import { typeFor } from './gentype'; import { ANY_TYPE } from './type'; import * as M from './meta'; export function checkSchema(schema: M.Schema): M.Schema { const checker = new Checker(); schema.definitions.forEach(checker.checkDefinition.bind(checker)); if (checker.problems.length > 0) { throw new Error(`Cannot produce unconverter: insufficient information in:\n` + => ' - ' + c).join('\n')); } return schema; } class Checker { problems: Array = []; recordProblem(context: string, detail: string): void { this.problems.push(`${detail} in ${context}`); } checkBinding(scope: Set, sym: symbol, context: string): void { const name = sym.description!; if (scope.has(name)) { this.recordProblem(context, `duplicate binding named ${JSON.stringify(name)}`); } else { scope.add(name); } } checkDefinition(def: M.Definition, name: symbol): void { switch (def._variant) { case 'or': [def.pattern0, def.pattern1, ... def.patternN].forEach(({ variantLabel, pattern }) => this.checkPattern(new Set(), pattern, `variant ${variantLabel} of ${name.description!}`)); break; case 'and': { const scope = new Set(); [def.pattern0, def.pattern1, ... def.patternN].forEach((p) => this.checkNamedPattern(scope, p, name.description!)); break; } case 'Pattern': this.checkPattern(new Set(), def.value, name.description!); break; } } checkNamedPattern(scope: Set, p: M.NamedPattern, context: string): void { switch (p._variant) { case 'named': this.checkPattern(scope, M.Pattern.SimplePattern(p.value.pattern), `${!} of ${context}`); break; case 'anonymous': this.checkPattern(scope, p.value, context); break; } } checkPattern(scope: Set, p: M.Pattern, context: string): void { const t = typeFor((_ref) => ANY_TYPE, p); switch (p._variant) { case 'SimplePattern': if (p.value._variant !== 'lit' && (t.kind === 'record' || t.kind === 'unit')) { this.recordProblem(context, 'cannot recover serialization of non-literal pattern'); } break; case 'CompoundPattern': ((p: M.CompoundPattern): void => { switch (p._variant) { case 'rec': this.checkNamedPattern(scope, p.label, `label of ${context}`); this.checkNamedPattern(scope, p.fields, `fields of ${context}`); break; case 'tuple': p.patterns.forEach((pp, i) => this.checkNamedPattern(scope, pp, `item ${i} of ${context}`)); break; case 'tuple*': if (p.variable._variant === 'named') { this.checkBinding(scope,, context); this.checkPattern(scope, M.Pattern.SimplePattern(p.variable.value.pattern), `${JSON.stringify(!)} of ${context}`); } else { if (t.kind !== 'array') { this.recordProblem(context, 'unable to reconstruct tail of tuple* pattern'); } this.checkPattern(scope, M.Pattern.SimplePattern(p.variable.value), `variable-length portion of ${context}`); } p.fixed.forEach((pp, i) => this.checkNamedPattern(scope, pp, `item ${i} of ${context}`)); break; case 'setof': if (t.kind !== 'set') { this.recordProblem(context, 'unable to reconstruct set'); } this.checkPattern(scope, M.Pattern.SimplePattern(p.pattern), `set in ${context}`); break; case 'dictof': if (t.kind !== 'dictionary') { this.recordProblem(context, 'unable to reconstruct dictionary'); } this.checkPattern(scope, M.Pattern.SimplePattern(p.key), `key in dictionary in ${context}`); this.checkPattern(scope, M.Pattern.SimplePattern(p.value), `value in dictionary in ${context}`); break; case 'dict': p.entries.forEach((np, key) => this.checkNamedPattern( scope, M.promoteNamedSimplePattern(M.addNameIfAbsent(np, key)), `entry ${key.asPreservesText()} in dictionary in ${context}`)); break; } })(p.value); } } }