embeddedType"); export const $lit = Symbol.for("lit"); export const $named = Symbol.for("named"); export const $or = Symbol.for("or"); export const $rec = Symbol.for("rec"); export const $ref = Symbol.for("ref"); export const $schema = Symbol.for("schema"); export const $seqof = Symbol.for("seqof"); export const $setof = Symbol.for("setof"); export const $tuple = Symbol.for("tuple"); export const $tuplePrefix = Symbol.for("tuplePrefix"); export const $version = Symbol.for("version"); export const __lit6 = false; export type _embedded = any; export type _val = _.Value<_embedded>; export type Bundle = {"modules": Modules}; export type Modules = _.KeyedDictionary; export type Schema = { "version": Version, "embeddedType": EmbeddedTypeName, "definitions": Definitions }; export type Version = null; export type EmbeddedTypeName = ({"_variant": "Ref", "value": Ref} | {"_variant": "false"}); export type Definitions = _.KeyedDictionary; export type Definition = ( { "_variant": "or", "pattern0": NamedAlternative, "pattern1": NamedAlternative, "patternN": Array } | { "_variant": "and", "pattern0": NamedPattern, "pattern1": NamedPattern, "patternN": Array } | {"_variant": "Pattern", "value": Pattern} ); export type Pattern = ( {"_variant": "SimplePattern", "value": SimplePattern} | {"_variant": "CompoundPattern", "value": CompoundPattern} ); export type SimplePattern = ( {"_variant": "any"} | {"_variant": "atom", "atomKind": AtomKind} | {"_variant": "embedded", "interface": SimplePattern} | {"_variant": "lit", "value": _val} | {"_variant": "seqof", "pattern": SimplePattern} | {"_variant": "setof", "pattern": SimplePattern} | {"_variant": "dictof", "key": SimplePattern, "value": SimplePattern} | {"_variant": "Ref", "value": Ref} ); export type CompoundPattern = ( {"_variant": "rec", "label": NamedPattern, "fields": NamedPattern} | {"_variant": "tuple", "patterns": Array} | { "_variant": "tuplePrefix", "fixed": Array, "variable": NamedSimplePattern } | {"_variant": "dict", "entries": DictionaryEntries} ); export type DictionaryEntries = _.KeyedDictionary<_val, NamedSimplePattern, _embedded>; export type AtomKind = ( {"_variant": "Boolean"} | {"_variant": "Float"} | {"_variant": "Double"} | {"_variant": "SignedInteger"} | {"_variant": "String"} | {"_variant": "ByteString"} | {"_variant": "Symbol"} ); export type NamedAlternative = {"variantLabel": string, "pattern": Pattern}; export type NamedSimplePattern = ( {"_variant": "named", "value": NamedSimplePattern_} | {"_variant": "anonymous", "value": SimplePattern} ); export type NamedPattern = ( {"_variant": "named", "value": NamedSimplePattern_} | {"_variant": "anonymous", "value": Pattern} ); export type NamedSimplePattern_ = {"name": symbol, "pattern": SimplePattern}; export type Ref = {"module": ModulePath, "name": symbol}; export type ModulePath = Array; export function Bundle(modules: Modules): Bundle {return {"modules": modules};} export function Modules(value: _.KeyedDictionary): Modules {return value;} export function Schema( {version, embeddedType, definitions}: {version: Version, embeddedType: EmbeddedTypeName, definitions: Definitions} ): Schema { return {"version": version, "embeddedType": embeddedType, "definitions": definitions}; } export function Version(): Version {return null;} export namespace EmbeddedTypeName { export function Ref(value: Ref): EmbeddedTypeName {return {"_variant": "Ref", "value": value};}; export function $false(): EmbeddedTypeName {return {"_variant": "false"};}; } export function Definitions(value: _.KeyedDictionary): Definitions {return value;} export namespace Definition { export function or( {pattern0, pattern1, patternN}: { pattern0: NamedAlternative, pattern1: NamedAlternative, patternN: Array } ): Definition { return { "_variant": "or", "pattern0": pattern0, "pattern1": pattern1, "patternN": patternN }; }; export function and( {pattern0, pattern1, patternN}: {pattern0: NamedPattern, pattern1: NamedPattern, patternN: Array} ): Definition { return { "_variant": "and", "pattern0": pattern0, "pattern1": pattern1, "patternN": patternN }; }; export function Pattern(value: Pattern): Definition {return {"_variant": "Pattern", "value": value};}; } export namespace Pattern { export function SimplePattern(value: SimplePattern): Pattern {return {"_variant": "SimplePattern", "value": value};}; export function CompoundPattern(value: CompoundPattern): Pattern {return {"_variant": "CompoundPattern", "value": value};}; } export namespace SimplePattern { export function any(): SimplePattern {return {"_variant": "any"};}; export function atom(atomKind: AtomKind): SimplePattern {return {"_variant": "atom", "atomKind": atomKind};}; export function embedded($interface: SimplePattern): SimplePattern {return {"_variant": "embedded", "interface": $interface};}; export function lit(value: _val): SimplePattern {return {"_variant": "lit", "value": value};}; export function seqof(pattern: SimplePattern): SimplePattern {return {"_variant": "seqof", "pattern": pattern};}; export function setof(pattern: SimplePattern): SimplePattern {return {"_variant": "setof", "pattern": pattern};}; export function dictof({key, value}: {key: SimplePattern, value: SimplePattern}): SimplePattern {return {"_variant": "dictof", "key": key, "value": value};}; export function Ref(value: Ref): SimplePattern {return {"_variant": "Ref", "value": value};}; } export namespace CompoundPattern { export function rec({label, fields}: {label: NamedPattern, fields: NamedPattern}): CompoundPattern {return {"_variant": "rec", "label": label, "fields": fields};}; export function tuple(patterns: Array): CompoundPattern {return {"_variant": "tuple", "patterns": patterns};}; export function tuplePrefix({fixed, variable}: {fixed: Array, variable: NamedSimplePattern}): CompoundPattern {return {"_variant": "tuplePrefix", "fixed": fixed, "variable": variable};}; export function dict(entries: DictionaryEntries): CompoundPattern {return {"_variant": "dict", "entries": entries};}; } export function DictionaryEntries(value: _.KeyedDictionary<_val, NamedSimplePattern, _embedded>): DictionaryEntries {return value;} export namespace AtomKind { export function Boolean(): AtomKind {return {"_variant": "Boolean"};}; export function Float(): AtomKind {return {"_variant": "Float"};}; export function Double(): AtomKind {return {"_variant": "Double"};}; export function SignedInteger(): AtomKind {return {"_variant": "SignedInteger"};}; export function String(): AtomKind {return {"_variant": "String"};}; export function ByteString(): AtomKind {return {"_variant": "ByteString"};}; export function Symbol(): AtomKind {return {"_variant": "Symbol"};}; } export function NamedAlternative({variantLabel, pattern}: {variantLabel: string, pattern: Pattern}): NamedAlternative {return {"variantLabel": variantLabel, "pattern": pattern};} export namespace NamedSimplePattern { export function named(value: NamedSimplePattern_): NamedSimplePattern {return {"_variant": "named", "value": value};}; export function anonymous(value: SimplePattern): NamedSimplePattern {return {"_variant": "anonymous", "value": value};}; } export namespace NamedPattern { export function named(value: NamedSimplePattern_): NamedPattern {return {"_variant": "named", "value": value};}; export function anonymous(value: Pattern): NamedPattern {return {"_variant": "anonymous", "value": value};}; } export function NamedSimplePattern_({name, pattern}: {name: symbol, pattern: SimplePattern}): NamedSimplePattern_ {return {"name": name, "pattern": pattern};} export function Ref({module, name}: {module: ModulePath, name: symbol}): Ref {return {"module": module, "name": name};} export function ModulePath(value: Array): ModulePath {return value;} export function asBundle(v: _val): Bundle { let result = toBundle(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid Bundle: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toBundle(v: _val): undefined | Bundle { let result: undefined | Bundle; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $bundle) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (Modules) | undefined; _tmp1 = toModules(v[0]); if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"modules": _tmp1};}; }; }; return result; } export function fromBundle(_v: Bundle): _val {return _.Record($bundle, [fromModules(_v["modules"])]);} export function asModules(v: _val): Modules { let result = toModules(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid Modules: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toModules(v: _val): undefined | Modules { let _tmp0: (_.KeyedDictionary) | undefined; let result: undefined | Modules; _tmp0 = void 0; if (_.Dictionary.isDictionary<_embedded>(v)) { _tmp0 = new _.KeyedDictionary(); for (const [_tmp2, _tmp1] of v) { let _tmp3: (ModulePath) | undefined; _tmp3 = toModulePath(_tmp2); if (_tmp3 !== void 0) { let _tmp4: (Schema) | undefined; _tmp4 = toSchema(_tmp1); if (_tmp4 !== void 0) {_tmp0.set(_tmp3, _tmp4); continue;}; }; _tmp0 = void 0; break; }; }; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = _tmp0;}; return result; } export function fromModules(_v: Modules): _val { return new _.Dictionary<_embedded>(_.Array.from(_v.entries()).map(([k, v]) => [fromModulePath(k), fromSchema(v)])); } export function asSchema(v: _val): Schema { let result = toSchema(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid Schema: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toSchema(v: _val): undefined | Schema { let result: undefined | Schema; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $schema) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { if (_.Dictionary.isDictionary<_embedded>(v[0])) { let _tmp1: (_val) | undefined; if ((_tmp1 = v[0].get($version)) !== void 0) { let _tmp2: (Version) | undefined; _tmp2 = toVersion(_tmp1); if (_tmp2 !== void 0) { let _tmp3: (_val) | undefined; if ((_tmp3 = v[0].get($embeddedType)) !== void 0) { let _tmp4: (EmbeddedTypeName) | undefined; _tmp4 = toEmbeddedTypeName(_tmp3); if (_tmp4 !== void 0) { let _tmp5: (_val) | undefined; if ((_tmp5 = v[0].get($definitions)) !== void 0) { let _tmp6: (Definitions) | undefined; _tmp6 = toDefinitions(_tmp5); if (_tmp6 !== void 0) {result = {"version": _tmp2, "embeddedType": _tmp4, "definitions": _tmp6};}; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; return result; } export function fromSchema(_v: Schema): _val { return _.Record( $schema, [ new _.Dictionary<_embedded>( [ [$version, fromVersion(_v["version"])], [$embeddedType, fromEmbeddedTypeName(_v["embeddedType"])], [$definitions, fromDefinitions(_v["definitions"])] ] ) ] ); } export function asVersion(v: _val): Version { let result = toVersion(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid Version: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toVersion(v: _val): undefined | Version { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; let result: undefined | Version; _tmp0 =, $1) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = _tmp0;}; return result; } export function fromVersion(_v: Version): _val {return $1;} export function asEmbeddedTypeName(v: _val): EmbeddedTypeName { let result = toEmbeddedTypeName(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid EmbeddedTypeName: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toEmbeddedTypeName(v: _val): undefined | EmbeddedTypeName { let _tmp0: (Ref) | undefined; let result: undefined | EmbeddedTypeName; _tmp0 = toRef(v); if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "Ref", "value": _tmp0};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp1: (null) | undefined; _tmp1 =, __lit6) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "false"};}; }; return result; } export function fromEmbeddedTypeName(_v: EmbeddedTypeName): _val { switch (_v._variant) {case "Ref": {return fromRef(_v.value);}; case "false": {return __lit6;};}; } export function asDefinitions(v: _val): Definitions { let result = toDefinitions(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid Definitions: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toDefinitions(v: _val): undefined | Definitions { let _tmp0: (_.KeyedDictionary) | undefined; let result: undefined | Definitions; _tmp0 = void 0; if (_.Dictionary.isDictionary<_embedded>(v)) { _tmp0 = new _.KeyedDictionary(); for (const [_tmp2, _tmp1] of v) { let _tmp3: (symbol) | undefined; _tmp3 = typeof _tmp2 === 'symbol' ? _tmp2 : void 0; if (_tmp3 !== void 0) { let _tmp4: (Definition) | undefined; _tmp4 = toDefinition(_tmp1); if (_tmp4 !== void 0) {_tmp0.set(_tmp3, _tmp4); continue;}; }; _tmp0 = void 0; break; }; }; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = _tmp0;}; return result; } export function fromDefinitions(_v: Definitions): _val { return new _.Dictionary<_embedded>(_.Array.from(_v.entries()).map(([k, v]) => [k, fromDefinition(v)])); } export function asDefinition(v: _val): Definition { let result = toDefinition(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid Definition: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toDefinition(v: _val): undefined | Definition { let result: undefined | Definition; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $or) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { if (_.Array.isArray(v[0]) && v[0].length >= 2) { let _tmp1: (NamedAlternative) | undefined; _tmp1 = toNamedAlternative(v[0][0]); if (_tmp1 !== void 0) { let _tmp2: (NamedAlternative) | undefined; _tmp2 = toNamedAlternative(v[0][1]); if (_tmp2 !== void 0) { let _tmp3: (Array<_val>) | undefined; let _tmp4: (Array) | undefined; _tmp3 = v[0].slice(2); _tmp4 = []; for (const _tmp5 of _tmp3) { let _tmp6: (NamedAlternative) | undefined; _tmp6 = toNamedAlternative(_tmp5); if (_tmp6 !== void 0) {_tmp4.push(_tmp6); continue;}; _tmp4 = void 0; break; }; if (_tmp4 !== void 0) { result = {"_variant": "or", "pattern0": _tmp1, "pattern1": _tmp2, "patternN": _tmp4}; }; }; }; }; }; }; if (result === void 0) { if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp7: (null) | undefined; _tmp7 =, $and) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp7 !== void 0) { if (_.Array.isArray(v[0]) && v[0].length >= 2) { let _tmp8: (NamedPattern) | undefined; _tmp8 = toNamedPattern(v[0][0]); if (_tmp8 !== void 0) { let _tmp9: (NamedPattern) | undefined; _tmp9 = toNamedPattern(v[0][1]); if (_tmp9 !== void 0) { let _tmp10: (Array<_val>) | undefined; let _tmp11: (Array) | undefined; _tmp10 = v[0].slice(2); _tmp11 = []; for (const _tmp12 of _tmp10) { let _tmp13: (NamedPattern) | undefined; _tmp13 = toNamedPattern(_tmp12); if (_tmp13 !== void 0) {_tmp11.push(_tmp13); continue;}; _tmp11 = void 0; break; }; if (_tmp11 !== void 0) { result = {"_variant": "and", "pattern0": _tmp8, "pattern1": _tmp9, "patternN": _tmp11}; }; }; }; }; }; }; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp14: (Pattern) | undefined; _tmp14 = toPattern(v); if (_tmp14 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "Pattern", "value": _tmp14};}; }; }; return result; } export function fromDefinition(_v: Definition): _val { switch (_v._variant) { case "or": { return _.Record( $or, [ [ fromNamedAlternative(_v["pattern0"]), fromNamedAlternative(_v["pattern1"]), ... _v["patternN"].map(v => fromNamedAlternative(v)) ] ] ); }; case "and": { return _.Record( $and, [ [ fromNamedPattern(_v["pattern0"]), fromNamedPattern(_v["pattern1"]), ... _v["patternN"].map(v => fromNamedPattern(v)) ] ] ); }; case "Pattern": {return fromPattern(_v.value);}; }; } export function asPattern(v: _val): Pattern { let result = toPattern(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid Pattern: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toPattern(v: _val): undefined | Pattern { let _tmp0: (SimplePattern) | undefined; let result: undefined | Pattern; _tmp0 = toSimplePattern(v); if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "SimplePattern", "value": _tmp0};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp1: (CompoundPattern) | undefined; _tmp1 = toCompoundPattern(v); if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "CompoundPattern", "value": _tmp1};}; }; return result; } export function fromPattern(_v: Pattern): _val { switch (_v._variant) { case "SimplePattern": {return fromSimplePattern(_v.value);}; case "CompoundPattern": {return fromCompoundPattern(_v.value);}; }; } export function asSimplePattern(v: _val): SimplePattern { let result = toSimplePattern(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid SimplePattern: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toSimplePattern(v: _val): undefined | SimplePattern { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; let result: undefined | SimplePattern; _tmp0 =, $any) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "any"};}; if (result === void 0) { if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp1: (null) | undefined; _tmp1 =, $atom) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp1 !== void 0) { let _tmp2: (AtomKind) | undefined; _tmp2 = toAtomKind(v[0]); if (_tmp2 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "atom", "atomKind": _tmp2};}; }; }; if (result === void 0) { if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp3: (null) | undefined; _tmp3 =, $embedded) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp3 !== void 0) { let _tmp4: (SimplePattern) | undefined; _tmp4 = toSimplePattern(v[0]); if (_tmp4 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "embedded", "interface": _tmp4};}; }; }; if (result === void 0) { if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp5: (null) | undefined; _tmp5 =, $lit) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp5 !== void 0) { let _tmp6: (_val) | undefined; _tmp6 = v[0]; if (_tmp6 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "lit", "value": _tmp6};}; }; }; if (result === void 0) { if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp7: (null) | undefined; _tmp7 =, $seqof) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp7 !== void 0) { let _tmp8: (SimplePattern) | undefined; _tmp8 = toSimplePattern(v[0]); if (_tmp8 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "seqof", "pattern": _tmp8};}; }; }; if (result === void 0) { if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp9: (null) | undefined; _tmp9 =, $setof) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp9 !== void 0) { let _tmp10: (SimplePattern) | undefined; _tmp10 = toSimplePattern(v[0]); if (_tmp10 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "setof", "pattern": _tmp10};}; }; }; if (result === void 0) { if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp11: (null) | undefined; _tmp11 =, $dictof) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp11 !== void 0) { let _tmp12: (SimplePattern) | undefined; _tmp12 = toSimplePattern(v[0]); if (_tmp12 !== void 0) { let _tmp13: (SimplePattern) | undefined; _tmp13 = toSimplePattern(v[1]); if (_tmp13 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "dictof", "key": _tmp12, "value": _tmp13};}; }; }; }; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp14: (Ref) | undefined; _tmp14 = toRef(v); if (_tmp14 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "Ref", "value": _tmp14};}; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; return result; } export function fromSimplePattern(_v: SimplePattern): _val { switch (_v._variant) { case "any": {return $any;}; case "atom": {return _.Record($atom, [fromAtomKind(_v["atomKind"])]);}; case "embedded": {return _.Record($embedded, [fromSimplePattern(_v["interface"])]);}; case "lit": {return _.Record($lit, [_v["value"]]);}; case "seqof": {return _.Record($seqof, [fromSimplePattern(_v["pattern"])]);}; case "setof": {return _.Record($setof, [fromSimplePattern(_v["pattern"])]);}; case "dictof": { return _.Record($dictof, [fromSimplePattern(_v["key"]), fromSimplePattern(_v["value"])]); }; case "Ref": {return fromRef(_v.value);}; }; } export function asCompoundPattern(v: _val): CompoundPattern { let result = toCompoundPattern(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid CompoundPattern: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toCompoundPattern(v: _val): undefined | CompoundPattern { let result: undefined | CompoundPattern; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $rec) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (NamedPattern) | undefined; _tmp1 = toNamedPattern(v[0]); if (_tmp1 !== void 0) { let _tmp2: (NamedPattern) | undefined; _tmp2 = toNamedPattern(v[1]); if (_tmp2 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "rec", "label": _tmp1, "fields": _tmp2};}; }; }; }; if (result === void 0) { if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp3: (null) | undefined; _tmp3 =, $tuple) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp3 !== void 0) { let _tmp4: (Array) | undefined; _tmp4 = void 0; if (_.Array.isArray(v[0])) { _tmp4 = []; for (const _tmp5 of v[0]) { let _tmp6: (NamedPattern) | undefined; _tmp6 = toNamedPattern(_tmp5); if (_tmp6 !== void 0) {_tmp4.push(_tmp6); continue;}; _tmp4 = void 0; break; }; }; if (_tmp4 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "tuple", "patterns": _tmp4};}; }; }; if (result === void 0) { if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp7: (null) | undefined; _tmp7 =, $tuplePrefix) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp7 !== void 0) { let _tmp8: (Array) | undefined; _tmp8 = void 0; if (_.Array.isArray(v[0])) { _tmp8 = []; for (const _tmp9 of v[0]) { let _tmp10: (NamedPattern) | undefined; _tmp10 = toNamedPattern(_tmp9); if (_tmp10 !== void 0) {_tmp8.push(_tmp10); continue;}; _tmp8 = void 0; break; }; }; if (_tmp8 !== void 0) { let _tmp11: (NamedSimplePattern) | undefined; _tmp11 = toNamedSimplePattern(v[1]); if (_tmp11 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "tuplePrefix", "fixed": _tmp8, "variable": _tmp11};}; }; }; }; if (result === void 0) { if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp12: (null) | undefined; _tmp12 =, $dict) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp12 !== void 0) { let _tmp13: (DictionaryEntries) | undefined; _tmp13 = toDictionaryEntries(v[0]); if (_tmp13 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "dict", "entries": _tmp13};}; }; }; }; }; }; return result; } export function fromCompoundPattern(_v: CompoundPattern): _val { switch (_v._variant) { case "rec": { return _.Record($rec, [fromNamedPattern(_v["label"]), fromNamedPattern(_v["fields"])]); }; case "tuple": {return _.Record($tuple, [_v["patterns"].map(v => fromNamedPattern(v))]);}; case "tuplePrefix": { return _.Record( $tuplePrefix, [ _v["fixed"].map(v => fromNamedPattern(v)), fromNamedSimplePattern(_v["variable"]) ] ); }; case "dict": {return _.Record($dict, [fromDictionaryEntries(_v["entries"])]);}; }; } export function asDictionaryEntries(v: _val): DictionaryEntries { let result = toDictionaryEntries(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid DictionaryEntries: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toDictionaryEntries(v: _val): undefined | DictionaryEntries { let _tmp0: (_.KeyedDictionary<_val, NamedSimplePattern, _embedded>) | undefined; let result: undefined | DictionaryEntries; _tmp0 = void 0; if (_.Dictionary.isDictionary<_embedded>(v)) { _tmp0 = new _.KeyedDictionary(); for (const [_tmp2, _tmp1] of v) { let _tmp3: (_val) | undefined; _tmp3 = _tmp2; if (_tmp3 !== void 0) { let _tmp4: (NamedSimplePattern) | undefined; _tmp4 = toNamedSimplePattern(_tmp1); if (_tmp4 !== void 0) {_tmp0.set(_tmp3, _tmp4); continue;}; }; _tmp0 = void 0; break; }; }; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = _tmp0;}; return result; } export function fromDictionaryEntries(_v: DictionaryEntries): _val { return new _.Dictionary<_embedded>(_.Array.from(_v.entries()).map(([k, v]) => [k, fromNamedSimplePattern(v)])); } export function asAtomKind(v: _val): AtomKind { let result = toAtomKind(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid AtomKind: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toAtomKind(v: _val): undefined | AtomKind { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; let result: undefined | AtomKind; _tmp0 =, $Boolean) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "Boolean"};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp1: (null) | undefined; _tmp1 =, $Float) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "Float"};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp2: (null) | undefined; _tmp2 =, $Double) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp2 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "Double"};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp3: (null) | undefined; _tmp3 =, $SignedInteger) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp3 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "SignedInteger"};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp4: (null) | undefined; _tmp4 =, $String) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp4 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "String"};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp5: (null) | undefined; _tmp5 =, $ByteString) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp5 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "ByteString"};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp6: (null) | undefined; _tmp6 =, $Symbol) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp6 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "Symbol"};}; }; }; }; }; }; }; return result; } export function fromAtomKind(_v: AtomKind): _val { switch (_v._variant) { case "Boolean": {return $Boolean;}; case "Float": {return $Float;}; case "Double": {return $Double;}; case "SignedInteger": {return $SignedInteger;}; case "String": {return $String;}; case "ByteString": {return $ByteString;}; case "Symbol": {return $Symbol;}; }; } export function asNamedAlternative(v: _val): NamedAlternative { let result = toNamedAlternative(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid NamedAlternative: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toNamedAlternative(v: _val): undefined | NamedAlternative { let result: undefined | NamedAlternative; if (_.Array.isArray(v) && v.length === 2) { let _tmp0: (string) | undefined; _tmp0 = typeof v[0] === 'string' ? v[0] : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (Pattern) | undefined; _tmp1 = toPattern(v[1]); if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"variantLabel": _tmp0, "pattern": _tmp1};}; }; }; return result; } export function fromNamedAlternative(_v: NamedAlternative): _val {return [_v["variantLabel"], fromPattern(_v["pattern"])];} export function asNamedSimplePattern(v: _val): NamedSimplePattern { let result = toNamedSimplePattern(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid NamedSimplePattern: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toNamedSimplePattern(v: _val): undefined | NamedSimplePattern { let _tmp0: (NamedSimplePattern_) | undefined; let result: undefined | NamedSimplePattern; _tmp0 = toNamedSimplePattern_(v); if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "named", "value": _tmp0};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp1: (SimplePattern) | undefined; _tmp1 = toSimplePattern(v); if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "anonymous", "value": _tmp1};}; }; return result; } export function fromNamedSimplePattern(_v: NamedSimplePattern): _val { switch (_v._variant) { case "named": {return fromNamedSimplePattern_(_v.value);}; case "anonymous": {return fromSimplePattern(_v.value);}; }; } export function asNamedPattern(v: _val): NamedPattern { let result = toNamedPattern(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid NamedPattern: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toNamedPattern(v: _val): undefined | NamedPattern { let _tmp0: (NamedSimplePattern_) | undefined; let result: undefined | NamedPattern; _tmp0 = toNamedSimplePattern_(v); if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "named", "value": _tmp0};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp1: (Pattern) | undefined; _tmp1 = toPattern(v); if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "anonymous", "value": _tmp1};}; }; return result; } export function fromNamedPattern(_v: NamedPattern): _val { switch (_v._variant) { case "named": {return fromNamedSimplePattern_(_v.value);}; case "anonymous": {return fromPattern(_v.value);}; }; } export function asNamedSimplePattern_(v: _val): NamedSimplePattern_ { let result = toNamedSimplePattern_(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid NamedSimplePattern_: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toNamedSimplePattern_(v: _val): undefined | NamedSimplePattern_ { let result: undefined | NamedSimplePattern_; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $named) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (symbol) | undefined; _tmp1 = typeof v[0] === 'symbol' ? v[0] : void 0; if (_tmp1 !== void 0) { let _tmp2: (SimplePattern) | undefined; _tmp2 = toSimplePattern(v[1]); if (_tmp2 !== void 0) {result = {"name": _tmp1, "pattern": _tmp2};}; }; }; }; return result; } export function fromNamedSimplePattern_(_v: NamedSimplePattern_): _val {return _.Record($named, [_v["name"], fromSimplePattern(_v["pattern"])]);} export function asRef(v: _val): Ref { let result = toRef(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid Ref: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toRef(v: _val): undefined | Ref { let result: undefined | Ref; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $ref) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (ModulePath) | undefined; _tmp1 = toModulePath(v[0]); if (_tmp1 !== void 0) { let _tmp2: (symbol) | undefined; _tmp2 = typeof v[1] === 'symbol' ? v[1] : void 0; if (_tmp2 !== void 0) {result = {"module": _tmp1, "name": _tmp2};}; }; }; }; return result; } export function fromRef(_v: Ref): _val {return _.Record($ref, [fromModulePath(_v["module"]), _v["name"]]);} export function asModulePath(v: _val): ModulePath { let result = toModulePath(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid ModulePath: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toModulePath(v: _val): undefined | ModulePath { let _tmp0: (Array) | undefined; let result: undefined | ModulePath; _tmp0 = void 0; if (_.Array.isArray(v)) { _tmp0 = []; for (const _tmp1 of v) { let _tmp2: (symbol) | undefined; _tmp2 = typeof _tmp1 === 'symbol' ? _tmp1 : void 0; if (_tmp2 !== void 0) {_tmp0.push(_tmp2); continue;}; _tmp0 = void 0; break; }; }; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = _tmp0;}; return result; } export function fromModulePath(_v: ModulePath): _val {return => v);}