# Overview ```shell pip install preserves ``` This package ([`preserves` on pypi.org](https://pypi.org/project/preserves/)) implements [Preserves](https://preserves.dev/) for Python 3.x. It provides the core [semantics][] as well as both the [human-readable text syntax](text) (a superset of JSON) and [machine-oriented binary format](binary) (including [canonicalization](https://preserves.dev/canonical-binary.html)) for Preserves. It also implements [Preserves Schema](schema) and [Preserves Path](path). - Main package API: [preserves](api) ## What is Preserves? {% include "what-is-preserves.md" %} ## Mapping between Preserves values and Python values Preserves `Value`s are categorized in the following way: {% include "value-grammar.md" %} {% include "python-representation.md" %} [semantics]: https://preserves.dev/preserves.html#semantics