import { Single, Double, fromJS, Dictionary, IDENTITY_FOLD, fold, mapEmbeddeds, Value, embed, preserves } from '../src/index'; import './test-utils'; describe('Single', () => { it('should print reasonably', () => { expect(Single(123.45).toString()).toEqual("123.45f"); }); }); describe('Double', () => { it('should print reasonably', () => { expect(Double(123.45).toString()).toEqual("123.45"); }); }); describe('fold', () => { function mkv(t: T): Value { return fromJS([ 1, 2, new Dictionary([[[3, 4], fromJS([5, 6])], ['a', 1], ['b', true]]), Single(3.4), t, ]); } it('should support identity', () => { const w = new Date(); const v = mkv(w); expect(fold(v, IDENTITY_FOLD)).is(v); const w1 = new Date(); const v1 = mkv(w1); expect(fold(v, IDENTITY_FOLD)); expect(mapEmbeddeds(v, _t => embed(w1))).is(v1); }); }); describe('fromJS', () => { it('should map integers to themselves', () => { expect(fromJS(1)).toBe(1); }); it('should map bigints to themselves', () => { expect(fromJS(BigInt("12345678123456781234567812345678"))) .toBe(BigInt("12345678123456781234567812345678"));; }); }); describe('is()', () => { it('should compare small integers sensibly', () => { expect(3).is(3); expect(3); }); it('should compare large integers sensibly', () => { const a = BigInt("12345678123456781234567812345678"); const b = BigInt("12345678123456781234567812345679"); expect(a).is(a); expect(a).is(BigInt("12345678123456781234567812345678")); expect(a); }); it('should compare mixed integers sensibly', () => { const a = BigInt("12345678123456781234567812345678"); const b = BigInt("3"); const c = BigInt("4"); expect(3); expect(a); expect(3).not.toBe(b); expect(3).is(b); expect(b).not.toBe(3); expect(b).is(3); expect(3).not.toBe(c); expect(3); expect(c).not.toBe(3); expect(c); }); }); describe('`preserves` formatter', () => { it('should format numbers', () => { expect(preserves`>${3}<`).toBe('>3<'); }); it('should format small bigints', () => { expect(preserves`>${BigInt("3")}<`).toBe('>3<'); }); it('should format big bigints', () => { expect(preserves`>${BigInt("12345678123456781234567812345678")}<`) .toBe('>12345678123456781234567812345678<'); }); });