'''``` import preserves ``` The main package re-exports a subset of the exports of its constituent modules: - From [preserves.values][]: - [Annotated][preserves.values.Annotated] - [Embedded][preserves.values.Embedded] - [Float][preserves.values.Float] - [ImmutableDict][preserves.values.ImmutableDict] - [Record][preserves.values.Record] - [Symbol][preserves.values.Symbol] - [annotate][preserves.values.annotate] - [is_annotated][preserves.values.is_annotated] - [preserve][preserves.values.preserve] - [strip_annotations][preserves.values.strip_annotations] - From [preserves.error][]: - [DecodeError][preserves.error.DecodeError] - [EncodeError][preserves.error.EncodeError] - [ShortPacket][preserves.error.ShortPacket] - From [preserves.binary][]: - [Decoder][preserves.binary.Decoder] - [Encoder][preserves.binary.Encoder] - [canonicalize][preserves.binary.canonicalize] - [decode][preserves.binary.decode] - [decode_with_annotations][preserves.binary.decode_with_annotations] - [encode][preserves.binary.encode] - From [preserves.text][]: - [Formatter][preserves.text.Formatter] - [Parser][preserves.text.Parser] - [parse][preserves.text.parse] - [parse_with_annotations][preserves.text.parse_with_annotations] - [stringify][preserves.text.stringify] - From [preserves.compare][]: - [cmp][preserves.compare.cmp] - From [preserves.merge][]: - [merge][preserves.merge.merge] It also exports the [compare][preserves.compare] and [fold][preserves.fold] modules themselves, permitting patterns like ```python >>> from preserves import * >>> compare.cmp(123, 234) -1 ``` Finally, it provides a few utility aliases for common tasks: ''' from .values import Float, Symbol, Record, ImmutableDict, Embedded, preserve from .values import Annotated, is_annotated, strip_annotations, annotate from .compare import cmp from .error import DecodeError, EncodeError, ShortPacket from .binary import Decoder, Encoder, decode, decode_with_annotations, encode, canonicalize from .text import Parser, Formatter, parse, parse_with_annotations, stringify from .merge import merge from . import fold, compare loads = parse ''' This alias for `parse` provides a familiar pythonesque name for converting a string to a Preserves `Value`. ''' dumps = stringify ''' This alias for `stringify` provides a familiar pythonesque name for converting a Preserves `Value` to a string. '''