--- --- Preserves: Representing Values in Programming Languages # Preserves: Representing Values in Programming Languages **NOT YET READY** We have given a definition of `Value` and its semantics, and proposed a concrete syntax for communicating and storing `Value`s. We now turn to **suggested** representations of `Value`s as *programming-language values* for various programming languages. When designing a language mapping, an important consideration is roundtripping: serialization after deserialization, and vice versa, should both be identities. Also, the presence or absence of annotations on a `Value` should not affect comparisons of that `Value` to others in any way. ## JavaScript. - `Boolean` ↔ `Boolean` - `Float` and `Double` ↔ numbers - `SignedInteger` ↔ numbers or `BigInt` (see [here](https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2018/05/bigint) and [here](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-bigint)) - `String` ↔ strings - `ByteString` ↔ `Uint8Array` - `Symbol` ↔ `Symbol.for(...)` - `Record` ↔ `{ "_label": theLabel, "_fields": [field0, ..., fieldN] }`, plus convenience accessors - `(undefined)` ↔ the undefined value - `(rfc3339 F)` ↔ `Date`, if `F` matches the `date-time` RFC 3339 production - `Sequence` ↔ `Array` - `Set` ↔ `{ "_set": M }` where `M` is a `Map` from the elements of the set to `true` - `Dictionary` ↔ a `Map` ## Scheme/Racket. - `Boolean` ↔ booleans - `Float` and `Double` ↔ inexact numbers (Racket: single- and double-precision floats) - `SignedInteger` ↔ exact numbers - `String` ↔ strings - `ByteString` ↔ byte vector (Racket: "Bytes") - `Symbol` ↔ symbols - `Record` ↔ structures (Racket: prefab struct) - `Sequence` ↔ lists - `Set` ↔ Racket: sets - `Dictionary` ↔ Racket: hash-table ## Java. - `Boolean` ↔ `Boolean` - `Float` and `Double` ↔ `Float` and `Double` - `SignedInteger` ↔ `Integer`, `Long`, `BigInteger` - `String` ↔ `String` - `ByteString` ↔ `byte[]` - `Symbol` ↔ a simple data class wrapping a `String` - `Record` ↔ in a simple implementation, a generic `Record` class; else perhaps a bean mapping? - `(mime T B)` ↔ an implementation of `javax.activation.DataSource`? - `Sequence` ↔ an implementation of `java.util.List` - `Set` ↔ an implementation of `java.util.Set` - `Dictionary` ↔ an implementation of `java.util.Map` ## Erlang. - `Boolean` ↔ `true` and `false` - `Float` and `Double` ↔ floats (unsure how Erlang deals with single-precision) - `SignedInteger` ↔ integers - `String` ↔ pair of `utf8` and a binary - `ByteString` ↔ a binary - `Symbol` ↔ pair of `atom` and a binary - `Record` ↔ triple of `obj`, label, and field list - `Sequence` ↔ a list - `Set` ↔ a `sets` set - `Dictionary` ↔ a [map][erlang-map] (new in Erlang/OTP R17) This is a somewhat unsatisfactory mapping because: (a) Erlang doesn't garbage-collect its atoms, meaning that (a.1) representing `Symbol`s as atoms could lead to denial-of-service and (a.2) representing `Symbol`-labelled `Record`s as Erlang records must be rejected for the same reason; (b) even if it did, Erlang's boolean values are atoms, which would then clash with the `Symbol`s `true` and `false`; and (c) Erlang has no distinct string type, making for a trilemma where `String`s are in danger of clashing with `ByteString`s, `Sequence`s, or `Record`s. ## Python. - `Boolean` ↔ `True` and `False` - `Float` ↔ a `Float` wrapper-class for a double-precision value - `Double` ↔ float - `SignedInteger` ↔ int and long - `String` ↔ `unicode` - `ByteString` ↔ `bytes` - `Symbol` ↔ a simple data class wrapping a `unicode` - `Record` ↔ something like `namedtuple`, but that doesn't care about class identity? - `Sequence` ↔ `tuple` (but accept `list` during encoding) - `Set` ↔ `frozenset` (but accept `set` during encoding) - `Dictionary` ↔ a hashable (immutable) dictionary-like thing (but accept `dict` during encoding) ## Squeak Smalltalk. - `Boolean` ↔ `true` and `false` - `Float` ↔ perhaps a subclass of `Float`? - `Double` ↔ `Float` - `SignedInteger` ↔ `Integer` - `String` ↔ `WideString` - `ByteString` ↔ `ByteArray` - `Symbol` ↔ `WideSymbol` - `Record` ↔ a simple data class - `Sequence` ↔ `ArrayedCollection` (usually `OrderedCollection`) - `Set` ↔ `Set` - `Dictionary` ↔ `Dictionary`