"""The [preserves.binary][] module implements the [Preserves machine-oriented binary syntax](https://preserves.dev/preserves-binary.html). The main entry points are functions [encode][preserves.binary.encode], [canonicalize][preserves.binary.canonicalize], [decode][preserves.binary.decode], and [decode_with_annotations][preserves.binary.decode_with_annotations]. ```python >>> encode(Record(Symbol('hi'), [])) b'\\xb4\\xb3\\x02hi\\x84' >>> decode(b'\\xb4\\xb3\\x02hi\\x84') #hi() ``` """ import numbers import struct from .values import * from .error import * from .compat import basestring_, ord_ class BinaryCodec(object): pass class Decoder(BinaryCodec): """Implementation of a decoder for the machine-oriented binary Preserves syntax. Args: packet (bytes): initial contents of the input buffer; may subsequently be extended by calling [extend][preserves.binary.Decoder.extend]. include_annotations (bool): if `True`, wrap each value and subvalue in an [Annotated][preserves.values.Annotated] object. decode_embedded: function accepting a `Value` and returning a possibly-decoded form of that value suitable for placing into an [Embedded][preserves.values.Embedded] object. Normal usage is to supply a buffer, and keep calling [next][preserves.binary.Decoder.next] until a [ShortPacket][preserves.error.ShortPacket] exception is raised: ```python >>> d = Decoder(b'\\xa0{\\xb1\\x05hello\\x85\\xb3\\x01x\\xb5\\x84') >>> d.next() 123 >>> d.next() 'hello' >>> d.next() () >>> d.next() Traceback (most recent call last): ... preserves.error.ShortPacket: Short packet ``` Alternatively, keep calling [try_next][preserves.binary.Decoder.try_next] until it yields `None`, which is not in the domain of Preserves `Value`s: ```python >>> d = Decoder(b'\\xa0{\\xb1\\x05hello\\x85\\xb3\\x01x\\xb5\\x84') >>> d.try_next() 123 >>> d.try_next() 'hello' >>> d.try_next() () >>> d.try_next() ``` For convenience, [Decoder][preserves.binary.Decoder] implements the iterator interface, backing it with [try_next][preserves.binary.Decoder.try_next], so you can simply iterate over all complete values in an input: ```python >>> d = Decoder(b'\\xa0{\\xb1\\x05hello\\x85\\xb3\\x01x\\xb5\\x84') >>> list(d) [123, 'hello', ()] ``` ```python >>> for v in Decoder(b'\\xa0{\\xb1\\x05hello\\x85\\xb3\\x01x\\xb5\\x84'): ... print(repr(v)) 123 'hello' () ``` Supply `include_annotations=True` to read annotations alongside the annotated values: ```python >>> d = Decoder(b'\\xa0{\\xb1\\x05hello\\x85\\xb3\\x01x\\xb5\\x84', include_annotations=True) >>> list(d) [123, 'hello', @#x ()] ``` If you are incrementally reading from, say, a socket, you can use [extend][preserves.binary.Decoder.extend] to add new input as if comes available: ```python >>> d = Decoder(b'\\xa0{\\xb1\\x05he') >>> d.try_next() 123 >>> d.try_next() # returns None because the input is incomplete >>> d.extend(b'llo') >>> d.try_next() 'hello' >>> d.try_next() ``` Attributes: packet (bytes): buffered input waiting to be processed index (int): read position within `packet` """ def __init__(self, packet=b'', include_annotations=False, decode_embedded=lambda x: x): super(Decoder, self).__init__() self.packet = packet self.index = 0 self.include_annotations = include_annotations self.decode_embedded = decode_embedded def extend(self, data): """Appends `data` to the remaining bytes in `self.packet`, trimming already-processed bytes from the front of `self.packet` and resetting `self.index` to zero.""" self.packet = self.packet[self.index:] + data self.index = 0 def nextbyte(self): if self.index >= len(self.packet): raise ShortPacket('Short packet') self.index = self.index + 1 return ord_(self.packet[self.index - 1]) def nextbytes(self, n): start = self.index end = start + n if end > len(self.packet): raise ShortPacket('Short packet') self.index = end return self.packet[start : end] def varint(self): v = self.nextbyte() if v < 128: return v else: return self.varint() * 128 + (v - 128) def peekend(self): matched = (self.nextbyte() == 0x84) if not matched: self.index = self.index - 1 return matched def nextvalues(self): result = [] while not self.peekend(): result.append(self.next()) return result def nextint(self, n): if n == 0: return 0 acc = self.nextbyte() if acc & 0x80: acc = acc - 256 for _i in range(n - 1): acc = (acc << 8) | self.nextbyte() return acc def wrap(self, v): return Annotated(v) if self.include_annotations else v def unshift_annotation(self, a, v): if self.include_annotations: v.annotations.insert(0, a) return v def next(self): """Reads the next complete `Value` from the internal buffer, raising [ShortPacket][preserves.error.ShortPacket] if too few bytes are available, or [DecodeError][preserves.error.DecodeError] if the input is invalid somehow. """ tag = self.nextbyte() if tag == 0x80: return self.wrap(False) if tag == 0x81: return self.wrap(True) if tag == 0x82: return self.wrap(Float.from_bytes(self.nextbytes(4))) if tag == 0x83: return self.wrap(struct.unpack('>d', self.nextbytes(8))[0]) if tag == 0x84: raise DecodeError('Unexpected end-of-stream marker') if tag == 0x85: a = self.next() v = self.next() return self.unshift_annotation(a, v) if tag == 0x86: if self.decode_embedded is None: raise DecodeError('No decode_embedded function supplied') return self.wrap(Embedded(self.decode_embedded(self.next()))) if tag >= 0x90 and tag <= 0x9f: return self.wrap(tag - (0xa0 if tag > 0x9c else 0x90)) if tag >= 0xa0 and tag <= 0xaf: return self.wrap(self.nextint(tag - 0xa0 + 1)) if tag == 0xb0: return self.wrap(self.nextint(self.varint())) if tag == 0xb1: return self.wrap(self.nextbytes(self.varint()).decode('utf-8')) if tag == 0xb2: return self.wrap(self.nextbytes(self.varint())) if tag == 0xb3: return self.wrap(Symbol(self.nextbytes(self.varint()).decode('utf-8'))) if tag == 0xb4: vs = self.nextvalues() if not vs: raise DecodeError('Too few elements in encoded record') return self.wrap(Record(vs[0], vs[1:])) if tag == 0xb5: return self.wrap(tuple(self.nextvalues())) if tag == 0xb6: return self.wrap(frozenset(self.nextvalues())) if tag == 0xb7: return self.wrap(ImmutableDict.from_kvs(self.nextvalues())) raise DecodeError('Invalid tag: ' + hex(tag)) def try_next(self): """Like [next][preserves.binary.Decoder.next], but returns `None` instead of raising [ShortPacket][preserves.error.ShortPacket].""" start = self.index try: return self.next() except ShortPacket: self.index = start return None def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): v = self.try_next() if v is None: raise StopIteration return v def decode(bs, **kwargs): """Yields the first complete encoded value from `bs`, passing `kwargs` through to the [Decoder][preserves.binary.Decoder] constructor. Raises exceptions as per [next][preserves.binary.Decoder.next]. Args: bs (bytes): encoded data to decode """ return Decoder(packet=bs, **kwargs).next() def decode_with_annotations(bs, **kwargs): """Like [decode][preserves.binary.decode], but supplying `include_annotations=True` to the [Decoder][preserves.binary.Decoder] constructor.""" return Decoder(packet=bs, include_annotations=True, **kwargs).next() class Encoder(BinaryCodec): """Implementation of an encoder for the machine-oriented binary Preserves syntax. ```python >>> e = Encoder() >>> e.append(123) >>> e.append('hello') >>> e.append(annotate([], Symbol('x'))) >>> e.contents() b'\\xa0{\\xb1\\x05hello\\x85\\xb3\\x01x\\xb5\\x84' ``` Args: encode_embedded: function accepting an [Embedded][preserves.values.Embedded].embeddedValue and returning a `Value` for serialization. canonicalize (bool): if `True`, ensures the serialized data are in [canonical form](https://preserves.dev/canonical-binary.html). This is slightly more work than producing potentially-non-canonical output. include_annotations (bool | None): if `None`, includes annotations in the output only when `canonicalize` is `False`, because [canonical serialization of values demands omission of annotations](https://preserves.dev/canonical-binary.html). If explicitly `True` or `False`, however, annotations will be included resp. excluded no matter the `canonicalize` setting. This can be used to get canonical ordering (`canonicalize=True`) *and* annotations (`include_annotations=True`). Attributes: buffer (bytearray): accumulator for the output of the encoder """ def __init__(self, encode_embedded=lambda x: x, canonicalize=False, include_annotations=None): super(Encoder, self).__init__() self.buffer = bytearray() self._encode_embedded = encode_embedded self._canonicalize = canonicalize if include_annotations is None: self.include_annotations = not self._canonicalize else: self.include_annotations = include_annotations def reset(self): """Clears `self.buffer` to a fresh empty `bytearray`.""" self.buffer = bytearray() def encode_embedded(self, v): if self._encode_embedded is None: raise EncodeError('No encode_embedded function supplied') return self._encode_embedded(v) def contents(self): """Returns a `bytes` constructed from the contents of `self.buffer`.""" return bytes(self.buffer) def varint(self, v): if v < 128: self.buffer.append(v) else: self.buffer.append((v % 128) + 128) self.varint(v // 128) def encodeint(self, v): bitcount = (~v if v < 0 else v).bit_length() + 1 bytecount = (bitcount + 7) // 8 if bytecount <= 16: self.buffer.append(0xa0 + bytecount - 1) else: self.buffer.append(0xb0) self.varint(bytecount) def enc(n,x): if n > 0: enc(n-1, x >> 8) self.buffer.append(x & 255) enc(bytecount, v) def encodevalues(self, tag, items): self.buffer.append(0xb0 + tag) for i in items: self.append(i) self.buffer.append(0x84) def encodebytes(self, tag, bs): self.buffer.append(0xb0 + tag) self.varint(len(bs)) self.buffer.extend(bs) def encodeset(self, v): if not self._canonicalize: self.encodevalues(6, v) else: c = Canonicalizer(self._encode_embedded, self.include_annotations) for i in v: c.entry([i]) c.emit_entries(self, 6) def encodedict(self, v): if not self._canonicalize: self.encodevalues(7, list(dict_kvs(v))) else: c = Canonicalizer(self._encode_embedded, self.include_annotations) for (kk, vv) in v.items(): c.entry([kk, vv]) c.emit_entries(self, 7) def append(self, v): """Extend `self.buffer` with an encoding of `v`.""" v = preserve(v) if hasattr(v, '__preserve_write_binary__'): v.__preserve_write_binary__(self) elif v is False: self.buffer.append(0x80) elif v is True: self.buffer.append(0x81) elif isinstance(v, float): self.buffer.append(0x83) self.buffer.extend(struct.pack('>d', v)) elif isinstance(v, numbers.Number): if v >= -3 and v <= 12: self.buffer.append(0x90 + (v if v >= 0 else v + 16)) else: self.encodeint(v) elif isinstance(v, bytes): self.encodebytes(2, v) elif isinstance(v, basestring_): self.encodebytes(1, v.encode('utf-8')) elif isinstance(v, list): self.encodevalues(5, v) elif isinstance(v, tuple): self.encodevalues(5, v) elif isinstance(v, set): self.encodeset(v) elif isinstance(v, frozenset): self.encodeset(v) elif isinstance(v, dict): self.encodedict(v) else: try: i = iter(v) except TypeError: i = None if i is None: self.cannot_encode(v) else: self.encodevalues(5, i) def cannot_encode(self, v): raise TypeError('Cannot preserves-encode: ' + repr(v)) class Canonicalizer: def __init__(self, encode_embedded, include_annotations): self.encoder = Encoder(encode_embedded, canonicalize=True, include_annotations=include_annotations) self.entries = [] def entry(self, pieces): for piece in pieces: self.encoder.append(piece) entry = self.encoder.contents() self.encoder.reset() self.entries.append(entry) def emit_entries(self, outer_encoder, tag): outer_encoder.buffer.append(0xb0 + tag) for e in sorted(self.entries): outer_encoder.buffer.extend(e) outer_encoder.buffer.append(0x84) def encode(v, **kwargs): """Encode a single `Value` `v` to a byte string. Any supplied `kwargs` are passed on to the underlying [Encoder][preserves.binary.Encoder] constructor.""" e = Encoder(**kwargs) e.append(v) return e.contents() def canonicalize(v, **kwargs): """As [encode][preserves.binary.encode], but sets `canonicalize=True` in the [Encoder][preserves.binary.Encoder] constructor. """ return encode(v, canonicalize=True, **kwargs)