@ @"Expects placeholder mapping of:" @"{ 0: discard, 1: capture, 2: observe }" { annotation1: annotation2: annotation3: annotation4: annotation5: > annotation6: > bytes1: bytes2: bytes3: bytes4: bytes5: bytes6: @"Bytes must be 2-digits entire" bytes7: bytes8: bytes9: bytes10: bytes11: bytes12: @"Bytes syntax only supports \\x, not \\u" bytes13: dict0: dict1: double1: double2: float1: int-257: int-256: int-255: int-254: int-129: int-128: int-127: int-4: int-3: int-2: int-1: int0: int1: int12: int13: int127: int128: int255: int256: int32767: int32768: int65535: int65536: int131072: list0: list1: list2: list3: list4: list4a: list5: list6: list7: placeholder0: placeholder1: placeholder2: record1: >> record2: , >>>> record3: "Dr">> record4: > record5: > record6: > record7: > record8: 3 4>> set0: set1: set1a: stream1: @"Chunk must be bytes" stream2: @"Chunk must be bytes" stream3: @"Chunk must be bytes" stream4: @"Chunk must be bytes" stream5: @"Chunk must be bytes" stream6: @"Chunk must be bytes" stream7: @"Missing end byte" stream8: @"Missing element" string0: string0a: string1: string2: string3: string4: string5: symbol0: symbol1: symbol2: value1: value2: value3: value4: value5: longlist14: longlist15: longlist100: longlist200: rfc8259-example1: rfc8259-example2: }