import { Bytes, Decoder, genericEmbeddedType, encode, Reader, Double } from '../src/index'; import './test-utils'; import * as fs from 'fs'; describe('reading common test suite', () => { const samples_bin = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../../../../tests/samples.bin'); const samples_pr = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../../../../tests/', 'utf-8'); it('should read equal to decoded binary without annotations', () => { const s1 = new Reader(samples_pr, { embeddedDecode: genericEmbeddedType, includeAnnotations: false }).next(); const s2 = new Decoder(samples_bin, { embeddedDecode: genericEmbeddedType, includeAnnotations: false }).next(); expect(s1).is(s2); }); it('should read equal to decoded binary with annotations', () => { const s1 = new Reader(samples_pr, { embeddedDecode: genericEmbeddedType, includeAnnotations: true }).next(); const s2 = new Decoder(samples_bin, { embeddedDecode: genericEmbeddedType, includeAnnotations: true }).next(); expect(s1).is(s2); }); it('should read and encode back to binary with annotations', () => { const s = new Reader(samples_pr, { embeddedDecode: genericEmbeddedType, includeAnnotations: true }).next(); const bs = Bytes.toIO(encode(s, { embeddedEncode: genericEmbeddedType, includeAnnotations: true, canonical: true, })); // console.log('original', new Bytes(samples_bin).toHex()); // console.log('reencoded', new Bytes(bs).toHex()); expect(bs).toEqual(new Uint8Array(samples_bin)); }); it('should be ok with no whitespace at the end of a numeric input', () => { expect(new Reader('123').next()).toEqual(123); expect(new Reader('123.0').next()).toEqual(Double(123.0)); expect(new Reader('123.00').next()).toEqual(Double(123.0)); }); });