#lang racket/base (require "../main.rkt") (require racket/match) (require racket/set) (require rackunit) (require racket/runtime-path) (require syntax/srcloc) (define (d bs #:allow-invalid-prefix? [allow-invalid-prefix? #f]) (for [(i (in-range 1 (- (bytes-length bs) 1)))] (define result (bytes->preserve (subbytes bs 0 i) #:decode-embedded strip-annotations #:on-short (lambda () 'short) void)) (when (and (not (eq? result 'short)) (not (and allow-invalid-prefix? (void? result)))) (error 'd "~a-byte prefix of ~v does not read as short; result: ~v" i bs result))) (bytes->preserve bs #:read-syntax? #t #:decode-embedded strip-annotations #:on-short (lambda () 'short) void)) (define (d-strip bs) (strip-annotations (d bs))) (struct discard () #:prefab) (struct capture (detail) #:prefab) (struct observe (specification) #:prefab) (struct speak (who what) #:prefab) (struct date (year month day) #:prefab) (struct thing (id) #:prefab) (struct person thing (name date-of-birth) #:prefab) (struct titled person (title) #:prefab) (struct asymmetric (forward back)) (define samples-txt-expected (hash 'record1 (capture (discard)) 'record2 (observe (speak (discard) (capture (discard)))) 'list4a '(1 2 3 4) 'list5 '(-2 -1 0 1) 'string3 "hello" 'list6 `("hello" there #"world" () ,(set) #t #f) 'bytes2 #"hello" 'bytes3 #"ABC" 'bytes4 #"ABC" 'bytes5 #"AJN" 'bytes7 #"corymb" 'bytes8 #"corymb" 'bytes9 #"Hi" 'bytes10 #"Hi" 'bytes11 #"Hi" 'value1 #"corymb" 'value2 #t 'value3 #t 'value4 #t 'value5 #t 'value6 (list 1 2 3) 'list0 '() 'dict0 (hash) 'string0 "" 'symbol0 '|| 'set0 (set) 'set1 (set 1 2 3) 'set1a (set 1 2 3) 'string4 "abc\u6c34\u6C34\\/\"\b\f\n\r\txyz" 'bytes13 #"abc\x6c\x34\xf0\\/\"\b\f\n\r\txyz" 'string5 "\U0001D11E" 'record1 (capture (discard)) 'record2 (observe (speak (discard) (capture (discard)))) 'record3 (titled 101 "Blackwell" (date 1821 2 3) "Dr") 'record4 (asymmetric (record 'discard '()) (discard)) 'record5 (record 7 '(())) 'record6 (asymmetric (record 'discard '(surprise)) '#s(discard surprise)) 'record7 (record "aString" '(3 4)) 'record8 (record (discard) '(3 4)) 'list7 (list 'abc '|...| 'def) 'dict1 (hash 'a 1 "b" #t '(1 2 3) #"c" (hash 'first-name "Elizabeth") (hash 'surname "Blackwell")) 'rfc8259-example1 (hash "Image" (hash "Width" 800 "Height" 600 "Title" "View from 15th Floor" "Thumbnail" (hash "Url" "http://www.example.com/image/481989943" "Height" 125 "Width" 100) "Animated" 'false "IDs" (list 116 943 234 38793))) 'rfc8259-example2 (list (hash "precision" "zip" "Latitude" 37.7668 "Longitude" -122.3959 "Address" "" "City" "SAN FRANCISCO" "State" "CA" "Zip" "94107" "Country" "US") (hash "precision" "zip" "Latitude" 37.371991 "Longitude" -122.026020 "Address" "" "City" "SUNNYVALE" "State" "CA" "Zip" "94085" "Country" "US")) 'annotation1 (asymmetric (annotate 9 "abc") 9) 'annotation2 (asymmetric (annotate (list '() (annotate '() "x")) "abc" "def") '(() ())) 'annotation3 (asymmetric (annotate 5 (annotate 2 1) (annotate 4 3)) 5) 'annotation4 (asymmetric (hash (annotate 'a 'ak) (annotate 1 'av) (annotate 'b 'bk) (annotate 2 'bv)) (hash 'a 1 'b 2)) 'annotation5 (asymmetric (annotate `#s(R ,(annotate 'f 'af)) 'ar) `#s(R f)) 'annotation6 (asymmetric (record (annotate 'R 'ar) (list (annotate 'f 'af))) `#s(R f)) 'annotation7 (asymmetric (annotate '() 'a 'b 'c) '()) )) (define (run-test-case variety t-name loc binary-form annotated-text-form) (define text-form (strip-annotations annotated-text-form)) (define-values (forward back can-execute-nondet-with-canonicalization?) (match (hash-ref samples-txt-expected t-name text-form) [(asymmetric f b) (values f b #f)] ;; #f because e.g. annotation4 includes annotations [v (values v v #t)])) (check-equal? text-form back loc) ;; expectation 1 (check-equal? (d-strip (preserve->bytes #:encode-embedded values text-form)) back loc) ;; expectation 2 (check-equal? (d-strip (preserve->bytes #:encode-embedded values forward)) back loc) ;; expectation 3 (check-equal? (d-strip binary-form) back loc) ;; expectation 4 (check-equal? (d binary-form) annotated-text-form loc) ;; expectation 5 (check-equal? (d (preserve->bytes #:encode-embedded values annotated-text-form)) annotated-text-form loc) ;; expectation 6 (check-equal? (string->preserve #:decode-embedded strip-annotations (preserve->string #:encode-embedded values text-form)) back loc) ;; expectation 7 (check-equal? (string->preserve #:decode-embedded strip-annotations (preserve->string #:encode-embedded values forward)) back loc) ;; expectation 8 ;; similar to 8: (check-equal? (string->preserve #:decode-embedded strip-annotations (preserve->string #:encode-embedded values annotated-text-form) #:read-syntax? #t) annotated-text-form loc) (when (and (not (memq variety '(decode))) (or (not (memq variety '(nondeterministic))) (and can-execute-nondet-with-canonicalization?))) ;; expectations 9 and 10 (check-equal? (preserve->bytes forward #:encode-embedded values #:canonicalizing? #t #:write-annotations? #t) binary-form loc)) (unless (memq variety '(decode nondeterministic)) ;; expectation 11 (check-equal? (preserve->bytes annotated-text-form #:encode-embedded values #:write-annotations? #t) binary-form loc))) (define-runtime-path tests-path "../../../../../tests") (let* ((path (build-path tests-path "samples.pr")) (testfile (call-with-input-file path (lambda (p) (port-count-lines! p) (read-preserve p #:read-syntax? #t #:decode-embedded strip-annotations #:source path))))) (match-define (peel-annotations `#s(TestCases ,tests)) testfile) (for [((t-name* t*) (in-hash (annotated-item tests)))] (define t-name (strip-annotations t-name*)) (define loc (format "Test case '~a' (~a)" t-name (source-location->string (annotated-srcloc t*)))) (define (fail-test fmt . args) (fail (format "~a: ~a" loc (apply format fmt args)))) (displayln loc) (match (peel-annotations t*) [`#s(Test ,(strip-annotations binary-form) ,annotated-text-form) (run-test-case 'normal t-name loc binary-form annotated-text-form)] [`#s(NondeterministicTest ,(strip-annotations binary-form) ,annotated-text-form) (run-test-case 'nondeterministic t-name loc binary-form annotated-text-form)] [`#s(DecodeTest ,(strip-annotations binary-form) ,annotated-text-form) (run-test-case 'decode t-name loc binary-form annotated-text-form)] [`#s(ParseError ,(strip-annotations str)) (with-handlers [(exn:fail:read:eof? (lambda (e) (fail-test "Unexpected EOF: ~e" e))) (exn:fail:read? (lambda (e) 'ok)) ((lambda (e) #t) (lambda (e) (fail-test "Unexpected exception: ~e" e)))] (string->preserve str) (fail-test "Unexpected success"))] [(or `#s(ParseShort ,(strip-annotations str)) `#s(ParseEOF ,(strip-annotations str))) (with-handlers [(exn:fail:read:eof? (lambda (e) 'ok)) ((lambda (e) #t) (lambda (e) (fail-test "Unexpected exception: ~e" e)))] (string->preserve str) (fail-test "Unexpected success"))] [(or `#s(DecodeShort ,(strip-annotations bs)) `#s(DecodeEOF ,(strip-annotations bs))) (check-eq? (d bs) 'short loc)] [`#s(DecodeError ,(strip-annotations bs)) (check-true (void? (d bs #:allow-invalid-prefix? #t)) loc)] [_ (write-preserve/text t* #:indent #f) (newline)])) )