import { Annotated } from "./annotated"; import { DecodeError, ShortPacket } from "./codec"; import { Tag } from "./constants"; import { Set, Dictionary } from "./dictionary"; import { DoubleFloat, SingleFloat } from "./float"; import { Record } from "./record"; import { Bytes, BytesLike, underlying } from "./bytes"; import { Value } from "./values"; import { embed, GenericEmbedded, Embedded, EmbeddedTypeDecode } from "./embedded"; import { ReaderStateOptions } from "reader"; export interface DecoderOptions { includeAnnotations?: boolean; } export interface DecoderEmbeddedOptions extends DecoderOptions { embeddedDecode?: EmbeddedTypeDecode; } export interface TypedDecoder { atEnd(): boolean; mark(): any; restoreMark(m: any): void; skip(): void; next(): Value; withEmbeddedDecode( embeddedDecode: EmbeddedTypeDecode, body: (d: TypedDecoder) => R): R; nextBoolean(): boolean | undefined; nextFloat(): SingleFloat | undefined; nextDouble(): DoubleFloat | undefined; nextEmbedded(): Embedded | undefined; nextSignedInteger(): number | undefined; nextString(): string | undefined; nextByteString(): Bytes | undefined; nextSymbol(): symbol | undefined; openRecord(): boolean; openSequence(): boolean; openSet(): boolean; openDictionary(): boolean; closeCompound(): boolean; } type DecoderStateMark = { index: number; inSequence: boolean; }; export class DecoderState { options: DecoderOptions; packet: Uint8Array; count: number | null; index = 0; inSequence = false; constructor(packet: BytesLike, options: DecoderOptions) { this.options = options; this.packet = underlying(packet); this.count = null; } setExpectedCount(expectedCount: number) { if (this.count !== null) { throw new Error(`Attempt to setExpectedCount to ${expectedCount} when count already ${this.count}`); } this.count = expectedCount; } get includeAnnotations(): boolean { return this.options.includeAnnotations ?? false; } write(data: BytesLike) { if (this.index === this.packet.length) { this.packet = underlying(data); } else { this.packet = Bytes.concat([this.packet.slice(this.index), data])._view; } this.index = 0; } atEnd(): boolean { if (this.count === null) { // toplevel return this.index >= this.packet.length; } else { // nested return this.count <= 0; } } mark(): DecoderStateMark { return { index: this.index, inSequence: this.inSequence, }; } restoreMark(m: DecoderStateMark): void { this.index = m.index; this.inSequence = m.inSequence; } shortGuard(body: () => R, short: () => R): R { if (this.atEnd()) return short(); // ^ important somewhat-common case optimization - avoid the exception const start = this.mark(); try { return body(); } catch (e) { if (ShortPacket.isShortPacket(e)) { this.restoreMark(start); return short(); } throw e; } } nextbyte(): number { if (this.atEnd()) throw new ShortPacket("Short packet"); if (this.count !== null) this.count--; return this.packet[this.index++]; } _rewind(): undefined { this.index--; if (this.count !== null) this.count++; return void 0; } error(message: string, offset = 0): never { throw new DecodeError(message, { pos: this.index + offset }); } _ensureCounted(): number { if (this.count === null) { this.error("Attempt to retrieve sized object in uncounted context"); } return this.count; } nextbytes(): DataView { const n = this._ensureCounted(); const c = new DataView(this.packet.buffer, this.packet.byteOffset + this.index, n); this.index += n; this.count = 0; return c; } _checkLengthInfo(toConsume: number) { if (this.count === null) { if (this.index + toConsume > this.packet.length) { throw new ShortPacket("Short packet"); } } else { if (toConsume > this.count) { this.error(`Attempt to read ${toConsume} bytes when only ${this.count} are available`); } } } skip(byteCount: number) { this._checkLengthInfo(byteCount); this.index += byteCount; if (this.count !== null) this.count -= byteCount; } varint(): number { // TODO: Bignums :-/ let v = this.nextbyte(); { let redundantLeadingZeroCount = 0; while (true) { if (v !== 0) break; redundantLeadingZeroCount++; if (redundantLeadingZeroCount >= 8) { this.error("Excessively overlong varint", -1); } v = this.nextbyte(); } } let acc = 0; while (true) { if (v >= 128) return (acc << 7) + v - 128; acc = (acc << 7) + v; v = this.nextbyte(); } } nextint(): number { // TODO: Bignums :-/ this._ensureCounted(); if (this.count! === 0) return 0; let acc = this.nextbyte(); if (acc & 0x80) acc -= 256; while (this.count! > 0) acc = (acc * 256) + this.nextbyte(); return acc; } wrap(v: Value): Value { return this.includeAnnotations ? new Annotated(v) : v; } unshiftAnnotation(anns: Value[], v: Annotated): Annotated { if (this.includeAnnotations) { v.annotations.unshift(... anns); } return v; } _withCount(newCount: number, f: () => R): R { this._checkLengthInfo(newCount); const nextCount = this.count === null ? null : this.count - newCount; const savedInSequence = this.inSequence; this.count = newCount; this.inSequence = false; try { return f(); } finally { this.index += this.count; this.count = nextCount; this.inSequence = savedInSequence; } } } export const neverEmbeddedTypeDecode: EmbeddedTypeDecode = { decode(_s: DecoderState): never { throw new Error("Embeddeds not permitted at this point in Preserves document"); }, fromValue(_v: Value, _options: ReaderStateOptions): never { throw new Error("Embeddeds not permitted at this point in Preserves document"); }, }; function chopNul(bs: Bytes): Bytes { if (bs.get(bs.length - 1) !== 0) throw new DecodeError("Missing mandatory NUL byte in string"); return bs.slice(0, bs.length - 1); } export class Decoder implements TypedDecoder { state: DecoderState; embeddedDecode: EmbeddedTypeDecode; /* (A) */ constructor() /* (B) */ constructor(state: DecoderState, embeddedDecode?: EmbeddedTypeDecode); /* (C) */ constructor(options: DecoderEmbeddedOptions); /* (D) */ constructor(packet: BytesLike, options?: DecoderEmbeddedOptions); constructor( packet_or_state_or_options?: (DecoderState | BytesLike | DecoderEmbeddedOptions), options_or_embeddedDecode?: (DecoderEmbeddedOptions | EmbeddedTypeDecode)) { if (packet_or_state_or_options === void 0) { // (A) this.state = new DecoderState(new Uint8Array(0), {}); this.embeddedDecode = neverEmbeddedTypeDecode; } else if (packet_or_state_or_options instanceof DecoderState) { // (B) this.state = packet_or_state_or_options; this.embeddedDecode = (options_or_embeddedDecode as EmbeddedTypeDecode) ?? neverEmbeddedTypeDecode; } else if ('length' in packet_or_state_or_options) { // (D) const packet = packet_or_state_or_options; const options = (options_or_embeddedDecode as DecoderEmbeddedOptions) ?? {}; this.state = new DecoderState(packet, options); this.state.setExpectedCount(packet.length); this.embeddedDecode = options.embeddedDecode ?? neverEmbeddedTypeDecode; } else { // (C) const options = packet_or_state_or_options; this.state = new DecoderState(new Uint8Array(0), options); this.embeddedDecode = options.embeddedDecode ?? neverEmbeddedTypeDecode; } } write(data: BytesLike) { this.state.write(data); } nextvalues(): Value[] { const result = []; this.state.inSequence = true; while (!this.state.atEnd()) result.push(; this.state.inSequence = false; return result; } static dictionaryFromArray(vs: Value[]): Dictionary { const d = new Dictionary(); if (vs.length % 2) { throw new DecodeError("Missing dictionary value"); } for (let i = 0; i < vs.length; i += 2) { d.set(vs[i], vs[i+1]); } return d; } next(): Value { if (this.state.inSequence) { return this.state._withCount(this.state.varint(), () => this._next()); } else { return this._next(); } } _next(): Value { const tag = this.state.nextbyte(); switch (tag) { case Tag.False: return this.state.wrap(false); case Tag.True: return this.state.wrap(true); case Tag.Float: switch (this.state.count) { case 4: return this.state.wrap(new SingleFloat(this.state.nextbytes().getFloat32(0, false))); case 8: return this.state.wrap(new DoubleFloat(this.state.nextbytes().getFloat64(0, false))); default: this.state.error("Bad floating-point value length " + this.state.count); } case Tag.SignedInteger: return this.state.wrap(this.state.nextint()); case Tag.String: return this.state.wrap(chopNul(Bytes.from(this.state.nextbytes())).fromUtf8()); case Tag.ByteString: return this.state.wrap(Bytes.from(this.state.nextbytes())); case Tag.Symbol: return this.state.wrap(Symbol.for(Bytes.from(this.state.nextbytes()).fromUtf8())); case Tag.Record: { const vs = this.nextvalues(); if (vs.length === 0) this.state.error("Too few elements in encoded record"); return this.state.wrap(Record(vs[0], vs.slice(1))); } case Tag.Sequence: return this.state.wrap(this.nextvalues()); case Tag.Set: return this.state.wrap(new Set(this.nextvalues())); case Tag.Dictionary: return this.state.wrap(Decoder.dictionaryFromArray(this.nextvalues())); case Tag.Embedded: return this.state.wrap(embed(this.embeddedDecode.decode(this.state))); case Tag.Annotation: { const vs = this.nextvalues(); if (vs.length === 0) this.state.error("Missing value in encoded annotation"); const anns = vs.slice(1); const v = vs[0] as Annotated; return this.state.unshiftAnnotation(anns, v); } default: this.state.error("Unsupported Preserves tag: " + tag, -1); } } try_next(): Value | undefined { return this.state.shortGuard(() =>, () => void 0); } atEnd(): boolean { return this.state.atEnd(); } mark(): any { return this.state.mark(); } restoreMark(m: any): void { this.state.restoreMark(m); } skip(): void { if (this.state.inSequence) { this.state.skip(this.state.varint()); } else {; } } withEmbeddedDecode( embeddedDecode: EmbeddedTypeDecode, body: (d: TypedDecoder) => R): R { return body(new Decoder(this.state, embeddedDecode)); } skipAnnotations(): void { if (!this.state.atEnd() && this.state.packet[this.state.index] === Tag.Annotation) { this.state.index++; const valueLen = this.state.varint(); this.state._checkLengthInfo(valueLen); this.state.count = valueLen; if (!this.state.atEnd() && this.state.packet[this.state.index] === Tag.Annotation) { this.state.error("Immediately-nested Annotation detected"); } } } nextBoolean(): boolean | undefined { this.skipAnnotations(); switch (this.state.nextbyte()) { case Tag.False: return false; case Tag.True: return true; default: return this.state._rewind(); } } nextFloat(): SingleFloat | undefined { this.skipAnnotations(); if (this.state.nextbyte() !== Tag.Float || this.state.count !== 4) { return this.state._rewind(); } return new SingleFloat(this.state.nextbytes().getFloat32(0, false)); } nextDouble(): DoubleFloat | undefined { this.skipAnnotations(); if (this.state.nextbyte() !== Tag.Float || this.state.count !== 8) { return this.state._rewind(); } return new DoubleFloat(this.state.nextbytes().getFloat64(0, false)); } nextEmbedded(): Embedded | undefined { this.skipAnnotations(); if (this.state.nextbyte() !== Tag.Embedded) return this.state._rewind(); return embed(this.embeddedDecode.decode(this.state)); } nextSignedInteger(): number | undefined { this.skipAnnotations(); if (this.state.nextbyte() !== Tag.SignedInteger) return this.state._rewind(); return this.state.nextint(); } nextString(): string | undefined { this.skipAnnotations(); if (this.state.nextbyte() !== Tag.String) return this.state._rewind(); return Bytes.from(this.state.nextbytes()).fromUtf8(); } nextByteString(): Bytes | undefined { this.skipAnnotations(); if (this.state.nextbyte() !== Tag.ByteString) return this.state._rewind(); return Bytes.from(this.state.nextbytes()); } nextSymbol(): symbol | undefined { this.skipAnnotations(); if (this.state.nextbyte() !== Tag.Symbol) return this.state._rewind(); return Symbol.for(Bytes.from(this.state.nextbytes()).fromUtf8()); } _openSequencelike(expectedTag: number): boolean { this.skipAnnotations(); if (this.state.nextbyte() !== expectedTag) { this.state._rewind(); return false; } else { this.state.inSequence = true; return true; } } openRecord(): boolean { return this._openSequencelike(Tag.Record); } openSequence(): boolean { return this._openSequencelike(Tag.Sequence); } openSet(): boolean { return this._openSequencelike(Tag.Set); } openDictionary(): boolean { return this._openSequencelike(Tag.Dictionary); } closeCompound(): boolean { const r = this.state.atEnd(); if (r) this.state.inSequence = false; return r; } } export function decode(bs: BytesLike, options: DecoderEmbeddedOptions = {}): Value { return new Decoder(bs, options).next(); } export function decodeWithAnnotations(bs: BytesLike, options: DecoderEmbeddedOptions = {}): Annotated { return decode(bs, { ... options, includeAnnotations: true }) as Annotated; }