#lang racket/base (require "../main.rkt") (require "../reader.rkt") (require racket/match) (require (only-in racket/list index-of append-map remove-duplicates last drop-right)) (require (only-in racket/string string-split string-prefix?)) (require (only-in racket/file make-parent-directory*)) (require file/glob) (struct schema (full-input-path relative-input-path full-output-path relative-output-path module-path value) #:transparent) (define (clean-input p) (path->string (simplify-path (path->complete-path (expand-user-path p)) #f))) (define (compute-base paths) (match paths ['() "."] [(list p) (path->string (simplify-path (build-path p 'up) #f))] [_ (let try-index ((i 0)) (let scan-paths ((paths paths) (ch #f)) (match paths ['() (try-index (+ i 1))] [(cons p more-paths) (cond [(= i (string-length p)) (substring p 0 i)] [(not ch) (scan-paths more-paths (string-ref p i))] [(eqv? ch (string-ref p i)) (scan-paths more-paths ch)] [else (substring p 0 i)])])))])) (define (expand-globs globs base0 output-directory0 k) (define base (or base0 (compute-base globs))) (define output-directory (or (and output-directory0 (clean-input output-directory0)) base)) (k base output-directory (for/list [(full-input-path (in-list (map path->string (remove-duplicates (append-map (lambda (g) (define results (glob g)) (when (null? results) (error 'preserves-schema-rkt "Input not found: ~v" g)) results) globs)))))] (when (not (string-prefix? full-input-path base)) (error 'preserves-schema-rkt "Input filename ~v falls outside base ~v" full-input-path base)) (define relative-input-path (substring full-input-path (string-length base))) (define module-path (for/list [(p (explode-path relative-input-path))] (string->symbol (path->string (path-replace-extension p ""))))) (define relative-output-path (path->string (path-replace-extension relative-input-path ".rkt"))) (schema full-input-path relative-input-path (path->string (build-path output-directory relative-output-path)) relative-output-path module-path (file->schema full-input-path))))) (module+ main (require racket/cmdline) (require racket/pretty) (define output-directory #f) (define stdout? #f) (define base-directory #f) (define additional-modules '()) (define inputs '()) (command-line #:once-each ["--output" directory "Output directory for modules (default: next to sources)" (set! output-directory directory)] ["--stdout" "Prints each module to stdout one after the other instead of writing them to files in the `--output` directory" (set! stdout? #t)] ["--base" directory "Base directory for sources (default: common prefix)" (set! base-directory directory)] #:multi ["--module" namespace=path "Additional Namespace=path import" (let ((i (index-of (string->list namespace=path) #\=))) (when (not i) (error '--module "Argument must be Namespace=path: ~v" namespace=path)) (let* ((namespace-str (substring namespace=path 0 i)) (path-str (substring namespace=path (+ i 1)))) (set! additional-modules (cons (list (map string->symbol (string-split namespace-str ".")) path-str) additional-modules))))] #:args input-glob (set! inputs (map clean-input input-glob))) (expand-globs inputs base-directory output-directory (lambda (base-directory output-directory schemas) (define index (make-hash)) (for [(s (in-list schemas))] (hash-set! index (schema-module-path s) (schema-relative-output-path s))) (for [(e (in-list additional-modules))] (hash-set! index (car e) (cadr e))) (define outputs (for/hash [(s (in-list schemas))] (values (schema-full-output-path s) (schema->module-stx (last (schema-module-path s)) (lambda (module-path) (hash-ref index module-path (lambda () (error 'preserves-schema-rkt "Undefined module: ~a" module-path)))) (schema-value s))))) (for [((output-path stx) (in-hash outputs))] (make-parent-directory* output-path) (with-output-to-file output-path #:exists 'replace (lambda () (pretty-write stx)))))))